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Children of the Cursed

Page 7

by A E Stanfill

  “A few months back.”

  “Why would you throw everything Master Gawain has taught us away like that? Why, Ulrich?”

  Ulrich sighed, “You wouldn't understand.”

  “What would I not understand? Tell me!” Leon snapped at him.

  Ulrich lowered his head chuckling, “Gawain is weak, he teaches about being just in our decisions, and how to be honorable when dealing with others. He even makes us show kindness to the filth outside of the Academy walls. Why should I have to bow down to peasants?” He clenched his fist tightly. “When I went to Caine with my feelings, he decided that it would be best if he became my master and trained me on how to be a true warrior. And I agreed with an open heart and mind.”

  Leon fought against the urge to hit Ulrich, “Are you foolish? Caine will only poison your mind, he is not to be trusted. You know this. Master Gawain has warned us about him many times.”

  “You are such a child, Leon.” Ulrich laughed. “The old man has lied to us for far too long. Caine has taught me that with this power I can shape the world into whatever I choose, the old man is afraid of such power and holds us back for that reason.” Ulrich pointed his blade at Leon, “And if you don't believe me then I shall prove it to you.”

  Leon drew his blade as well, “If that's the way you want it, fine by me.”

  Ellyn jumped in between the two young boys before they could do harm to each other, “There's no point in fighting like children,” she told them. “Put your sticks away before you both do something stupid. Ulrich, you have your beliefs and Leon has his, just like I have my own as well, but there's no need to fight about it is there?” She looked at both of them with her pleading green eyes. “Let's just forget about this and gather the firewood, if not for each other, then do it for me. Please.”

  Ulrich grumbled, sheathing his sword back to his waist. “But this isn't over yet, just know that Leon.”

  Leon did the same, turning to walk away without saying a word. ‘Ulrich is going down the wrong path, and it's up to me to save him’, he thought.

  Later that night around the campfire Leon and Ulrich were hardly speaking to one another, which made Gawain suspicious. “Has something happened between the two of you?” He asked. But his question went unanswered. “Miss Ellyn, do you know something about this?” He had thought that the two boys may be fighting over her, and if anyone knew the truth she would.

  “I have no idea, good sir.” She innocently smiled.

  Gawain was no fool and he could tell by her facial expression that she was hiding something from him. “I will not ask you again young lady, you are hiding something from me and I want to know what that is.”

  “Master Gawain, Ulrich and myself had a little spat.” Leon explained. “It was nothing more than that.”

  Gawain looked over at Ulrich, “Is that true?” Ulrich nodded in agreement with what Leon had said without even looking at the man. “I see,” he said with a look of disappointment. “It's time to call it a night, we have a long road ahead.” He got to his feet and walked over to a tree that was just a few feet away and laid up against it, and that was his resting spot for the night.

  Ellyn laid back on the ground and looked up at the stars; this time she wasn't very talkative and kept to herself. ‘Mom, Dad, I will get revenge for what he has done to you both, I promise.’ She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  “Psst,” whispered Ulrich. “You still awake Leon?”

  “I am,” Leon whispered back. There was a brief moment of silence until Leon whispered again, “What do you want, Ulrich?”

  “I just want to say thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not telling the old man what you found out about me.”

  “No matter what happens Ulrich, you're still my best friend. Just promise me that you won't let Caine poison your mind.”

  “I do this of my own free will, Leon,” Ulrich said. “I'm sorry that I pulled my blade on you, my friend. But that's the only apology I offer.”

  “And I will prove to you that Caine's way is wrong, you'll see,” Leon said before closing his eyes.

  Later that night Ulrich was awakened by the sound of voices. He could only make out one of the voices, and that was of the old man. But while he didn't recognize the other voice coming from within the darkness, he could, however, tell that it was a female’s voice. Ulrich did what any young boy would do, he got up to investigate. Ulrich slowly sneaked through the wooded area making sure to keep himself out of sight, until finally, he came upon them.

  Making sure to stay hidden behind one of the trees, Ulrich would only peer around the corner every so often. The boy recognized the silhouette of the old man, but he didn't know who the female was, and she also had a hood over her face to conceal her identity. He made sure not to make any sudden movements, for he didn't want to be found out as he listened in on the conversation.

  “Did you survey the area ahead?” Gawain asked the hooded woman.

  “I did,” she replied.

  “What did you find out?”

  “In the morning you will near your first trail, “The Cave Of Sorrow.” It won't be an easy task, the cave is riddled with monsters, and ghosts of the fallen,” she explained. “There will also be certain monsters that will take the most skilled to overcome.”

  “That sounds easy enough.” Gawain joked. “That is where we shall find the pieces of a blade.”

  “Not all the pieces,” she said. “Ancient lore claims that there is only one small piece of a powerful blade hidden deep inside.”

  “Interesting,” Gawain muttered.


  “It's nothing,” Gawain replied. “Is there anything else to report?”

  “No, sir,” she answered. “But I do have a question of my own.”

  “You may speak freely.”

  “Why did you bring Leon along on such a dangerous mission, Master Gawain?” She asked. “I do understand why you would bring Ulrich, he's quite skilled with the way of the blade and handy with a bow. But why Leon?”

  “Are you questioning my judgment?”

  “No, I was just curious. But are we not supposed to be protecting him?”

  “Yes that is true, but it's too risky leaving him behind now that Caine is the new Headmaster of the Academy.”

  “But Caine is your friend.”

  “Once Caine turned his back on everything that we were taught, he broke the bond of our friendship,” Gawain said with a heavy heart.

  “So now you put Leon in harm's way.”

  “He's not in harm's way, I will protect him,” Gawain said with confidence. “Besides that, it's time for him to hone his skills. He has to be ready to accept his destiny when the time comes. For he will be the one that saves or destroys the world, with the power of the gods.”

  “Save or destroy the world with the power of the gods?” The lady sounded confused. “What does that mean anyway?”

  “I'm not sure, it was in a scripture his father gave to me before he died,” Gawain answered. “That's also the reason I enlisted your aid, you're an informant, assassin when needed, and the best at both I've ever seen. If anyone can find the answers I seek, it is you.”

  “You flatter me.” She joked. “Just keep the boy safe, Gawain. I will see if I can find out more about his destiny, and more on this so-called holy mission Alistair has sent you on.” In an instant she was gone, like a ghost in the night.

  ‘Leon's destiny? Power of the gods? Saving or destroying the world? Just who is Leon? Has he been hiding things from me this whole time? I must know the truth of these matters.’ Ulrich thought to himself.

  The next day at sunrise, Gawain was standing over Ulrich kicking at his feet. “Get up. It's time to do some training.”

  “Do we have to?” Ulrich mumbled before falling back to sleep.

  Gawain then turned his attention towards Leon. “Wake up, Leon. It's time to train!” He shouted kicking at Leon's feet as he did with Ulrich. />
  Leon barely opened his eyes, “Just a little longer,” he said and then he was asleep once more.

  “Damn kids!” Gawain shouted out of anger. He calmed himself down and did some thinking, “That's a perfect idea, I'll show them.” He laughed. He disappeared off into the woods and when he returned he had a pail of water in his hands. Gawain noticed that Ellyn was up cooking them something to eat while Ulrich and Leon were still sleeping. He smirked and walked up to Leon first and looked down at him while he slept, “Wake up!” He shouted before pouring half of the water over Leon's face.

  Leon jumped up shivering, the upper half of his body was soaked with cold water. “What in the hell?” He shouted. “Who did that?”

  Ellyn could barely contain her laughter when Gawain dumped the water on Leon, but when he turned to pour the water on Ulrich she burst out laughing and almost fell off the stump she was sitting on. When Ulrich woke up cursing and reaching for his sword, she actually laughed so hard that she fell to the ground.

  “What's so funny?” Ulrich hissed.

  “Y-You.” She pointed and kept laughing.

  “Did you do this, Ellyn?” Leon asked.

  “No.” She took a few deep breaths and pointed. “He did.”

  Both Leon and Ulrich turned around to see Master Gawain standing before them with an empty water pail in hand, and an angry scowl on his face. “M-Master Gawain,” Leon stuttered. “I-”

  “Save it!” He snapped. “I tried to wake you both several times - if this had been an attack you would both be dead. Just pick up your training swords and follow me, it's time to spar.”

  Ulrich was soaked and mad as hell at the old man for throwing water on him, and he picked up the wooden blade and followed behind, angrily stomping the whole time. Leon already had his training blade strapped to his side in place of his real one quietly walking beside Gawain. Silence wouldn't last for long though, Leon couldn't help but fall back wagging his tongue at Ulrich. “Master Gawain seems angry with us,” he whispered. “Did we make a mistake by not waking up when he wanted?”

  “I don't care if the old man is mad or not, he had no right to embarrass us like that,” Ulrich said. “One day he will get his.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Don't worry about it.”

  “Quiet!” Gawain demanded. “I didn't give either one of you permission to speak, did I?” He stopped in a large clearing and surveyed the surrounding area. “This will do just fine, prepare yourselves for a fight.”

  Ulrich took a few steps ahead of Leon then turned to face him, “Understand one thing, Leon. I won't go easy on you this time.” He pointed the training sword at him, “Show me what you've got.”

  Leon drew the wooden sword and readied himself, “I will give you all you can handle,” he said. “You shall not beat me again. This time I will defeat you, Ulrich, even if it takes everything I got.”

  “That's the kind of fire I want to hear from you both. Begin!” Gawain shouted with excitement at seeing both of his students fired up.

  Ulrich was the first to attempt an attack by side slashing his blade at Leon, however, Leon was too quick and jumped back to avoid the blade that was coming at him. It was an attack that he remembered well, usually, Ulrich would slash his blade at him making Leon jump backward and then he would sweep his feet out from under him to end the fight quickly.

  But this time around Leon wasn't going to allow the duel to end so easily, he jumped through the air swinging his sword down at Ulrich trying to catch him off guard, and it almost worked, almost. “I've got you now, Ulrich!” Leon shouted, bringing the blade screaming down towards Ulrich's face. For some reason Ulrich refused to move, nor did he attempt to block the oncoming attack. Leon didn't want to hurt Ulrich, and that made him hesitate, which gave Ulrich the opening he needed.

  Leon found himself gasping for air, and that's when he realized that he had been punched in the stomach and thrown to the ground. When he glanced up, Ulrich was standing over him smiling. “I thought you said that you had me, what happened?” Ulrich laughed.

  “How?” Leon asked, gasping for air.

  “It's simple really - when I refused to show my hand you thought for sure that I was going to let your blade connect with my flesh. The thought of hurting me frightened you, and thus you hesitated, that hesitation was all I needed,” Ulrich explained. “To think, you almost had me. But you seem to forget, I know you all too well, and your kind-hearted ways will be your undoing.” Ulrich, thinking that the duel had been won, turned to walk away.

  “Where do you think you're going?” Leon snarled. “This isn't over yet.”

  Ulrich stopped, turning to face Leon who had now gotten back to his feet. “This fight is over, you can barely even stand.” He smirked. “What would I gain by fighting with you now?”

  “You think that you know me so well don't you.” The tone of Leon's voice was slowly changing, it was deeper, stronger. “Don't be so full of yourself, thinking that you've won that easily.”

  Ulrich's eyes widened with surprise when he watched Leon lift the wooden sword up, ‘How can this be? He should not even be able to stand, let alone fight. I infused magic with my hand to make the blow more powerful, just the way Master Caine taught me. Could I have done the technique wrong?’ “Hmph, no matter,” he muttered. “Let's finish this, Leon!”

  Leon and Ulrich were prepared to attack each other once more, and at the same time they charged at one another with their blades lifted in the air, screaming as they did so. But at the last minute Master Gawain appeared in between them and blocked their blades from connecting with his own. “That is enough for today.”

  “Get out of my way old man, this fight isn't over until there is a winner!” Ulrich demanded.

  “I said that's enough for today, lower your blades!” Gawain commanded.

  Ulrich held steadfastly and refused to obey, “Tell Leon to yield and I shall do the same,” he said. “If he refuses then I will be forced to attack again, and you will not stop me. Even if these be wooden blades, I can still do some damage.”

  If that meant that the fight would be over then Gawain had to get Leon to yield before Ulrich would do so. “Leon, lower your blade. Be the bigger person.” But his words didn't get through to him.

  “If I yield first that means that I submit, I promised myself that I would never lose to Ulrich again!” Leon's strength was building, and not even the combined efforts of Gawain and Ulrich were enough to stop Leon from being able to push them back.

  “How did he become so strong? And why does the wooden blade not break?” Ulrich shouted, pushing back against Leon with all his strength.

  “I don't know. But we better find a way to stop him.”

  Ulrich didn't like the idea, but he had to use one of the forbidden arts to stop Leon before he did something terrible, even if it meant the old man would find him out. He quietly muttered a few words, and a dark orb appeared out of thin air. Ulrich hit the orb with his free hand and an explosion of dark mass sent all three of them flying through the air.


  The First Trial Cave Of Sorrow

  Four hours had passed since the incident, and none wished to talk about it except for Leon. “What happened when we fought one another, Ulrich?” Leon asked. “I blacked out, and honestly I don't remember if I won or not.”

  “I won like always, that's all you need to know.”

  Leon also noticed that neither Master Gawain nor Ulrich would make eye contact with him, and Ellyn was suspiciously quiet as well. “Hmm. You guys are hiding something from me.”

  “Leave it be, Leon.” Gawain sighed. “Our destination is nigh.”

  “What is this place? It looks awfully creepy,” Ellyn said as they rode up closer to the spooky looking cave.

  “That, young miss, is the Cave Of Sorrow.” Gawain answered.

  “What is so important that we have to go inside?” Ellyn inquired.

  “A piece of an ancient blade lies in wait for us to
retrieve.” Gawain dismounted from his horse and walked it over to one of the trees to tie it off so it wouldn't get spooked and run away. “Dismount and find a place to tie off your horses.” He ordered.

  After doing as he was told Leon walked over to Gawain, “Master Gawain, are you sure it's safe to be telling Ellyn of our mission?” He quietly asked. “I mean, we don't even know that much about her.”

  Gawain glanced back at Ellyn, “I understand your concern, young Leon. But at this point we are going to need all the help we can get,” he explained. “I know that I can count on you to keep an eye on her if she does anything suspicious and handle it accordingly.”

  “Understood,” Leon said. “You can count on me.” He placed his fist over his chest and bowed.

  “Good.” Gawain smiled. “Ellyn, Ulrich. Please join us over here, I need to have a word with you all.”

  Ellyn and Ulrich both walked over to join Gawain and Leon, “The three of you need to listen closely to what I have to say, what awaits us inside that cave is no joke.” He pointed at the entrance of the cave and continued on. “From what I understand there are undead soldiers waiting to kill all who enter. And if you get past them, hordes of angry monsters the likes of which you've never seen before awaiting to torture the brave souls that make it into the far reaches of the cave.”

  “And if you make it past them, then what.” Ellyn gulped.

  Gawain was hesitant to explain the last part, for not even he believed in what awaited them if they were lucky enough to get to the end of the cave. “Well.” He paused. “If we make it that far, then the Queen of the cave will await us.”

  “Queen?” Leon questioned.

  “Yes, the Queen,” Gawain answered. “At one time she was one of the most beautiful women in all the land, and her radiance shined brightly. That caught the eye of the powerful and evil King Roland of Bondora. He decided that he wanted her beauty for himself, and when nightfall came he commanded his knights to abduct her from her family’s home in the middle of the night.


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