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Heart of a Cowboy

Page 13

by Kristin Vayden

  “I was engaged to Breelee when things between my parents hit the volatile stage.” He paused again, and as she glanced over, she could see the tightening of his jaw. “My mom thought Jack was seeing another woman, and I came over to have a chat, man-to-man about it. But that chat turned into a brawl when I discovered the other woman was my fiancée.”

  The crickets were the only sound as Laken closed her eyes against the onslaught of despair she felt for Cyler, for Jack, for his mom. “That’s horrible.”

  “We broke things off, as you can imagine, and less than a week later, Jack was in Mexico with Breelee, and my mother called me to let me know she had been served divorce papers. I—I couldn’t come home. Too many memories, and I was hurting too, but that didn’t excuse the fact that I’d all but cut things off with my mom as well, only to get a call a month later from the sheriff’s office. The autopsy said she had alcohol poisoning.”

  Laken exhaled, considering just how much alcohol one needed to consume to get to that point. “I’m sorry.” It seemed so inadequate, but there wasn’t a word—or any number of words—that could communicate the depth of the pain.

  “It was a long time ago,” Cyler replied, his tone kind, as if trying to comfort her.


  “At least you can kinda see why Jack and I aren’t on friendly terms.”

  Laken nodded, not trusting her voice. She understood, and it didn’t change her acceptance or friendship toward Jack, but she could see the flipside of the coin and struggled with the depth of the canyon between father and son.


  Laken frowned, turning to Cyler with a questioning expression.

  “I figured that as long as we’re letting everything air out, I’d get the dirt on you too.” He grinned.

  “Well, my past isn’t nearly as exciting as yours.”

  “Yeah, let’s call it exciting. Sounds much less depressing,” he replied dryly.

  “Not much to tell. I was dedicated to my studies, which didn’t leave time for anything else. I graduated early, went into my specialized field, and did as many internships as they’d allow. Lots of late nights, more than my share of studying, and a few hot flings with Netflix when I had a day or two off.” She bit her lip, giggling as Cyler rolled his eyes.

  “What a sordid past.”

  “Told you it was boring.”

  “Yeah, you are pretty boring. I wonder what I see in you?” he teased, rolling over and reaching out to pull her closer to his side, his warm breath tickling her nose a moment before he kissed it.

  “No idea,” she teased back, her whole body warming. Her lips searched for his, but he pulled back.

  “Overeager. I’m not done figuring you out yet.” He ducked his head down and nipped at her neck, playing. “Childhood pets.”

  Laken took a shaky breath, feeling his warm body pressed against hers. “Hmm, I had a golden retriever, and a goldfish that I won at the fair. That’s it. You have Margaret and—”

  “Ha, yeah well…as you know, Margaret counts as a dog and horse so…”

  “Show off.”

  “How else am I supposed to impress girls?” he questioned.

  “Because all this isn’t enough.” She pressed against his chest then slid her hands down suggestively.

  “Hedging my bets,” he replied.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Anything else?”

  “I had a few dogs, several barn cats, but with the coyotes…let’s just say the cats didn’t stick around for long.”


  “Mostly it was Margaret.”

  “And you went to school…”

  “At SPU. Seattle Pacific University. Majored in business, worked summers at a construction company and loved it. Jack and I had never seen eye to eye on, well, anything, so I didn’t expect or want to take over the ranch. So, I went into construction and built up a company. It didn’t really take off till after the fallout with Breelee and my mom’s funeral. Pouring myself into the job was what saved me from going crazy. It’s solid now, though.”

  “I’ve been to SPU. Hills everywhere.”

  “It’s on Queen Anne Hill. Walking to class counted as intense cardio.”

  “I bet.”

  “Your turn.”

  Laken grinned as they continued to chat. For the next hour, they exchanged questions and learned about the other. Cyler’s hands never strayed from her body, only changed positions. From tugging on a loose strand of hair to tracing the outline of her lips, he’d caress up and down her arm, only to return to hold her hand. It was magical and crazy-romantic in ways she’d only read about, never actually experienced. The stars slowly moved across the sky, a few shooting down to earth as the night went on.

  “Almost done?” Laken asked after a few moments of silence.


  She giggled then froze as his finger traced her lip once more but with more pressure than before as his other arm banded around her waist and pulled her in close. His lips met hers, searching, and she willingly leaned into the kiss. Her mind flashed back to the barn, to the way his bare chest was highlighted by the expanse of his shoulders. Her fingers burned with the memory of the feel of his skin beneath her hands.

  His lips nipped hers playfully. She smiled against his mouth, earning a mock growl as his hand moved to her hair and drew her mouth against his with a powerful demand. She willingly met his kiss, deepening the exchange, and she caressed his tongue with hers, memorizing the spicy flavor that was all his own. She slid her knee between his legs, inching herself closer as they lay side by side.

  Cyler’s breath was hot against her mouth. He peppered her lips, her jaw, her neck with kisses that made her heart pound. In one smooth motion, he rolled over her, resting his weight on his elbows as nearly every inch of her aligned with him. Heat coiled then burst through her as she pressed her hips into his, instinctively needing more. His lips traveled down her neck, then nipped her earlobe, the sound of his breathing and the pounding of her heart drowning out the cricket’s song. He nudged her chin up with his nose, and she willingly obeyed when her body caught fire as his lips traveled from her throat to her collarbone then lower, tugging her shirt out of the way with his teeth.

  Her hands moved without conscious thought, traveling from their mapping of the hills and valleys of his back, to tugging on his dark brown hair, pressing into him deeper.

  He shifted to one elbow, freeing his hand to trace from her hip to slide under her shirt till his fingers teased the edge of her bra, tempting her, flirting with the fire that was threatening to consume her.

  “Laken,” he murmured against her neck.

  She couldn’t find her voice, only nodded, trying to catch her breath.

  He pulled back, his blue eyes black in the darkness. His chest moved with each panting breath.

  “Come here,” Laken replied, tugging his head back to hers, and with a groan, he surrendered.

  His hand grasped her breast, kneading the soft flesh, earning a gasp of pleasure as Laken almost forgot to breathe. The pleasure surged through her, burning through any rational thought as to why they should stop. Arching into him, she gave him the chance to unhook her bra, and after fumbling for a moment, the offending garment loosened. He pulled at her shirt, removing it in one smooth motion. Her hands tugged at his clothing as well.

  With frenzied movements, Cyler obeyed her request, and soon his shirt and jeans were in a pile somewhere in the truck bed. The thick quilt protected Laken’s bare back from the cool metal of the pickup bed, and fleetingly, she was shocked at her behavior, but just as the idea flickered through, Cyler’s hot mouth traveled from one breast to the other, stealing every thought she’d ever had. She arched her back and slid her jeans from her body. Cyler rose from her, and immediately she shivered from the absence of his heat. He gently tugged her pants off
the rest of the way then located his jeans. Her lips were tender from his adoring assault, and she bit down gently and watched as he pulled something from one pocket of his discarded jeans. The full implication of what that package held slammed into her as he tore it open and removed its contents.

  Is this really going to happen?

  She never did things like this! Yet as Cyler slowly met his body with hers, every hesitation melted away in the midst of the searing heat his body gave. Slowly he kissed her lips, melding into her then pulling away, flirting with the edge of her sanity as she gripped his shoulders trying to force him closer. At his amused chuckle, she smiled, enjoying the moment, living for it. Then her breath was stolen as he granted her wish, filling her.

  Time paused, and she held her breath, watching his gaze open completely as he watched her. Then slowly he moved. Each glide created a tension that built upon itself, till the intensity was so powerful she could no longer think around it. As she reached the edge of the cliff, she felt his shoulders tremble, a slick sheen of perspiration covering them. She arched her fingers deep, anchoring herself to him, and flew over the edge, her body singing with the release of passion that they’d built together. As she slowly came to reality, her body tightened again, this time meeting Cyler’s release, matching it, cresting the wave with him. He groaned, his breath irregular and hard as he panted against her neck, his body shaking with the power of his release.

  Heart pounding, she watched with unabashed amazement as Cyler’s gaze roamed her features, his own breathing ragged, his heartbeat surging through her. He pressed his forehead to hers. Closing her eyes, Laken forced away all the rational thoughts that threatened to steal this perfect moment and just focused on the warmth of his skin on hers, the memory of his kiss, the sweet passion of making love.

  Cyler leaned back, a devastatingly alluring grin on his face. His blue eyes seemed black in the dim light. Placing a kiss to her lips, he then groaned as he rolled off her and to his side.

  Laken bit her lip, her body achingly tender, but in the most perfect way. She racked her brain for something to say and came up with nothing.

  “Speechless?” Cyler asked, winking as he reached for his clothing.

  Laken grinned. “Close.”

  “I’ll admit. I didn’t exactly bring my A-game. I’ll do better next time.” He chuckled. “I’m man enough to admit it’s been a while for me, and that didn’t do my stamina any favors.”

  Laken gulped. Heaven help her if the sex got better. Yet she continued to smile, thinking of his promise that there would be a next time. “I wasn’t complaining.”

  “Didn’t think you were. Just felt the need to be upfront, Laken.” He shrugged into his shirt then handed her clothing over, setting it on her lap as she rose into a sitting position. “You know my history. I’m pretty jaded. But this—you’re worth the risk.”

  Laken nodded, slipping into her clothing as she thought over his words. If anyone had a reason to be skeptical about any sort of relationship, it was Cyler. Yet that hadn’t scared him off, and he still wanted her, wanted this. The amazement of it was fresh and powerful.

  “Yeah well, I don’t stargaze with just anyone so…” she offered, lightening the mood yet still conveying her own sentiments.

  Cyler chuckled.

  “…you’re worth the risk too.”

  “I’m glad. I’m not a mysterious or smoke-and-mirrors, talk-in-circles guy, Laken. Be upfront with me. I like you. A lot”—he rubbed the back of his neck—“as I hope was very apparent.”

  Laken grinned.

  “Just tell me the truth of it, always. And we’ll make this work. Deal?” He held out his hand, waiting.

  Laken reached out and grasped his warm hand, the same hand that had branded his mark all over her body, and shook it. “Deal.”

  Cyler’s answering smile was startling in its glory, causing fresh desire to slam into her.

  He released her and hopped down from the tailgate. He extended his hand to her. “We probably should get back to the ranch. I’m betting you want to check on Jack, and as much as I’d love to keep you out here in bed, I’d rather keep you in a more comfortable one.”

  Laken shook her head in amusement at his joke, smiling in spite of herself. “Probably a good idea.”

  “I’m usually right.”

  “Oh really? You wanted honesty, right? Well, you’ll be getting it. Be prepared,” she shot back, taking his hand, and jumping to the ground.

  “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  She tilted her head, regarding him. “You might change your mind.”

  “I usually make my mind up and stick with it.”

  “We’ll see,” she challenged.

  “We sure will,” he replied with a devilish grin, not releasing her hand. He led her to the passenger side of his truck and opened the door.

  “Thanks.” She spoke quietly, gasping as she felt his touch circle her waist and pull her close then seared her lips with his.

  Laken willingly answered his kiss, her body responding with building heat. As he gentled the exchange, she pulled back reluctantly. “That’s going to be a problem.”

  “How so?” he asked, tickling her hip as he grinned.

  “Keeping my hands off you.”

  Cyler winked. “Yeah, at least it will be a struggle for us both. Now quit distracting me and hop in.” He stepped back, Laken slid into the truck, and Cyler closed the door behind her.

  The way back to the ranch was quiet. Cyler’s hand wrapped tightly around hers, and she happily watched the dark world pass by, denying thoughts about tomorrow or the next day. Because tonight? Tonight was perfect. And she refused to neglect the moment, to move past it, when moments like this in life were so few and far between. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, savoring each second, knowing that tomorrow—and the challenges it would bring—would be there soon enough.

  But that was tomorrow.

  And she was living for each moment today.

  Chapter 15

  The pale dawn was just starting to illuminate the guest room as Cyler rolled over, the odd feeling that something was missing.

  He tried to go back to sleep, but the sensation nagged at him, and as he pulled from the fuzziness of deep sleep, he realized that something wasn’t missing.

  It was someone.

  He grinned, stretching his legs and twisting his ankles, hearing the familiar popping noise. Yeah, sure as hell someone was missing, but not for long.

  When they’d arrived back at the ranch from stargazing, he’d been prepared to kidnap her and go for round two. But Jack was coughing in his sleep, and as much as Cyler wanted to ignore him, he knew Laken never could. It was both aggravating and endearing. Her passion for her profession humbled him, and he respected her for it. She shouldn’t have to choose between him or her job. It wouldn’t be fair. In a way, it would be like asking her to separate a part of her soul. Being a nurse was as much a facet of her character as it was her profession, and Cyler realized that. So rather than haul her off to his bed, he’d kissed her goodnight and made sure she didn’t need any help.


  Like he’d bloody lost his mind because that help was for his son of a bitch father.

  He was going soft.

  Yet he couldn’t find the heat from his anger anymore; he’d started to pity Jack. Not for the cancer—though that sucked—but for his life.

  Because he’d had a family, a loving wife, a home, and he’d spat on it. And what was he left with now? A son who all but hated him, a money-grabbing ex-wife, and a dead wife, so in a nutshell, nothing. He had nothing.

  And no one to blame for it but himself.

  Cyler mulled over things, wondering if he could actually deal with being in the doctor’s office with Jack. He didn’t want to ask the old man unless he was sure he could curb his resentment. L
aken seemed to take it in stride, but he doubted the doctor would.

  After rolling from bed, he stretched again and pulled on his jeans. He found a clean shirt from his duffel bag. The scent of coffee called to him, and he considered drinking a cup of Jack’s sludge, just to tide him over till he could make a Starbucks run. Padding toward the kitchen, he passed Laken’s room. The door was cracked open, and he pushed it just a few inches farther, smiling at the sleeping beauty. Her blond hair was splayed all over the pillow, her clothes from last night scattered on the floor, and a pair of short shorts barely covered her perfectly round ass.

  Her eyes flickered as if dreaming, and Cyler’s gaze traveled down her back to the skin exposed at her waist. His hands burned with the memory of her skin’s softness under his fingertips, the way she’d responded to each touch, each kiss. He bit back a groan, and his body hardened at the thought. He closed the door softly and forced his thoughts into line as he continued his way to the kitchen. He glanced behind him, noticing Jack’s door closed as well, signaling that the man was still asleep.

  As he walked through the kitchen and picked up the coffee carafe, he sighed at the brew’s thick coating of the glass.

  Maybe he wouldn’t brave Jack’s sludge.

  He glanced to the clock. Seven-thirty. Surely, he had time to get to Starbucks and back before anyone else got up. It had been after midnight when he returned with Laken, and he guessed she’d been up for at least another hour or two after that, so perhaps she’d sleep in a bit.

  Nodding to himself, he grabbed his keys from the counter and left quietly, cringing as his truck roared to life. The drive to Starbucks was short, and after taking his customary parking spot across the street, he jogged over to the building.

  “Hello, stranger,” Kessed called as soon as he walked in.

  “Hello, yourself,” he answered, strolling toward the counter then waiting behind another customer.

  When it was his turn, he started to order but was interrupted. “I got this one, Grant,” Kessed called to the other barista. And with a grin, she handed him a carrying tray with two venti cups. He took it, arching a brow.


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