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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

Page 5

by Felicia Leibenguth

  The darkness is nice for once. No one bothering me, no disturbing images, not a thing. Just me. That makes me smile out of joy. I’m safe again.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed when I start to stir. I feel warm fur under my face and the movement of being in a car. It’s quiet. I continue to lay motionless, enjoying the silence as my mind wanders.

  Zach is still in wolf form and I don’t know why. No one is willing to tell me, not until we get home at least. Is it something I’m going to freak out over? Well, I’m pretty sure of that. But how can I freak out over it, when I most likely caused it?

  Zach also left this world. His sprit left me and tore at my soul shredding it into pieces that are still healing. Am I also the cause of his… temporary death? If I am, I know I will never forgive myself. The moment he died, I wanted to die along with him. I begged for them to kill me, but here I am, still alive and still breathing.

  What is it I am meant to do in this life? It must be something big for me to have survived what I have been through so far. I know many are depending on me for this upcoming war, but I know I am not strong enough. I haven’t learned nearly enough to defeat Malvant, the most powerful being of our world. And I know there isn’t enough time to learn everything either. It’s going to be a massacre and everyone believes in me to keep them alive. I have a lot to learn in such a short time. Am I destined to defeat Malvent? Is that my purpose?

  “You are strong and you are meant for big things…” a voice cut into my silence.

  “How do you know?” I asked it.

  “Because, I am your mother after all,” I hear a smile in her voice.


  “The very one.”

  “I can’t see you.” I’m still shrouded in darkness.

  “Telepathy. I just want you to enjoy the darkness and heal yourself. It has taken a lot out of you sweetheart.”

  “Yeah, I still feel exhausted. But nothing like before,” I yawned.

  She laughs lightly, “Well, before I go I just have something to tell you.”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Learn from your experiences. Everything serves its purpose.” She starts to fade away.

  “What does that mean?” I’m confused. But she is already gone.

  Great, another thing to think about. Sigh…

  “Lexi? We’re almost home,” Garcia said in a low voice.

  “M’kay,” I yawned opening my eyes.

  It’s dark out as we drive through the trees coming into town. Dansville is a beautiful sight as the trees open up. The beauty of the old rustic buildings, the quaint shops, the homey feeling, and the safety I feel here is something I missed dearly. This is my home, my safe haven.


  Pulling up to Zach’s I feel like crying. I’m home. I feel as though I’ve been gone for years, as I wasn’t able to keep track of the days in the dark I was kept in.

  As soon as the car stops I open my car door and about to get out when I realize I’m dressed in jeans and a plain shirt. It’s nice to have clothes on, but… my thought is stopped when I’m greeted with strong arms picking me up.

  “Hey! I can walk!” I gripe as Kasey carries me into the house.

  “You’re on strict bed rest for a few days until your back to full strength,” Kasey smiled.

  “Says who?”

  “All of us!” Katrina hollers from another car behind us.

  I sigh.

  “Lexi!” Someone yells running out of the house.

  “Thomas!” I yell back wiggling out of Kasey’s arms.

  I kneel to the ground and hug him tightly. I missed him so much, and the joy he brought to everyone.

  “I was afraid they wouldn’t find you!” He squeezed me tight.

  “Well, here I am,” I smiled.

  Katrina calls out, “Hey, where’s my hug!?”

  Thomas laughed. “Sorry Lexi, but I gotta go hug sissy.” Then he took off.

  Kasey quickly picked me back up.

  “You know this isn’t going to last long, right?” I give him a sarcastic look.

  “Not if I can help it,” he grinned.

  I laugh, “You don’t know me very well yet.” I smiled.

  “I know enough to know you’re more stubborn than a mule on its worst day, and you’re not a fan of authority.” He raised his eyebrow.

  I grin. “Very good, but you have a lot to learn about me.”

  “I’m sure you will be more than willing to teach me.” He smiled.

  I smiled back. It’s almost like we have a kinship between us. We both went through the same horrid fate and we know what the other went through, but he was there a five months. I couldn’t imagine, though I know I wouldn’t have lasted that long. I was on my way out when they found me. I shivered. I don’t want to remember.

  Kasey sits me on the couch then he sits next to me. Everyone else piles in through the door. Zach is first and he looks none too happy with the seating arrangements. He manages to place himself between Kasey and I sitting on the floor. Katrina has Thomas sitting between her and Donavon. She is still angry and I can understand. I’m angry with Donavon too. The coldness and the pleasure he got out of admitting he killed them… it was disturbing. But on the other hand, to a point, I’m glad they were destroyed. They were monsters and the countless they murdered, they deserved what they got. I’m surprised I feel that way. After all they were human. I still cannot justify my feelings toward them or what Donavon had done.

  I don’t want to remember the hell or the horrors. But I know I will forever be haunted by them.

  “Donavon?” I asked.

  He looks toward me.

  I’m afraid to ask, but I remember the one woman and I need to know. “Mallory?” It only took the one word and I knew he would understand.

  He shook his head. So he had killed her too.

  I nodded my head in remorse.

  Everyone is seated except Garcia. She came from the kitchen and hands me a hot cup of tea.

  It smells delicious. “Thank you.” I smiled.

  She smiles back.

  After taking a sip, I finally realize how thirsty I am. I practically drank the whole cup in one gulp, burning my mouth. My stomach starts to rumble and I know everyone heard. A few smile and Thomas laughed.

  “Anyone else hungry? I can make sandwiches.” Garcia stood again.

  Katrina, raised her hand.

  “I’ll be right back then.” Garcia spun and headed into the kitchen.

  I noticed Kasey looking at me.

  “What?” I scrunch my eyebrows in irritation.

  “Sorry, it’s just… You look so much like your mother.”

  My face drains. I feel like fainting again. How could I forget!? Mom and dad must think I’m dead!

  “Lexi, what’s wrong?” Katrina is kneeling in front of me in a flash.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend,” Kasey quickly apologized.

  I look at Katrina. “Mom and dad?” I sound worried and scared.

  Katrina sighs. “They are doing… ok. Well… more like lifeless. They miss you and have looked everywhere for you.”

  “How long have I been… gone?” I asked swallowing hard, staring at the door wanting to run home.

  “Eleven days…” Katrina said.

  “I have to go.” I stand to head toward the door. But I’m quickly stopped by Zach.

  He shakes his head no.

  “But they have to know I’m okay, that I’m alive!” I demanded.

  Donavon stands. “And what are you going to tell them?” He has his cocky attitude back. “That you what? Ran away from home? Or maybe that you’re some kind of Supernatural freak?”

  Zach growled at Donavon.

  But Donavon is right. What will I tell them? I collapse back onto the couch placing my hands over my eyes, keeping the tears back.

  Lifting my head a moment later I ask, “What about Bree?”

  Katrina sits next to me. “She’s been wi
th Oranda. We haven’t really seen her.”

  I’m crushed. I know I’m not her true sister. She has her real family now. “Oh,” is all I could say.

  Katrina wraps her arm around my back and squeezes. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I sighed. “What am I going to do?” I asked more to myself.

  Garcia walks up and hands K and I our sandwiches. “You’re going to eat this and then rest. We can figure it out tomorrow,” she said.

  I don’t really feel hungry now, but eat it anyway. After so long without food, it’s the best tasting ham and cheese I’ve ever tasted. I’m grateful she made two.

  Everyone seems to be acting a little off. They are more quiet than usual.

  “Are you going to tell me now?” I ask. They know I mean Zach.

  They all tense up except Donavon and Kasey. No one spoke yet.

  “Well?” I asked again a bit peeved.

  Katrina turns toward me about to speak, but pauses and looks at Zach. Zach nods as if giving her permission.

  Garcia spoke before Katrina can have a chance. “Lexi, it’s not that it’s a long story, but it’s difficult to explain and deals with the Shape-Shifter life.” She glances in Kasey’s direction.

  I know she doesn’t want to discuss it in front of an outsider, and I understand that.

  I just sigh. “Tomorrow,” I’m very adamant.

  Garcia nodded.

  I’m tired of them drawing this out longer. I want to know what is going on and why Zach is still a wolf. I don’t understand what would cause him not to be human. I no longer have the communication with him while he is a wolf, like we had before. What happened? Why don’t I have that connection with him? I felt him leave this world but not return… Did… what he did… could whatever he done, break our bond, our connection to one another?

  My eyes widen at the realization. I can’t feel him anymore because our bond is broken! I can’t talk to him anymore and he can’t turn human!

  I look at Zach and our eyes meet. I don’t feel that pull or the longing. I feel empty, alone and lost looking into his golden eyes of his wolf form. I feel the tears well up in my eyes.

  Still looking at him, I whisper, “What have you done!?” The tears over flow as I stand up and head upstairs to the room I transitioned in.

  Zach ran after me leaving everyone behind. I want to be alone.

  I enter the room remembering the time I spent here. The pain I was in as the spell wore off and my true blood ran through me showing my true abilities. When I was no longer human, when the life I knew ended. The lavender blanket still covers the bed, the black soft carpeting and the white walls almost feel like home.

  I sit on the edge of the bed wanting to cry and scream. Zach sits in front of me with a pathetic look on his face.

  Back in the woods I noticed something was different about him. It wasn’t that he was bigger, but something was missing. I kneel down in front of him, not taking my eyes off the one spot that has changed. He looks at me with curiosity.

  I lift my hand up to his chest and feel the spot where there once was a white patch of fur shaped like a sword. It’s gone, now blending in with the rest of his fur. I feel a long, thin lump in this spot. It’s over his heart in a diagonal direction. I move his fur aside looking and found a large scar. It’s still pink and puckered up from healing. This is the reason his distinct white sword is gone.

  I back up and look into his eyes. “That’s the reason you can’t change back.” It isn’t a question, just fact.

  He nods in agreement.

  “It’s also why our bond is broken, isn’t it?” The tears stream down my face.

  He again, nods, but the remorse on his face breaks my heart.

  “Whatever it is, you did it for me, didn’t you?” I asked keeping my hand on his heart.

  He gave a nod.

  I hug him around his neck. He loves me to no end, and I love him just as much. Our bond may have been broken, but the way we feel about one another hasn’t changed. He is still my true love. I just wish I knew the circumstances behind his choice and why he made it. As much as I want to be angry with him, I can’t be. I know I would have done the same for him, whatever it was.

  “Lexi?” Garcia called from the door.

  I let go of Zach and look toward Garcia. “Yeah?” I wipe the tears from my eyes.

  She walks in the room and reaches down for my hand. I grab her hand as she helps me off the floor and pulls me toward the bed.

  “Everyone is filling Kasey in, so I figured now was a good time to talk with you.” She looks somber as we sit down.

  “Okay.” I question myself for a moment. Do I really want to know?

  Garcia starts, “Well child… Let me start by saying, Zach is only alive because of you, and you’re only alive because of him. If it were not for the love you both hold for one another, you would both be dead. Understand?” She looks between Zach and I.

  We both nod.

  “When you left and didn’t return we had to do something to find you. We didn’t know where you were. But we assumed you were in trouble and needed help. Zach was the first one to take off and look for you. Shortly after, Donavon disappeared. A week passed and there was no sign of you so we had to do something, the only thing that could truly find you.” She paused for a moment. “What we had to do goes back down through the history of the Shape-Shifters. In the ancient book I have, holds a ritual that is no longer done. It is very dangerous. It is in our lost language, but it means Forbidden. Once I realized this was the only thing we could do to find you, I had Thatch contact Zach to bring him home. We needed four of us to create the circle and one as the… sacrifice, so to say. Thatch and I each volunteered to be the sacrifice, but Zach was adamant in his decision and would not waver, no matter how much we begged him not too. So we had no choice and allowed him to do it.” She looks at Zach in awe and in sadness.

  I too look at Zach and ask him, “You were willing to die to find me?” I already know the answer.

  Zach closed his eyes and bowed his head.

  Garcia continued. “The ritual can cause a lot of chaos if it is done wrong and done with the wrong people. That is why I chose those I believed were the closest to you and had some form of a connection. Thatch, myself, Thomas and Katrina, each held a place around the circle standing as one of the four elements, Fire, Wind, Water and Earth. We call upon these elements to assist us in whatever we need help in. But when they give you what you ask for, they require some form of payment. We needed to know where you were and they did pinpoint us in the right direction. For that, we were all very grateful to the elements. When we closed the circle it was time for them to take their payment. Zach was the sacrifice, so they took payment from him. I was afraid they would try to take his soul but I was prepared for that. The scar you felt over his heart...” She paused to look at me.

  I nod. I’m afraid to hear this part.

  “When Zach stopped breathing, Thatch plunged a sacred and powerful dagger into his heart.”

  My eyes widened in horror, but she continued despite my face.

  “This dagger holds its own power and one of which that can hold a soul to its body just before it’s allowed to leave.” She takes a deep breath. “The elements couldn’t take his soul nor do I believe they wanted it. His passion and love for you showed the elements we were using them for good, not the bad they had been used for so many times in the past. But, in the end they did remove his human body and left him as you see him now. He can’t communicate with us telepathically. It was his sacrifice to give, to save you.” She stopped.

  My eyes are glued to Zach who looks back at me. Tears well up in my eyes. This is all my fault. Had I not left, this wouldn’t have happened.

  “Zach… I’m so sorry. I didn’t want this for you. Had I not left…” I start to cry.

  Zach comes over and places his head over my shoulder trying to embrace me. Nothing will be the same for him again. He’s stranded in this body… I wrap my arms aro
und his back and cry. Not for me, but him.


  I’m healing, a little slower than I would have liked, but at least I’m on the mend. I look in the mirror before I head to bed. My back… I’m horrified at the marks and burns that still remain. I honestly can’t believe I survived that nightmare. Marks criss-crossed over one another many times. My entire back is a ground up mess. Garcia cleaned it up the best she could. I was so exhausted I didn’t have the strength for a shower and she told me it would probably hurt worse than it already did. The pain is calming down, but still hurt like nothing I have ever felt.

  I wasn’t quite sure when I fell asleep. I’m still exhausted from trying to heal and it’s hard on my body and my mind.

  I knew I was dreaming when Zach’s bare back is turned toward me. He’s human and the most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time. His hair is a rugged mess and his tanned skin shows his strong muscles in the sun light. His jeans are torn at the bottom like he’d been walking on them too long. His hands are at his sides as he has his head tilted up toward the sun. He seems so relaxed soaking in the rays and the warmth. I miss him so much being in his human form.

  I don’t want to disturb him for fear my dreams will all wisp away and he will be gone. I sit in the tall field grass just watching him. I pluck a golden strand and weaved it through my fingers as I watch him. The sun is warm and the light breeze makes it a perfect mix. I can sit here forever just staring at him. He starts to turn toward me and I smiled. His face is what I miss the most. He turns and quickly has a look of shock on his face.

  “Lexi!?” A large smile spreads across his face, the smile I love so much.

  I feel a tear stream down my face, not in sadness, but in joy. I can’t help but smile.

  “I didn’t know you were here.” He quickly bounds over in large leaps, keeping his bright smile. “You don’t know how long I have been longing to do this!”

  He picks me up off the ground in one sweep and holds me close to his chest, pressing his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes to absorb this moment, I never want to leave. This is my happy place now and will always be.


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