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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

Page 9

by Felicia Leibenguth

  Rage and anger quickly fill my mind. Oranda has done this to her!

  “Move, quickly!” Garcia demands as she carries a tray of medical supplies. We get out of her way as she stands next to Bree and cuts off her shirt showing the extent of her wounds.

  I gasp horrified as Bree’s torso has a large gash going diagonally across. It’s incredibly deep and pours blood to the floor.

  “She’s losing too much blood! We need to slow it down!” Garcia has an edge to her voice. One I don’t like.

  “Thatch!?” she yelled.

  He is at her side in an instant.

  “Get my-” Garcia is cut off by Katrina’s yell.

  “No! NO! She can’t DIE!” We quickly look at Katrina, her face is a million miles away. She’s having a vision… One of which I hope doesn’t relate to Bree.

  Garcia doesn’t waste any time in getting back to Bree’s wounds. Her hands move quickly and with precise movements over Bree’s body. She grabs tool after tool from the tray getting the blood to slow down.

  I turn to look at Katrina who’s limp in Donavon’s arms. She passed out after her vision. He’s looking down at her with a concerned face, then turns his attention back to Bree.

  “Take her to my room,” I told Donavon in a rush.

  He nods his head and disappears.

  I know Katrina will be okay. Her visions take a lot out of her. I turn my attention back toward Bree.

  I’m surprised how much Garcia is able to do. Bree’s bleeding has stopped, except her head wounds. I hold Bree’s hand, giving her squeezes to let her know I’m here.

  Garcia is closing her wound and wraps it in a ton of gauze. Then she moves onto her head wounds. Those only need stiches to close them.

  She cleans Bree up and gives her an injection of pain medication.

  Garcia sits down for a moment, her face glistening with sweat. “Hopefully this will work and she will be okay. Only time will tell.” She wipes her head with a cloth.

  “Will she heal quickly like the rest of us?” I ask with panic in my voice.

  Garcia shakes her head. “She has an ability to heal on her own, but it is not as fast as a Vampire or Shape-Shifter. It’s a slower process and will take some time, especially with the damage done.”

  “But, will… she… be… okay?” I ask pronouncing each word with meaning.

  Garcia looks deep into my eyes. “I don’t know,” she said speaking the truth. She breaks our gaze and looks back at Bree. “She’s lost a lot of blood, maybe too much. We can only watch over her and hope her body starts to heal on its own and create more blood cells. Other than that, there is not much more we can do,” she said sadly.

  I walk to the other side of Bree lying on the table and kneel down in front of Garcia. I hug her tightly. “Thank you for what you have done. She has a better chance because of you. So thank you!” Tears well up in my eyes.

  She hugs me tightly back. “We should get her somewhere more comfortable before she wakes up.”

  We stand just in time to see Donavon pick Bree up and start to carry her out of the kitchen. Everyone stays quiet as we follow Donavon upstairs.

  He walks into my bedroom where I had told him to put Katrina, but she isn’t in here. He lays Bree down on my bed as gently as he can then leaves. I assume to go see Katrina.

  “Thank you,” I call after him.

  I pull the chair up next to the bed and hold Bree’s hand. Zach sits next to me as I lay my head on his shoulder. Garcia and Thatch leave the room leaving Zach and I to watch over Bree.

  I stare at Bree trying to figure out what happened. The memory of the last time I seen her pops into my head. She told me Oranda wouldn’t be around much longer and that she would take care of her. Did she try to kill Oranda?

  My mind wanders to the time I first met Oranda. She found Donavon and I at the castle and helped me to get to my parents. She was a strong fighter and carried weapons with her. It was clear by Bree’s wounds that Oranda used one of them on her. The thought just infuriates me.

  Garcia comes in carrying an IV bag with a needle. She looks toward me giving a small smile and then proceeds to place the needle into Bree’s arm.

  “This may help her more. She needs to stay hydrated so she can heal.”

  “Thanks. You certainly have a lot of medical supplies,” I said.

  “Well, you just never know when you’re going to need them.” She feels Bree’s head and once again left the room.

  A few hours pass as I look Bree over. She’s covered in a light blanket with her arms lying overtop. Her hair is covered in dried blood, her skin is pale from the loss of blood, and the wounds I can see have shown no sign of healing yet. Her breathing is slow but steady, which makes me hopeful.

  The whole situation happened so fast, I didn’t have time to react. But I know siting here crying won’t fix anything.

  “Donavon?” I call out lowly knowing he can hear me.

  He comes into the room.

  “How is K doing?” I ask concerned. She usually doesn’t sleep this long.

  “She’s still sleeping,” he sighed. I can tell he’s uncomfortable with her sleeping this long too. “How is she?” he asked referring to Bree.

  “Alive,” I answer.

  He nods. “She’s strong, I’m sure she will be fine in a few days.”

  I agreed, “Thanks Donavon.”

  “I’ll let you know when she wakes up,” he said as he shut the door behind him.


  An hour later, Donavon comes in to let Zach and I know that Katrina has finally woken up. I see the relief on his face.

  “I’ll be right there,” I told him.

  He nods and leaves.

  Before I leave Bree, I give her another look over. Her wounds are still the same as they haven’t even healed at all. Her color is still off and very pale. It scares me to death that I may lose my sister, but I can’t think like that. I have to stay optimistic for Bree’s sake and my sanity.

  I give her a quick kiss on her forehead before I leave. I keep the door open to her room so I can hear if she moves.

  Heading down the hall to Thomas’ room where Katrina is, I hear her crying. This isn’t good.

  Stepping into the room, I see Katrina sitting on the edge of her bed with Donavon kneeling on the floor hugging her. Katrina’s tears fall onto his shirt making it turn dark grey. Garcia and Thatch are just behind Zach and I. Thomas is sitting in his chair in the corner sleeping.

  “K? Are you alright? What happened?” I ask her, concerned for my best friend.

  She lifts her head with her eyes filled with unshed tears and a deep sadness. She gets off the bed and Donavon moves out of her way. K came over and hugs me.

  “I’m sorry,” she shakes her head. “It’s not good. Someone dies and I don’t know who. I don’t know who dies Lexi!” She has an edge of panic.

  I hug her tighter. This is everyone’s worst fear.

  “It will be okay. Just tell me what you seen?” I’m not sure if I want to know or not.

  She nods then starts pulling me toward the bed. We sit down side by side and she wipes the tears from her eyes.

  She begins, “Everything happened so fast, it was hard to keep up with it all. But…” she pauses to take a breath. “We were fighting Malvent’s army in the field. They were everywhere, so many…” She stares off for a moment before continuing. “But someone was hurt. I couldn’t see who it was, I just felt them in the distance and they were in an excruciating amount of pain. It was hard for me to breathe and I think I passed out or they died…” A tear rolls down her cheek. “Then I was in a dark room. No one was there with me that I could see, but I could sense them. The room smelled horrible, like rotting food.” She shakes her head for a moment then she looks at me. “The message was for you Lexi.”

  I can tell I have a panicked look on my face. I know the room she’s talking about. I have been there a few times in the past. “What did they say?” I dread her answer.

sp; “It was a woman by the sound of her voice. She sounded weak and tired.” She looks toward the ground in remorse.

  I also look toward the floor. So, she isn’t doing well… I have wondered why I haven’t heard from her like I have in the past. She’s become too weak…

  Katrina continues, “She said… a child of dark, a child of light, will collide while the sun is night. One will fall, the other rise, the war is over, now’s the time, keep it safe, for it’s not done, this life just begun,” she pauses for a moment allowing it to sink in. “She told me to remember it word for word. She also told me to tell you that, she loves you.” Katrina looks at me confused.

  I refuse to meet her stare. I look at the floor and allow a tear to escape and fall to the floor. Harmony, my mom… I’m afraid I will never get to meet her.

  I sigh, “It’s the prophecy.” I remember a while ago when I was in the hospital, Harmony wanted to tell me the prophecy but I didn’t want to hear it. I already had enough to deal with at that time. Everything was happening so fast.

  Some look at me with surprise, while others have sadness in their eyes. I give the only explanation I’m willing to give. “Someone wanted to tell me the prophecy one time, but I refused. So she used Katrina to get it to me,” I sigh.

  I don’t think Katrina is listening to me. “Who is she Lexi?” she asked quietly.

  I shake my head refusing to answer as another tear escapes. As hard as I try to keep them in, they disobey me.

  Zach pushes into me trying to look into my eyes, but I refuse.

  “I have to get back to Bree,” I said as I stand up. I don’t want to talk, I want to be alone. I leave the room and head back to Bree, leaving everyone in the other room.

  I plant myself in the chair next to Bree and watch over her. Nothing has changed and it’s really starting to worry me.

  I hold her hand and pray to anyone that will listen. I beg for several hours for her to heal and to wake up. I’m glad I’m left alone as I sit and cry my heart out.

  Bree is the only person in my life that really understood who I was and where I came from. She knew my real parents and she even risked her life to keep me safe all these years. She put her life on hold for me and to keep her promise to Harmony. She even grew up with me and became not only a friend, but my sister. She was truly the only person that knew everything about me. I have put her in danger so many times and this time it may cost her her life. I couldn’t bear to think that she will not pull through this. That she may die no matter what we do. I know she is strong, I know she has been through a lot in her long life and that she has survived it all. But can she survive this?

  I’m lost in thought as the morning sun shines through the window and Garcia makes her appearance to check on Bree. Garcia looks at me with deep sadness. She knows I don’t want to talk and she doesn’t say anything, which I appreciate.

  She pulls back Bree’s blanket to check the wound on her stomach. The bandages are soaked with blood. But the blood looks old as it is partially dry. I want to cringe away as Garcia pulls the bandages away showing her wound. But I have to know if it is healing or not, even healing a tiny bit would make me feel better.

  I watch Garcia’s face for just a moment as she reveals the gash. I watch for a flicker of emotion to tell me if it’s good news or bad. I wait a few seconds as the last of the bandage is removed. There it is, the look on Garcia’s face, one I don’t want to see. The loss of hope.

  My heart sinks to my stomach as I look at Bree’s wound. It isn’t healing, it’s worse. It’s still stitched closed, but the whole sight is black like it’s dying… or rotting.

  “She’s going to die isn’t she?” I ask with a broken heart.

  Garcia shakes her head in sadness. “It’s not looking good right now… She also has a high fever. I’m afraid an infection is taking over.”

  “Can’t we take her to a hospital?” Katrina asks with tears in her eyes as she walks over and stands beside me.

  Garcia shakes her head. “There is nothing anyone can do for her anymore. She has to fight this battle on her own. She needs to be strong enough. I will be right back. There are a few things I need.” Garcia quickly left the room.

  Katrina comes over and wraps her arm around my shoulders and gives me a squeeze.

  Garcia is back in no time. She carries a bowl of ice water with a cloth. She dips the cloth in the bowl and starts washing down Bree’s body trying to cool her. She grabs another cloth and soaks it in the ice water. She folds the cloth and places it on Bree’s forehead. She then grabs a small container filled with a green type jelly. She places a large amount in her hand and smears it on Bree’s stomach and on her head wounds. It smells sweet, like flowers.

  “I hope this draws some of the infection out and gives her a chance to fight it off,” Garcia said almost to herself. Then she lays new gauze over Bree’s wound. “Leave her uncovered for a while until this fever breaks. Don’t forget to re-cool the cloth on her head every ten to fifteen minutes. It should help break the fever as well.”

  I nod to Garcia and she leaves the room. I can’t speak, the lump in my throat is growing and I know if I open my mouth I will lose control of my emotions. I grit my teeth as it’s trying to force its way out. I keep choking it back down. I have to stay strong for Bree, for my little sister.

  I grab the cloth in the ice water and wipe Bree’s body down again. If she can break this fever, maybe she can start healing. I have to try. I know she wouldn’t give up on me, no matter what.

  I keep looking toward her stomach and to the horridly offensive gash. How badly I want it to disappear. I look at it with hatred and anger, how dare it try to take my sister’s life, how dare it try to take her away from me! I so badly wish it was me, that I was the one laying here fighting for my life, not Bree.

  I close my eyes begging anyone that’s listening to heal her, to let her open her eyes again.

  An arm wraps around my back. I didn’t realize Katrina is still in the room.

  “She’s a fighter Lexi. She’s a lot like you,” she said sympathetically as she held onto Bree’s hand.

  I nod my head. I know she is a fighter and that she won’t give up easily.

  Two days have passed. I’ve never moved from Bree’s side and keep holding her hand, continually talking to her as if she can hear me.

  Garcia and Katrina try to get me to take a break, but I refuse. I won’t leave her. They also bring me food as the last tray they brought at noon still sits on the table untouched three hours later. I don’t eat anything, because when Bree wakes up we can eat together and laugh like we used to while we watch TV. Things can be normal again if she just opens her eyes.

  Each day that passes, Bree becomes worse, weaker. Everyday her breathing slows more and more, and her heart beat is slower as if it’s going to stop at any minute.

  I hate each time when Garcia comes in the room to check on Bree’s unimproved wounds. Each day when she comes to change the bandages, it’s worse. The blackness keeps spreading farther and farther. It covers her whole midsection and is on its way to her chest and thighs. It sickens me to watch as this darkness takes over her body, killing her.

  I sit alone with Bree until after the sun goes into the ground and the moon comes out. I don’t want to be bothered as I watch over my sister and pray every moment that she will survive.

  Something changes with Bree. She starts gasping for air and makes gurgling noises… Her heart barely beating…

  I yell for Garcia, and the room is filled with everyone in a flash.

  Garcia comes and stands by my side. “Lexi…” she said in the most sympathetic voice I have ever heard.

  I stare at her wide-eyed. “Don’t you dare say it!” I practically yell. “She can’t be dying! I won’t let her,” my voice lowers down to a whisper. “She can’t…” my voice is almost inaudible.

  Garcia speaks again, “I’m sorry sweetheart…” She hugs me tight.

  Katrina is on the other side of the bed crying
as she holds Bree’s hand.

  Thomas is balling his eyes out in the corner.

  Donavon clamps his teeth, looking toward me with apologies in his eyes then left the room.

  Thatch stands at the end of Bree’s bed as he grips the footboard as he fights to stay strong.

  Zach stands at my side with a hardened face. I know he tries to stay strong for me.

  Garcia never lets go of my side as Bree takes her last breath.

  Silence fills the room as her heart stops beating.


  “BREE!” I scream as I try to lunge for her lifeless body. She can’t be gone, she can’t leave me!

  Garcia refuses to let me go as she clutches me to her body. My body goes limp as I’m guided to the floor in a heap. My body can’t hold me up any longer.

  I never got to tell her how much I loved her, how much she meant to me. I have so much left unsaid.

  I cry like I’ve never cried before. My whole body hurts with the pain and anger I feel.

  My sister who has always been there for me, is now gone. I will never see her again. She is dead because of me, she died because of me!

  I remember the times as we were growing up that she would always protect me. It should have been my job to protect her. But I failed. I failed as her sister, her friend. I wasn’t there when she needed me most!

  Because of her, I was able to live a normal life until my eighteenth birthday. Because of her I was able to transition into my new life. Because of her I knew the love of a sister, I knew the love of someone who understood me. I knew the true beauty of being loved.

  “Bree!” I sob, “Please don‘t leave me!”

  Donavon comes in and carries me downstairs. I barely notice.

  Hours pass as I lay on the floor of the living room crying even after my tears run out. Zach lays next to me just as helpless to help me as I was for Bree. Just thinking her name brings waves of pain and heartache. I wish I can go be with her, just to tell her I love her one more time.


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