Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC Page 5

by Brair Lake

  Mace rolled his shoulder. If it was up to him. She wouldn’t be leaving. ‘I’ll give you a call.’

  ‘Well, I guess I’d best get changed.’ When she passed him, her body brushed against his. His arm came out to catch her as she stumbled back. The warmth of her body sent thrills running through his. Temptation won. His head lowered. The kiss, which had started slow, soon deepened. His tongue insistent in her mouth as it circled her own tongue. He tasted beer, and amongst the beer, is mint toothpaste and mouthwash. His hands brushed her back, cupping her ass to bring her closer to his hips as she thrust against him.

  Avery’s fingers groped in his hair. Her other hand hooked on to his shoulder. Her moan vibrating against his neck, has a responding one coming from him. Assiduously, he lifted her into his arms, laying her on the lover’s seat, his body covering hers while his hands found the sash to the wrap. His fingers fumbled with the knot. Instead of loosening it, somehow he managed to tighten it. Giving up, he slid his fingers through the edging, cupping her tit to flick the nipple. When Avery arched her throat, his lips found their way to the pulse to suck on her flesh. Sliding his lips lower, he nuzzled the gossamer cloth to one side to nibble his way to her tit. His mouth latching on to the hard nub.

  Avery’s groan grew louder as she fumbled with his tee-shirt. Her fingers glided over his back, and Mace shuffled his body until he lay between her legs. Avery moaned when he thrust against her. Her hips thrusting up to meet his.

  He needed more. He wanted her naked beneath him. His fingers slid down the wrap, parting it at the junction of her legs. His fingers brushed the soft downy curls at her pussy. A shrill ringing broke into the air and Avery froze.

  It took a moment for her stillness to penetrate his lust filled body. When it did, he rose half above her. His dazed brown eyes searching her blue ones. Then he heard it. Loud and insistent ringing.

  ‘Are you going to answer it.’

  ‘No.’ Mace’s head lowered again once silence descended over the studio. His lips touched her flesh.

  The ringing started again. With a ‘Fuck.’ Mace rolled from her. When he located the cell and turned to Avery, it was to see her just as she disappeared behind the screen. Another ‘Fuck escaped him. His cock is hard and he was being denied any satisfaction.

  ‘You didn’t introduce us to your pretty friend.’ Mace swung the beer bottle up as he drained the remaining contents. He could still taste the sweet kiss Avery had left on his lips. Thankfully, his cock has settled and was behaving itself.

  ‘If you hadn’t rung when you did Dill. You would have been given the honor.’

  ‘Sour Puss.’

  Coats sidled up. His own glass empty. ‘Are you bringing in new pussy.’

  Mace curled his fist. Coats is too pretty to be a man, and if he broke his nose. He was doing the man and the club a service. ‘No.’

  ‘Time to roll folks.’

  Chapter 9

  Avery stood at the entrance of the club. Her gaze skimming the room, searching for Mace without any luck. Whilst fiddling with the strap on her purse, she regrets not taking him up on his offer to come and collect her. Fuck no, she had wanted her independence. She had wanted a way to escape him and the club if needed. And right now, she’s tempted to run.

  The room is packed. Everywhere she looked, there are bikers and their guests. Seeing them in one room makes her nervous. Shit, this isn’t the first time she’s faced a room full of people. Hell, some functions she’s attended, she’s faced over a hundred guests, and handled them without a bat of an eyelid. That was different Avery told herself. They were the kind of people she was used to socializing with. She knew how to handle them. She knew which subjects to bring up. Their kind of small talk. With this crowd, she is out of her social element. Avery’s glance turned towards the door, her body preparing itself to run.

  ‘Leaving already.’ The deep dulcet tones brought her gaze around to the same biker she had met the day she came to sit for Mace. His heavily toned body and grace unhampered by the crutches he is leaning on. The smile in his eyes eased the tension within her, and she returned his smile. She reckons he’s about six two, making him a couple inches taller than Mace. ‘-No – I was looking for Mace.’

  ‘He’ll not be long. Come on I’ll get you a beer.’

  ‘What did you do to your leg.’

  Mississippi didn’t speak until they reached the makeshift bar and he handed her a cold beer. ‘Racing.’


  ‘Yeah – I was fucking winning as well.’ The disappointment in his voice over the loss of the race, and not his broken leg, left her smirking, which she hid behind the bottle she was sipping beer from. ‘Which one’s Dill.’

  ‘The one surrounded by pussy.’ Her giggle changed to a chuckle. Her gaze scanned the room. That could be one of several bikers who are currently surrounded by several women. If the club was short of anything, it wasn’t women. ‘What’s the ratio?’

  Mississippi frowned, then burst into a deep chortle. His own beer hugged close to his chest. ‘Afraid of the competition?’

  Avery ran her eye over a couple of the women. Thankful that she had opted for jeans and a tee-shirt. Her attention caught by a redhead, who is smiling as she left a group of women, only for her to stop when a hand slipped around her waist and lips settled on her neck. The smile dropped from the woman and Avery shivered. She turned her gaze to Mississippi. ‘Is there a reason for me too afraid.’

  ‘If you can handle him. You can handle that bitch.’

  Warm lips vibrated against her neck, and she shivered. ‘Get lost Mississippi.’

  ‘What, and be deprived of this beautiful woman.’ Mississippi raised Avery’s hand to his lips. His touch, soft, her eyebrow arching in response to the light dancing in his dark eyes. Mace’s fingers squeezed her waist, but she refused to drop her hand. ‘You did that the other day. Tonight I’m not leaving her side.’

  Avery giggled, snuggling in further into Mace. His hand comforting her. Providing her with the strength she needed. She isn’t as relaxed as she is attempting to make out. The redhead was still watching her, and if it wasn’t for the two bikers, Avery is sure, she would have run. ‘You’re a terrible flirt Mississippi.’

  The tall biker clutched at his heart, his head thrown back. ‘You wound me. Maybe I should practice on you.’

  ‘Is he always like this.’

  ‘Yep – So don’t be taking him seriously.’

  Avery looked at Mace. Mississippi forgotten as her fingers came up to stroke his cheek. The darkening lust in his warm brown eyes brought an answering throb to her clit, and she yearned to kiss him. To taste him. Since the time in his studio, she hasn’t slept properly. Her nights disturbed by sensual dreams of his body thrusting into hers. In her dreams, as they made love, they hadn’t been interrupted by phone calls or anything else. Yet she had woken up just as unsatisfied as she had left his studio. ‘I like him.’

  ‘Don’t like him too much.’ Mace glanced over her shoulder when the other biker’s chuckles deepened. His warning ignored as Mississippi grabbed Avery’s hand. ‘Dance with me.’

  Mace’s growl quivered against her back. Her smile strengthened at the possessiveness. She may be fond of Mississippi, but she isn’t attracted to him. Her blood hadn’t begun to pound through her body until Mace touched her. When his hand slipped around her waist, she knew straight away who it was. Her gaze fell on the redhead, who is still watching her, although she has rejoined the group. This time the shiver which ran through her, was for a different reason. She’s tempted to ask who she is, and what her relationship with Mace is. ‘Lead the way.’

  ‘Enjoying yourself.’

  Avery snuggled into Mace’s lap. Her arm hooking around his neck, whilst his hand slid over her thigh. She’s tired, but happy. Mace had only let her have one dance with Mississippi before dragging her way. ‘Yeah – But I still need to wish the birthday boy a happy birthday.’

  ‘Don’t worry about Dill – You�
��ll get to meet him sometime.’

  She knew the bikers by reputations, but not who they were. So far she has only met Mississippi, and she wondered if the others were like him. ‘How about an introduction, Mace.’

  Mace’s hold over her is broken when she looks up at the biker standing at the table. He’s older than Mace, and although he’s smiling, and wobbling slightly. Avery senses a sadness about him. The redhead from earlier has her arms wrapped around his waist. Yet her gaze is on Mace, eating him up. ‘Sinbad – Avery.’


  ‘If he doesn’t put a smile on your face – You come look for me Darlin’.’

  ‘I think you should concentrate on the woman in your arms. Don’t you.’

  Sinbad chuckled, his large body filling the chair. The redhead forgotten as he studies her. ‘Fuck. Mace, she may be a keeper. If you have problems handling her – Send her my way.’

  ‘Don’t worry Sinbad – Everything I know about women. I learned from you.’

  The bikers chuckled as they sipped their beers. Stormy blue eyes turned on to Mace. ‘It’s a pity you didn’t take lessons from Mississippi instead.’

  Their chuckles deepening as they are joined by a third biker. Avery watched him from beneath lowered lashes. His dirty blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. His blue eyes, lazy as they roam over her. He’s shorter than the other bikers, yet the look he gave her, drowned out all the other men. With him, is another club woman. This one has blond hair tumbling down her back. Her blue eyed gaze on the Avery.

  ‘I’m Coats. We didn’t get to meet the last time you were here.’


  His touch didn’t faze her. There’s none of the magnetic charge, she’d encountered from his gaze. ‘So you’re not the birthday boy.’

  ‘No – He’s the one over by the bar.’

  Avery turned in the direction Coates is pointing to. Then wished she hadn’t. There is a red-haired man at the bar. His jeans were at his knees, while a brunette’s head bobbed. His face turned from her, as he kissed another woman. His hand splayed between her open shirt.

  Quickly she turned away and faced the mocking glint of the redhead. Fed up with the whore. Avery flung her dark hair back. Then she lowered her mouth to Mace. His lips are warm and taste of beer. His hand cupped her head, deepening the kiss. His fingers digging into her scalp. Avery didn’t break the kiss. Caught up in his touch, her hand crawled under his tee-shirt. Stroking his stomach. Her own stomach clenching when he quivered beneath her.

  Mace was the who broke the kiss. His breathing heavy while he searched her face. She didn’t want the kiss to stop. She is aching. All evening, his hands have been on her, stroking her. Slowly he has been seducing her with his lips, brushing them against her cheek, her neck. Rarely has he let her taste him.

  When she glanced over his shoulder, she made contact with Mississippi. His expression thoughtful as he watched them. Gone is his laughter. The look in his eyes chilled her, making her wonder if he is mad with her. With a twist of his lips, he raised his glass in a silent salute before swallowing the contents. Then he turned his attention back to the woman on his knee. Avery felt she had just been given permission to do something. But she wasn’t sure what.

  ‘Let’s get out of here.’ Avery turned her attention back to Mace. His brown eyes hot as they devoured her face. His fingers in her hair. Then he shuffled his body and she felt the evidence of his arousal. Saliva filled her mouth which she swallowed. If she left with Mace and went to his room. Everyone would know what they were doing. Her gaze fell to Sinbad. He had the redhead’s shirt stripped from her body. His mouth moving hungrily against her tit. Coats and the woman, are on the dancefloor. Their bodies twisted round each other. None of these people cared what she was doing.

  Her nod is hesitant as she rose from Mace’s lap.

  Chapter 10

  Avery knows she isn’t drunk. Knowing, she’ll need a clear head, she purposely held back on the drinking. What she was about do, is all she’s thought about since leaving Mace three days ago when they’d nearly had sex in his studio. Her hands are clammy and as much as she wanted to wipe them. She didn’t want to bring her nervousness to Mace’s attention. The reason for his hand on her waist may be in an attempt to reassure her, comfort her. Unfortunately, they were having the opposite effect. Since he had rescued her from Mississippi, his hands have never left her, touching her, soothing her flesh. His lips, teasing her all evening. Avery didn’t fool herself, she knew this was a planned seduction, and still she went with him. Because if she didn’t, she’d be disappointed with herself. This was her one opportunity to take what she wanted.

  When they reached his annex, Mace didn’t take her straight to the bedroom or to the studio. He took her to another room. The living room. A long, deep burgundy sofa dominated this room. On a large rectangular oak coffee table, which claimed the center spot, are several motorbike magazines. They are the only signs of life in the room The cream walls are bare. As she continued to inspect the room, she became aware of the lack of photographs and pictures. No mementoes of a childhood. The wooden floor is bare. The room is cold and sterile apart from the sofa. The soft strains of some classical piece, she didn’t recognize, drifted from the music player stashed in the far corner. The window is bare of curtains and Avery went to stand by it. To look over the field.

  Hands slid round her waist. With a nervous giggle, she turned self-consciously into Mace’s arms. His cut is gone and so are his boots. His lips nuzzle her neck while their bodies swayed to the soft music. ‘You have a nice place.’

  His chuckle warmed her. Her body relaxing as they stayed by the window. The only light coming from the floor lamp. There’s no moon or stars. It’s a dark night. ‘It used to be an old barn and I converted it.’

  ‘You did this by yourself.’

  ‘With the help of Coats and Mississippi.’

  Mace’s hands swept over her back. His fingers slid under her tee-shirt, tracing a light line up her spine. Avery shuddered. Her body moving closer to his. Her fingers stroked his bare arms. The dark hairs on his arms, comforting as she brushed them.

  ‘Is this what you want Avery?’ Mace’s question surprised her. She wasn’t expecting him to ask her. What she was expecting, she didn’t know, and slowly she nodded. Her lips turning up to accept his mouth. The kiss began slow, deepening as they continued to sway. Their bodies brushing against each other. Avery stumbled when Mace brushed his hard erection against her groin.

  Her stomach muscles, twisted. She wanted to be closer to him. She wanted him naked. Stripped of his clothes, and clumsily she began to tug at the edge of his tee-shirt. Mace broke the kiss. His brown eyes searching her blue ones when he stepped back. While he waited for her answer, he stroked her cheek and chin. His tongue flickered over his lower lip. Avery wanted to return to his mouth, to taste him again. ‘Answer me Avery. Is this what you want.’

  She nodded, her ‘Yes.’ Barely audible. Yet he heard it clearly, and his heart flipped. He wanted to drag her down onto the floor. Claim her and mark her, but he’d left the condoms in the bedroom on the bedside cabinet. ‘No turning back.’

  ‘No turning back.’

  Mace guided Avery to the bedroom. Another lamp burned low. The windows were again bare of any curtains. The ancient patchwork quilt pulled free of the large bed, and white sheets glared at her. Mace didn’t drag Avery to the bed straight away. Instead, he sat on the edge, dragging her between his legs. His touch gentle as his hands stroked her goose bumped covered arms.

  ‘Strip for me Avery.’

  She hesitated. Her gaze searching his. His eyes are almost black as he watched her. With a gulp and a nod, she stepped back. Breaking free of his hold.

  Before she could change her mind. Avery yanked off the tee-shirt. Her fingers fumbling with the button on her jeans, and finally she was able to free it. With a wiggle she shuffled out of the now too tight jeans. Tugging her boots free to allow her to pull her jeans off. Her fin
gers deftly dealt with the yellow bra. Her fingers hesitated when they reached her panties. Mace watched every move she made. His eyes following her hands. Avery felt the heat rise in her body. Apart from the blue gossamer wrap she has worn, she has never been naked in front of him. Still she hesitated. Her gaze searching his. When he gave a slight nod of his head. She pulled her pants down. Her hands clasping in front of her once she is naked.

  Mace reached out. Pushed her hands to her sides. Then he was pulling her close to him. His lips warm on her stomach, and she quivered at the gentle kiss. ‘Now strip me.’

  Swiftly Avery removed Mace’s jeans and socks. He hadn’t been wearing any underwear, and her eyes widened when his cock sprang free. She wanted to touch him. To touch his cock. Instead, she watched it bounce. ‘Lie on the bed.’

  Avery blinked, then she crawled over the white cool sheets. Her gaze fixed firmly on the ceiling. She is hot. She craved Mace’s touch. To taste him. Yet he stood by the bed, staring down at her. His dark eyes warming her body when his gaze swept over her. ‘Mace.’

  ‘In a moment Little-Bird.’

  Avery wet her lips. Her pussy burned and her tits ached. The cool air pulled on her nipples, drawing them out until they stood to attention. She shivered when Mace drew his finger down her sternum. Holding her breath when they came to rest against her pussy. Her gasp loud, when he parted her lips and stroked the tender flesh. Avery closed her eyes, losing herself to the sensation of his fingers.

  His mouth touched hers. His tongue sweeping over her lips. Her pussy growing wetter from his persistent touching. ‘I’m going to take the edge off – Then I’m going to play.’

  Mace’s promise has Avery opening her legs. His fingers moved swiftly over her tender flesh. Pressing and flickering her clit, whilst his tongue thrust into her mouth. True to his word, he brought her to climax. Her body shaking while his finger relentlessly stroked her pussy and clit. Her tits ached. Her hands clawed into the bedsheets. Mace swallowed her whimper when her hips curled into his hands.


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