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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

Page 7

by Brair Lake

  ‘No – I was Reel’s and he was mine.’

  ‘Did he fuck any of the other women while he was with you.’

  Carrie pushed the loose red tendrils behind her ear. The whimsical smile is in place and she drew once more on her cigarette. Avery forgot about her aversion to the pungent smell. ‘No.’

  ‘You loved him.’


  ‘And he loved you – And didn’t care about your history.’


  As she clicked away with the camera, and asked her questions. Avery ached for her lost. ‘But you didn’t leave The Scarlet Runner’s after he died.’

  ‘Where would I have gone.’

  Avery didn’t answer as she flicked the key in the ignition.

  When Avery and Carrie returned to The Scarlet. The quiet lull of the early afternoon is gone. Loud music thumped in the background. Some of the club’s women were gyrating with each other. A few were sitting at tables giggling as they drank. A couple were playing pool, and a brunette is behind the makeshift bar. The only thing missing, were the bikers.

  When she had pulled into the parking lot, Avery had noticed the absence of bikes. A scan of the room, revealed Mace to be one of the absent bikers, and she guessed the afternoon spin he had promised her, was not going to happen.

  One of the walls, is littered with photographs, and she made her way over. Her gaze going over them. The photographs varied in size and color. The older, black and white ones proclaiming how long The Scarlet Runners have been in existence.

  ‘That one’s Sinbad’s Pa.’

  ‘He was president.’

  ‘Yeah. His uncle started the club in the late sixties – That’s him there. His own son, Joe, left Downy Lakes. He never wanted anything to do with the club. When Sinbad joined the Navy. Everyone believed, like Joe, he’d turned his back on the club.’

  Avery looked at the old photograph. The founder of The Scarlet Runners was laughing. If you stared long enough, you could see the resemblance between Uncle and nephew. ‘What happened for him to change his mind.’

  ‘No-one knows. It’s all hush hush.’

  ‘And this thing with The Hybrids?’

  Carrie rolled her shoulders as she lit a cigarette, turning away from the wall to stroll over to the bar. Avery followed, smiling at the brunette behind the bar, who didn’t return the smile when she handed her a beer. Avery recognized her as one of the women who had been all over Dill the night before. ‘Don’t know. Reel never talked about it. Hell, I may fuck the officers, but they don’t tell us shit.’

  Chapter 13

  Mace stretched his body, linking his fingers behind his back as he arched. The stretch felt good. With his back to the bar, Mace’s gaze flickered over the room. He wanted to be at Scarlet’s with Little-Bird. Instead, he’s miles away from Downy Lake. Fuck, he hopes she’s still there when he returns. He hadn’t expected the hunt for Clipper and his men to take this long. ‘Here.’

  Mace pulled his gaze away from the lone man who sat huddled in the corner. He isn’t a young man, and his gaze avoided making contact with any of the other patrons. Mace’s smile turned into a grimace. The warm tasteless watered down beer he has the misfortune of drinking, sticks in his throat. His gaze locked with Dill, whose shoulders were shaking while his eyes twinkled. ‘Fuck – you could have warned me.’

  ‘Where the fuck would the fun be in that.’

  ‘Shit – Tell me why we’re here again.’

  ‘Because there’s nothing like a backwater swap bar to spend a Saturday night.’

  ‘Shut up Coats.’

  Coats smiled as he tilted his head back, the shot of whisky sliding down his throat in one shot. Mace smiled at his scowl. The whisky was no better than the beer. ‘So what’s going on between you and the judge’s daughter.’

  Mace continued to survey the hazy smoke filled room. Fuck, haven’t they heard about the no-smoking inside a building law. If you exclude the barkeeper, he figures, the bikers just manage to bring the number of patrons into double figures and there were several of them. ‘Guess Saturday nights aren’t their busiest.’

  Dill’s gaze followed the path Mace’s had taken. His attention drawn to a brunette in a short red skirt, his chuckle more of a snigger. ‘The judge’s daughter.’

  ‘I’m painting her.’

  ‘Is that what it’s called nowadays.’

  ‘Shut it Dill.’ Mace didn’t want to talk about Little- Bird. Not here in this place. Not when he’s miles from her, and unable to ease the ache growing in his body. This isn’t how he had planned the day. His gaze fell to Sinbad’s slumped form against the bar. His beer glass shielded by the cupped hands his chin rested on. He loved the man, and he wasn’t the only one to miss Anna-Leigh. They had the name of the man responsible for her death. Yet still they haven’t acted on it. Justice was supposed to be swift. Yet Sinbad appeared to be playing a waiting game.

  When cool air brushed over his body, Mace glanced to the door, placing his half-drunk beer on the bar counter. His body straightening. Sinbad rose from his slouched position, stepping forward to the newcomer. Mace guessed the woman to be in her mid-thirties. Her black hair, short and spiked. A selection of silver earrings covered one ear, while in the other there are only two. Around her neck, hung a large black cross thread through some kind of velvet ribbon. The tee-shirt she wore, hugged her body, flashing off her flat stomach. The black leather pants enhanced her backside and Mace smiled when she stepped closer, hugging the president, then the other officers. ‘Shit Sadie you couldn’t have picked a nicer place for the meet.’

  ‘Hey If it meant meeting your new lady friend, I’d have been happy to meet up at The Scarlet.’

  ‘Fuck, gossip travels fast.’

  ‘And that, my friend. Is why I’m here.’

  ‘And Tat’s, how’s the old man doing?’


  Mace chuckled while passing Sadie a whisky. He didn’t bother to hide his pleasure when she grimaced at the taste. ‘The Hybrids have a supplier lined up.’

  While she spoke, Sadie passed a slip of paper to Coats, who pocketed it.

  ‘Should I ask how you got the information.’ Sadie stepped up to him, her gaze level with his, her smile expanding. Perfect teeth flashed before her lips landed against his ear. Mace stood with his hands hanging by his sides. His lips quirking, then he stepped back. His eyes warm and with a smile, bobbed his head. ‘Next time you want a meeting; we have it at ‘The Scarlet.’

  ‘Only if you promise to introduce me to your lady friend.’

  ‘Fuck Sadie, It’s bad enough that I have to remind the brothers she’s out of bounds. Don’t tell me I’ve gotta warn the sisters to.’

  ‘You were right Sinbad – He’s got it bad.’

  Sinbad looped his arm around Sadie’s slim waist whilst all eyes fell on him. ‘Yeah – But I don’t think he realizes how bad.’

  Mace stood in the entrance of The Scarlet, He had easily found Little- Bird. His frown deepening as he watches her laughing with the women, and that Carrie is sitting beside her. He hesitated before entering. His gaze on Carrie, who appeared to be avoiding him. As his gaze returned to Avery, his eyes caught sight of her camera and he frowned. Slowly he made his way through the crowds to the bar. Lulu passed him a cold beer, and he finished the bottle in one go. ‘What’s with the camera.’

  With a frown, Lulu turned her attention from the bar to skim over to Avery before returning to the biker. ‘Nothing. She’s just taking photos of the girls and they’re loving it.’ Lulu smiled and a small diamond chip flashed when her lips curled up. ‘She’s a nice girl Mace. I thought she was going to be a stick in the mud. But she’s turning out better than I expected.’

  Mace collected two bottles of cold beers before returning to the table Avery is sitting at. As he approaches, he watches Carrie when she hurries away. Once more his frown deepening while he sits in the vacant chair. His arm looping over the back of Avery’s hardback chair. As hi
s fingers stroke her shoulder, Avery stopped talking, her gaze falling on him. Mace’s fingers itched to pick up the camera. To see what she had caught on film. His gaze swung over the saloon. There wasn’t much to give away. The walls are covered in plaques for various awards. There were posters about your county needing you and several motorbikes. Then there was the wall of fame. Mace’s smile dipped. Over the last couple of years, pictures of deceased brothers were going up too quickly.

  His gaze flashed to Sinbad, who raised his glass to him, he felt the shift of change. His own hand grazed over his bruised cheek. The fight between him and his president had been more than about the way he spoke to Little-Bird. Maybe Sinbad is finally waking up. He hoped so,

  Avery’s gaze is on him. He can sense the warm caress of her eyes, and he turned to her. Automatically his head drifted close to hers. Their lips met, and he enjoyed the warmth of her breath. The glide of her tongue and the taste of her beer. ‘I didn’t think you’d still be here.’

  ‘Someone promised to take me for a spin. But I guess they changed their mind.’

  ‘We’ll go tomorrow. – I see you have your camera.’

  ‘Yeah – The women are great to photograph. There’s more to them than you realize.’

  ‘You mean. They’re more than booty calls.’

  Avery’s head flung back, and Mace’s tongue licked his lips. The temptation to reach over and taste her pearl luster throat, tore at his stomach. ‘Yep – much more.’

  Avery sipped the beer he had brought over. Her gaze scrutinizing a blond who’s sitting on Mississippi’s knee. ‘I kinda envy them.’

  His hand tangled in her dark tendrils. His fingers curling the strands to play with the ends. ‘Why.’

  ‘Because they know who they are.’

  ‘And you don’t know who you are?’

  ‘I think I do. I left Downy Lakes to get out of my father’s shadow. To stop being his trophy daughter. Yet twelve months later I found myself back. And he’s still using me as some kind of trophy.’

  Mace frowned. His heart stilling while the blood froze in his body. He hasn’t given it much thought what he wanted from Avery. The moment he had seen her step off the train. He had wanted her in his bed. In the months he’s watched her. He’s sensed her gaze on him. He was conceited enough to know, she wanted him just as much. Getting her into his bed had been easier than he had expected. At the time she had been nothing more than an irritating scratch to itch. Someone to use against her father. Now he isn’t sure.

  ‘And what’s in store for Little-Bird now. A tumble with a biker to rub in daddy’s nose.’

  Avery jerked her head out of Mace’s hold. Her drink forgotten as she returned it to the table. Her blue eyes iced over. ‘What about me Mace. What am I to you? Some rich kid you tumbled.’

  Mace rubbed the back of his head. It was only when the table fell silent, he remembered they weren’t alone.

  Chapter 14

  ‘Let’s get out of here.’

  Avery’s glance skimmed over the table, where she discovered several sets of eyes watching her. Her cheeks flush, and the burn has her grabbing her purse. ‘I don’t think so.’


  ‘Look Mace. You obviously don’t think much of me. So why don’t we simply call it quits.’

  Avery fumbled in her purse for her keys. When she did find them. They slipped through her fingers, dropping to the wet ground. Her gaze shifted to the sky. Her lashes blinking when the rain hit her face. The cool drops felt good against her skin as she leaned against the ford, forgetting all about escaping. In twenty-four hours her life has tumbled in a way she never expected. She had felt positive about her and Mace. Hell, maybe she is deluding herself, and she was using him as a way to goad her father. For twenty-four years she has behaved how he expected her to. Attended: rallies, speeches, and parties, all for his career. The moment Anna had given her the opportunity to escape, she had taken it. Now she’s back home, she’s finding herself falling into the same trap. The only time she had stood up to him; was when she refused to move back into the family home. It wasn’t her home. Besides, she doubted if Shanae would want her there.

  Was Mace a way to infuriate her father? Avery recalled the day she had seen him. Really seen him. Growing in Downy Lakes, it would have been stupidity on her part not to know who The Scarlet Runners are. Before her return, they had been nothing more than a bunch of hoodlums riding their bikes through the streets, selling drugs, and who knew what else, to the town. Shit, she wasn’t sure how kosher the protection service they provided for some of the small businesses is.

  Then she had seen him. Watched him from the doorway of the courthouse. He’d had his back to her, and as he swaggered to his bike. His ass had caught her gaze. She’d licked her lips, wondering what he looked like. Then he’d turned and stared at her. But not at her. His gaze slid over her shoulder, and she had turned to see who he was smiling at. The woman coming out of the courthouse was shorter than her. Her blond hair bouncing on her shoulders. Then she passed Avery without a glance. She had sidled up to Mace, who had hooked his arm around her waist. His lips meeting hers. The kiss, so she thought had gone on for too long.

  Avery frowned at her clenching stomach. She had never felt such hatred for another human as she did as she watched the couple kiss. Her heart aching. Her stomach churning. Puzzled why she felt like this, she had turned away. That was the beginning of her obsession. With each returning visit into town she made, she searched the biker out, spending hours watching him.

  Avery’s frown deepened when she looked towards The Scarlet’s door. Mace is standing there, watching her. Her heart flipped as she watched him amble closer to her. His gait loose, when he bounced down the steps. Then he was in front of her. The rain flattening his hair. She found her gaze following the raindrop as it dripped off his nose. Her fingers clenching as she prevented herself from reaching out to him. Silently she watched him scoop her keys from the ground, pocketing them. ‘You’re in no state to drive Little-Bird.’

  ‘I’m not going back in there.’

  ‘We can go back to my place.’

  ‘I’m not going there either.’

  ‘You want to stand here. In the rain.’

  Avery’s smile spread. Her head rising to the sky. Her mouth opening to taste the coolness of the drops. ‘Why not.’

  ‘I meant it as a joke.’

  Her gaze returned to the club house. Her fingers tightening around her purse. Her eyes locked on Carrie, who was standing at the door watching them. When she raised her arm to wave. The redhead gave a tilt of her head, returning inside as she closed the door.

  The parking lot is black, and Mace stood in the shadows. She couldn’t make out his face. ‘It wasn’t funny.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘What am I to you Mace. The rich kid you fucked. Was I a way to get at the Judge?’

  Mace moved in closer. His fist curling at his sides to stop himself from reaching out to touch her. ‘No - I don’t know what you are Little-Bird.’ Mace’s indrawn breath is loud as he pushes his body up against the car. Avery stepped to the side to face him. Her gaze searching his face. But due to the lack of light she’s unable to see much. She took a step closer. She wanted to reach out and touch him. To stroke away the wet hair plastered to his face. Instead, she pushed her own hair away. Her smile weary as she felt their clamminess. ‘I missed you today.’

  She heard Mace’s body rub against the car when he turned to face her. ‘Yeah – I missed you too.’

  ‘Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer that we go back to your place.’

  Mace returned to the living room with a couple of thick red towels. His gaze raking over her, and the smile in his eyes deepened while his eyes followed the contours of her tits where they were molded to the wet tee-shirt. ‘Here.’

  With ease, she caught the towel, rubbing her hair. Her smile hidden behind the fluffy material. In the warmth of Mace’s home, she felt the dampness of her tee-shi
rt and with her head lowered, she pushed the towel underneath her damp material, wrapping her body in it. Swiftly, she removed the offending top. Her gaze met Mace’s. Who has also stripped out of his wet clothes, although he hasn’t wrapped a towel around himself. Avery’s body trembled as she watched his chest muscles flex. ‘What are we going to do?’

  Mace’s smile turned roguish. His gaze lingering on her. His tongue licking his lips. ‘I know what I would like to do Little-Bird. But something tells me that’s not what you mean.’

  With a weak grimace, Avery sat in the only seat in the room. The large burgundy sofa. Her gaze shifting around the room as she took in the bleakness of the decor. ‘So we agree – We’re not fucking each other to piss off my dad.’

  ‘Believe me Little-Bird – Your dad is nowhere in my thoughts when your body is beneath mine. Taking me inside you.’

  Mace came to sit beside her. His fingers lightly stroke her flesh. ‘I spoke to Sinbad. Your friend Sylvia is now under our protection.’

  ‘How much will it cost her.’


  Avery’s body stiffened. When she went to pull away, Mace pulled her back. Curving her body into his. ‘Mace!’

  ‘It has nothing to do with us.’


  ‘Okay, maybe a little. Just don’t worry about it. Alright.’

  ‘What happens afterwards. When this thing between us fizzles and ends.’

  Mace flung his head back. The deep chuckle which began in his lower stomach, warmed him. ‘What if I don’t want it to end.’

  Avery blinked. Her throat contracting. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered to life. ‘It’ll end.’

  Mace straddled her body. His fingers going to the towel, parting the edges. Heat surged through him as he cupped one of her tits. ‘Stop being a pessimist.’


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