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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

Page 12

by Brair Lake

  ‘What do you think.’

  ‘I don’t think he did.’

  ‘You don’t Eh. Why not.’

  Avery’s frown deepened. She didn’t like the underlying laughter in his voice. ‘Mace. I’ve been gone three days, and you haven’t even said hello. Never mind asked me where I was.’

  ‘You’ve been holed up in that cabin of yours.’

  ‘Shut up.’ Mace chuckled as he reached for Avery’s hand, dragging her onto his lap. He brushed the hair away from her face, and her clit come to life. It pulsed, and she squirmed as the heat rose in her pussy.

  ‘You’re right. I haven’t said hello.’

  His fingers firmed in her hair as he lowered her lips to his. His tongue sliding into her mouth to dance with her tongue. Coffee and mint, invaded her mouth. Exploded over her tongue, and Avery groaned as her hand hooked on to his neck. Her body wiggled into his. She didn’t mummer a protest when his fingers slid her zipper down. Her legs opening to allow his fingers to slip under her red pantie’s to stroke her heated flesh. Her clit throbbed and Avery moaned, snuggling further into his body. Her hand gripping onto his neck. Her breathing labored as he stroked backwards and forwards, pressing on her clit. ‘Mace.’

  ‘Shush Avery - Cum for me.’ As Mace’s strokes grew insistently, Avery clenched the muscles in her pussy. She could neither think or breath. Then her body shuddered as she climaxed over his fingers. Mace broke the kiss. His eyes hooded. A lazy smile spread across his face as he studied her.

  Avery swiftly removed his hand from her pussy and closed her zipper. Her gaze flashed around her to see if anyone had noticed what they were doing. Beneath her ass, she felt the outline of Mace’s erect cock. ‘That wasn’t the kind of hello, I had in mind.’

  He smiled, licking his fingers and she closed her eyes, hiding her head in his neck. ‘Mace, stop it.’

  She felt the shudder of his chest as she listened to the rumble of his laughter. ‘Avery, you’ve denied me your company for three days. And after that shitty note you left - You’re lucky I let you cum.’

  ‘It was a shitty note.’

  ‘Yes, it was.’

  ‘If you knew I was at the cabin - Why didn’t you come.’

  ‘I had business to take care of.’

  Avery went to claim her seat back, but Mace refused to let her go. His hand tightening on her waist as she wiggled. ‘Mace?’

  ‘Stop worrying.’

  She chewed on her lip as she examined her nails. ‘But what if…’

  ‘Avery. It’s too close to the elections - I’m sure your Dad had nothing to do with the shooting.’

  ‘I hope you’re right.’

  ‘Are you sure Dad isn’t behind the shooting.’

  Mace glanced over at Avery. Her hair is ruffled, and her cheeks are pink. Just right for painting. The only reason he had let her leave the bed, was because he was in the mood to paint her. Avery wanted to shower first, but he wanted to catch her afterglow. His cock twitched as she lounged in the chair. Her legs swinging over the edge. One of her arms, flung back behind her head. He had posed her like this on purpose. He had also disposed of the blue wrap. Mace dropped his paintbrush and sauntered over to her, kneeling before her. Her kiss is sweet. He had soon discovered it was the only way to keep her quiet. His fingers stroked her flesh, and he smiled when she gave a small shiver. With a groan, he broke away. His fingers skimming over her nipples as he rose to his feet. Then he lied. ‘I’m sure Avery. It’s just old club business.’

  She turned her head towards the window, her gaze unseeing as she stared at the mass of trees. Mace returned to his easel, picking up his brush. ‘We can go for a ride later if you want.’

  ‘Maybe… Why would someone want to shoot Sinbad?’

  ‘We have our enemies.’

  ‘Like the Hybrids?’

  Mace sighed. Avery’ glow is fading, and he’s sure she wouldn’t be happy if he just fucked her. To put the glow back there so that he could carry on painting her. Giving up, he dropped the paintbrush and wiped his hands. Then, reluctantly, he grabbed the blue wrap, dropping it on Avery. She was fastening the belt as she followed him into the kitchen, pulling one of the chairs from beneath the table to sit in. He smiled wearily as he looked at her. ‘It’s a shame.’

  ‘What is?’

  ‘To cover your body.’ Avery glanced down, smiling at her erect nipples as they prodded through the gossamer material.

  ‘This…’ Her hand wafted over her body. ‘This piece of cloth doesn’t cover much.’

  ‘Oh, it has its uses as it teases me. Fuck, my cock’s rock hard already.’

  Avery sipped at the coffee he had handed to her, enjoying the bitter taste of the fine roasted beans. Her azure eyes teasing him over the rim of the mug. ‘Is that why you stopped painting. Because you’re hard.’


  ‘Then why?’

  ‘There’s history behind Sinbad and Clipper. I don’t know what it is, but I think it involves another woman.’




  Mace’s shoulder rolled as he sipped his own coffee. He only knew what he had heard on the grapevine, and he wasn’t sure how much of it was true. Another lie passed his lips. ‘I don’t know. That’s between Sinbad and Clipper.’

  ‘Did Anna-Leigh know?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  Avery frowned. ‘I thought he loved her?’

  ‘And you want to know if he was unfaithful to her.’

  Avery gawked into her mug. The brown water is still, and she tilted the cup, watching the water slid to the side. According to everyone, Sinbad loved his wife, yet Mace is hinting, he may have been unfaithful. She wasn’t sure if Mace loved her and her glance slid to him. As she examined him, she wondered if he had been unfaithful to her in the three days she was away. Her tongue licked over her lips. The question hung on the edge of her tongue. Did she have the right to ask him? Had there been any promises of exclusivity between them.

  Her fingers clenched and her stomach churned at the idea of Mace fucking someone besides her. Her gaze swiftly left his, falling onto the DVD’s she hadn’t noticed before. They were flung carelessly next to the microwave. ‘Was he?’

  Avery knew she was holding her breath. Her heart no longer beating. At the back of her eyes, there is a gentle thud which was beginning to build up while she waited for the answer.

  Chapter 24

  Mace glanced around the room. It hadn’t changed since his last visit. His eyes fell to the man behind the desk. His cold blue eyes are on Mace. There’s no smile, or welcome in his gaze. His lips are compressed. His fingers glide over several photographs on his desk. Martin Lyons licked his lips. Slowly, he picked up the round silver disk. His fingers trembling as he inserted it into his laptop and pressed play. He closed his eyes as the movie played out in front of him. As tempted as he is, he didn’t need to watch his young wife fucking another man, or him fucking some young girl or when the four of them were fucking together. This is the end of his career. ‘You set me up.’

  Mace rolled his shoulders, pouring himself a glass of vintage single malt whisky. It tasted good, and he poured more of the amber liquid into his glass before sitting down to study the judge. His smile cold. ‘You shouldn’t have involved Avery in our little disagreement.’

  ‘I paid you to end the affair. When you did nothing, I had a chat with the girl.’

  Mace’s smile grew cold as he drew on the cigar he has helped himself to. He knows who he is. He didn’t hide himself behind some fancy job with a title. What you see, is what you get. The Judge on the other hand, fooled everyone. As far as Mace is concerned, the Judge is beneath him, and if it was not for Avery, he wouldn’t be here now. Avery burned his heart. Warmed his once sterile life. His smile grew as her smile flashed before him. The way she had waved and blown him a kiss as he left the clubhouse. While thoughts of Avery invaded his senses, his gaze flickered over the Judge. He’s amaze
d this is the man behind Avery’s procreation. ‘You can keep those. Watch them with the lovely Shanae if you wish. This’ll not go any further if you do as I ask. Ignore me, and all you have - Tumbles.’

  The Judge leaned against his chair, it tilting slightly as he raised one of the photographs. A smile played around his lips as he watched the biker. ‘What if I were to tell Avery you’ve fucked Shanae.’

  ‘She’s history.’

  ‘I know my daughter.’ Mace leaned forward, folding his hands on top of the desk as he removed the cigar from his mouth. ‘I know my lover.’

  Mace savored the word lover, spreading it out as he said it. His smile deepening when the Judge rose to stand by the window. ‘My daughter is infatuated with you biker. But it’ll not last long. Once your little sordid affair with her is over. I’ll destroy you and your club.’

  Mace rose from his seat, lifting one of the photographs from the desk. The one with the Judge’s wife giving fellatio to a young male hooker. ‘You’ll never touch The Scarlet Runners, again Judge. You’ve too much to lose. The first thing you are going to do. Is distance yourself from Clipper and The Hybrids. The second, is to hand over what you have on Anna-Leigh’s murder.’

  Mace swallowed his beer. He didn’t taste it as it slid down his throat to hit the bottom of his stomach.

  ‘You spoke to the Judge.’ He turned towards the cold voice to stare into familiar blue eyes. It still amazed him, that Avery, with her artistic flare, hadn’t noticed the similarity. The way the narrow nose with its regal bearing and the lips when they grimaced shared the same trait as her father’s. ‘I have to tell Avery before she guesses.’

  Dill picked his own beer up from the bar counter. His gaze falls to the mirror. ‘No - I’ll tell her.’


  His gaze skimmed the room as he swallowed the cold liquid. ‘When she gets back.’

  ‘Do you want me there.’


  Mace examined the canvas. The light is bright and he had wanted to spend an hour on the painting. However, either Avery hasn’t returned to the club, or she’s still with Dill. His finger traced the outline of her sketched body. If he closes his eyes, he can smell her. Bergamot, vanilla and a hint of basil hung in the air. He could feel her. Almost believe the touch is real. But he didn’t. He wanted to return to the clubhouse. Yet he stopped himself.

  The click of the door opening has him smiling. Avery’s home and he turned to welcome her. His smile slipping when Carrie walked in. ‘Avery’s not here.’

  ‘I haven’t come to see Avery.’ Carrie stepped further into the room, dropping her tee-shirt on to the floor. Then she snaps the catch on her shorts, pushing them down her long legs.

  ‘What are you doing?’ As she continued to strip, Carrie revealed she isn’t wearing any underwear, standing before him naked. When he went to sidestep the woman, she wrapped her fingers around his neck, pushing her body up against his, to take his lips in a long kiss. Mace jerked his head to the side. As he pulled back, his hands grab her arm to push her away. ‘Get dressed and get out of here.’

  Carrie slid up to the biker. Her red painted nails trailing over his arm, pushing herself closer. With each step he took, she followed. ‘You don’t mean that.’

  ‘I do.’

  She stepped closer. Her fingers stroke his cheek and chin. ‘What if I told you I watched Dill take Avery to his room. You know there can only be one reason for that.’

  Mace slipped passed Carrie, bending down to collect her clothes, throwing them at her. ‘Get dressed Carrie. Avery will be home soon.’

  She caught her clothes, dropping them onto a chair. ‘I told you, she’s with Dill. It’ll be hours before he’s finished with her. You know what he’s like.’

  ‘Get your fucking clothes on and get the fuck out of here.’

  Carrie’s lips trembled. Mace’s back is towards her, and she reached for her clothes. ‘I’ll be here when she’s long gone Mace. She’s just like the rest of us. She’s nothing but a whore.’

  His fist curled and his head pounded. He should be with Avery. She’ll need him, instead he’s listening to one of the club whores’ as she prattles on. Slowly he opened his eyes. Then he turned to face her. ‘Dill’s talking to Avery, and she’s going to need a friend. Obviously you aren’t that fucking friend. Get out. So I can be.’

  Mace lost count of the amount of times he checked his watch. His gaze goes to the bedroom window facing the club. It was getting dark, and he was getting pissed off. Neither Dill or Avery has contacted him, and he began to pace the room. A moment later he grabbed his cut. He’s had enough of this waiting around. When he reached the steps of the club, the rear door opened and he came face to face with Dill and Avery. ‘Everything okay.’

  Dill nodded as he escorted Avery down the steps. Mace’s hand went out to her. ‘Want to go for a ride?’ She nodded, and Mace ground his teeth as he felt her shiver in his arms.

  Mace watched Avery, waiting for her to speak. They’ve been sitting by the lake for a half hour, and he didn’t know what to say. ‘Avery…’

  She didn’t look at him as she continued to glare out at the still dark water. ‘How long have you known?’

  ‘A long time’

  ‘Were you ever going to tell me.’

  ‘It wasn’t my place.’ Avery jumped up from the ground to come and stand in front of him. Her blues eyes almost black when she glared at him. Her lips pinched and her cheeks are flush. ‘We’re fucking lovers. You should have told me.’

  Mace reached out to hold her. She stepped back, shaking her head. ‘I couldn’t break a confidence.’

  ‘I have a fucking brother that no one thought to tell me about. What if I’d gotten the hots for Dill and not you?’

  Mace bit his lip to prevent his laughter from escaping. ‘Oh, I think you would have found out soon enough if that had happened.’

  ‘Mace I’ve ogled his body, and I feel so dirty.’

  ‘Well no more ogling his or any other man’s body while you’re with me.’

  ‘Has the Judge always known?’ Mace dragged Avery into his arms, and together they sank onto the mossy green ground, ignoring the evening’s dew as it soaked their clothing. ‘Yes.’

  ‘And my mother?’

  ‘You need to ask her.’

  Avery leaned into his body, her hands stroking his arms. Her fingers slid between his fingers as she curled her fist into his. ‘I really don’t know my father. Do I.’

  Mace winced. He had to tell her before she found out from someone else. ‘About Shanae.’

  ‘Yeah - What about her.’

  His stomach dipped, and he felt like he did the first time he had stood before his housemother in the home, about to receive a lecture for the broken plate. ‘I’ve fucked her.’ He was in the water without a life jacket, he might as well as drown he thought. ‘She used to be engaged to Dill.’

  Chapter 25

  ‘Did you fuck her while she was engaged to Dill?’

  Avery winced. The whole conversation was cold and alien to her. As she waited for Mace’s answer, she continued to stare at the lake. The still of the night reflecting how she felt. Numb, empty and cold. She knew her dad wasn’t perfect. And now, with each new day, his life. Who he was to her, was crumbling in front of her. Maybe it was time she made a visit to her mom. Avery shuffled, Mace still hasn’t answered and her stomach began to claw. ‘Did you?’

  ‘No.’ A simple no. That was his answer. Avery twisted in his arms to face him. Her blue eye blazing as she searched his features in the shadow. ‘It took you this long to come up with that answer.’

  ‘I fucked Shanae long before she hooked up with Dill. Fuck, Avery he fell really hard, and once she became his old lady I and some of the others stopped fucking her.’

  ‘But not everyone?’

  ‘It wasn’t until she hooked with your Dad, Dill found out she was cheating on him the whole time.’

  ‘She’s a bitch.’ Mace smiled as he brus
hed the hair away from her face. ‘She is… Do we have to talk about her?’

  ‘You’re the one who brought her up.’

  ‘I was, and now I’m going to be the one who insists we drop the subject.’

  Avery’s breathing shallowed as she watched Mace’s lip’s, not hearing what he is saying. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because I’m going to kiss you.’ She smiled, as her head lowered. Mace’s fingers are firm in her hair. His lips hungry against hers, and she matched him stroke for stroke. Her tongue thrusting into his mouth to taste him.

  If she could, she would have merged her body into his. As the kiss deepened, she straddled him. Her leg’s wrapping around his waist while her arms wrapped around his neck. Her fingers slipping into his hair. Avery moaned when his fingers slid under her tee-shirt. His fingers swiping over her cool flesh. Her hips ground against him, and still she kissed him. She didn’t want to wait. She wanted Mace inside her. Her fingers fumbled as she reached for his zipper. Frustrated with the belt buckle, she tugged until it was free. Her fingers pushing the zipper down to reach inside his jeans and grip his cock.

  Her groan is feral as the hot pulsing flesh between her fingers grew. ‘My pants - Take my pant off.’

  Mace’s chuckle did nothing to ease her ache, and as she pumped his shaft, he swiftly yanked Avery free of her jeans, snapping the thin band of her underwear as he tugged at them. Her groan echoed in is ear as she guided his cock into her pussy. Her thrust, sure and confident as she seated herself. Avery broke the kiss. Her neck arching back. He’s tight inside her, and she didn’t want to move. She wanted the sensation of him stretching her, to last. ‘Little Bird do something - Or I will.’

  ‘In a moment.’

  Avery’s lips returned to Mace’s. Her lips latching on to the lush mouth. Her tongue demanding as she thrust into his mouth. Tasting his beer. The pulse in her clit beat wildly, and still she only kissed him, keeping their bodies joined without moving. Mace rocked under her. His hands falling to the ground to keep them steady. Avery broke the kiss. Her hands slipping to his shoulders as her hips rose then fell. Her legs squeezing him tight while she thrust down. Mace allowed Avery to dominate their loving. Her body plunging down onto his, only to withdraw before she thrust down again. ‘Shit Little Bird - I’m not going to last much longer.’


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