Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC Page 13

by Brair Lake

  ‘I don’t care. Cum in me Mace. Cum in me.’ Avery’s lips whispered over the flesh of his throat, and he gulped back the saliva as it built up. With a frustrated sigh, he grabbed Avery by the hips and shoved her onto the ground.

  His body hard when he surged deep into her. Avery met every thrust he made, taking him deeper. Her moans feral as the blood roared through her body. Her teeth latched onto his throat. Her legs tense around his waist; and still Mace thrust into her. Her keen loud while her body shuddered. Her climax claiming her as she arched her body one final time against Mace’s. She didn’t hear or feel Mace as he emptied himself. His groan fierce as he roared.

  Avery blinked. The sky is still black, and cool air brushes over her bare legs, still she didn’t move. She was unable to breath, and she didn’t care. Her arms lay flat against the ground and she didn’t care that the earth was damp or cold. Her body still throbbed and her clit is coming back to life. Mace is kissing her. Not on her mouth, but on her stomach. Her tee-shirt pushed up her body. His tongue teased her flesh, leaving her stomach a quivering mess. When she met his dark gaze, she notices he’s still dressed, and smiles. It was a lazy smile as her tongue flickered over her lips. ‘Mace.’


  ‘Kiss me lower.’ He chuckled as he shuffled is body, spreading her legs to lick her. ‘Where. Here.’

  Avery’s returning giggle is light.

  ‘No, not my thigh - but you are close.’ Mace moved to her knee. His tongue a flutter at the back of her knee. Avery jerked, arching her body as her toes curled.

  ‘No. Further up.’ She moaned again when Mace’s tongue and lips trailed over her flesh. Her fingers curling into the grass. ‘You’re going the wrong way Mace.’

  He chuckled as his fingers stroked her burning flesh from her ankle to her knee. His fingers shaking when she shivered beneath him. ‘At least you’re not telling me I’m doing it wrong.’

  Avery smiled. Her gaze on the starless sky. Her body is shaking, but it has nothing to do with the chill in the air. Her tongue swiped over her lips. She wanted to taste Mace. He’s just fucked her to death, and she wanted him again.

  With a laugh, she pushes herself from the ground. Her hands reaching over to Mace in search of his cut and tee-shirt. He didn’t stop her while she stripped him. When his arms were free, he kicked off his boots and shrugged out of his jeans. Avery knelt in front of him. Her tongue poking out between her swollen lips. Her hands spread out over his chest. They were knee to knee. Her lips level with his throat. Her fingers tweaked his hard nipples as she suckled his flesh. Her hands skimming over his stomach. When her hand slid lower, Mace grabbed it and kissed her fingers. ‘Not so quick this time.’

  Her smile deepened as she slid her tongue into his open mouth. Her hands sliding over his back. ‘You want slow.’

  Mace chuckled, his fingers grabbed the hem of her tee-shirt, swiftly he tugged it over her head. His fingers deftly flicking the catch free on her bra as he freed her tits. ‘I just want to taste you.’

  ‘Will you kiss me?’

  ‘In your special place?’ Avery chuckled as Mace refereed to her pussy as a special place. He could be so corny, but she didn’t care. He made her feel special. ‘Yes.’

  Her tongue swiped over his shoulder. Her teeth nipping him when he shuddered. ‘Soon - But for now.’

  His head lowered and Avery moaned when he tugged on the rigid bud of her tits. His teeth tugging at the flesh as his fingers dug into her waist. Her own fingers wound into his hair as she held him close. Her neck arched, and she moaned when he transferred his attentions to her nipple. Her pussy throbbed. Her thighs were becoming damp. Avery arched her back, her hands falling to the ground as Mace’s tongue dipped and played with her navel. His teeth skimming over her flesh, and when he sucked on the flesh of her hip, she gasped, knowing that tomorrow there would be a mark there. In fact, it would be one of many.

  She shivered when his tongue snaked lower, her body falling to the ground when Mace spread her legs, placing them over his shoulder and she smiled. He was going to her special place. The smile slipped when his tongue swiped her. Her hands gripping into his hair as his tongue teased and pressed her swollen bud. Her gasp loud when he tugged on the flesh. His tongue soothing as he licked around it.

  ‘Fuck.’ Mace pushed a finger into her tunnel. His touch slow as the tip rippled over her muscles, then he thrust in a second. Her hips thrust against him as his tongue played, and his fingers fucked her. Her grasp on his head tightening as she squeezed her knee. Her breath leaving her on a hiss when he continued to tongue her merciless. ‘Now Mace. Make me cum now.’

  ‘Tongue, finger or cock.’ Avery couldn’t believe it. She smiled as she thought of the children's game, paper scissor, stone.

  ‘Cock. Then I can kiss you.’ She felt Mace’s smile as he kissed her pussy. His body shuffling until his lips were on hers, and the tip of his cock was at her entrance. ‘Now.’

  Avery smiled as she wrapped her legs around her lover.

  ‘Yes, now.’

  Chapter 26

  Avery’s arms reached behind her neck as she arched her body whilst waiting for her mother to return. She scans the sitting room. The paleness, a dark contrast to her own home. Out of habit Avery checked her shoes for dirt. As a child she was made to remove them, and put on slippers before entering the main house. At her grandparents, she ran barefoot. They didn’t care how much mud she brought into their home. There was nothing personal in this room. To Avery, it was nothing more than a showroom. A room used for guests. Is that what she has been relegated to. A guest.

  ‘Hello Avery.’ Her smile tightened as she turned towards her stepfather. A shiver passing over her body. Carter Jennings is several years her mother’s junior, and although he’s married to her mother, it hadn’t stopped him from making a pass at her when they first met. ‘Carter. The last I heard, you were in New York.’

  ‘Drink’ Carter rolled his shoulders. The dark blue tailor made suit barely moved as he pours himself a scotch. The dark gold amber liquid crackling against the ice as it splashed against the glass. ‘No thanks’

  When he stepped up to the window, his body close to hers, Avery stepped away. The smile he offers, is neither warm or welcoming. His brown eyes stripping her as he appraised her body. His gaze lingering on her breast longer than they needed to. Avery stared at him, her eyebrow rising and Carter sniggered when he met her look.

  ‘I hear your playing around with a little bit of rough.’

  ‘Really darling. We’re all entitled to a bit of fun before we settle down.’ Avery watched her mother glide into the room. Her royal blue dress molded to her forty-four-year-old body. A body, she took care of by visiting the gym several times a week. Avery frowned, taking in the smoothness of her skin. Was her mother making the occasional trip to see a plastic surgeon. She knew she used Botox. Her expertly bleached hair and perfect make-up, never out of place. Avery smiled, while it had taken her ten minutes to throw herself together. It would have taken both Carter and her mother an hour minimum before they were ready to face the world.

  ‘And that’s all it is. Isn’t it Avery. A bit of fun.’ If her skin allowed it, Avery bet her mother would be frowning at her.

  ‘I’m thinking of moving in with him.’ She didn’t bother to hide her smile when her mother’s lips pinched before cupping the glass as she sipped her own scotch. ‘Is that why you’re here Avery. To discuss your love life.’

  Avery glanced over to Carter, to discover him watching her. The conversation she is about to have with her mother is private, and she wondered how much of her marriage to her father, Carter is aware of. ‘No. To discuss Dad’s.’

  ‘Martin. Has he finally come to his senses and dumped the whore.’

  The bitterness in Laura’s voice left Avery wincing. ‘I don’t think so. Dad appears to be happy with her.’

  ‘She’s a whore willing to spread her legs at any opportunity. Of course he’s happy with her. If you don�
�t watch her Avery, she’ll be pregnant soon. Taking more of your inheritance away from you.’

  Avery smiled, unintentionally her mother has provided the opening she needed. ‘I can’t prevent that pregnancy, no more than I could prevent Dill’s mother from getting pregnant with him.’

  Laura sat on the cream sofa, watching her daughter without blinking. ‘So you’ve discovered your father has a bastard son.’

  ‘I should have been told of his existence either by you or Dad. Not by him, and not now. I should have been prepared.’

  ‘It happened years before I met your father. Besides, it has nothing to do with either you or me.’

  Avery winced at the coldness in her mother’s voice. Whilst growing up, Laura had had little time for her, so why was she surprised by her mother’s attitude towards her brother. ‘I would have liked to have known.’

  ‘Why. What would you have done.’

  ‘I don’t know - Maybe we could have been friends.’

  ‘Friends. Don’t be ridiculous. You lived on different sides of the tracks. And besides Darling, you are your father’s legitimate daughter. How would it have looked if your father had acknowledged the bastard. He had his career to think about.’

  Avery wanted to stamp her foot. To scream and shout. Yet she didn’t. She never has. Even as a teenager, she never rebelled against her parents or raised her voice to them.

  ‘There was a little boy out there crying for love, and you and Dad ignored him.’ Avery’s hand clenched as she snorted. ‘But why should I be surprised. When you didn’t even have the time for me.’

  Laura finished her scotch and rose to move to the drinks cabinet. Her back to Avery. ‘And you think this biker you’re screwing. Cares about you. Think again.’

  Avery reached down to grab her purse from the winged back chair. Her body stilling as she faced her mother. ‘He cares about me.’

  Laura came to stand in front of her, her sea blue eyes blazing when she spoke. Her smile is full of malice. ‘No he doesn’t. He’s with you for the money. ‘

  ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  ‘No. Talk to your father about the money he paid the biker to dump you when he’s had enough of your body.’

  ‘You’re lying. There is no money.’

  ‘Dump him before he dumps you Avery.’

  Avery’s rubbed her forehead. The throb in her head, which had begun as a slight ache after she left her mother’s, is now a thundering storm. At this moment, all she yearns for, is her simple life back. She didn’t need Mace. She didn’t need her parents and she didn’t need Dill. What she needs, are her grandparents. Avery closed her eyes as more pain cluttered her heart. The only two people she has truly loved, must have been in on the lie. They had to have known about Dill. Just like her parent’s they ignored him. Avery finished her beer and ordered another one. The cold liquid doing nothing to ease her pain. Her cell lay on the table. There are several missed calls from Mace, and a couple from Dill. She twirled the cell between her fingers, smiling. Her family, who is supposed to love her, has lied to her all her life. Her lover. The man she has just met, is the one responsible for the barriers dropping down around her. For the chaos she is surrounded by. Now she has to ask herself, if she trusted him.

  ‘Hi Dill.’

  ‘Avery - Where are you.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter where I am. I just need to talk to someone.’ Avery glanced around the bar. It’s quiet and its Dill’s call she decided to respond to first. She isn’t ready to face Mace. To ask him about the money.

  ‘Have you spoken to Mace.’

  ‘Not yet - Dill…’ The line went quiet and Avery wondered if Dill was still on the other end. ‘Dill.’

  ‘I’m here Honey - What can I do for you.’

  ‘Did Mace tell you about the money.’ Again, there’s silence, and her heart lurches while her stomach twists. Tears are gathering at the back of her throat, and she blinks them back. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Did he say no.’

  The wait for his answer hurts more than the anticipated answer. Avery knew what the answer was going to be, and when it came. It didn’t surprise her. ‘It’s in the club’s safe.’

  ‘Did he ever care for me Dill.’.

  ‘Tell me where you are Avery.’ Avery pressed ‘end call’ and pocketed the cell. When she faces Mace she wants her head clear, and tonight she plans to get drunk.

  Chapter 27

  Avery watched her father as he broke the water’s surface. His arms powerful as water splashed around his body. He knew she was there, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. Not until he had finished his circuit. As he rose from the pool and wrapped his body in a thick white robe, Avery drank her fresh lemonade. Her blue eyed gaze on her while he approached her. ‘Morning Avery. I didn’t know we had a breakfast date.’

  Her lips pinched as her father sat in one of the white wicker chairs, pouring coffee from a silver pot. He didn’t add either sugar or cream. ‘I visited Mamma yesterday. Has she been in contact.’

  ‘Pleasantries don’t hurt Avery.’

  ‘I’m not in the mood for pleasantries.’

  ‘Shanae will be sorry she missed you.’

  Avery bit her tongue. Her fist curling as her feet shuffled under the table. Her stomach rolled. Sleep had eluded her during the night and she’d failed to get drunk. She’d left New Orleans as early as she could. She needed this day over quickly, and the uncertainty of what it held in store for her, scared her.

  ‘I haven’t come to see Shanae. I want to know if you’re behind Sinbad’s attack and if you paid Mace to dump me.’

  Martin Lyons tipped some finely chopped nuts on his freshly made Greek yogurt, and poured honey over the top before swallowing a mouthful. His tongue slipping out to wipe his lips. ‘Have some breakfast, Avery.’

  ‘I don’t want any - I want answers.’

  ‘Sinbad and the rest of his crew are troublemakers. I cannot and will not, be held responsible for any trouble they bring on themselves. Especially when it involves another bike gang.’

  ‘What about the money.’

  Martin Lyons placed his spoon in his empty bowl, and pushed it away. His gaze fixed firmly on his daughter. Inwardly he sighed, wondering where he has gone wrong. Until a couple of years ago, Avery was proving to be the perfect daughter. A pawn in his quest for political fame. He had two, no three men lined up for her to marry, and she had dismissed them without meeting them, and now there’s this mess she’s in.

  ‘It’s election year Avery. Each time I open the local paper, switch on the news or the Internet. There you are with that biker. How do you think it looks for me and my voters? Earl, already believes we are down in the polls because of your supposed rebellion.’

  ‘It isn’t a rebellion. I care for. No, I love Mace and I’ll live my life how I want to. They’ll be no more interfering from you. If you don’t like what I’m doing - You’re going to have to suck it up. I’m my own person. And I don’t need your approval.’

  Martin slowly folded his napkin, then placed it on the table. His fingers sliding along the edges as a tic beat at his cheek. ‘Love him. No Avery. It’s an infatuation and while you’re mixed up with him, or any other biker. You’re not my daughter.’

  ‘Does that include Dill.’


  ‘He’s your son. You should acknowledge him.’ Avery rose from the table, her hands on the edge as she leaned over to her father. Her blue eyes staring into his.

  ‘He’s not my son.’

  Avery snorted. Her heart hurts due to its chaotic beating. She glared at her father when he began to walk away from her. ‘How can you deny it. If anyone asks me who he is. I’ll tell them. In fact, I’ll be proud to tell everyone.’

  Martin Lyons stopped, and spun on his toes to face his daughter. All pretense of pleasantries gone from his features. ‘You are never to acknowledge that whore’s son as your brother.’

  She stepped up to her father. Her face close
to his. ‘I’d rather acknowledge Dill as my brother - Than you as my father.’

  Avery parked the car behind the Harley. Her gaze goes to the man in jeans and leathers who is sitting on the porch swing of her cabin. Her throat constricted, when his gaze met hers. He didn’t smile he watched her climb out of the ford. Or as she walked up the path. Briefly, she looked down at him. His face guarded. Then she sat beside him. Her own gaze scanning the yard. She still hasn’t got around to weeding the vegetables, and now it needs watering.

  ‘You didn’t answer your cell.’

  ‘I needed time to think.’


  ‘I don’t know - Shit, my Dad’s an asshole.’

  Mace reached out, he had to. He needed to touch Avery. He hasn’t seen her since yesterday morning and hasn’t spoken to her. Shit, the last twenty-four hours have to be the longest in his life. The week was proving not to be an easy one. When she didn’t snuggle into him in her usual manner, his frown grew. He wasn’t ready to lose her, and if it meant chaining her to his bed. That was just what he would do. Mace smiled.

  ‘I think we had a similar conversation when we first met about our parents not being the smartest of people.’

  Her smile is weak, and her laugh is more of a snort than a chuckle. ‘Have you ever thought of tracing them.’


  ‘Your parents.’

  Avery enjoyed the warmth of Mace’s fingers as they continue to stroke her flesh over the loose shirt she wore. A reminder that she’s still wearing the same underwear she wore yesterday. Her tongue over her teeth. At least she managed to clean them this morning. ‘No.’


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