Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC Page 14

by Brair Lake

  ‘Why not.’

  ‘They couldn’t be arsed with me. So why should I look for them.’

  ‘That’s sad.’

  ‘Is it - Look at Dill. He knows who his father is. And what’s it got him?’

  ‘It’s got him a sister who loves, and cares about him’

  ‘And do you?’ Avery leaned into the swing, her head pushed against the back rest. The morning sun warmed her flesh. She’s home. She loved the cabin. Her frown returns as she remembers the lies and deceit of her childhood.

  ‘Yes I do. We have twenty-four years to make up for.’ Avery turned to Mace and smiled. ‘Do you think he’ll teach me to ride a bike.’

  His fingers curled into a loose tendril. His fingers stroking the silky strands as he searched her face. ‘No. That’s my job.’

  ‘What about the money Mace?’

  ‘Have I dumped you.’

  ‘Not yet - But what happens when you do.’

  ‘You could be the one to do the dumping.’

  ‘And you get to keep the money with a clean conscious.’

  ‘I get to keep the money no matter what.’

  ‘You don’t intend to return it.’

  ‘Nope - I’m not a hero Avery.’

  ‘Why did you take it in the first place.’

  ‘Because your father thought I could be bought.’

  Avery sighed, her gaze drifting up to the sky as her eyes closed. ‘I was going to end it today.’

  Mace stilled, his fingers falling away from Avery. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You and me. I was going to call it quits.’

  ‘And you’ve changed your mind?’

  Avery felt the loss of his touch. His soothing strokes had been working on her, and now they were gone. ‘I had a fight with Dad, and he gave me a choice.’

  ‘And what choice did you make.’

  ‘That I was my own person. I also chose Dill over him.’

  ‘I’ve never hated Dill, but I think I’m about to.’


  ‘Because no matter what happens. He comes out the winner doesn’t he Avery. He’s the easy choice to make.’

  ‘You think he’s the easy choice. So far he’s the only one not to betray me.’ Avery jumped up from the swing, Mace followed, grabbing arm to swing her round to face him. His dark eyes blazing as he glared at her. ‘And you think I’ve betrayed you.’

  ‘Yes - The moment you accepted my father’s money you betrayed me.’

  ‘It’s money Avery. Nothing more. It’s not an emotion.’

  ‘What were you hoping for? That he’d offer you more?’

  ‘More Avery - Do you know how much he offered.’ Avery winced when Mace snarled the amount her father has handed over to him. She wasn’t coming cheap. Yet she felt dirty. ‘He paid half up front, and I get the rest once we’re over.’

  ‘You accused me of using you against my father as some kind of rebellion, but it makes me wonder if you’re not the one using me. Dad stole Shanae from the club, so you turn me into a whore.’

  ‘Unless you’ve slept with the other bikers. You’re no whore Avery.’

  ‘No - Doesn’t the money make me a whore.’

  ‘What about Dill. Don’t you think your father owes him that money? If not more.’

  ‘So you took the money for Dill?’

  Mace stepped up to her, looping his arms around her waist. ‘I’m not for sale Avery. It causes problems later on in life, and it’s a slippery downward slope from there. Yes, I took the money and I’m not returning it. I gave it to Dill to do with what he wants.’

  ‘So you took the money on false pretenses, and you’re not going to dump me because my Dad asked you to.’

  ‘Have I dumped you.’ Avery smiled as she looped her arms around Mace’s neck.

  ‘Not yet.’

  Chapter 28

  ‘What’s going on with Little-Bird.’

  ‘She’s angry with her family.’

  ‘And you’

  Mace glanced over to Little Bird, watching her dance with Mississippi. They’ve talked, and still he can feel her pulling away. They’d had sex and he had come away unsatisfied. As though something was missing. Almost as though she was holding herself back. The abandonment was there. Just not the same intensity. ‘Yeah, I guess she’s still angry with me.’

  Mace finished his whisky, but didn’t bother with a refill. He needed a clear head. Little Bird wasn’t the only one to have spent the last couple of days thinking. Sensing her slipping away from him, scares him. The painting is finished. A painting he started as nothing more than an excuse to get her out of her clothes, has turned into one of his best pieces of work, and he knew why.

  ‘What are you going to about it.’

  ‘You’re okay with me hooking up with your sister.’ Dill smiled. His blue eyes twinkling.

  ‘I watched her grow up Mace. She never knew who I was, but I watched her. As a teenager, I envied her. Envied her for the life she had. Then I watched as it began to suffocate her. She deserves her freedom.’ Dill turned towards his biker brother, slapping him on the shoulder. ‘I never thought I’d be the one giving someone permission to make my sister happy. But if you can do that. Then, yeah, I’m okay with it.’

  The loud scream suddenly renting through the air caught Mace’s attention. His gaze swung towards the dance floor, which was rapidly clearing. Mississippi grinned from ear to ear as he watched the kerfuffle. Sinbad cheered, and Coats shouted out pointers as the others formed a circle around the two fighting women. One of whom was Carrie, and the other was his Little Bird. Mace winced as he slowly made his way over, followed by Dill. When Sinbad’s hand landed on his shoulder, he turned towards his president, his eyebrow raising. ‘Let them fight it out.’

  His smile spread as he watched the two women rolling on the ground. Little Bird straddled Carrie. Her knees squeezing the body beneath her, while Carrie’s arms reached up to grab her hair, tugging so hard that she managed to pull Little Bird’s heard lower. Little Bird raised her fist, and punched Carrie in the cheek, causing her head to rock. Carrie’s leg raised in an attempted to knee Little Bird in the back, but missed as she slammed Carrie’s head onto the ground. As the cheering in the room grew, Mace contemplated breaking the fight, but changed his mind when Little Bird rose and kicked Carrie in the stomach. His old lady didn’t need any help from him. As her head rose to meet his, he smiled, then frowned when she scowled back, before she stormed out of the club. The door slamming loudly behind her. ‘Are you going to stand there. Or go after her.’

  Mace turned to Dill, his head nodding slowly.

  Avery scowled as she paced Mace’s studio. The desire to throw something is strong. When she spotted an old glass jar, near Mace’s easel, she lifted it, hurling it at the wall. Her eyes grew as the jar bounced off the wall, water splashing against the rough surface as the jar slowly tumbled to the floor and smashed. ‘Feel better?’

  ‘Did you fuck Carrie when I was visiting my family?’

  ‘Is that what she told you?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter what she told me. I’m asking you - if you fucked the whore.’

  ‘Would it matter if I had?’ Avery’s heart stopped. Her fingers curled. Her gaze swept the room to find something to throw at the bastard. She wanted to cry, but she refused to show any weakness in front of the biker. When her gaze fell on the painting of her, she strolled over and picked up a paint brush, her arm raising. As her arm lowered, a strong grip dug into her flesh and she was hauled into strong arms. Mace’s lips were at her head. His lips soft. She wiggled against him in her attempt to break free. ‘I guess it would.’

  Avery continued to struggle for her freedom. ‘It isn’t a joke a Mace.’

  ‘I know.’ He continued to stroke her back, her body relaxing against his.

  ‘Kiss me Mace.’ She didn’t wait for a response. Her lips reached up to his. Her kiss greedy as she gripped onto his head, pulling his body down. Slowly they slid to the floor. Her
fingers clumsily whilst fumbling with his cut and tee-shirt. When she has his chest bare, her teeth latched onto his nipple to tug and suck at the hard flesh. Her fingers kneading his flesh as she moved lower. Her tongue tasting his flesh while she pushed his jeans down. She is hurting, and she wanted Mace begging beneath her.

  Her teeth skidded along the flesh of his cock. Her tongue swirling over the pulsing blue rigid veins as he swelled beneath her. Mace’s fingers tangled in her hair as he guided her mouth to the bulbous head. Avery shook free. Her lips and teeth moving to play at his thigh. Slowly she licked her way back up to Mace’s mouth. Her tongue thrusting in to battle with his. She fisted his swollen cock. Her grip tight and firm as she pumped him. Her finger gliding over the tip to spread his pre-cum. Avery bit and tugged at his lips, her mouth sliding to his ear.

  ‘Is this what she did to you Mace. Did she fist your cock and pump it until you came? Until you groaned in her ear and spurted your seed all over her hand. Did she Mace. Did she make you cum.’

  Avery’s lips tug at his ear lobe while she continued to pump his cock. Her gaze on the veins at his neck, watching it throb. Her hand tightened. ‘Did she straddle you Mace. Take your big filthy cock inside her body and squeeze you. Held on to you, as she thrust against you.’

  Mace groaned, he ached. He wanted to cum. But not just yet. His hand reached down for Avery’s, and he freed himself as he swung her onto her back.

  ‘You know what your problem is Little Bird.’ Avery glared up at Mace as he stretched her arms above her head. ‘No - What.’

  ‘You’ve too many clothes on.’

  Mace straddled Avery. His hands sure and swift as he pulled her red tee-shirt above her head, twisting it around her wrists so that she was bound. Her jeans were next, then her panties were snapped off her. Mace’s hands slid over her body. His fingers stroked her sweltering flesh while his gaze followed the path they had taken. Avery is burning. Her pussy is on fire. The pulse in her clit, beating wildly, has her twisting her lower body as the blood throbbed through her body. ‘Fuck me Mace.’

  He smiled and she shivered at the predatory glance he gave her. His fingers stroked her pussy, parted her lips to slide through her cream. Her legs fell open for him. He was the one who should be begging, not her. Yet it was her hips, which thrust against his questing fingers. Her body which hummed as it screamed for release. She wanted to taste him. To have his flesh against her lips. ‘Fuck me Mace. Let me feel you inside me as you fuck me.’

  Mace’s mouth trailed over her body. His lips skimming her flesh. His tongue trailing tongue over her tit. The tip flicking the hard nub, but not taking into his mouth. His mouth continued its upward journey until he reached her ear. His tongue swiped at the lope, and still his fingers continued to stroke her, skimming over her pussy opening. Her hips surged forward in their quest for some kind of release.

  ‘I’m ready Mace - Fuck me.’

  ‘I will Little Bird. I’m going to fuck you. Then I’m going to love you until you can’t walk or think. Then I’m going to play with you.’

  Mace’s palm landed against her thigh and her body jerked as she moaned. Her clit pulsed, and she creamed herself. His hand soothed the flesh he had just teased. ‘It’s going to be long night Little Bird. Do you think you’re up to it?’

  Avery tugged on Mace’s lower lip as she bucked against him. ‘Bring it on baby.’

  Mace chuckled, spinning her body around until she is lying on her stomach, bringing her up onto her knees. Her head rested on her arms. His lips skimmed the back of her neck as he aligned his cock.

  ‘How do you want this Avery - Long and slow — Or hard and deep.’

  ‘Fuck if I care - I just want you inside me.’

  ‘Your wish is my doing.’ As he finished speaking, Mace thrust in. His engorged cock stretching her pussy, but she didn’t care as she gripped him with her inner muscles. Her sigh of contentment loud when he began to thrust in her. He did it all. He started slow, dragging each thrust, pull and surge out for as long as he could. Then he changed the tempo. Going deep into her, hard and fast. Avery twisted and begged for release. Unable to touch herself thanks to the makeshift bondage Mace has her in. When he finally allowed her to cum, her body convulsed while the room spun on her scream.

  ‘Fuck. I hate you Mace.’

  Chapter 29

  Avery wore her silly grin with pride. She couldn’t help it. She hadn’t been the only the one to beg for mercy during the long night. Just as he had promised her. Mace had fucked, loved and played with her.

  ‘I never fucked Carrie.’ Her smile slipped. She didn’t want to talk about Carrie. She still wasn’t sure why she had let Carrie’s goading get to her. No that was a lie. She did. She was still uncomfortable with her father’s recent behavior, and maybe still annoyed with Mace for taking the money. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  She went to roll out of the bed, but was stopped when Mace grabbed her by the arm as he pulled himself up. The bed sheet dropping to his thighs, which he ignored.

  ‘It does Avery. If we’re to make this relationship work - There has to be trust between us.’

  Avery blinked, her heart skipped. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Mace. Her hand shook as she rose off the bed. With the top sheet wrapped around her, she went to stand by the window in the studio. She needed to think.


  ‘What do you want from me?’

  ‘You. I just want you.’


  ‘Hell if I know. Just that I do.’

  ‘That’s not an answer.’

  ‘Well, it’s not for your sweet disposition.’

  ‘I don’t think anyone’s ever really wanted me before.’ Mace is close, she can smell his morning scent wrapping around her. The touch of his lips on the back of her neck left her shivering.

  ‘Do you love me Mace.’ His lips left her neck when he stepped away. Her eyes closed as her fingers curled. She hadn’t meant to ask him that. ‘I’m sorry… I -’

  ‘Don’t Avery. Don’t apologize. You drive me crazy. Do you know that.’ She shook her head, holding the sheet tighter. All she wanted was a simple yes or no. She wasn’t sure what she would do when she had her answer. All she knew was that she needed it.

  ‘I haven’t fucked Carrie since your return to Downy Lakes.’

  ‘She made it sound like you were heavily involved.’

  ‘No - Carrie scratched an itch and was convenient. It saved me the hassle of having to make idle chat with the other women.’

  ‘And am I a convenience?’

  Mace’s chuckle tickled the back of her neck. His hand stroked her arm, and she wanted to shake herself free. Yet at the same time, she enjoyed the warmth and the comfort it offered her. ‘No Avery, you are anything but a convenience. For starters, you come along with a father that’s a pain in the butt. Who’s attempting to cause trouble for the club.’

  Avery leaned into his body. ‘And you’re still willing to take me on.’

  ‘I’m a painter not a talker. Everything that I feel for you, I put into the painting. Every stroke I made with the brush, brought your flesh to life.’

  Mace walked away from her, coming to stand by the painting. She turned to watch him. She needed to sit down. To ease the wobble in her knees, yet she continued to watch as his thumb traced her naked flesh on the canvas. It was almost as though she was the painting and she shivered at the caress. ‘I love you Mace.’

  Mace stilled. His eyes closing. His chest hurt from the loss of air. ‘Very few people have ever loved me.’

  Avery came to stand behind him. Her hands on his arms as she stared at the painting. ‘And the ones who do. Love you deeply Mace.’

  ‘Are you willing to give us a chance Little Bird.’

  Her smile deepened. ‘I have a lot to thank you for Mace. You opened my eyes to what’s going on in Downy Lakes.’

  ‘I shouldn’t have been the one to show you who your father really is.’

  ‘It wa
sn’t you. It was him. Besides, I’d have found out eventually.’

  ‘Maybe… About Carrie.’

  ‘Let’s forget about Carrie.’ Mace turned to her when she stepped away from him. His gaze roaming over her body. His hand reached out to stroke her cheek. ‘Trust.’

  ‘If we want this to work - I’m going to have to trust you.’

  Mace opened his mouth, then closed it again. He was asking for her trust, yet there were still secrets about her father that he’s unwilling to tell her. Slowly he nodded his head. If he has to. To protect her, he’ll take those secrets to the grave. Gently he kissed her on the forehead. His hand sliding down her back. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, yet something was holding him back. ‘Little Bird.’


  ‘The club’s going to be seeking revenge for Anna-Leigh’s death and your father may get caught up in it.’

  Avery stepped away. Her large blue eyes searching his dark brown stare for answers. ‘Will he be hurt?’

  ‘Not physically. I’ll not let anything happen to your father in that way.’


  ‘If we have to. We will destroy his career.’

  Avery’s chuckle is weak as she takes a step back. ‘He already believes I’ve destroyed it.’

  ‘Little Bird.’

  Avery’s hand cupped his cheek, her lips soft against his. ‘I love you Mace. My father has his life and I have mine, and I’m choosing to spend mine with you.’ She paused, her heart is hurting. ‘You’re the one who brought up relationship commitments. And that’s what I’m doing. I’m committing myself to us. To you.’

  ‘I knew you were dangerous the first time I saw you. I told myself then, that I should stay away from you. And I did. For a few months at least. Yet each time I looked up, you were there. Your eyes on me. Eating me. I knew I was a goner. I’m yours Little Bird. I can’t promise your father will not be hurt in the upcoming war. But you need to know - there is one coming. We’re clearing out The Hybrids and taking our town back.’

  ‘My father’s a big boy and he’ll have to take care of himself.’


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