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Cooking Up a Storm

Page 2

by Colbie Dunbar

  “We can’t have that.” The alpha stood in front of me. My gaze dropped to his crotch and I pictured his head. And not the one sitting on his shoulders. The prominent bulge in his jeans told me he was huge.

  Unsure if it was the wine giving me courage, I was tempted to reach out and brush my fingers over his arousal. He is turned on, right? Or is his cock gigantic? Or both?

  I shifted my eyes upward. Brandon was scrutinizing me, and my mind went blank. “Sorry what?”

  “You could stay the night.”

  “I… I… ummm…” Jumbled thoughts summersaulted around my brain. Is he coming on to me? I pushed aside the lightheadedness from the wine. The alpha’s lopsided smile had my dick squirming, and suddenly, the vision of my alpha neighbor worshiping my body faded.

  “There’s plenty of room, and we could go to the cooking lesson together tomorrow. My shift at the restaurant starts at the same time.”

  “Oh no, I can’t.” I jumped up and the empty wine glass slid from my fingers and bounced over an expensive-looking rug. “Shit, sorry.”

  “It’s not broken.”


  “Greg are you feeling okay? Your face is flushed.”

  “Maybe I’m coming down with a cold.”

  Before I could say anything else, the alpha placed his hand on my forehead. “You are a little warm.”

  That’s an understatement. My body was on fire as flames licked over my flesh and heated blood surged through my veins. “I should go. I don’t want you catching whatever I’ve got.”

  Brandon brushed hair off my brow and his huge brown eyes gazed into mine. There was a tiny hazel fleck in one iris and like me, he hadn’t shaved. Wine mingled with mouthwash on his breath. I was tempted to rub my chin over his stubble but dropped my gaze, fearing what would happen if I kept staring at him.

  But as blood rushed to my cock, and the tension between us sizzled, the oven timer dinged. “Saved by the bell.” That was lame. And it dawned on me, I didn’t want to be rescued.

  The alpha’s hand dropped to his side. “Come on. Let’s eat.”

  He needed to stop talking or I was going to self-combust.

  “Perfection,” Brandon said as he brought the roasting tin out of the oven.

  “I guess, yeah.” I thought it might smell fatty after seeing the raw skin glistening and grinning at me. But the savory aroma wafting off the naked bird had my mouth watering. The citrus fragrance from the lemons cut through the gamey smell of the chicken.

  Ignoring my body’s reaction to Brandon, I feasted my eyes on the bird instead of the alpha.

  “I made a potato salad and also a green salad earlier. And a loaf of sourdough bread.” My companion handed me a carving knife. “You do the honors.”

  I hacked rather than cut into the delicate cooked chicken and juices oozed from the flesh. My hands trembled as the tantalizing aroma struck me, and I wanted to tear off a drumstick with my bare hands. Anything to take my mind off the alpha and his enormous cock standing inches away from me and making the hairs on my neck stand up.

  We sat side by side on the couch, our plates laden with luscious meat, crisp green leaves, creamy potato salad and thick slices of bread. I took a bite and savored the perfect combination of succulent meat and crunchy skin. “This is heaven.”

  “I agree.”

  My eyes flicked to the alpha whose hand was frozen mid-air. “You haven’t taken a bite.”

  “I don’t have to.”


  Tossing my uncertainty aside, I asked, “We are talking about the food, right?”

  “While I’m certain your chicken is delicious, I’m focused on something else that is delectable and tender.”

  “The potato salad?” I squeaked.

  “You are adorable.” The alpha tore off a piece of breast and offered it to me. Opening my mouth, I closed my eyes and allowed him to place the scrumptious chicken in between my lips. My taste buds worked overtime distinguishing between the delicate flavor of the meat, a hint of butter and a trace of citrus.

  But as I swallowed, a pair of soft lips were placed on mine and a charge of excitement rippled through me. But a second later, the alpha pulled away and my eyes snapped open. The silence stretched between us as questions tumbled about in my head.

  What do I do now?

  Return the kiss?

  Or has he had too much wine and is regretting his decision?

  The antique clock on the mantlepiece ticked and counted the seconds. It was the only sound in the room other than our breathing. Juice from the chicken slid over my chin, and Brandon reached out and wiped it off. It was a moment of intimacy and I could either fling his hand away or put my fingers over his.

  “That was nice,” he mumbled. The alpha’s uncertain smile had my heart doing flip flops.


  “Are you sure you’re okay with it, Greg?”

  “Brandon, it’s just one kiss.”

  Disappointment flickered in his eyes. “I know you have a thing for the alpha next door.”

  I shrugged. “He might be a crap kisser.”

  “That’s true.” Brandon’s fake sigh and the spots of pink on his cheeks left me in no doubt as to what he wanted.

  “I should practice.”


  “Kissing.” I slammed my mouth on the alpha’s. His lips was soft, wet and warm, and I moaned. His tongue darted between my lips and flicked over my teeth. Ripples of desire surged through me, and my cock swelled.

  When we parted, I focused on the man whose tongue had been inside me. His eyes were half-lidded with desire and I needed more of him. Not just his tongue, or his dick—though I wanted that buried deep in me. I wanted Brandon. All of him.

  “What now?” he asked.

  He’s waiting. Not pushing, but letting me make the decision. “Can we eat later?”

  Food was whisked out of my hand and bowls of salad and the chicken were shoved into the fridge. Brandon held out his hand and pulled me toward him. “It’ll keep, but I’ll explode if I don’t see you naked in the next minute.”

  My length squirmed, desperate to be let out. Before we reached the bedroom, I’d shucked off my shirt and stumbled toward the bed with pants round my ankles. The alpha was way ahead of me and had flung off his jeans and boxer briefs. I paused as his erect cock reared its head and saluted me. It was going to be inside me very soon.

  Brandon grabbed my ass and ran his fingers over my cheeks that were coated in slick. He nuzzled my throat and his teeth grazed the delicate skin as he made his way over my jaw. “Are you ready for this, Greg?”

  “For w-what?” For a moment, I regretted my decision.

  “To be fucked from here into next week.”

  “Oh, God.” I slumped against his washboard chest and pressed my arousal against his stiff length. “I’ve never been to the future?”

  A smile crept over his lips. “It’s going to be a wild ride.”

  “Let’s go.” Before I’d taken a breath, he threw me on the bed and I inhaled the delicate scent of laundry detergent. The mattress bounced as he crawled toward me and raked his nails over my sweat-coated skin. I yelped as pain and pleasure combined.

  I rolled over and outstretched a hand. My fingers trailed over Brandon’s stiff shaft, and he shuddered. I tapped the head, and he closed his eyes and moaned. Getting on my knees, I dug my fingers into the soft flesh covering his hips. I poked out my tongue and flicked the tip of his cock.

  “Mmmm,” he mumbled.

  I lapped at his dick as though I were licking a popsicle. His legs quivered, and he placed his hands on the back of my head. I tensed, expecting him to shove his erection down my throat, but instead, he twisted his fingers in my hair and pulled me back.

  Lifting up my chin, he whispered, “Your mouth is freaking amazing, but right now, I want to be inside you.”

  “Me too.”

  The alpha flipped me onto my belly. He slapped my ass and replaced his hand with hi
s mouth. His lips ghosting over my body had my skin smoldering. When his tongue trailed up and down my spine, I pleaded with him, “Fuck me, Brandon.”

  His teeth replaced his tongue and he nibbled over my hip as one finger probed my puckered entrance. “Are you ready?”

  “God, yes!” I got on all fours and shoved my ass toward him. Peering over my shoulder, I trembled as he shuffled closer.



  His cock nudged my ass as his finger tapped around my tight hole, wet with slick, and pushed inside. I gasped and clenched round it.

  “You’re tight,” he panted. “And so wet.”

  “Less talking and more fucking, please. And not with your finger.”

  Resting my head on two pillows, I braced myself for penetration. His hands pressed into my hips as he eased his length inside. He paused with just the tip in me, and we both groaned.

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment, Greg.”

  “More, please.”

  He pushed in further, and every nerve ending in my body vibrated. I wanted him to claim my ass and my soul, and he pulled back. I fisted the sheets, scrunched my eyes shut and held my breath. Brandon slammed into me—his huge length taking possession of my ass.

  “Yes,” I screamed.

  “Grab your cock.” The alpha’s voice was thick with emotion, and I did as he asked. Wrapping my palm around my length, I pumped as Brandon plunged into me. My walls gripped around his length, and he whimpered, “This is heaven.”

  His words stoked a fire in me and I tugged at my dick and bucked my hips as he rode me. Sweat dribbled over my chin and the droplets plopped onto the bed, as if in slow motion, and I shoved my hips back. As I pumped my arousal and matched Brandon’s rhythm, he plunged into my sweet heat, sending molten waves of pleasure hurtling through my veins.

  As he rammed into me and I jerked my dick, the alpha dug his nails into my skin and mumbled something I couldn’t catch. Did he say “Fuck the alpha next door”? But the thought was swept away as our bodies fused and his cock turned my brain to mush.

  His huge length impaled me as he pounded into me again and again. His cries of, “Yes!” and “You’re so fucking tight,” and “I love being inside you,” had my hand pumping my dick hard.

  My frazzled brain wanted Brandon to claim me, even though moments before we’d been no more than friendly acquaintances. He growled as if sensing my thoughts and yelled, “Your ass is mine, Greg.”

  I wanted to shout, “And what about the rest of me?” But as his enormous length owned my slick depths and filled me, I shouted, “Harder!”

  Brandon’s ragged breathing and panting as his hips banged against me told me he was close. I clawed at the bed and gulped mouthfuls of air as his body surged into mine. Tossing my head from side to side, I blinked sweat from my eyes. The bedding blurred, and little pink clouds floated in front of my eyes as my choppy breathing hurt my chest.

  The brutal strength of the alpha’s passion had me hyperventilating. “Brandon!”

  “Wait for me,” he shouted.

  A primitive tug deep in my belly had me arching my back as the alpha tensed and yelled, “Greg!” He spurted deep inside me and for a second, the word, ‘condom’ floated into my chaotic thoughts. But as I convulsed, my eyes slid shut and ecstasy consumed me. My body jerked as cum streamed out of me and with my chest heaving, I collapsed. Brandon slumped beside me, and my eyes closed as his arm rested my chest.


  Later as we chatted, kissed and stroked one another, I said, “Is this your parents’ bed?”

  “Yeah. Oops.”

  I kissed his jaw and then remembered we hadn’t used protection. “Double oops.” The words spilled out of me and I tensed, fearing his reaction.

  “Shit! You’re not in heat, are you?” Brandon leaned on one elbow.

  “Do I look like I am? Alphas would be chasing me down the street if I were.”

  The alpha growled, “I’m the only one allowed to chase you.”

  To my surprise, instead of telling him to fuck off, his words made me all warm and fuzzy inside. “But getting back to the condom issue, it’s not unheard of for omegas to be at the beginning of their heat and not show symptoms.”

  “Wow! Okay, well that’s something we should have thought about. I guess we wait and see.”

  I glanced at my phone. “Yes. This is a conversation we need to have when I’m not in a hurry. Right now I have to go home and shower.”

  “There is a bathroom here.”

  “I need a change of clothes.” I kissed him on the nose. “Will you be at the class today?”

  “I’m sure I can pop in for a minute or two.”

  “Do not say anything to Chef about us.”

  “I have no intention of it. It’s none of his business.”

  Later as I strolled past my neighborhood bookstore, I glanced in the window and a familiar face smiled back at me. It was Brandon’s mom’s latest book.

  I skipped over the sidewalk and wondered if I could give up cooking lessons. The alpha next door could continue his culinary journey by himself as I had adventures of my own. There were new territories begging to be explored. A picture of Brandon on the bed naked bobbed in front of my eyes.

  But I’d paid for the entire course and wasn’t about to waste the money. I guess I have another date with Chef. Oh, the joy!

  My clothes reeked of roast chicken, lemons, butter and cum! I didn’t want to wash off Brandon’s scent but if Chef caught a whiff of me, he might give me more shit than usual.

  As I put the key in my front door, the elevator pinged. That would be weird if today, after I’ve been thoroughly fucked, the alpha next door made an appearance.

  I glanced over my shoulder, and Brandon strolled out. My heart leaped. He can’t keep away. The alpha grinned and headed for my neighbor’s apartment.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Coming home.”

  He unlocked the door and disappeared, before sticking his head out again. “Meet you back here in ten minutes.”

  My mouth gaped. “You! Him! I can’t…”

  “You’re cute when you’re lost for words.” And he slammed the door.

  THANK YOU FOR READING. Please leave a review here if you liked this book. If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter, get updates on new releases and promotions, and receive a 6,000-word short story, Ring In The New Year, please visit my website here

  About The Author

  My characters are sexy, hot, adorable—and often filthy—alphas and omegas. Feudal lords with dark secrets, lonely omegas running away from their past, and alphas who refuse to commit.

  Lurking in the background are kings, mafia dons, undercover agents and highwaymen with a naughty gleam in their eye.

  As for me? I dictate my steamy stories with a glass of champagne in one hand. Because why not?

  If you would like information about newly-released books and promotions, please visit my website, Facebook page, Twitter or send an email.

  Also by Colbie Dunbar

  Longmead Woods Trilogy

  Book 1 The Rogue’s Secret

  Book 2 The Rogue’s Baby

  Book 3 The Rogue’s Dilemma

  Longmead Woods Trilogy

  Roselake Trilogy

  Book 1 The Omega’s Challenge

  Book 2 The Omega’s Promise

  Book 3 The Omega’s Triumph

  Roselake Trilogy

  Idriador Chronicles

  Book 1 The Alpha’s Vow

  Book 2 The Alpha’s Word

  Book 3 The Alpha’s Bond

  Idriador Chronicles

  Fragrant Sanctuaries Trilogy

  Book 1 The Alpha’s Game

  Baron Kit Conroy Series

  Book 1 The Alpha Highwayman

  Flickering Shadows Trilogy

  The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal

eamy Mpreg Holiday Romance

  The Omega’s Scorching Hot Christmas

  The Omega’s Sun-Kissed Valentine

  The Omega’s Sun-Drenched Easter

  Steamy Mpreg Holiday Romance Volume 1

  The Alpha’s Sizzling Hot Vacation


  Missing His Omega

  The Spell Checker

  Visit my Amazon page or website for more information.




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