Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story Page 21

by Tonya Brooks

  “Alright,” she agreed and followed the hostess through the rooms filled with curious diners until they reached what had once been the solarium. The wall of windows offered a spectacular view of the lake and their table was directly beside it. Harley sat down and stared out at the lake instead of around the room as she could still feel eyes watching her. She dreaded the rumors that would start flying when they realized she was having dinner with Matthew.

  “Hello,” a pleasant masculine voice said.

  Harley looked up to see a strikingly handsome blonde man standing next to her. “Hello,” she responded coolly as she met his appreciative blue gaze and wondered who he was. She was certain that she'd never met him before, because a woman wouldn't forget a man like him. He was almost as handsome and well built as her husband and had the same delicious air of danger about him, but something in his eyes assured her that he was an honorable man.

  “You must be new in town,” Brett Walker commented because he sure as hell would have remembered seeing a stunning woman like her. His first impression when she entered the room had been that she was a very classy lady and the way she had ignored the curious stares and whispers from everyone she passed assured him of that. Women like her were few and far between, which had prompted him to violate his cardinal rule of not associating with the local females and seek her out.

  “I'm just visiting,” she admitted.

  “Welcome to Lakeside,” he smiled warmly. “What brings you to our little slice of heaven?”

  “I did.” Matt said as he joined them.

  “Damn, Matt. I should have known you'd scoop up the prettiest lady around before the rest of us had a chance to meet her.” Brett laughed as he and Matt shook hands.

  That comment was not conducive to the image he was hoping to promote to his wife tonight, so Matt decided to set the record straight. “Harley, this is Brett Walker our Chief of Police,” he made the introductions cordially. “Brett, this beautiful lady is my wife, Harley Baker.”

  Brett had been in Lakeside long enough to have heard the rumors about Matt's marriage as well as his wife's return. He also knew enough about small town gossip to take what he heard with a grain of salt. But if Matt introduced her as his wife, then at least some of it must be true. He recovered from the shock and extended his hand to her. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Baker.”

  “Call me Harley, Chief,” she offered as she shook his hand and was shocked at being introduced as Matthew's wife. She wondered why he'd done it. Matthew had sounded as if he was proud of the fact and she couldn't understand that either. He sure as hell hadn't been proud of it while they were together. If anything, he'd been downright ashamed.

  “It's Brett,” he smiled warmly and turned to his friend to ask, “Are we still on for Tuesday morning, Matt?”

  “Six A.M. tee time.” Matt agreed.

  “I'll see you then,” he confirmed and nodded at her. “It was nice to meet you, Harley.”

  “You too, Brett,” she answered absently as her brain tried to picture Matthew playing golf.

  Matt sat down across from her and said, “Brett's only been in town a year, but we've become good friends.”

  Matthew Baker was friends with the chief of police. Would wonders never cease? In the old days, he and Chief Peters had been mortal enemies. “You golf?” She queried curiously.

  “When I have time,” he admitted. “My games been a little off lately and Brett's hoping to take me to the cleaners.”

  “Please, tell me you don't wear those ridiculous plaid pants,” she asked as her eyes twinkled in merriment at the image.

  “Hell, no,” he denied with that bad boy grin. “I haven't changed that much.”

  “It seems you've changed quite a bit,” she couldn't help pointing out.

  “Thanks to you,” he said as he reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “When Jed was born I realized that it was time to grow up and stop being a hellion. I wanted to be a father he could be proud of and set a good example for him.”

  “I'd say you succeeded, Matthew.” Harley admitted even as she slid her hand free to let him know there would be no touching of any kind tonight. “Jed adores you.”

  “He's a great kid.” Matt said with paternal pride and was disappointed that she had pulled her hand away. “You've done a hell of a job raising him, Harley.”

  “Thank you,” she said in surprise. “He can be a handful.”

  Matt didn't have to be told that. The boy got a double dose of that hell raising nature from both of his parents. He didn't expect anything less from their son. “Is that why you want to give him a full time male role model?” He asked curiously.

  “Jed's reached the age where he needs more than I can give him,” she said sadly. “He needs a man to share things with. Things that a mother just isn't equipped to deal with.”

  Like how to tinker with a car or make out with a girl, Matt knew but didn't bother pointing out. “That's what he has me for,” he reminded her.

  “But you're not there for him every day, Matthew,” she said reasonably. “And a phone call just isn't enough.”

  “Hi, Mr. Baker,” The waiter said as he arrived and handed them each a cocktail menu. “Can I get you the usual?”

  “Thanks, Bobby.” Matt agreed.

  “I'd like a mojito.” Harley said as she handed over the menu.

  “Coming right up,” the young man smiled and left them alone.

  “I take it you come here often,” she deduced.

  “The food is excellent,” he said by way of explanation. “If you're in the mood for seafood, I highly recommend the pistachio encrusted trout.”

  Harley was surprised by that. She laughed and said, “I didn't think you ate anything unless it was covered in ketchup.”

  “Ketchup hides the taste of bland food. I like lots of flavor.” Matt admitted with a grin.

  “So do I,” Harley agreed, “The more exotic the better.” Her best friend, Desi, was a professional chef who specialized in the absolute best exotic dishes. Unfortunately, Donald detested spicy foods. He also had a very annoying habit of ordering the bland dishes he preferred for her without asking her preference.

  “Then you should try the crab cakes. They use a Cajun remoulade that's amazing.”

  Harley couldn't help laughing because he was so serious about it. “I had no idea you were a foodie, Matthew.”

  “There's a lot that you don't know about me,” he pointed out. But Matt was planning to change that. Before tonight was over, he intended to prove to his wife that they were a perfect match.

  The waiter delivered their drinks and gave them dinner menus. Harley didn't even bother to open it. Instead she looked at Matthew and said, “I'll have whatever you suggest.”

  “You trust me to order for you?” He asked in pleasant surprise and took that as a positive sign.

  “You obviously know your food, so why not?”

  Matt didn't bother to consult the menu as he ordered the trout for himself and the crab cakes for her. “This way we can sample each others,” he said with a devilish grin.

  “So, what kind of changes were you referring to?” She asked, too anxious to wait any longer. Matt slid the leather binder across the table to her and she opened it curiously. Harley saw that it contained an itemized list of bank accounts, stocks, bonds, several businesses and real estate investments.“What's this?”

  “My financial portfolio.”

  “Your what?” She asked blankly.

  “It contains all of my assets as well as my net worth,” he explained. “I thought you should look it over before we negotiate.”

  “I don't understand.” Harley said in confusion. She knew what a financial portfolio was; she just didn't understand why Matthew had one, or why he would want her to see it. “What does this have to do with our divorce?”

  “Community property,” he stated evenly. “I've managed to acquire quite a bit while we were married and it’s only fair that you get a sha
re of it in the settlement.”

  “You've got to be kidding?” She asked in disbelief.

  “I assure you, I'm not.” Matt said seriously.

  “I'm not entitled to a settlement, Matthew.”

  “Maybe not, but I want you to have it,” he insisted. “Hell, I wouldn't have any of it if it weren't for you.”

  “Me?”Harley exclaimed in surprise.

  “Thanks to you, I have a son,” he began to explain. “I wanted to be able to provide for Jed and make sure his future is secure. I bought the garage from Henry, poured every dime back into it that I could, and managed to pay off the loan in four years. Then Mr. Wilson died and his wife offered me the tire store. I did the same thing with it and with the body shop when Barney decided to retire.”

  “Trying to run three businesses was getting really complicated until I got some reliable people in to manage them. So, my financial adviser suggested I get into commercial and residential property and I bought a few rental houses and half interest in an apartment complex. I also own a building downtown that Joey Ferguson leases as a men’s wear shop. He keeps giving me suits when he can’t make the rent.”

  That explained the closet full of tailored suits. “You own all of that?” Harley asked in amazement.

  “As well as an assortment of stocks and bonds. In a couple of years the apartment complex will be paid for and I'll be debt free,” he admitted. “But I wouldn't have had the inclination to do any of it if you hadn't given me Jed. So, the way I see it, you're responsible and deserve half of everything.”

  “Half?” She choked.

  “Half,” he repeated firmly.

  Harley was astounded at what he'd managed to accomplish, as well as the generous offer, but couldn't help pointing out, “Your financial adviser would have a fit.”

  “You let me worry about Mark.” Matt said evenly. Both Mark and Luke had thought he'd lost his mind when he'd discussed it with them today. However, Matt wanted Harley to see just how much he had accomplished during their separation. His goal was for her to realize that he was every bit as steady and responsible as the man she was planning to marry, and not the reckless hellion that she remembered.

  “Mark is your adviser?”

  “And my partner in the apartment complex,” he replied. “The puppy learned a hell of a lot while he was in college.”

  “So it would seem,” she agreed as her head whirled at everything he'd just revealed.

  Matt pulled the divorce papers from his breast pocket and spread them on the table between them. “I made a few additions that I think would be beneficial for you and Jed.”

  At this point, Harley was almost afraid to ask, but her curiosity was too strong to resist. “How so?”

  “I set up a college fund for Jed and I wanted it, and the child support documented as part of the agreement. I've also discussed it with Mark and Luke and they assure me that this is a suitable amount for spousal support, but we can negotiate if it’s not enough.”

  “Not enough?” Harley repeated in disbelief as she stared at the figure with rounded eyes. “It’s way too much.”

  “It's no more than you deserve,” he assured her. “You've managed to get your degree and raise our son on your own, Harley. That's a hell of an accomplishment in itself, considering you've never let me provide for you.”

  “You've sent Jed money every month,” she protested.

  “And you used it to take care of him,” he agreed. “You've never accepted a dime from me for yourself, and this is my chance to rectify that.”

  “I don't want your money, Matthew.” He'd offered it quite often over the years, but she'd never been willing to take it. As far as she was concerned, Matthew didn't owe her a damn thing and never had. “And I don't deserve it. In case you've forgotten, I forced you to marry me and made your life a living hell. How can you possibly think you owe me anything?”

  “Because you gave me the most precious gift a man could ever receive, Harley. You gave me Jed. No matter what happened between us, I can never repay you for bringing him into my life.”

  Tears filled her eyes at the sincerity she heard in his voice and the wall of ice around her heart began to melt. “I'm just grateful that you wanted to be his father.” Harley said tremulously. She knew how hard it was to grow up knowing your father didn't want you and she'd never be able to explain to Matthew how much his wanting to play an active role in their son’s life had meant to her, or the boy.

  “It's settled then,” he said decisively. “I'll have Luke draw up the new agreement on Monday.”

  “Your generosity is overwhelming, but I can't accept it,” she refused with a shake of her head.

  “I'm not giving you a choice,” he denied. “This is the deal. Take it or leave it.”

  “Matthew, be reasonable.” Harley pleaded. “I can't accept any of this. It's too much.”

  “Discuss it with your lawyer before you decide,” he suggested. “I guarantee he'll suggest you take it.” Especially since the bastard wanted to marry her and this was the only way a divorce would happen.

  Even though Matt had been completely honest with her and he fully intended to give her everything he'd said he would, he knew that Harley would never accept the deal as it stood. In the meantime, Luke had assured him that in a divorce, the negotiations could be stretched out for months until they reached an amicable agreement. That should buy him ample time to get her back for good.

  Harley didn't know what to make of him. Matthew was offering to give her a small fortune with no strings attached, as well as her freedom. He had become a chameleon, changing with every situation and she didn't know what to expect from him next. He certainly wasn't the man that she had married. He seemed more like the man that she had fallen in love with when she was sixteen, and dammit, she wasn't any more immune now than she had been then.

  Matthew was solicitous of her every need during dinner as he filled her in on the people that she had known and the ones that she had forgotten. He also made sure her glass of wine was never empty and Harley had no idea how much alcohol she had consumed, but she was pleasantly mellow by the time dessert arrived.

  “Gator Barnes is a minister?” She laughed at the very idea. Gator had been Matthew's best friend and the two of them had been trouble since they were old enough to walk. To think that he had changed that much was amazing. Then again, it was just as amazing at how much Matthew had changed.

  “That he is.” Matt agreed. “He's pretty good at it too. Makes me feel guilty as hell every time I go to church.”

  “Perhaps you should repent of your sins.” Harley teased and scooped up a spoonful of crème brulee'.

  “Perhaps I should,” he agreed with an enigmatic look in his midnight eyes.

  “This is marvelous.” Harley sighed. The desert was as light as air with just enough caramelized sugar on top to give it a hint of sweetness.

  “Share,” Matt said as he leaned forward and she fed him a bite. He and Harley had tasted each other’s food all evening, but this was the first time that she had actually fed him. The simple gesture added a sense of intimacy to the already romantic evening and he yearned for more nights like this with her. “The perfect end to a wonderful dinner,” he sighed in repletion.

  “It was wonderful.” Harley agreed. “Thank you for bringing me here, Matthew.”

  “Thank you for coming.” Matt smiled at her.

  “Do I hear music?” She asked as she cocked her head to listen.

  “They have a group that plays outside in the pavilion on the weekends,” he said in an offhand manner as if it was of little importance. Matt knew how much she loved to dance and had timed their reservation so the band would be starting when they finished dinner. “They're pretty good.”

  “They sound good,” she agreed as her foot began to tap in time to the beat.

  “We can go down and listen if you'd like.”

  “I'd love to,” she readily agreed, much to his delight.

  Matt could ba
rely contain his elation as he called for the check and escorted her out the rear entrance. Across the lawn a dance floor had been erected in front of the pavilion and several couples were already seated at tables listening to the band. “Would you rather listen or dance?”

  “Dance,” she answered without hesitation and had relaxed enough to completely forget her earlier decision not to allow any touching. He led her onto the dance floor and they began to move slowly to the music. Harley was more than a little tipsy when she commented, “I don't understand why you never dance. You're really very good at it.”

  “Fifteen years ago, you caught me dancing with another woman and kicked me to the curb,” he said honestly. “I swore then that I'd never dance again... unless it was with you.”

  She stared up at him wide eyed because she knew he wasn't kidding. Matthew had given up dancing because of her. “Matthew,” she breathed in wonder.

  “That mistake cost me dearly, Harley. You were the only thing I ever really wanted and it seemed like everything I did just pushed you further and further away, until you finally left town.” Matt said with such sincerity in his voice that there was no way she could doubt him.

  “I had treated you as bad as a man can treat a woman, so I let you go without a fight and I've regretted it every day since then. I know there's nothing I can do to erase all the hell I put you through, and I damn sure don't deserve it, but I hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  He had cared about her, she realized in astonishment. “There's nothing to forgive,” she responded through the tears that filled her eyes. “I didn't treat you any better, Matthew. We were both young and stupid and too stubborn to know better.”

  “Can we start over again and put the past behind us?” He asked hopefully.

  “I'd like that.” Harley smiled and laid her cheek against his shoulder. She'd much rather have him as a friend than an enemy and was deeply saddened by the knowledge that they could never be more than that.

  For the first time, Harley admitted to herself that she still loved him and always would. Matthew had been the one true love of her life and she genuinely regretted the mistakes that had kept them apart. But it was impossible to change them now, so she gave herself up to the moment and just enjoyed feeling his strong arms around her. He held her as if she were precious to him and a lone tear slid down her cheek at what might have been.


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