Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story Page 20

by Tonya Brooks

  “Because I didn't want anyone to know.”

  “You mean you're sneaking around?” Harley asked in disbelief.

  “I don't want the old gossip to start up again.”

  “Oh, come on, Mom. After all these years people ought to know better.”

  She shook her head. “Memories are long in a small town, honey.” Claire assured her. “Besides, neither one of us is interested in a serious relationship, so it’s better if we keep it quiet.”

  “Why?” She asked suspiciously. “He isn't married, is he?”

  “Of course not,” the older woman denied indignantly.

  “I'm sorry, Mom.” Harley apologized. “I just don't understand why neither of you would want a relationship if you're both single.”

  “Because we've both been hurt before and neither one of us is willing to risk it again,” she gave her the abbreviated version of the truth.

  The fact was that Claire was head over heels in love and would like nothing better than a permanent relationship, but her lover wasn't. She just didn't see the need to stir up the old gossip over an affair that had no hope of a future. If there was the slightest chance that it could become something more, she'd be the first one to shout it from the rooftop. However, it just wasn't worth all the fuss for something temporary, so she preferred it to remain a secret.

  “So, you just... have sex?” She questioned warily.

  “Incredible sex,” Claire admitted with a blush.

  Harley was speechless for all of fifteen seconds. “Really?” She asked with a huge grin.

  “Really,” her mother sighed contentedly. “He makes me feel like a teenager again.”

  “You found yourself a young stud, huh?” The younger woman teased.

  “Hardly,” Claire laughed. “Jed's sixty-one now,” she pointed out before she realized what she had said and once she did, her daughters incredulous expression said it all.

  “Jed?” Harley repeated in astonishment. “Jed Baker?”

  My God. Everyone knew that her father-in-law had been devastated over the loss of his wife and had never even been rumored to be involved with another woman. Not even by the holier than thou crowd. Although plenty of women had chased him over the years. The knowledge that he was having an affair with her mother was astounding.

  “You see. That's exactly how everyone else would react.” Claire complained.

  “Well, of course, I'm shocked.” Harley protested. “I never would have guessed you were interested in Pop.” However, he was still a ridiculously handsome man with a well honed physique that would rival any of his sons. Harley could understand the attraction easily enough.

  “Jed is the finest man I've ever known and I'll be dammed if I'll let the holier than thou crowd drag his name through the mud because of me,” she said firmly. “So you have to promise me you won't breathe a word to anyone, Harley.”

  “I won't.” Harley assured her. “But that's exactly what will happen if anyone catches you sneaking around,” the younger woman reasoned. “The gossip wouldn't be half as bad if you went public with your relationship.”

  “It's not that simple.”

  “Yes, it is.” Harley insisted. “Besides, it’s nobody's damn business who you date.”

  Claire smiled wryly at that. “You sound like Jed.”

  “Mom, trust me. Nothing good comes from sneaking around,” she said from experience. “Just have dinner with the man and get it over with.”

  “I'll think about it,” she conceded.

  “I'll get it.” Harley said when the doorbell rang. She went into the living room, opened the door and stared at the biggest arrangement of flowers she had ever seen, with a pair of denim covered legs sticking out from beneath it. “Can I help you?” She asked doubtfully.

  “Harley Baker?” A teenage voice asked hopefully.


  “These are for you.”

  Shaking her head in confusion, Harley began, “There must be some mistake...”

  “Lady, please,” the teenager moaned. “These things weigh a ton.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry. Please, come in,” she said apologetically and stepped back so he could enter the living room. Snatching the magazines off of the coffee table, she said, “Just sit them here.”

  “Thanks,” he said in relief and placed the arrangement on the table. It hung off both sides and reached from end to end. Harley grabbed her purse from the end table and pulled out her wallet to tip him before he said, “No thanks. I already got twenty bucks and a tank of gas just to bring them over.”

  “Oh. Thank you,” she said inanely as she closed the door behind him and turned around to stare at the flowers in awe. The arrangement was absolutely beautiful, but my God, the thing was enormous. Even so, it smelled heavenly and the heady scent filled the air.

  Harley couldn't believe that Donald had sent her something so... so perfect for a change. She really hated those damn calla lilies he usually sent. Not only did they make her sneeze, they always looked cold and untouchable, while this arrangement was bursting with every color in the rainbow. She couldn't resist lifting a delicate blossom to her nose and inhaling deeply.

  “Who was at the door?” Claire asked as she came into the room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the flowers. “Ye gods! The last time I saw an arrangement that big it was covering a casket,” she said as she came closer and noticed an envelope from the local florist half hidden in its depths. “There's a card.”

  Harley pulled the envelope out of the arrangement and stared at the card blankly. She actually had to read it twice before she comprehended what it said. I behaved like an ass. Please forgive me. Matt. The fact that Matthew had sent her flowers, not to mention such a magnificent arrangement, was mind boggling. The apology was an even bigger shock and she didn't know what to make of it. “They're from Matthew,” she barely breathed as her knees went weak and she sank onto the sofa.

  Claire was as stunned as her daughter but she recovered faster and smiled knowingly. “Looks like that boy finally came to his senses.” She'd never had any ill will toward the handsome young man her daughter had forced into marriage. She was just grateful that Matt had wanted to be a father to her grandson even though their marriage had been a complete disaster. “He must have spent a fortune on these.”

  Harley didn't know what to think. She couldn't imagine what had possessed Matthew to send her such a beautiful arrangement, but she'd be willing to bet half the town already knew about it. When her mobile phone rang she answered with a sense of trepidation. “Hello?”

  “Did you get the flowers, Harley?” Matt asked without preamble and knew she had because Johnny had called him the minute he'd delivered them, as instructed.

  “I did,” she admitted as she continued to stare at them with a confused expression.

  “I didn't get you any when Jed was born,” he confessed. “And I've missed a lot of birthdays and anniversaries as well.”

  “Thank you. They're beautiful,” she said with a frown as she wondered what he was up to. The flowers were a lovely gesture, but it would take a hell of lot more than that for her to forgive him for last night.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  He had balls, she'd give him that. There was no way in hell she was going to have dinner or anything else with him. “I don't think that would be a good idea.” Harley refused and was careful with what she said since her mother was blatantly eavesdropping.

  “I'd like to discuss making a few changes to the divorce agreement,” he dangled the bait with a wolfish smile.

  “What kind of changes?” She asked sharply.

  “Nothing to do with custody,” Matt hastily assured her. “I'd just like to add a few things that I think are necessary.”

  “Like what?” Harley persisted.

  “We'll discuss it at dinner,” he said firmly since she had taken the bait. Now he just had to reel her in. “I made reservations at the Manor House for seven-thirty. Is that alright with you?�

  The Manor House? Good God, that was the finest restaurant in town and she'd never been there before. “I suppose,” she agreed warily. The last thing Harley wanted to do was spend another minute with Matthew, but if it would get him to finally sign the divorce papers, she didn't have much choice.

  “I'll pick you up at a quarter after.” Matt informed her and ended the call in satisfaction. So far, so good.

  “What'cha smilin' at, Dad?” Jed asked curiously as he entered the office.

  “I've got a date with your mom tonight.” He confessed with a grin and realized this would be the first real date he'd ever had with his wife.

  “Another date? Does that mean you and mom are gonna get back together?” Jed asked hopefully. To have his mom and dad together so he wouldn't have to be separated from either one of them would be awesome.

  “It means I'm gonna try.” Matt admitted.

  “Alright, Dad!” The boy enthused. “Take her someplace nice. Mom likes fancy food.”

  “I've got it covered, Jed,” he assured his son and prayed he wasn't raising the boys hopes for nothing. Or his either, for that matter. Matt was going to treat her like a lady tonight and someway, somehow, he was going to get his wife back.

  “Got what covered?” Luke asked curiously as he entered the office.

  “Dad's got a date with mom, Uncle Luke.” Jed announced happily.

  One eyebrow rose at that. “A date?”

  “The first one we've ever had.” Matt acknowledged.

  The service bell rang and Jed volunteered, “I'll get it,” before he raced out of the room to go pump the customer’s gas.

  “Matt, what do you know about the fiancé?” The younger brother asked warily.

  “I know I want him out of the picture.” Matt admitted.

  Luke nodded his understanding and wasn't at all surprised. Any fool could see he was still crazy about his wife. “If you don't mind, I'd like to check him out.”


  “Just a hunch,” he shrugged.

  Matt didn't buy that innocent expression for a minute. Luke might fool a lot of people, but he knew him too damn well. His brother was just as devious as the rest of them and he rarely acted on a hunch without having something substantial to back it up. “What are you up to?” He asked suspiciously.

  “Harley's family,” the attorney said evenly. “I just want to make sure this guy’s on the level.”

  Matt frowned at that. “You think he's not?”

  “Like I said, Harley's family,” he repeated. “I'm not taking any chances.”

  As usual, his little brother was playing his cards close to his chest. Luke wouldn't give up any information until he knew something for sure. The fact that something had made him suspicious worried Matt though. “You'll let me know either way?” He demanded.

  “You'll be the first.”

  “Do what you gotta do.” Matt nodded. “In the meantime, I need to discuss a few things with you about this divorce.”

  “Like what?” He asked warily.

  Matt's smile was downright scary when he replied, “Like how to stop it, or at least slow the process down indefinitely.”


  “So, what did Matt want?” Claire asked curiously.

  “To have dinner,” Harley replied absently.

  Her mother nodded confidently. “He wants you back.”

  “To discuss the divorce,” she clarified with a worried frown. “He wants to make some changes.”

  Like not getting one, Claire thought but wisely refrained from saying. A man did not send flowers to a woman he wanted to get rid of. “Where's he taking you?”

  “The Manor House.”

  “Nice.” This just kept getting better. The Manor House was known for its romantic atmosphere. Her daughter wouldn't stand a chance if Matt decided to turn on that bad boy charm he'd inherited from his father. “What are you gonna wear?”

  Harley stopped worrying over what kind of changes he wanted to discuss and focused on what her mom had asked. “Oh, lord,” she complained in dismay. “I don't have anything to wear.” She'd only brought one nice dress with her and she'd worn it to the bar the night she'd arrived. There was nothing else suitable for the Manor House, so that left her with one option. “Mom, we're going shopping.”


  The two women spent an enjoyable afternoon shopping for the perfect dress, shoes and accessories and Harley barely had enough time to get ready. The shoes had been a completely impractical purchase since she'd probably never wear them again, but they'd been to die for and she just hadn't been able to pass them up.

  She'd always loved stilettos, but Donald preferred she wear flats since they were the same height and he was uncomfortable having her taller than him. Matthew was tall enough that it wouldn't matter, not that she cared about his opinion one way or the other, she assured herself.

  When he arrived, she opened the door and said coolly, “Hello, Matthew. Come in.”

  Matt walked inside, saw the mountain of flowers that now resided atop the dining table and nearly groaned aloud. “Did I send that?”

  She couldn't prevent a smile at his rueful expression and admitted, “They're perfect.”

  It was pretty, but damn, it was huge. “I told Eileen to put everything she had in it because I didn't know which was your favorite.” He explained, more than pleased that she liked the monstrosity.

  “Neither do I,” Harley confessed.

  “You look incredible as always,” he said as he turned his gaze on her. Harley looked every inch a lady tonight. The figure hugging black dress was very demure and hinted at, rather than revealed, what lay beneath and the simple pearl necklace and earrings added to the understated elegance. She had twisted her hair up into some fancy style that made him want to take it down and run his fingers through it. And she was wearing the sexiest shoes that emphasized those long, gorgeous legs to perfection. God, how he'd love to see her in nothing but the shoes. “Love those shoes.”

  Harley was somewhat taken aback that he'd noticed her choice of footwear and even more so that he'd actually complimented them. Donald rarely commented on her attire unless it was something he didn't care for. “Thank you. You look very nice yourself,” she grudgingly admitted and that was a major understatement.

  It was the first time she had ever seen him in a suit and it fit his magnificent body like it had been tailored for him. He looked positively breathtaking and not at all like the bad boy she knew he was. Matthew looked as sophisticated and polished as the men she normally associated with and she was amazed at the transformation. “That's a beautiful suit.”

  “I've got a closet full of the damn things so I wear them for church and different occasions,” he admitted as if what he wore was of little consequence. Matt had never paid much attention to clothes. Jeans and black T-shirts were his standard work uniform since they were comfortable and didn't show grease easily and he usually wore a polo shirt and jeans in his free time. The suits were a necessary nuisance since he was compelled to dress up on occasion.

  She wondered why he had a closet full of suits, but the second half of his statement captured her attention. “Church?” Harley choked back a laugh at the idea of a hellion like Matthew in church.

  “The minister is a good customer. I try to return the business when I can.” Matt said with a straight face and could tell Harley thought he was joking.

  She couldn't have been more surprised if he'd told her he was gay. It seemed Matthew had changed over the years. “I'm ready when you are,” she said and turned to pick up her purse.

  Matt grinned wickedly. Demure dress, my ass. The entire back was bare to the waist and nothing short of perfect on her. The dress said it all. Harley was half lady and half wild woman. Tonight he was going to charm the lady, and if he was damn lucky, make love to the wild woman. Schooling his features into a bland expression as she turned to face him, he slid his hand behind her back and led her out to the car.

ring the drive they talked about how much and how little Lakeside had changed over the years. “We've tried to keep up with the times as much as possible and still preserve the historic atmosphere of the town,” he explained. “Adding the mall was a good decision since it generated employment opportunities and brought in more revenue, but it was a battle to get it passed. A lot of people were concerned the downtown area would suffer, so we limited the types of businesses the mall could include and haven't had any problems.”

  “It sounds like you had more than a passing interest in it,” she said in amusement that he was so involved in the town’s growth.

  “I did.” Matt admitted as he pulled into the restaurant parking lot. “I'm the president of the city council, so I took a lot of heat over that project. Luckily it worked out or I'd have been run out of town by now.” He got out to go around and open her door and grinned at her dumbfounded expression.

  Matthew was the president of the city council? My God, it seemed like a hell of a lot had changed since she'd left. She wondered how the baddest bad boy in town had managed to become the most powerful man in Lakeside. The council was always made up of the most prominent business men and only the real movers and shakers ever got to be president. That was a real coup and she wondered how he had pulled it off.

  Matt helped her out of the car and kept his hand at the small of her back as he led her up the walkway to the front door. Like the Baker's home, the Manor House was also a classic Greek-revival style antebellum home built in the 1800's by one of the town’s three founding families. It wasn't as imposing as the Baker's, but it was a magnificent structure none the less.

  As a designer, Harley was deeply impressed by the architecture as well as the decor that screamed genteel elegance. The owners had turned the house into a restaurant when she was in high school and Harley had always wanted to visit the place. It lived up to her expectations and then some.

  “Hi, Mr. Baker,” the pretty, young hostess greeted him with a smile of pure invitation. “Your table's ready.”

  “Thanks, Judy.” Matt said and remembered he'd left the portfolio in the car. He turned to Harley and said, “Go on in. I'll be there in a minute.”


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