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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

Page 24

by Tonya Brooks

  They lay holding each other in a warm afterglow for endless minutes before Harley sat up astride him and asked curiously, “Why'd you stop me?”

  “You were making me too crazy, baby,” he admitted. “I wasn't sure how much longer I could control myself. That was the most erotic thing I've ever experienced.”

  She flashed him that naughty smile and rocked her hips suggestively. “Wanna try again?”

  His eyes widened in surprise and Matt asked, “Are you trying to make me lose control?”

  “Damn straight.” Harley readily admitted and began to rock her hips. “Being a lady ain't all it’s cracked up to be.”

  Matt laughed in delight. It looked like Harley had conquered her fear and he sure as hell wasn't about to deny her the opportunity to drive him out of his mind. Lifting his hips, he heard her gasp and smiled devilishly. It was gonna be a hell of a night.

  Chapter Ten

  Sunday, May 26, 2013

  It was a somber and deeply troubled man who drove home that morning. There had to be some way he could find out who the rapist was. Somebody had to know something. There was no such thing as a secret in Lakeside. Hell, everybody knew everybody else's business whether they wanted to or not. There just wasn't any way that something like this had happened and no one had heard about it. The only secrets in this town were official police business and not for public knowledge.

  Matt parked the car and got out as a thought occurred to him. Brett would know if it had happened to another woman, but he doubted his friend would be willing to discuss it with him. Then again, he wouldn't know unless he tried. Deciding to broach the subject with him when they met Tuesday morning, he walked in the house and threw his wrinkled jacket over the back of a chair at the kitchen table.

  Without a word to his family, Matt headed to the counter to pour himself a much needed cup of coffee. The possibility that someone he knew, and had spoken to countless times over the years, had raped his wife, was weighing heavily on his mind. At this point, the only person he didn't suspect was Mark, since his brother would have had no reason to take what had been freely given. The reminder that Mark had been Harley's lover did nothing to improve his mood.

  “You look like something the cat dragged in.” Jedidiah commented irritably because the scowl on his eldest son's face did not look as if he'd spent the night in Harley's arms as he had hoped. “Where've you been all night?”

  “With Harley,” he said flatly and pulled a mug out of the cabinet.

  Mark had gone to put his cup in the sink, and asked the same question that the brothers had been teasing each other with for years, without thinking. “Is she as good as I remember?” A split second later, he found himself slammed back against the cabinets with Matt's hand clenched around his throat in a move designed to crush his windpipe. “Jesus.” Mark breathed in shocked disbelief at the pure unadulterated rage he saw in his brother's eyes. He knew he had crossed the line and strayed into the taboo zone, but he couldn't believe Matt's reaction.

  Realizing what he was doing, Matt released him and snarled viciously, “Don't ever say anything like that again.”

  “It was a joke, bro.” Mark assured him hoarsely and knew his throat would be bruised for days.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Jedidiah demanded angrily as he stepped between his sons. He knew exactly what Matt had intended with that move and was as shocked as Mark had been. That his eldest was spoiling for a fight was evident, but Matt had never attacked one of his brothers with the intent of causing permanent damage before. Hell, his son wouldn't do such a thing to anyone without extreme provocation.

  It took some doing, but they finally managed to calm Matt down enough for him to tell them about Harley being raped. He didn't leave out a single detail, but he had to stop and get control of his rage more than once. Especially when he began to describe the beating that she had received. They all knew that Harley was a fighter, and she wouldn't have given in, no matter what her attacker had done in retaliation. She must have received a hell of a beating on top of everything else.

  His father and brothers were nearly as furious as Matt was. Harley was one of their own and nobody messed with the Baker's without receiving retribution. The fact that they couldn't hunt the bastard down and kill him only added to their fury. Mark put his fist through the wall, and for once, the old man didn't raise hell at the damage. Truth be told, Jedidiah felt like doing the same damn thing.

  Luckily, Jed had spent the night at his grandmothers, so he missed the entire incident.


  Later that morning, Harley brought Jed home and he ran inside the house ahead of her. “Hi, Dad,” The boy said as he raced up the stairs to get his ball and glove and then raced back outside to practice pitching his fast ball before his mother ever made it to the door.

  Matt met her on the veranda and she shoved a gallon jar into his hands. “What's this?”

  “Mom's pickles,” Harley sighed as she headed to the kitchen with a second jar. “If I don't get rid of them before I leave, she'll send them home with me.”

  “Are they that bad?” He asked in surprise because Claire was an excellent cook.

  “That good,” she complained. “I gain weight every time she sends them to me. Try one.”

  Matt opened the jar and popped a slice in his mouth. They were crunchy, sweet and delicious. He leaned back against the counter, snagged her hips and pulled her between his legs to kiss her hungrily. “The pickles taste almost as good as you do,” he assured her with a wicked grin.

  “That's quite a compliment, Harley gal.” Jedidiah said with a smile of satisfaction as he entered the kitchen. “I've tried your mama's pickles and there ain't no better.”

  “I'll tell her you said so.” Harley said with a blush as she tried to step away from Matthew and didn't have any luck when he refused to release her. She didn't know why she'd bothered. Jedidiah had known all along that the two of them were crazy about each other. If they'd had any sense, they would have listened to him long ago.

  Jedidiah reached inside a cabinet and pulled out a tin of mints. “I've got a tickle in my throat,” he complained as he opened the lid and offered, “Have one.”

  “No!” She exclaimed and recoiled from the mints as she paled several shades and burrowed into the safety of Matthew's embrace.

  With a nod to his father to leave them alone, Matt rubbed his hands over her back soothingly. “Baby, what's wrong?” He asked in confusion as her trembling body clung to his.

  “Wintergreen,” she said shakily as she fought to overcome the fear that had assailed her. “He smelled like it.”


  “The man... the man who...” she shuddered at the memory.

  “The bastard that raped you?” Matt asked in a low growl and kept a stranglehold on his anger.

  “I still can't stand the scent of it.” She admitted and loosened her hold on him as she looked around to see that they were alone. “The old man must think I'm crazy.”

  “Pop thinks you walk on water.” Matt assured her. “You can do no wrong in his eyes.”

  “He has blinders on.” She said with a shaky laugh and noticed a fist sized hole in the wall on the other side of the room. Somebody was in deep shit. The old man didn't tolerate anybody damaging the house for any reason. “Who punched the wall?”

  “Mark. I told the family about what happened,” he confessed and saw her eyes darken with shame. “They're your family, too, baby. They deserved to know the truth and you know they'd never blame you or gossip about it.”

  “I know,” she admitted and her eyes implored his as a thought occurred to her. “Matthew, please don't tell Jed. I don't think I could bear him knowing what happened. He's so protective of me like it is.”

  “Like father, like son,” he smiled and kissed her gently. “When you're ready, we'll tell him together.”

  “I plan to tell Mom before I leave.”

  “The more you talk about it, the easier it'll be,�
�� he assured her and didn't even want to think about her leaving. “I still think you should talk to Brett.”

  Matthew had encouraged her during the night to file a police report and she had agreed to at least think about it. “If I decide to, would you go with me?” She asked hopefully.

  “To hell and back,” he vowed.

  Harley smiled at that and placed her hands on his chest. “We've already done that, Matthew.”

  Unfortunately, he couldn't disagree with her assessment. He noticed that her left hand was still bare and hope filled his heart. “You're not wearing his ring.”

  Harley knew that no matter what happened with Matthew, there was no way that she could marry a man she didn't love or even desire. She had removed the ring from the ashtray this morning and placed it in her purse for safekeeping. “You made me realize that I can't marry him,” she confessed softly.

  “Does that mean you're willing to give me another chance?” He asked hopefully.

  “It means I'm willing to consider it.” She admitted and hugged him fiercely before pulling reluctantly away from his big, strong body. Last night had made her hope that they could have a future together, but Harley had been hurt too much to just blindly take a leap of faith again. “I've gotta go deliver more pickles.”

  After all the hell he'd put her through, the fact that she was even willing to consider it was more than he could have hoped for. “Jed's thrilled that you're going to the game with us.” Matt said with a grin as he kept his arm around her waist while they walked out to her car. He had called their son this morning and let him know they were going to be spending time together as a family that evening. The boy had been ecstatic at the news.

  “It's all he's talked about since you called,” she agreed with a smile of indulgence. Harley wasn't sure it was such a good idea to get their sons hopes up so prematurely, but there was no doubt that Jed was happier than she'd ever seen him.

  “I'll drop him off for practice at four and then pick you up. The game starts at five.” Their son played softball when he was here during the summer and he was thrilled that his mom was actually going to get to see him play.

  “It's a date,” she agreed and her knees went weak when he kissed her goodbye. Harley had to concentrate to remember how to crank the high tech car and put it in gear after that. Lord, the man had a powerful effect on her senses. Especially after the night they had just shared. If she'd known making love with him could have been like that, there's no way in hell she would have left him. And Matthew for damn sure wouldn't have had the energy for another woman after a night in her bed.


  “Fred Hanson called.” Jedidiah informed Matt when he entered the house. “His car broke down out by the blueberry farm and he wants you to tow it in.”

  So much for a relaxing afternoon. “Alright.”

  “Matt, what was wrong with Harley?” Was asked with a worried frown.

  “It was the mints,” he explained tersely. “The bastard that raped her smelled like wintergreen.”

  “Ya don't say?” The older man asked in surprise. He knew a man who always smelled like the potent mint but he wasn't about to share that with his hotheaded son. Matt would kill the man outright and forget about asking questions. Maybe he should take the other boys and pay him a visit.


  Harley passed the bar and saw Mark's Mercedes in the parking lot. Knowing that she owed him an explanation, she pulled in and parked beside him. She entered the quiet building and saw him sitting at the bar alone, an open bottle of whiskey and an empty glass in front him. “What's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?” She asked with an attempt at humor.

  “Ask for it.” He said as he stared at her broodingly before he walked behind the bar and placed a clean shot glass on the counter.

  “I'd prefer a soft drink,” she said as she sat on a bar stool. “It's a little early for alcohol, Mark.”

  “Not after the morning I've had,” he grouched and placed the drink it in front of her.

  “Thanks.” Harley said as she lifted the glass and took a sip. “Matthew said he told you.”

  “Why the hell didn't you?” Mark demanded, deeply wounded that she hadn't trusted him enough to tell him that she'd been brutally attacked.

  “I couldn't,” she confessed and stared down at the glass she held instead of meeting his eyes.

  He walked back around the bar as he complained, “Dammit, Harley, I was your best friend. We shared everything. I should have been there for you.”

  “I wanted to tell you, Mark.” She admitted and lifted her troubled gaze to meet his stormy dark brown eyes. “But I knew if I did, it would ruin our friendship.”

  “How the hell could you possibly believe that?” Mark asked in disbelief and sat heavily on the stool next to her. “You were the most important person in my life. I would have done anything for you, Harley.”

  “And I knew that. Which is why I had planned to ask you to make love to me,” she confessed and saw his eyes widen in shock at the revelation.

  “What?” Mark wheezed in disbelief.

  Harley sat the drink on the bar and tried to explain. “I thought if I made love with someone it would help me forget about what had happened. And since I trusted you completely, you were the logical choice.” She elaborated and saw his expression change to one of compassion before he leaned forward and pulled her into his arms and just held her in a comforting embrace.

  Harley held on to his solid strength and added, “But then I realized the game would become a reality, and it just wasn't worth the risk of losing you. You were too important to me, Mark.”

  That soothed his wounded feelings and erased the hurt even if it didn't make a damn bit of sense. Harley wouldn't have lost him no matter what happened between them. “So you decided to sleep with my brother instead.” He deduced and finally understood why she had gotten drunk and thrown herself at Matt. And why she hadn't been a virgin, dammit.

  “I wasn't in the best frame of mind,” she admitted the painful truth of her intentions. “Any man would have done. Matthew just happened to be there.”

  That in itself assured him just how desperate she had been. “Matt's a good man, Harley. You could have done a hell of a lot worse,” he said sincerely and poured himself a double. God knows he needed it after this. “You still could.”

  When he took a swallow and winced in pain, Harley noticed a darkened area just inside his shirt collar and she pushed it aside to reveal bruises on his neck. “My God!” She gasped and undid two buttons to stare in disbelief at what looked like fingerprints on his throat. “What happened?”

  “Nothing I didn't deserve,” he evaded answering directly. Not satisfied with that, Harley folded her arms over her chest and stared at him with a look that he remembered all too well. Knowing that she would spend the rest of the day just sitting there waiting for an answer, he finally gave in and admitted, “I said something really stupid without thinking and Matt reacted pretty much the same way.”

  Eyes round in horrified disbelief, she asked, “Matthew did that?”

  “I would have done the same thing if I'd been him,” he assured her and buttoned his shirt.

  “Mark, what did you say?” She asked with a worried frown.

  “It was just a joke.” Mark said and took another swallow. He winced in pain again and saw her eyes darken angrily. Ah hell, he was gonna have to tell her. He explained what had happened and hastily added, “Don't get mad with Matt for defending you, Harley. He was still furious about the rape and wasn't thinking clearly. Under the circumstances, I got off pretty easy.”

  “I'm going to tell him about the game,” she decided. There was no way in hell she could let something like this come between the brothers again, especially not after all this time.

  “He's not gonna like it.” Mark warned her. Matt would not take kindly to the knowledge that they had made a fool out of him.

  “I'm tired of the secrets,” she sighed wearily. “Besides
, Matthew deserves to know the truth.”

  “Want me to tell him?” He offered. “After all, it was my idea.”

  “You've already got enough bruises.” Harley said dryly.


  Matt passed the bar on the way to the blueberry farm and slammed on the brakes when he saw Harley's car parked beside Mark's and knew that they were alone. Jealousy threatened to consume him at the thought of them together. Dammit, there was no way that he could deal with it if Harley went back to his brother. No way in hell. He was the one that she had trusted enough to help her overcome her fears. He was the man who had spent the night making love to her. He was the one who loved her more than life itself. Why the hell couldn't Harley see that they belonged together?

  “What's wrong, Dad?” Jed asked curiously when they stopped in the middle of the street.

  “Nothing,” Matt said gruffly. Pressing his foot down on the accelerator, he drove slowly out of town but couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that wouldn't leave him alone. After he towed the car in, Matt was too anxious to see Harley to wait until later, so he headed over to her mom's.

  “Hi, Claire,” he said when his son bounded into the house ahead of him to find Candi.

  “Matt, good to see you,” Claire smiled warmly.

  “Harley's not expecting me until later.”

  “Have a seat. She should be back soon,” she assured him. “Can I get you a glass of tea?”

  “No, thanks,” Matt frowned and sat down. The Jag was parked in the yard, so he asked warily, “Where is she?” Please, God, don't let her be with Mark.

  “Down at the cove.” Claire explained. “She used to spend hours down there when she was a teenager.”

  “She went alone?” He asked anxiously as he surged to his feet.

  “Yes,” she admitted in surprise at his abrupt change in mood. “She should have been back by now. I can't imagine what she found so fascinating down there.” But she was talking to an empty room because he had raced out the door without a word.


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