Book Read Free

Fourth Fight

Page 28

by Mary Abshire

  “You need to get some rest,” Andrew said.

  “I hope the guy Matt contacted to stitch me up has pain killers. I forgot to ask,” she said.

  Andrew moved his hand away from her thigh. “I can ask. He said the guy would show up after we settled into the hotel.”

  “That would be good.” She turned her head in a way that made her appear robotic. “Tell me what’s going on between you two.”

  Troy leaned toward the front seat. “We had a long talk. There’s nothing going on. And so we’re all clear, I’m not interested in your fake-ass husband. He’s not my type.”

  Andrew took a deep breath to calm his temper. While Emily had been persuading the gals to fabricate details about her, Troy had vented his concern about Emily if she continued to stay with Andrew. According to Troy, Andrew will cause Emily to see an early grave. The latest event on top of what happened in New York was proof. Thankfully Troy didn’t know about her near-death experience in Missouri. If he had, Troy probably would have shoved him off the boat. Bottom line, Troy wanted Andrew to leave since it seemed clear she wouldn’t. Troy had even thrown the line from Sting’s 1985 song, if you love someone set them free.

  “Neither of you have spoken a word to each other since your little talk. I have enough shit to deal with right now. So if one of you could fucking tell me what’s going on, I’d really appreciate it,” Emily said.

  The irritation in her tone prompted Andrew’s brows up. He wondered if her lack of sleep contributed to her less than happy mood.

  Andrew returned his hand to her thigh. “There’s nothing going on.”

  Troy crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat. Her gaze jumped between him and Andrew.

  “Yeah, whatever,” she said softly as she looked away.

  Matt returned to the car with keycards in hand. He gave them to Andrew and Troy. “It’s a suite with a kitchenette and pull-out bed. I booked the adjoining room too for me and Tony. I had to pay more since we’re so early, but the rooms were vacant.”

  “I’ll pay you back. I have money saved,” Andrew said.

  “No worries,” Matt said.

  “How quickly can your friend arrive to treat Emily?” Troy asked.

  “Uh, twenty to thirty minutes, I would guess,” he said as he twisted around to face them from between the seats. “Everything okay?”

  “I need pain killers,” she said. “And I’m going to vomit if I don’t clean up soon.”

  Matt returned to the front. “All right.” He turned the key in the ignition.

  “Is your back bothering you more?” Andrew asked.


  Matt drove around to the back of the cream-colored two-leveled building. Not too many cars were parked on the lot. The hotel sat outside the city in a suburban area. Given the early hour and dark clouds in the sky, most people were probably still in bed. Sneaking Emily inside dressed in her raggedy shirt would be a breeze.

  The second Matt cut the engine, Troy hurried out of the car. Andrew scooted across the seat to follow him. Troy had reached Emily’s side and had opened the door before Andrew could stand. Frowning, Andrew watched Troy help Emily out of the vehicle. While Andrew understood Troy cared for Emily, so did Andrew, but on a deeper, closer level. Andrew was quite capable of tending to her needs, more so than Troy. Why couldn’t Troy see that? Or was he refusing to?

  Emily paled as she stood outside the car door. The bruises on her face and hand seemed more vibrant. Even with her short tangled hair and battered marks she took Andrew’s breath away. She’d always be sexy and attractive to him. But the broken fingers really needed to be put back into place.

  “You don’t look good,” Troy said.

  “Get me inside.”

  “Want me to carry you?” Andrew asked.

  “No, that will make the pain worse.” She took one slow step after another toward the building.

  Troy stayed close behind her with his hands near her hips as if he were going to catch her if she would start to fall. The back of her shirt stuck to her body. Dried blood covered most of the area. Andrew hated to think she’d lost so much blood and endured so much pain, and still was.

  While Tony and Matt unloaded the trunk, Andrew rushed to the hotel suite. He slid the key card into the slot and then held the door open. Troy continued to follow Emily inside.

  “I’m taking a long shower,” she said as she passed by the backside of a long sofa, heading to the bedroom. “And I want to be alone.”

  Troy came to a halt at the end of the sofa. “I don’t want to see your skinny ass anyway.”

  Andrew passed him, following her. After she entered the room, she began shutting the door. Andrew blocked her efforts with his body in the way.

  “I can help you,” he said.

  “I don’t want your help.” She moved the door closer to him and he pushed against it with his hand.

  “Em, you look ready to drop at any minute. Let me help you.”

  “Please get out of the way. If I want your help, I’ll yell for you. Can you please just leave me alone for a bit?”

  When her red eyes became teary, he fought the desire to force himself into the room and hold her. But he feared she’d get angry with him given her current mood. His best option was to honor her request no matter how badly he wanted to care for her. Lowering his head, he backed out of the doorway.

  Troy glared at him. “Guess she told you.”

  “She needs help.”

  “Yes, I can see that. She’ll ask for it when she’s ready. Give her some space.”

  He hadn’t seen her for several days. He needed to be with her, to love and take care of her. How much space could she need?

  Matt and Troy entered the suite carrying several bags and a cooler. They set the items near the bar with stools that separated the kitchen and living areas.

  “Oh, my bags,” Troy said, passing Andrew. He claimed his computer case and duffle bag.

  “Where’s your wife?” Matt asked.

  “You know they aren’t married, right?” Troy asked before he walked with his bags to the chair near the sofa.

  “They should be,” Matt said.

  “She’s cleaning up,” Andrew said, stepping closer to the two men. “She asked to be alone.”

  Matt dug his cell from his front pocket. “I’ll call my friend.”

  “Is our room over here?” Tony asked, pointing to a door in the kitchen.

  “Yeah, that should be it,” Matt said before he lifted the phone to his ear.

  Tony left the suite. The door shut with a thud behind him.

  “You can clean your leg in our bathroom if you want,” Matt said to Andrew.

  “I’ll wait until I can stitch it up.” He passed him and strolled into the kitchen. Paper towels sat on the countertop. He would at least wipe off the dried blood streaks on his leg.

  Tony emerged from the door in the kitchen. “The room looks about the same, just reversed.”

  “Hey Bill, it’s Matt. We made it to the hotel. How quickly can you get here?” Matt paused, listening to his phone. “The sooner the better. She’s hurt bad. Do you have some pain killers you can give her?” Another pause. “Bring what you can and supplies. We don’t have any. Thanks.” He lowered the cell.

  “How soon can he be here?” Andrew asked.

  “A half hour,” Matt said. “And he has pain killers.”

  Andrew moistened the towels. “That’s good. I think she was in too much pain to sleep much on the boat.” He wiped the dark red crust from his leg. After he’d finished, he tossed the towels into the trash.

  Matt and Tony took a seat in the living room. Tony held the remote in his hand and aimed it at the wide television on the wall. Troy seemed engrossed with his the laptop on his knees. Andrew sat at the only space left at the end of the sofa.

  “That’s going to hurt when you take them off,” Matt said, looking at the dark spot on his shorts.

  “Which is why I’d rather wait until I can sti
tch it and apply a bandage,” Andrew said before he looked at the closed door to the bedroom.

  Andrew worried about Emily. Her top had been glued to her. He could only imagine how much pain she’d endure when it came time to remove the shirt. Without hearing a sound from the room, he wondered if he should check in on her.

  “She’ll have a new identity in a few days,” Troy said. “I can’t get her documents any sooner.”

  Andrew leaned his elbow on the armrest and stared at the TV. He couldn’t focus on the crime show on the screen while his thoughts persisted about Emily. What if she’d fallen asleep in the tub? Was she standing in the shower? She’d been so weak and delicate. How could she manage on her own? Yes, she was strong, but she looked as if she’d reached her limit.

  “Maybe I should check on her,” Andrew said.

  “No.” Troy lifted his gaze. “She would yell if she needed help. If she wants to be alone, then leave her be.”

  Andrew glared at Troy. Maybe Troy was right, but Andrew still wanted to make sure she was okay.

  “How long have you been friends with her?” Matt asked.

  “Since we were five. She’s a good fighter, but stubborn,” Troy said, returning his attention to his laptop.

  Tony rose from the sofa. He handed the remote to Matt. “I’m going to lay down for a bit. Wake me if you need anything.”

  After he left the room, Matt switched the channel. Andrew bobbled his leg while his impatience grew. He longed to peek in on Emily.

  Sometime later, a knock on the door gathered everyone’s attention.

  “I’ll get it.” Matt left the sofa to check on their visitor.

  While Troy stuffed his laptop into his bag, Andrew stood to meet Matt’s friend.

  Matt opened the door. “Bill, good to see you.”

  The man standing outside carried a black bag at his side with the strap over his shoulder. He stood about the same height as Matt, but had a leaner frame. Bill had short dark hair on his head and face. The two men hugged briefly.

  “Come in,” Matt said.

  Bill stepped into the suite. His gaze landed on Troy first. “Hello.”

  Andrew walked around the sofa. “I’m Spencer.” He offered his hand. “My wife is the one you’ll be treating.” Since Andrew hadn’t been sure what name Matt had given him, he stuck with his fake one.

  Troy slowly approached them while Bill accepted Andrew’s greeting. “I’m a close friend of the woman in need.”

  “Where is she?” Bill asked, scanning the room.

  “Stay here. I’ll let her know you arrived,” Troy said before he strode toward the bedroom.

  Andrew hurried to catch up to him. There was no way he would miss a chance to see her.

  Troy knocked on the door. “Matt’s friend is here.”

  They waited for a response. When one didn’t come, Andrew reached in front of Troy and turned the knob.

  “You clearly don’t have any patience,” Troy said as Andrew entered the bedroom.

  “No, I’ve run out of it.”

  The bathroom door had been shut, but light peeked out from underneath. Water ran from the shower. Andrew walked up to the door and tapped on it with his knuckles. “Em, Matt’s friend is here.”

  “Okay,” she said in a weak and strained voice. “Send him and Troy in.”

  He put his hand on the knob. The temptation to check her overwhelmed him.

  Troy smacked his hand. “Let me handle this.”

  The splashing of water stopped.

  “I want to help, Em. I’m a nurse, I can—”

  “No,” she said, silencing Andrew. “Please go away. Troy can show him in.”


  “Go away!” she barked. “Please.” There was a pause. “I don’t want you to see me.”

  His heart ached for her. “I love you. I don’t care how you look.”

  “Please, Andrew…” She pleaded in a soft voice and then sniffled. “If you love me, then go away.” Her voice sounded weepy.

  Grief swallowed him. He yearned to hold her in his arms and comfort her, but he knew better than to push her. Upsetting her would only make matters worse. He wanted a quick end to her misery. Every cell within him hated to walk away, but if it helped her feel better, he would.

  Troy folded his arms. “You heard her. Do I need to show you the door?”

  “No.” Andrew inhaled a long breath, trying to ease his mourning heart. “Make sure she is treated well.”

  “I always do.”

  Andrew believed him. Emily and Troy had a special bond that could never be broken. Andrew may not like him and vice versa, but Troy had her best interests at heart. Slowly, Andrew walked away.

  He stepped from the bedroom and saw Matt talking to Bill near the sofa. Their attention shifted as Andrew headed toward them.

  Bill’s gaze lowered to Andrew’s leg. “Is that a problem I need to look at?”

  “No, I can stitch it myself if you have the supplies for me,” Andrew said.

  “I brought plenty,” Bill said.

  “Take care of her first. She’s in a lot of pain. I can wait.”

  Bill nodded. “All right.”

  Andrew watched Bill head to the bedroom. Troy waited by the door, his hand on the knob. As soon as Bill entered, Troy ended Andrew’s view into the room.

  “Are you okay?” Matt asked.


  “What’s wrong?”

  Andrew leaned against the back of the sofa. “She doesn’t want me to see her.”

  Confusion chipped away at his thoughts as he tried to understand why she rejected him. She should know he loved her beyond appearances. So why did she refuse to allow him to be with her while the doctor stitched her up? Why did she fear Andrew seeing her injuries?

  Matt put his hand on Andrew’s shoulder. “She’s been hurt bad. Just give her a little time. She’ll come around. If it helps you any, Bill is a good doctor. He’ll fix her up well. I met him in Iraq. He’s treated all kinds of injuries.”

  “That’s good.”

  Andrew followed Matt around the sofa. They sat and resumed watching the television. Andrew faced the screen, but his thoughts were really elsewhere, worrying about Emily.

  A loud scream from the bedroom made Andrew flinch. Andrew straightened, recognizing the strong vocal cords belonged to Emily. Her piercing cry silently called to him to help her, to end her agony.

  “I’m guessing he is resetting her fingers,” Matt said.

  Andrew stared at the door. While she yelled for several minutes, it took all his effort not to go to her. He should be with her, comforting her. She shouldn’t face such intense pain alone. He rose from his seat.

  As her voice faded, Andrew ambled closer to the door. His heart continued to thump hard and fast. He needed to know she would be okay, which seemed silly. She was in good hands with a doctor and her best friend.

  The door swung open suddenly. Troy stepped out with a menacing look. He grabbed Andrew’s arm and pulled it.

  “I want you to see what was done to her because of you,” Troy snarled.

  Andrew’s eyes widened as he walked into the room. Emily lay half naked on her stomach across the end of the bed with towels underneath her and one covering her ass. Her head faced Bill as he kneeled near the bed, wrapping her fingers to a stint. His bag containing all his medical supplies lay open not far from her head. Her eyes were closed as if she were sleeping.

  “Look at the fucking mess.” Troy gestured at her back.

  Deep slashes across her skin leaked blood. There were so many of them and they mixed into others. Small pieces of her flesh had been torn away. If he looked close enough he was certain small areas of her spine were exposed.

  His knees weakened while nausea rose hot and fast. He reached to touch her, but Troy yanked his arm back.

  “This is because of you. She is scarred for life. If she hadn’t been working with you, she wouldn’t have gotten hurt,” Troy yelled before he shoved his hands
into Andrew’s chest.

  Andrew stumbled back a step. He couldn’t take his eyes off the gruesome sight of Emily’s back.

  “What is it going to take for you to see how dangerous it is to work with you? Death? Do you want to see her dead?” Troy’s furious tone brought Bill to his feet.

  “Hey, do you two need to step outside?” Bill asked.

  Troy poked at Andrew’s chest. “You’re a fucking dangerous man. If you continue to work with her, you will bring her more pain. You will get her killed. If you love her so much, you will be a man and walk away. She’s done enough to help you. Now think of her life for a change.”

  His words struck Andrew deep in his heart. Emily had risked her life time and time again to help Andrew destroy demons. No matter how much he pleaded with her not to go alone or not to do anything that was dangerous, she would anyway. He hated to admit the truth, but Troy was right. As long as she was with Andrew, she would take chances. One day, her decision would cost her life.

  Andrew swallowed the flood of emotions lumped in his throat. “I’ll go. I’ll do it. But give me a few minutes alone with her.

  “She’s out for a while. I gave her a shot,” Bill said.

  “I won’t wake her. I just need a few minutes alone.” Andrew swallowed. “Then I’ll leave.”

  Troy stared at Andrew as if he didn’t believe him. “A few minutes. No more. She’s bleeding and needs an IV hooked up.”

  “I won’t take long,” Andrew said, fighting tears trying to surface.

  “Come on, Bill. Let’s give the man a few minutes,” Troy said before he hesitantly headed for the door.

  Andrew turned to look at Emily as both men left the room. Rivulets of blood continued to roll down the sides and pool in the center of her back. Her skin looked pale against the crimson color. She’d suffered so much. She was a tough woman, a fighter to the end. He wanted to be with her in heaven, but he didn’t want her end to arrive before it was time. She deserved to live a happy normal life, free from violence and pain.

  He fell to his knees near her face. He couldn’t hold back his sorrow any longer. Tears ran down his cheeks while his heart attempted to jump from his chest. He ran his fingers through her damp hair and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I’m so, so sorry. I have to do this.”


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