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The Soul Mate

Page 15

by Kendall Ryan

  I nodded. “I will. Thanks, Mom.”

  She rose from the couch, giving my shoulder a soft pat. “Anytime. You actually caught me on my way out.”

  I hugged my mother goodbye and set off for my place, the desperate need to see Bren almost making me pull a U-turn and go straight to her place. But I needed a moment to think, to come up with a plan—figure out the right words to say. I wasn’t about to let us end like this. I’d spent my whole life searching for my one perfect mate, and I’d finally found her. I just had to make her see it.

  When I pulled to a stop in front of my place, Bren’s car was already parked outside. The sky outside was turning an ominous shade of gray and a rumble of thunder vibrated in the distance.

  “Bren,” I breathed. “I didn’t expect to find you here.”

  She shoved a strand of golden hair behind her ear. “Sorry, I had a lot on my mind and when I got in my car, I just drove. I ended up here.” She let out a massive sigh, her eyes just as dark and stormy as the sky overhead.

  “It’s fine. I was thinking we should talk too.”

  A crack of thunder made Bren flinch.

  “Come on.” I tugged her toward the house.

  Once inside we toed off our shoes and I lead her into the living room. “Something to drink?” I asked as we passed the kitchen. Bren shook her head, stopping in front of the windows.

  For a moment we just stared at each other, neither one wanting to break the charged silence.

  “You were right,” we said the words in unison, then met eyes, both of us afraid to laugh.

  I hesitated, waiting for Bren to speak, and then she offered me a small smile and began.

  “There are certain things about me that I don’t like to share with people. But now… with you . . . ” She shook her head.

  I smiled but didn’t speak. I wanted her to be open to telling me whatever she had on her mind.

  “I told you about my dad on the plane, but I guess I left out the parts about how it affected me.”

  My stomach dropped, but I stayed quiet as she rushed to continue.

  “He was diagnosed when I was twelve, and for three years I watched my mother at his bedside day and night.”

  She paused, but I still said nothing, waiting for her to give me some signal that it was all right for me to talk. For now, this was her time and it was long overdue, so I nodded encouragingly, despite the urge to drag her into my arms and comfort her.

  “So, for those three years, it was like I was losing both of my parents at once, you know? My mother’s attention was elsewhere, my father was slowly losing the ability to do the things we used to do together like go fishing or fix cars. Then, when he died…” Her voice broke, and I waited as she cleared her throat and started again.

  “When he died, it was like both my parents had gone. Even now, so many years later, my mom can barely function without him. And while I was in the cheetah enclosure, I was thinking about that sort of loss, you know? When cheetahs’ companions die, they languish and die, too. And ever since my father died, I’ve been afraid that that is sort of the fate of people who fall in love. You get left behind eventually and it’s not like I can ask you not to die, you know?”

  A slow tear trickled down her cheek and I took a step forward, then grasped her hand and squeezed it.

  She let me hold her hand, and continued. “I know it must have seemed crazy to you with things going so well and me just slipping away all the time. It’s just that I can feel myself falling for you and I can’t bear to lose you, you know? And as we get closer, it’s only going to get worse and when you leave…” Another tear slid down her cheek and she wiped it away hastily.

  “I just don’t want to lose myself the way she—my mom—did.”

  “You didn’t do that when your father died,” I offered.

  She met my gaze wearily. “I did, though. I was a mess for an entire year.”

  “But now?” I shook my head. “You’re not. You can’t live your life running from grief just like I can’t promise to never die. But if you avoid things that make you happy for fear of losing them, then you’ll never be truly happy to begin with.”

  “I know.” She nodded. “It’s just really hard for me. To be near you and know that anything could happen. And when we didn’t have the baby, I just thought, well, I thought I’d lost something all over again. Even though I never had anything to lose. It felt like—”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” I said. “But there will be other chances.”

  “Maybe not,” she said, and the silent tears became a gasping sob.


  “I’m thirty,” she choked, refusing to be consoled. “And with the unpredictable cycles—”

  I hushed her, then looped my arm around her shoulder and guided her toward the couch. When we were settled, she rested her head on my shoulder and I stroked her hair, silent and waiting for her to find her voice again.

  “What if I can’t have children?” she whispered.

  “You won’t know until the tests come in, but even if you can’t? There are options. Lots and lots of options. This isn’t the end.”

  “But I’d be letting you down,” she choked, and I tucked my hand under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet mine.

  “The only way you’d ever let me down is if you run away from everything we could share without even trying to explore how beautiful it could be. I don’t need to have a baby. I don’t need to have anything except for you. You know that?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t.”

  “I want you in my life. I want to spend every day with you, and what I said when I proposed? I meant it. You’re the best, most incredible thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Then ask me again.”


  “Ask me again.” She sniffled.

  I laughed. “I don’t have your ring with me.” It was in my bedroom, tucked away in a box at the top of my closet.

  “I don’t care. Just ask me.”

  So I did. Bending onto one knee in the middle of the room, I took her left hand, stroking her naked ring finger. “Bren, I love every inch of you and I never want to leave your side for as long as I live. Become my wife, baby?”

  She nodded, still sniffling, then took my hand. “Yes, of course. I want nothing more than to marry you.”

  Grinning like an idiot, I swept my hand through Bren’s hair, pulling her toward me for a soft, heart-stopping kiss. Then, trailing kisses along her jaw, I paused near the shell of her ear and whispered, “From here on out, in sickness and in health, we live every day in the present. What may come, may come.”

  She nodded. “What may come, may come.”

  “Now come here. It’s been too long.” Taking her hand in mine, I dragged her down the hall, all too eager to make up for every lost moment we’d spent apart.

  I led her to my bedroom and paused in the center of the room, turning her to face the large mirror that hung on the wall beside my dresser. Taking my time, I stripped Bren of every article of clothing she wore—today it was a knee-length skirt and cream silk blouse. I loved how sweet and feminine she was, yet tough at the same time. Once her clothes were on the floor at her feet, I dropped to my knees, worshipping her with soft kisses and teasing licks to all the spots that made her knees tremble.

  “Mason,” she groaned, pushing a hand into my hair.

  When I finally led her to bed, it was with the striking clarity that this was exactly where she belonged. I’d spent all those miserable weeks searching for her—and that was after just one night together. I didn’t want to tell her, but losing her scared me just as badly. Maybe even more. Because I’d already envisioned it all—our beautiful life, her by my side, maybe babies someday.

  We made love with fiery passion the first time, my cock was eager to show my new fiancé how much he missed her. The second time was slower, tender, and perfect. And when we were done I made her sta
y put while I jogged naked to the closet, Bren laughing at my bare behind and shouting at me to come back to bed.

  But when I returned moments later with her ring, Bren’s protests died on her lips, and with tears gathering in her eyes, I slid it onto her finger where it belonged.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Shoes or no shoes?” I stared down at the glittery gold sandals that had seemed perfect at the department store, but now felt like overkill.

  “Whatever you’ll be most comfortable in,” Mandy said. “It is the beach after all.”

  “Barefoot it is.” I kicked the sandals to the side and grabbed my bouquet from the dresser.

  The white lace dress was fitted all the way down to my thighs, where it then jutted out just slightly. I’d known it was the one from the first moment I saw it in the store. Mandy’s bridesmaid dress was seafoam green and looked beautiful on her.

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  I nodded, suddenly more eager than excited. “Let’s do this.”

  “You good if I go out for a minute and check if everything is ready?” Mandy asked.

  I nodded, glancing in the mirror one last time. “I’m good.”

  And I was. My heart was full and happy, and I felt incredibly blessed.

  Mandy stepped out and I applied one last coat of lipstick, inspecting my reflection while trying to wait patiently, and failing miserably.

  “Bren?” Mason’s deep voice called. He stepped through the door, looking delicious and handsome in his camel-colored linen suit and pale blue shirt. My heart throbbed with love for the man about to become my husband. If I allowed my mind to drift back to how we almost didn’t make it here…I shook my head. Not today. Today was going to be the best day of my life. No uncomfortable memories and no regrets. Well, maybe just one regret. My incredible dad wouldn’t be here to walk me down the aisle toward my future.

  “What are you doing here? It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”

  He shook his head, a smile tugging up his lips. “You look so beautiful, Bren. And I told you, there’s no such thing as bad luck with us. Soul mates, right?”

  He crossed the room toward me and drew me into his arms.

  A happy smile overtook my mouth. He’d told me that when he proposed the second time. It was an overly romantic affair, one that had me crying and sobbing yes, over and over. Especially when he slid the stunning ring onto my finger.

  “Well, what are you doing in here, darling soul mate? Did you need something?”

  His eyes darkened. “Just wanted to see you before all the commotion started. Everyone says their wedding day goes by too fast. I don’t want to look back on this day and have it be a blur. I want to remember every second I can get with you.”

  My heart jumped in my chest at his sweet words, and those stolen moments together took on new meaning. He didn’t have something important to tell me. He just wanted to see me.

  “I can’t wait ’til everyone’s gone.” He chuckled, pulling me in close.

  “That’s awful! They all just got here.” We’d rented the same house we had last time we were here on Grand Cayman, only this time we also rented the house next door.

  “I know, and I’m already looking forward to them leaving in a few days so I can have you all to myself.”

  I pressed a small kiss to his mouth. “I love you.”

  “Love you more,” he murmured. It was his standard answer ever since we became so open with our declarations. And even though it still felt a little strange for me to be so forthcoming, it also felt…good. Right.

  Mason had opened me up, and under his unending love and gentle pressure, I’d blossomed. I was no longer afraid to love, no longer afraid to live. We got only one shot at life, and I wasn’t going to waste it anymore. Our close call with the pregnancy really opened up my eyes to a lot of things.

  “I can’t wait until we move in together,” he added.

  I’d dug my heels in and kept my own apartment, opting to keep living apart until we were married. We’d bought a house together last month and Mason had been living there alone, fixing it up. But I wanted something else to look forward to after the wedding. The truth was, I couldn’t wait to move in.

  “We have a lifetime together,” I told him, stroking the stubble on his jaw. “Now shoo. Go. We have a wedding to attend.” I gave his chest a pat and led him to the door.

  “See you out there, Mrs. Bentley.”

  My mouth curled into a grin. “See you soon, Dr. Bentley.”



  All afternoon, I’d spent my time either putting the final touches on the nursery or convincing Bren not to jump on a pogo stick to see if it would force the babies out. For weeks now she’d been taking walks around the neighborhood, trying to kick-start her labor, but so far it had done nothing but make her cranky and exhausted.

  Not that I could blame her. Being overdue for ten days was hard for anyone, but being overdue with twins? As far as I could tell, that was a fate worse than death.

  Dutiful husband that I was, though, I’d made sure the bags were packed and in the trunk, the doctor was on speed dial, and both nurseries were ready for the babies. Though we’d initially thought about a blue one and a pink one, Bren wanted something that spoke to both of us. So our son’s room had a little fisherman’s cottage and tepee for him to play in while our daughter had a safari-style room with a giraffe my mother had painted watching over her from her crib.

  I adjusted our daughter’s mobile—all different colored parrots—then started as I heard the front door slam.

  “Contractions!” Bren shouted and I rushed into the living room, my eyes wide.

  You’d have thought that after the number of babies I’d brought into the world, I would know how to keep calm at a time like this, but no. Things changed in the blink of an eye when my own family’s safety was involved. My heart jumped into my throat and I clenched my fists at my sides to keep my hands from shaking.

  “How far apart?” I demanded.

  “Don’t know. Had the first one a few minutes ago.” Bren looked at me with wild eyes and I took her arm, guiding her back toward the couch.

  “No, don’t. What if my water breaks?”

  “Then we’ll get a new couch. I want you to be comfortable. Put your feet up and I’ll get you some water.”

  “But if we go to the hospital now, won’t they induce labor?” she cried.

  “You know we can’t go until they’re five minutes apart.”

  “But what if we go when they’re five minutes apart and I get fully dilated and the babies fall out in the car?”

  “You’ll be with someone who knows how to deliver them. Which, technically, I should be doing anyway.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, Dr. Big Shot. I’m not letting you near my hoo-ha unless it’s in prime condition.”

  “You don’t think you’re being a little—?”

  “No, I don’t,” she said, then clutched her stomach and began to moan in pain.

  I hurried to grab her a cup and the stopwatch I’d kept in the kitchen since the seventh month of pregnancy—it never hurt to be too prepared—then rushed to her side and gave her the water.

  “Thanks,” she breathed when she’d finished, and she leaned farther back against the overstuffed cushions before grabbing the cup and taking a long drink.

  “There are some things I need you to do for me when we get there,” Bren said matter-of-factly.

  “What’s that?”

  “You know the nice nurse, Suzy?”

  I nodded.

  “She’s the one who’s going to be in the room with the doctor, okay? And make sure you’re extra nice to her so she gets me the good drugs.”

  “I’m pretty sure Trent already has the good drugs set aside for you.”

  She wrinkled her nose.


�m still not crazy about your best friend delivering our baby.”

  “He’s the second-best doctor in the city. You already said no to the first.”

  “Because you are going to be right by my side so I can swear at you for getting me in this predicament.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I beamed, but then Bren clutched her stomach again and closed her eyes as she breathed through another contraction.

  I’d been in this situation many times—always detached and professional—but now, seeing the woman I loved in physical pain, an ache inside my chest bloomed and for the first time ever, I had to force myself to relax and not worry.

  I clicked the stopwatch, trying to stay calm for Bren’s sake. “Four minutes. You know what that means.”

  She let out a long breath, then smoothed her hand over her stomach. “Time to get these kids out of me?”

  “Yep.” I grinned. “Time to have our babies.”

  Years of planning and it had all come down to this, this, and it was go time. I wouldn’t leave my wife’s side, would see to it that she was well cared for and attended to.

  As I helped her into the car, I stared back at our little suburban house with the white picket fence and found myself grinning. By tomorrow, we’d be a family of four, healthy and happy and safe. I’d gotten here the strangest way possible, but now that I was here?

  There was no way on Earth I ever wanted to leave. It was like every childhood fantasy I’d ever harbored about my future had morphed into a vibrant, technicolor life. The only thing missing were the two tiny humans we were about to meet.

  “Dammit, Mason, drive, would you!” Bren groaned, clutching her round belly again.

  I stepped on the gas, flooring the pedal as we sped off for the hospital, driving carefully even though my racing heart demanded that I run every red light in the city. Taking one hand off the wheel, I reached over and squeezed her hand. “Relax, baby. Breathe for me. You’ve got this.”

  Bren inhaled slowly and deeply, closing her eyes in the seat next to me.


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