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The Billionaire Bargain (Millionaire's Club)

Page 10

by Barb Han

His fingers came up to gently brush her cheek, and her stomach flipped. “I’ve been too wrapped up in my own circumstances to notice.”

  “It’s understandable. With all that you’ve recently learned,” she said.

  “That’s no excuse. I’m sorry.” His gaze brushed over her stopping momentarily to hold onto hers. “Did you visit him today?”

  She shook her head. “Every time I called, they said he was sleeping. Then there was the storm.”

  “Then we’ll go together.”

  “It won’t do any good,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  “He must be refusing to see me again. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  Daegen blinked. “Refusing?”

  “I know. Hard to believe isn’t it? But my father is nothing like you, Daegen.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Daegen stood and pulled her into his arms, brushing kisses along her hairline. “I’m sorry.” Tenderly, oh so tenderly, did his lips eventually press to hers.

  As their gazes met, her body began shaking. And when she registered her next thought she realized his did too.

  “God, how I’ve missed you,” he said.

  His masculine shoulders felt soft to the touch. Steel muscles were underneath that soft layer of skin. And the clean male scent of him was addictive—he was addictive.

  All rational thought and sanity melted into the teak wood.

  He kissed her.

  When Rae’s brain could manage to drum up a thought, she called on every ounce of energy she had to pull back. “We can’t do this.” Because how will I ever walk away?

  His expression was animal-like from desire. “We can, and we will.”

  Everything about this man heightened Rae’s senses and brought her body to life. His salty ocean scent. His high slashing cheekbones. And his kissable lips.

  His fingers stroked her hair as she felt his lips brush her forehead, and she felt a yearning well up from deep inside that made her head numb. Being so close to him, feeling his skin put her at war—a war she couldn’t afford to lose. She struggled to breathe. The feeling was too overpowering to fight. Frustration nailed her. “We need to talk.”

  “I’d rather take you to bed.”

  “That can’t happen now,” Rae said folding her arms for fortitude.

  “Why not?”

  “Have you forgotten your son is here?” she asked, frustrated.

  “Of course not. He’s resting. The poor child admitted to not sleeping in days.”

  “I should think about going home now.” But the thought of leaving nearly impaled her heart.

  “Why? Your father’s here.”

  “Your son is too. You two need time to be together. Alone.”

  “If we’re together, then we are not alone.”

  “Oh, you know what I mean. Don’t twist my words,” she said.

  “I wasn’t. Why are you suddenly so—”



  “I’m not,” she huffed.

  Daegen ground his back teeth. “If this isn’t anger then I don’t know what is.”

  “Okay. Fine. I’m a little angry. But it doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

  “That’s a relief,” he admitted. “Is it your father?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” was all she said as she walked away.

  Daegen stopped her with a powerful hand on her arm.

  “It matters to me,” he said.

  “I need to go. I have to put my life back together now that my father—”

  “He will see you. I’ll make sure of it. Don’t give up.”

  Not even the great and powerful Daegen Tan could move that mountain. “It won’t help.”

  “I can be persuasive when I need to be.”

  Believe me how I know that to be true. Tears welled. The tension in her back squeezed. “You can’t make him love me.”

  “He told you this?”

  “He doesn’t have to spell it out. He wants nothing to do with me. He doesn’t even want to be alive. I have to face reality as some point. I’m broke. I’m about to be fired from my job.” There. She’d said it.

  “You’re a top producer. They won’t get rid of you.”

  Tears brimmed in Rae’s eyes. She did her best to hold them in but they fell anyway, streaking her cheeks. “Not anymore. I’ve been distracted by all this personal stuff. I blew off an important client meeting today I couldn’t afford to miss.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I couldn’t risk you turning away, and not helping my father.”

  “You did all this for him, and yet you don’t think he loves you?”

  Daegen moved to her and his arms closed around her.

  She buried her face in his chest.

  “My love,” he whispered softly into her hair. “Stay here with me. I won’t let anything hurt you again.”

  If only.

  “Daegen, I’ll only be in the way here,” Rae protested. The thought he’d called her “my love” registered somewhere deep inside.


  “It’s true.”

  “Look, I need you. Daniel does too. Stay.”

  His words deeply touched Rae’s heart. “It’s not that I don’t want to be here. I have my own problems do deal with.”

  “There’s nothing I can’t help with,” he said, his tone deadpan. “You’ve already helped Daniel and me. Don’t leave like this. Let me help you.”

  If only.

  Rae wasn’t sure exactly what it was that had her head nodding in agreement because in her mind she was saying no. “A couple of days. Just until the pair of you get your bearings. You’re going to be a great dad. You don’t need me around to help you.”

  He seemed touched by her words. “All the same, I like seeing your face here. What’s so wrong in that?”

  She couldn’t think of one thing.

  Daegen took her hand in his. “I have a new deal that can make all your problems disappear.”

  If only.

  “How’s that?”

  He bent down on one knee and looked into her eyes. “Marry me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Shocked, she gasped. “That’s a terrible thing to ask.”

  Wasn’t that just like Daegen, to think marrying him could magically solve all her problems? Besides, she was beginning to see that she could actually love him. And he would never love her back the same way.

  His laugh was as surprised as it was arrogant. “Most women would jump at the chance.”

  “I won’t marry you because it’s practical.” Was he trying to give his son a mother? Not that she minded the thought of having a child. Some day. But she feared it more than she desired it. Besides, she might be very bad at mothering and she would hate to drag a poor child down.

  “Marrying me would solve your problems. No? We’re talking about your job and money, right?”

  “Yes. But you already knew that. I know you’ve investigated me.”

  “I scrutinize everyone I’m about to do business with. I had no idea the real reason you’d shown up after all this time.”

  Rae remembered just how ruthless Daegen Tan could be. A man like him would gain any snippet to ensure an advantage.

  And yet, she’d jump at a real proposal from him in a nanosecond. This was sadly not it. Her heart beat harshly, threatening to burst. If she told him why, he’d most likely say anything to convince her.

  “My answer is no.”

  “You won’t even consider?” Daegen asked, perplexed. More than a hint of frustration darkened his features.

  “How can I take this seriously?” she demanded. A real proposal would be worth considering—but this? For convenience? So she could catch up on her bills? This was an insult to the institution of marriage.

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated. You need financial help. Daniel needs a mother.”

  Incredulous, her mouth fell open. “So, it’s a business arrangement the

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. Aren’t all relationships that way? Besides, we already know—”

  “That we’re compatible in bed?” Great.

  “You’re overthinking this. Are you saying you don’t enjoy spending time with me?”

  A bit more than she’d like to admit right now. “I never said I didn’t.”

  “Then why fight this?”

  She wanted to blurt out that she wanted to marry for love. How unsophisticated, she knew. But there it was.

  She wanted to be cherished.

  Did she want it all? Yes.

  The absolute last thing she wanted was to marry for a business agreement. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “You came to my bed because you wanted to. You would be marrying me because you want to. What’s so wrong in that?”

  He was right. Oh so right. She bit her bottom lip. The truth of the matter was she had gone to his bed willingly and openly. She had given of herself in ways she hadn’t imagined she ever would and gotten oh so much in return.

  But marriage?

  A great marriage needed more than just mind-blowing sex. Couldn’t he see that?

  “You’re comparing apples and oranges, Daegen.”

  “True,” he said, his copper eyes brushing her face. “And I’m offering a real marriage. Not only in name. A partnership.”

  He’d lost his mind. The responsibility of having a son had flipped the crazy switch. She understood his son’s circumstance and she’d do anything she could to help. But this?

  “I can’t.”

  “You mean you won’t.”

  “My father will need me back in the States.”

  “He won’t even see you of your own admission.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I-I-I…” The tears which had been threatening rolled down her face. She couldn’t hold them back. She wanted to be Daegen’s wife. But she couldn’t. Not with what he was offering. Because the word love had never been uttered. And she wouldn’t marry for less.

  Determination set across his features.

  “Get some rest,” he said.


  “We’re leaving first thing in the morning.”

  If Rae knew Daegen at all arguing would do no good while he had his determined look stamped on his face. His jaw set, his gaze narrowed, meant he wouldn’t give up.


  Rae heard the front door open and close as she settled into the guest room.


  The next morning, Rae dressed before moving into the kitchen.

  Daniel was already there, sitting on a bar stool.

  “What are you doing, kiddo?”

  He didn’t ask for food, didn’t have to for her to know what he wanted, so she went digging around for something for the boy to eat.

  “We’re going somewhere?” he asked, the unknown haunting his dark features.

  “I am. My father is very sick.”

  His gaze dipped. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s fine.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “Why do you say it’s fine when I see you were crying?”

  “You know what, buddy? Me and you are not so different.”

  “We’re not?”

  “My mom left when I was a baby. I grew up without a father.”

  Daniel’s eyes grew wide. “But you found him now. That’s all that matters.”

  It doesn’t always work that way, kid. The smile she offered was a flimsy mask meant to cover her pain. Because that’s where the similarities ended. “My father doesn’t want to see me.”

  He took a contemplative bite. “Then you should forget about him. He doesn’t deserve to know you.”

  The gleam of defiance in his eye made him look like Daegen. It was the only time he did. Even at eleven-years-old she wouldn’t want to be locked in a battle of wits with the boy. He was as sharp as he was determined. Too street-wise for his age.

  And he was probably right.

  “I’m not doing it for him.” Speaking the words out loud like that was so totally freeing.

  “Then who?”

  “For me. I barely know him. I want to see him one more time.”

  Daniel nodded his understanding.

  “To say goodbye,” he said deadpan. And he was right.

  Daegen walked into the room. “The car’s ready. Say goodbye to whom?”

  A knowing glance between Daniel and Rae told her he understood. That was the thing about orphans, they never really ever stopped wanting to believe their parent would turn out to be a superhero. No matter how much they were disappointed, they still expected a magic show with a grand gesture of love in the end. I’d settle for being told my dad wanted me in the first place.

  Daegen stopped, staring at the pair of them for a long moment. Realizing neither one was about to divulge their secret, he said, “Then let’s go if the two of you are ready.”

  Daniel took Rae’s outstretched hand as they walked out to meet the waiting driver.

  “Can I sit in the front?” he asked, excitement sparking in his brown eyes.

  “Of course,” Rae said, regretting it the moment she realized the privacy partition was up and she’d be alone with Daegen.

  He sat so close, their thighs pressed against each other with the slightest shift in position.

  “Do you plan to let me in on the secret you share with my son?” he asked in a whisper.

  His hand reached out and touched hers. His long fingers cradled hers. He turned her hand over so that her fingers rested on the flat surface of his square, strong palm as his thumb stroked hers.

  “I want to know all your secrets.” The deep melody of his voice spread warmth along her neck, down the loose curls around her shoulders, sliding shivers down her spine.

  He moved his hand to her hip, splaying his fingers, the tips pressing into her with just enough pressure to send sensitized currents through her body, alerting her nerve endings to his masculine presence. His touch reminded her she was a woman in every sense of the word.

  Rae took in a long, deep breath to calm the sudden assault of awareness as he tightened his hold. “What about Daniel?”

  “We’re completely alone back here.”

  Leave it to a man like Daegen to ensure privacy in the back of his limo. Turning her head to the side to look directly at him, to tell him to let her go, she met his eyes—eyes that were hooded by dark lashes and focused on her mouth, eager, as though he were visually parting her lips.

  He was uncomfortably close.

  So much so that his breath joined with hers.

  Whatever she planned to say a moment or two before drifted out of reach as her mouth lifted toward his. Her lips wanting contact. His tasted like coffee. His eyes darkened to the color of the night outside and he gazed deeply into her.


  All morning he had felt the tsunami building. Building strong and silent with a force that threatened to obliterate him.

  This feeling wasn’t one easily identified. Or welcomed.

  Bottom line?

  He should have stopped it, halted the rapidly rising turbulence, sending it back to be buried underneath the sea floor by sheer force of will.

  His lips moved toward hers as though a natural force outside of him directed his movements.

  His fingers grazed a trail up her spine reaching to the delicate, sensitized nape of her neck, while his mouth ached to play sensuously with hers.

  All reason and logic had left him, swept away in the storm, as he took a harsh, heavy breath. Every muscle in his body felt the swell that had been building, gaining momentum, running stronger and stronger until reaching the point that was unbearable to endure.

  Daegen wanted Rae. Craved her. And he wanted her to be his wife.

  Based on the vibrations of her body every time he was near, she wanted him too.

  Why fight it?

  Even when she was being contrary, she had a voice that poured over his skin, bringing him
to life, causing him to want. Daegen didn’t do want. Had never wanted without attaining the object of his desire.

  He didn’t plan to start now either.


  The sexual current vibrating between them nearly knocked Rae back. His smoky eyes, dark with desire, looked right through to her backbone. She felt vulnerable being this close to him. Because her lips remembered the imprint his left on them. And they wanted more.

  His mouth was within an inch of hers. He grazed her lips ever so slightly, shooting hot volts of desire through her body and a bone-deep memory of feeling him. It was next to impossible to manage a word when she was the focus of his sensual gaze, let alone string enough together to form a coherent sentence.

  His head lowered to hers. His kiss was more than heaven. Soft, tender, belying his pure masculine strength. Rae’s lips parted and she released a low, throaty sigh as his tongue slowly guided itself inside.

  He pulled back first, pausing for an instant as his gaze searched hers. “Would it be so terrible to consider marrying me?”

  A sensual haze had enveloped her, and she barely made out his words. “Huh?”

  “We’d make a great team. Stay.”

  As what? An employee? Rae focused a little more. The fog cleared enough for rational thoughts to edge their way in.

  What could she possibly say to make this man understand? It was torture to battle against her primal urges around him as it was. Last thing she needed was to stick around and make it worse.

  Besides, she had messes to clean up back in the States. Rather large ones. Being reminded of that brought a shot of logical thinking to her mind.

  “To do what?” she said through labored breathing.

  “Whatever we want. We can write our own script.”

  Rae would’ve backed up if she could. As it was her back was pressed against the unyielding leather and Daegen’s heft prevented her from making a mad dash to the other side of the car. And she wanted nothing more at that moment than to get away, and go far, far away because she was all but losing her mind. “I’m afraid I’m not following. What are you offering?”

  “A life. Together. You owe it to us both.”

  Without love? How long could they get by on great sex?

  Okay. A long time. But her heart needed more. “I can’t.”

  “You need the money. And what about Daniel?”

  Well that was a low blow. Of course she’d stay for Daniel.


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