There Is a River
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August 19, 1937—“I played on the organ for one-half hour yesterday and was I happy . . .”
September 6, 1937—“I think the choir practice on Friday night made my shoulders hurt a little more, at least that pulling sensation was a little worse . . . Last night though I got along better and wasn’t so nervous. I was thrilled over going back but I knew the first time would be hard on me . . . I went over to Nashville last Saturday . . .”
Four years later D. H. recommended readings for two individuals afflicted with similar conditions. Extracts from their letters follow:
May 30, 1941—(From L. F. B.) “In April of 1938 I went to Vanderbilt Hospital to see if the doctors there could help me. They told me I had focal scleroderma and could do nothing to help me. Since then I have gradually grown worse. After seeing and talking to Miss D. H. last Sunday, I have renewed hope and wonder if you might help me, too. My skin is not hard and swollen like Miss H.’s was, but white spots have come over my body, especially on my arms and legs.”
March 24, 1942—(From L. F. B.) “In the past six weeks much has happened. Of course, I’m certainly not well but I do believe I’m lots better. If only something could be done about my knees. I feel real good sitting or lying down, but when I try to walk it’s another story.”
May 30, 1941—(From D. M. C.) “I heard of you through a former patient of yours, Miss D. H. And I want to see if you can do anything for me. She said you cured her. I have been examined by lots of doctors. They say I have scleroderma. It was found a year ago last September. I had an operation a year ago. They cut some nerves in my back, but it did not do any good. I want to get well if it is possible. Please let me hear from you.”
February 5, 1942—(From D. M. C.) “Received my check reading and was very much pleased with it. I am feeling better, altho my arms and hands hurt me a lot. I was in hopes you would let me have some beef steak . . . I like it so well, but it is all right. I thank you for what you are doing for me.”
“When the application for the first reading was made Mrs. T. was supposed to be dying. A number of members of her family had been called to her bedside. The physician pronounced her condition to be one of general debilitation. She experienced violent pains in the head which the strongest opiates failed to relieve. She had had severe heart attacks, and her pulse was rapid and weak. At times she was delirious and at other times remained in an unconscious state for hours. She had no appetite and digestion and assimilation were poor. There were large lumps on the hips and buttocks, almost blue in color, which were very painful to touch. Her limbs were stiff and rigid. She had lost weight at an alarming rate during the last few weeks before the reading was given. Laxatives and purgatives had failed to act and the abdomen was distended and painful to touch. She had not been able to stand or walk for more than two years.”
The above is a report secured from members of the family, describing conditions existing at the time the first reading was given.
The application for the reading came from the patient’s son, who was living in Virginia Beach at the time. He had received a telegram telling him of his mother’s critical condition and advising him to return home at once. He secured the first reading and took it home with him.
First Reading
“Now, as we find, those conditions that disturb the better physical forces of the body are rather of a complex nature. For, there are both causes and effects that must be considered in giving or bringing any relief for the body.
“Many of the disturbing conditions have been of long standing; hence have become of such a nature that the system has adjusted itself to the disorders.
“In bringing relief or resuscitating forces to the system, all of these conditions must be taken into consideration. For, many have reached the proportions where not only the physical body but the mental body is also affected.
“These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, J. H. T., we are speaking of:
“We find the blood supply very low in vitality, and while the circulation becomes disturbed—the ability in the circulation to carry on through a strong heart action has oft saved the body from disintegration. There needs to be assimilated in this portion, then, that which—with the strong heart’s activity—will build resuscitating plasm through the circulatory system.
“The nerve system, as we find, has reached such a condition that at times it has become almost exhausted. Hence there are periods when there is not in any way near the normal reaction from administrated forces; or that reaction which might be expected to be the result from the administration of active principles into the system. Hence little medicine, as medicine, is effective; only palliatives, sedatives or hypnotics, and these at times lose their effectiveness in the system.
“What, then, are the causes in the physical functionings? Are the organs involved in their functioning, or have such inroads been made as to cause organic conditions? Or are the conditions of a general or a constitutional nature, with all of the organs working at variance one to another?
“All of these conditions exist and more; for, as seen, there has long been a disturbance in the sensory organism wherein the auditory forces have been affected. And in periods back there was such a plethora condition in the organs of the pelvis, in the activities of the assimilating system, as to necessitate the removal of portions of the organs themselves. Thus we have had an inroad into the effectual activity of the nerve forces in the action of organs, and in the creation of resuscitating forces in the system, until—working under the strain and stress of adhesions and lesions there has been little of a normal activity in digestion; surfeiting of the system, in relation to assimilations through the body.
“Hence a general debilitation has set in throughout the system, so that all of the organs are affected; not in the manner as of organic disturbances, other than in their abilities to create the proper functionings of their respective cycle of activity in the body. Hence the conditions in the present.
“Then, in meeting the conditions, as we find, the addition of certain forces that will work with the activities of the body may bring a much nearer normal force for the ability of the system to respond and become nearer in the way of distributing the necessary resuscitating forces throughout the system.
“One necessary factor, then, as we would find, would be in creating more oxygen, as released in the system, as to revivify the activity of the circulations (blood supply) in their relationship to the organs that function not only for the creating of necessary plasm for giving physical reaction in the body (in life forces) but that will aid in strengthening the resistances in the system.
“This, as we find, may be materially aided by the addition of small quantities of carbonated or carbon ash in the system. Give one-eighth grain each day, and—to produce or make a bettery activity of same—thirty minutes after the dose is given we would apply the plain violet ray vibrations over the portions of the body where assimilations would be created, for the activity of the ash to the blood supply. Hence, it would be applied over the upper dorsal and cervical area, or the cardiac and secondary cardiac area. Then it would be applied from the 9th and 10th dorsal area to the 3rd and 4th lumbar area.
“We would also find that it would be most beneficial, in supplying the necessary vitality, to add the active forces of low electrical vibrations that will carry into the system elements to create a better coordination in the nerve impulses to the system, that add to the sustaining forces in the activity of the glands themselves. These we would give in the wet cell battery formation, using those anodes that carry medical properties—through the low vibration—into the system; in three characters, that would be given in rotation day by day.
“One would carry the Chloride of Gold solution
. In attaching the battery to the body for this particular activity, we would attach first the anode without the medicinal properties to the body at the 3rd and 4th dorsal segment or plexus of the system. The larger plate carrying the Gold solution would be attached to the plexus over the umbilical center, but more over the lacteal ducts or glands. The period of application would be for thirty minutes.
“The next day use a different connection but the same battery. The same plain or positive connection would be attached at the base of the brain, and the other carrying Spirits of Camphor—would be attached to the 4th lumbar plexus area. This would be applied for a period of thirty minutes also.
“The next day use a different solution . . . the first anode would be attached to the center entering into the stomach itself, or the cardiac center of the stomach, and the other plate or anode, carrying Atomidine in solution, would be attached at the 9th dorsal plexus—or that which distributes through the whole of the solar plexus area. Apply this for thirty minutes. Then begin over again.
“We would use a massage every other day, with a compound combined in this manner—or put together in the order given:
“To 2 ounces of cocoa butter (put in solution, and while still warm), add:
Russian White Oil....................1 ounce
Sassafras Oil....................1 ounce
Witch Hazel....................1 ounce
This will only partially solidify, and should be stirred thoroughly each time before it is massaged into the spine. Especially massage it along those portions where the tired, achy feelings have come to the body from the bed—or over the portions in the lumbar and solar plexus area, and in the brachial area—and especially from the 4th and 5th cervical to the base of the brain.
“In the matter of the diet, keep much in the way and manner that has been outlined. When necessary, continue with the medicinal properties that rest, or keep the body quiet to make rest. See that the eliminations are kept as near normal as possible. And in thirty days from the beginning of these treatments we would give further instructions.
Q. “What part of present treatment should be continued or left off?”
A. “As just given, continue when necessary the ministration of properties that make for quietness to the body; of course, reducing as much as possible—as improvements begin—the bromides that affect the mental activities.
“For, the properties that we have given here, as indicated, are to make use of the physical resistances that still exist in the circulation—and to make response from all functioning organs and assimilation and distribution of that assimilated for recuperative forces in the body. These in low electrical form will aid.
“The addition of the ash is to relieve the pressure on the general system and revivify the blood supply; and the activity of the violet ray, given for fifteen to twenty minutes over those portions indicated, thirty minutes after the ash is taken, is only to make the effective activity of the ash of carbon in the system.
“The properties given through the battery formations are resuscitating forces to the organs and the glands of same, in the respective portions of the body, as they are applied through the low electrical form, to sustain and revivify the body.
“The massage of certain portions of the body, as given, is only to relax and make better coordination in the cerebrospinal, sympathetic and sensory systems. The mind will be much better.
“Let the body itself know the source from which these treatments are instructed, and what is to be accomplished by each.”
Other Readings
2nd Reading—September 15, 1933: Continued same treatments.
Report from friend of family on October 12, 1933: “She was pretty bad off . . . But now she has improved quite a bit. Tomorrow she may be worse again. The family want another reading.”
3rd Reading—November 26, 1933: Adjustments necessary in upper dorsal and cervical areas. Advised cutting down on bromides. Stop use of Atomidine with appliance.
4th Reading—January 6, 1934: Neuropathic massages, corrections in lumbar, sacral and coccyx areas. Begin again with Atomidine solution.
5th Reading—February 15, 1934: Keep eliminations open; enemas and properties to be taken. Use Glyco-Thymoline in water for enemas. Special massage to be given daily over lumbar, sacral, sciatic nerve and lower limbs; ingredients: Olive Oil, Tincture of Myrrh, Russian White Oil, Rub Alcohol, Tincture of Benzoin, and Oil of Sassafras. Alkaline diet. Begin to try to walk.
6th Reading—March 11, 1934: (Emergency by wire as result of patient’s having heart attack.) Setback due to overexertion. Keep body quiet. Stimulate superficial circulation and give small doses of Digital under doctor’s directions. Continue other treatments.
7th Reading—July 17, 1934: More specific directions for corrections in lumbar and sacral areas.
Letter from patient—August 4, 1934: “Some day ere long I will write Mr. Cayce and personally tell him of my gratitude to him. Were it not for his readings or diagnosis and advice I would now be either in an insane asylum or Live Oak Cemetery.
“I am one thousand percent better (not one hundred percent), and am looking forward with hope of walking again ere many months have passed. As above stated I am greatly improved, yet I am far from being all right. It seems that about every five weeks I have an attack . . . Weeks pass before the effects wear away. The last one, which began June 10, was shorter and of less severity. That at least is encouraging. Dr.——says that so long as there are poisons in my body these attacks will continue at intervals. Is that correct?
“Perhaps it is best to explain just how I am affected. Lightning-like flashes through the chest that end with stabbing pains in the heart. Also the left shoulder and arm pain very much. Nothing seems to relieve these paroxysms but hypodermics of morphine. At these times my bowels and intestines are in a bad way. The nerves or muscles in my neck and in other parts of my body are so tense that I cannot move myself, and what distresses me more than anything are my limbs. They become rigid and I cannot lift my feet even a fraction of an inch. Also the hips become angry and inflamed.
“After reading all this you will no doubt wonder in what way I have improved? Thank heavens that condition does not continue indefinitely. Most of the trouble gradually wears away until the next attack, and though not entirely free of pain I am fairly comfortable. At present I sit up an hour and a half each morning and again late in the afternoon. My limbs move slowly now and I can partly raise up in the chair by holding on to the arms. Each day I do a little more.”
Letter from patient—April 3, 1935: “Strength is slowly returning and I walk a few steps each day that I am well enough to do so. I also sit up about three hours a day. Will I ever be able to sit up hours at a time? My lower back, hips and buttocks cause me much agony. At times I am comfortable and then again these places become red and swell in lumps, burn and throb like boils. The angina attacks are less severe and less frequent.”
9th Reading—April 10, 1935: “As we find, conditions continue to be much on the improve. However, there is a great deal of improvement to be desired in some directions, especially in those tendencies for there to be periods when the reactions to the system call for or produce an unrecorded or an overactivity through the circulation or the palpitation of the heart, and these tendencies for the smothering spells. There is much to be desired also in the circulation through the lower limbs. But, as we find, there were periods when the nerve ends of the brush end of the cerebrospinal were so deadened, by cold that was applied, and by temperature, that the circulation was greatly disturbed. Thus in the superficial circulation there is produced at times, when there is not the proper elimination through the alimentary canal . . . or through cold or congestion, or through the excitement to the sympathetic nervous forces, those tendencies for the accumulation and for there to appear on the hips, in the groin, along portions of the lower limbs, nodules
or accumulations that make for distresses to the body. We would give that there be this as a minor change in the applications of the active forces of the battery:
“On the wet cell battery change the connections, having these of a different type. The copper anode or plate would be attached to the 3rd dorsal plexus center, and the nickel anode (of the same size) would be attached one period to the left ankle and the next period to the right ankle . . . first to the left and then to the right ankle. The same attachment of the copper plate should be made to the dorsal area as indicated. The next day, in the application of same, we would make the attachments to the right wrist and the left ankle; then the next day to the left wrist and the right ankle. Then the next day back to the secondary or cardiac area, as indicated. Each application would be from thirty to sixty minutes. Not using now the medications as passing through same, but altering in the manner as indicated.
“We would alter the massage used as a stimulation with this alteration in the circulation, which will work together with the superficial activity as produced by something of a counterirritation to the lumbar and sacral and the groin and the upper portions of the sciatic nerve ends. This should be extended, though, along the lower limbs even to the toes; and about once or twice a week . . . along the cerebrospinal system . . . to the brachial center and out the under portion of the arms to the finger tips. Such a combination for massaging would be prepared in this manner:
“To 4 ounces of pure or virgin Olive Oil, as a basis for the properties, add . . . in the order named and in this proportion:
Oil of Cedar Wood....................1 ounce
Oil of Wintergreen....................1 ounce
Witch Hazel....................11/2 ounces
Kerosene....................1 ounce
Compound Tincture Benzoin....................1/2 ounce
Oil of Sassafras....................1 dram
These, to be sure, will tend to separate; but before using shake well together. Pour a small quantity in an open container and massage into the cerebrospinal area, from the lower dorsal to those areas as indicated, all the body will absorb; then the rest of the portion of the body indicated. This we would do each day.