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Taming Blake (A New Adult Romance): The Complete Trilogy

Page 19

by Eve, Charlotte

  I turned to Blake, wrapping myself eagerly around him, running my fingers lightly over the small patch of hair that grew deliciously between his firm pecs, enjoying slowly waking him up with my touch.

  His eyes flickered then opened, and as always I felt that same rush when he caught me in his gaze — his steely grey eyes, so cold and direct.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he murmured, his mouth curling in a playful smile.

  “Me too,” I replied, planting a soft kiss on his shoulder, happy to nestle myself against him, happy that — unlike last night — we were alone.

  But then I felt another, conflicting emotion rise up in me, too.

  What exactly is going on between us?

  I couldn’t help myself — all those worries of the last week came rushing back, and I remembered Fallon’s advice about not getting too involved.

  Why does everything have to be so complicated?

  My frustration came out in a soft sigh and I turned away from him, hiding my face in the pillows, waiting for this sudden sulky mood of mine to pass. But of course, Blake picked up on it immediately, reaching out, putting his hand on my shoulder and turning me back towards him, his eager eyes seeking mine.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. “What are you thinking, Jessica?”

  And I wanted to just say it, to blurt out all my insecurities and questions:

  What are we? Are we together? Is this how it is now? Do we just play it cool, and occasionally end up in bed together? Or is there something more here, Blake? Do I really have to share you? Because maybe I want you all to myself …

  But instead, as always, I found myself pushing my worries away, deep down inside myself, shaking my head and forcing a sweet, happy smile back onto my face.

  “Nothing’s the matter,” I lied. “I’m fine.”

  “Was it last night?” Blake asked, catching me off-guard.

  He stroked my cheek and looked into my eyes with an intense honesty.

  “I’m worried that what we did may have been a little too much, too soon for you. You’re so delicate, you’re like a beautiful orchid Jessica,” he continued, his fingers moving from my face to my collar bone, then down further, brushing my hardening right nipple. “ But I knew it from the first moment I set eyes on you, there was a fire within you ...”

  His touched moved further down, tracing over my belly, then slowly between my legs.

  “... I could see that underneath your lack of experience, there was a burning desire for something more in the world ...”

  His fingers brushed my sex gently, coaxing gentle warm shivers from my body.

  “Not everyone is like us, you know. Most people wouldn’t understand. Even if they could access their deepest desires, they’d still be too closed off to explore them ...”

  I gasped as his thumb began to brush back and forth against my clit, the electricity building steadily inside me.

  “I can tell that you’re willing to be opened up to exciting new things, Jessica ...”

  At this, I felt myself spreading my legs wider, grinding myself against him now, his fingers parting my sex, slipping easily into my warm wetness.

  “And my friends and I know just how to help you. To watch you grow ...”

  His motions increased, working me faster and faster, his fingers plunging in and out of me, his thumb still brushing my clit.

  “To watch you develop and change. But you have to be absolutely comfortable. I wouldn’t want to make you do anything you didn’t want to do. You have to want this. You do, Jessica. You do want it, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I gasped, feeling my pleasure reach boiling point as I shivered and came against his hand. “Yes, I do.”

  “You see, my parties are a kind of haven for people like us,” he continued, as I lay there trembling, coming back down to earth. “This is where we can truly be ourselves. There’s no judgment. And it can mean whatever you want it to mean. These are people with busy lives. For some people, it’s a monthly escape from reality. Wish-fulfillment. A fantasy. For other others? It’s their entire lives. And for those in between, like me – and if I’m right about it, you, too – it can change us. We can become so much more, opening ourselves up to possibilities and pleasures we didn’t even know existed.”

  I finally caught my breath.

  “Blake, you’re right,” I replied. “I’ve learnt so much more about myself in the last few weeks than in the last three years, and I’ve got to be honest, it’s all still a bit of a shock. There’s a lot of stuff I wasn’t even sure I was into. But I promise you, last night? That was exactly what I wanted. I don’t know what my limits are just yet, but I know that as long as you’re there, too, it’ll be okay.”

  “Good,” he said softly. “Because I want you to know, I would never do anything to hurt you, Jessica, and if you ever feel uncomfortable, you just need to say so. Okay?”

  I nodded.

  “So what was it?” he asked.

  “What’s what?” I replied, confused.

  “What were you sighing about, back then? What’s eating you up? We should be able to talk about things, you know, and I can tell there’s still something on your mind.”

  I know I should have just been able to say it, but still it felt like I couldn’t. I knew that if I actually blurted out my real worries, I’d probably come across as needy and crazy and just scare him away completely. He’d run a mile, despite everything he’d just said; I was sure of it.

  Oh, what a damned mess.

  Just think of something, quick.

  “I’m mainly just worried about my apartment,” I ventured.

  I mean, this was kinda true. I was somewhat worried about what to do next — whether to take Fallon up on her offer, or to find somewhere here in Manhattan.

  “Or lack of apartment,” I clarified. “I’m staying at my friend’s in Brooklyn at the moment, you see. She’s going on tour with her band and she’s offered it to me as a sublet, but I don’t know … I was thinking about Manhattan, too …”

  “I want you here,” Blake said, with such a confidence and certainty that took me aback.

  And for a moment, I even actually thought he meant right here, in his apartment — that he was asking me to move in with him – and I felt myself blushing and smiling.

  “Brooklyn’s too far away,” he continued, “especially if you’re going to be working in your new office. No, I think you should find a place here, in Manhattan.”

  I nodded, ignoring the silly little part of myself that felt disappointed, as I realized he wasn’t actually asking me to move in with him after all.

  “In fact …” he said, obviously thinking out-loud, nodding to himself as he spoke, “I have just the place. I own an apartment a few blocks from here. There’s a good friend of mine living there at the moment, but she gets kind of lonely sometimes on her own, so I was meaning to fix her up with a roommate. The apartment’s much too big for one person. And I need it doing up a little actually, before I put it back on the market. So if you fancied another side-project, you could work on it in lieu of rent?”

  I thought about it for a moment — was this legit? Was he being serious? And further more, was it perhaps something of a mistake to get even more tangled up with this guy, when what I probably should be doing was trying to strike out more on my own, like Fallon had suggested. And how exactly was I supposed to tell her: You know that guy that I’m definitely not getting too involved with? Well actually, I’m gonna be moving into his spare apartment now, too!

  But before I knew it, he was leaning forward, brushing the hair out of my eyes, such a cute, sincere look on his face that I found myself nodding and smiling and saying, “Well … sure, why not?”

  “Great,” he replied, kissing me, first softly then more urgently, his tongue pushing into my mouth. And I kissed him back, just as eagerly, my body once more yearning for him, melting beneath his touch, shivering a little as his hands found my breasts.

  Maybe I should just b
e happy.

  Maybe this means he does want me after all …


  “You sure you don’t want me to stay and see you off?” I asked Fallon, as we both stood there in her now-empty apartment. It was so strange to see it that way: no posters on the walls from all the cool shows Circles had played over the years, no LPs scattered across the floor, no so-bad-they-were-good kitsch knick-knacks and bric-a-brack.

  “You’ve already asked me that like a million and one times already!” she replied, blowing at her jet-black bangs in a sigh of exasperation. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”

  The tour van was coming to pick her up in a couple hours, and then she’d be off — away for three whole months. Her friend Krista, a friendly lesbian girl who worked at her print studio, was going to be subletting the apartment, and she’d already put all her things in storage.

  Meanwhile, I’d not let Fallon know that the place I was moving to was Blake’s old pad, just making it sound more like something I’d stumbled upon on Craigslist, playing up the fact that it was handy to live in Manhattan for work, telling myself that a little white lie never hurt anyone ...

  “Come here and gimme a squeeze,” she said, holding her arms out. She was wearing that very same white and black Bikini Kill t-shirt I’d worn to my meal with Blake, what now felt like years ago.

  And as she hugged me tightly, she murmured, “Please promise me you wont be someone totally different when I get back, Jessica.”

  I pulled away to study her face, thinking she was joking at first. But no, she looked deadly serious.

  “Of course I won’t,” I insisted.

  “I’ve just seen it happen so many times,” she said, shaking her head sadly. “You won’t even realize you’re changing, until it’s too late.”

  “Hey!” I cut in. “Maybe you’re the one that will change! After all, you could be playing arenas by this time next year, Miss Rock Star! The next time I see you will probably be on the front cover of Rolling Stone.”

  She laughed and shook her head again.

  “Well, in that case, we both need to make sure to keep our feet on the ground, okay? Deal?”

  I nodded.

  “And when in get back, we’re going to do some totally normal shit. We’re gonna get takeout and stay here and drink soda and watch crappy Gossip Girl reruns for three days straight.”

  “I honestly can’t wait,” I grinned.

  We hugged again, and then that was that. It was finally time for me to go. Most of my stuff was packed temporarily in Fallon’s storage locker, too, and I lugged my few remaining bags onto my shoulders, then made my way down the stairs and out onto the street. Fallon came down too, to wave me goodbye.

  And as I flagged a taxi, I felt her warning ricochet around inside me: Please promise me you won’t be someone totally different when I come back, Jessica.

  I knew I owed it to her to keep my head on my shoulders and my feet on the ground.

  I just hope I’m not making a huge mistake …


  I shook my head, still kind of unable to believe my luck. All my doubts melted away, the moment I actually set eyes on the place. Because this apartment was totally perfect. Large, spacious, simply furnished, and so close to Blake’s place, too — and therefore my office.

  Yeah, this was gonna be just great.

  And already, I could see lots of tiny little things I could do to improve it; little ways I could put my own unique stamp on it. Blake had already made it clear that this time, he wasn’t after a complete overhaul, just a few feminine touches, and then only if I had the time. Mainly, I was to focus on building up my own client base. This was just a little extra job on the side.

  Blake had mentioned another woman living here, too, a friend of his, but so far the place seemed pretty empty — there was hardly any trace of her that I could see on first inspection.

  In fact, the whole place was rather sparse, lacking any kind of personality really, and I knew that with just a few simple touches I could totally bring it to life.

  I strolled through the large living area and the hallway, still waiting to find any evidence that anyone else was actually living here. They must be out a lot, I thought. But then, as I turned a corner and made my way into the kitchen, I saw a large pizza box, the pie inside abandoned after only a single slice, as if whoever bought it liked the idea of it, but was still watching her figure – along with many empty bottles of both Perrier and champagne.

  Looks like this girl’s kinda cool. I thought women on the Upper East Side only ever ate sushi. If she’s the kind of girl who eats pizza, maybe this isn’t gonna be so different from hanging out with Fallon in Brooklyn after all?

  In the bathroom, I found more evidence: a bottle of Chanel No. 5, and all kinds of body lotions, powders, scrubs, and exfoliators (all high-end, of course). Whoever it was who owned all this stuff, obviously took really good care of herself.

  Wow. This person sure has a lot of gorgeous things.

  Maybe she can give me a few tips, perhaps even let me borrow them some time!

  And at the end of the final corridor I discovered two doors, which I assumed led off to the apartment’s two bedrooms.

  “Hello?” I called out, just to doubly check that no-one was actually home.

  And after a pause, I gingerly made my way towards them. I timidly pushed the door on the left, and it opened onto a completely bare room: not even any bed sheets on the double bed, or curtains on the windows. So this would be my new room, I guessed, nodding to myself as my brain began flashing with many more cute little ideas; fun ways in which I could totally transform this room into a great place to live.

  Back in the main corridor, I hesitated.

  Should I take a peek in that second room, too?

  I mean, I knew it was wrong, but my curiosity was getting the better of me. I just had to try and figure out a little more about this stranger I’d be staying with.

  I knocked softly, and spoke again. “Hello?”

  No answer.

  So I pushed the door open a crack, and peeped inside. Unlike the first bedroom, this second room was definitely occupied! Clothes strewn everywhere — tiny scraps of brightly colored and sparkling fabric: I couldn’t tell what they were, but they obviously didn’t leave much to the imagination. Wow, okay. Whoever owned all this stuff was obviously into wearing the kind of outfits that turned heads, wherever she went.

  Does Blake really think this is the kind of girl I’m going to get along with?

  Just then I heard the main door to the apartment open then close, and the sharp click of heels on the bare floorboards.

  I quickly pulled the door to the bedroom closed once more. Then I remained there for a moment in the hallway, rooted to the spot, my heart pounding, unsure whether or not to go hide in my new room or head back out and face my new roommate …

  “Hello?” I heard the soft Southern-accented voice call. “Someone there?”

  I made my way slowly back down the corridor and into the main living space, and the figure I saw before me was tall and large-breasted, with cascades of flame-colored hair tumbling down her back.

  But this was no stranger.

  It was Gina, of course, who I’d last seen striding, confident, fearless and naked, into Blake’s party. And the time before that? She was bound up by Blake in that bare room, while a whole crowd (including me) watched their little show. And the time before that? She’d been preparing to leave Blake’s apartment, still in last night’s dress.

  And now here she was again, dressed in a daytime outfit of skin-tight black jeans and a clinging white vest top. She obviously made sure she was on display at all times.

  “Oh hey!” she said, dropping about half a city’s worth of colorful high-end shopping bags onto the floor around her, her face brightening when she set eyes on me. “Blake told me I’d be getting a new rooomie! And I’m glad it’s not a total stranger!”

  Wait, did she just wink at me?

“Man, my feet are killing me,” she continued casually. No wonder. Her Louboutins were skyscraper high; the kind of shoes you wore to sit down at an elegant restaurant table in, not to stalk down 5th Avenue.

  “Hang on just a second, sweetie,” she purred in her lazy Southern drawl. “Let me just throw these things in my room and make a quick phone call, and then you and I are going to sit down and have a nice cup of English tea, I’m sure I’ve got some of that somewhere, but failing that we might have to start on the champagne, and then we can really get to know each other!”

  With that, she tottered off down the hallway, leaving me standing here in this bare living room. I sat down on the cream leather sofa, looking around me – only minutes before, it seemed like this place was so full of potential, but now it just looked empty; un-lived-in and seedy.

  This didn’t seem like the kind of place two fun-loving city girls would live, sharing their makeup and giving each other manicures. No, this seemed more like the kind of place a high-end hooker might call her home, a place to just drop in to change dresses between clients.

  Can I really live here? With Gina? And what kind of sick game is Blake playing with me? Are we both his girlfriends? Is this just what he does? Puts his women together in one place, like some kind of stable?

  What exactly is he trying to tell me ...


  I felt like screaming.

  After all, here I was on a bright fresh Monday morning, back in my new office — just a few blocks from my new home — and everything should have been great, but the problem was, I still had no actual work to do. Part of this was my own fault, I realized. I had to get my name out there. I had to set up a proper website, with an online portfolio, and I had to approach potential clients, too. I knew all this a hundred times over, but for some reason I just couldn’t quite actually bring myself to muster up the energy and enthusiasm to get working on it all.

  I wondered if it was perhaps due to the fact that deep down, this whole thing still felt a little strange. Like I hadn’t really earned it. This beautiful office, my new living arrangement, and even my work on Blake’s apartment. When I thought back on how easily they’d all fallen into my lap, I once more felt that slight worry that they were all planned out by Blake, that he was behind the scenes, watching on, controlling everything, and I was just some toy that he was enjoying playing with.


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