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Dread Delight: Rosewood Academy for Witches and Mages (Darkly Sweet Book 2)

Page 15

by Juliann Whicker

  I leaned closer and the scent of black cherry welled between us. I couldn’t help myself. I needed to touch him, his jaw, then down the skin of his throat, my fingers tingling as they trailed down to the collar of his shirt.

  I blinked and pulled away, staring at my fingers, the red that stained the tips. It wasn’t a fireball this time. Black cherry and blood. “If you don’t want uneven tone, you should probably not fight until you’re bloody.”

  I put my fingers in my mouth, tasting salty and sweet before I realized what I was doing. I gave him my sweetest and stupidest smile.

  “Macaroons and bonbons, I have a lot of lollipops to work on. I hope you decide that it’s more fun to succeed in business than ruin one. If you destroy Darkly Sweet, I’ll make certain you regret it.”

  He swallowed as he stared at me, his gaze fixed on my lips. “How intriguing. You shouldn’t offer me such tantalizing threats. I would so love to taste your wrath.”

  Taste my what? Lips? No. Wrath. He was talking about ruining Darkly Sweet. Right. I should discuss this with him, make certain he knew my boundaries, but if I didn’t get out of there, I would be tasting his wrath. I mean, lips. Whatever.

  I threw open the door and got out, my heart pounding but not from the nausea. The fear hardly bothered me at all.

  Who could be afraid of cars when they could be terrified of their own horribly misguided impulses?

  Chapter 16


  I swaggered down the narrow street of the Devil’s Heart, a city of such bewildering odor and stunningly uneven cobblestones, one couldn’t help but swagger, or stagger to be perfectly honest. It was rather clean for a Darkside city, but I didn’t know much about the further reaches of Darkside. My mercenaries usually worked in the inner stretches of Darkside, those cities where one mage’s or witch’s territory often overlapped another’s.

  What a beautiful day. Penny was down to only Lester, unless you counted the mysterious plaid pants wearing student. I could easily steal his pants and that would be that. And here I was, against all wisdom or common sense, stalking her grandfather, a masterful Sorcerer who could squash a little baby Daysider mage like me without a second thought. I wanted him to try. I wanted to feel something besides the helpless anger that bubbled right below the surface.

  She would pay for every moment she made me ache.

  Such a beautiful day. In Darkside the difference between day and night was how many fingers you could count when you put your hand in front of your face.

  It was a little clearer the higher up from the ground you were. From a castle turret like those that rose above this city, they’d be able to see for feet and feet. I stopped in the square that led to the gates, tall, curved, fanged gates shrouded in green fog. They clanked with every gust of breeze, unlocked but not open. If I opened them, they would screech loudly enough to wake the dead, or at least the Devil.

  I crossed the square, a metal star shape embedded in the stones. What kind of metal? I couldn’t tell. I loved stars. There were so many points and so many lines, and if you drew a circle around them, you had absolutely everything. Penny wanted to know what kind of poetry I liked. It was funny the things she knew, like that mages chose certain poets that resonated and reflected with their personal abilities/interests, and how much she didn’t know, like seemingly everything else. Did she know her grandfather? Had she been raised in Darkside? No. She would not be so sweet if she’d come from this place. She must have been from somewhere else, somewhere far, far away from the Devil’s Heart.

  I clenched my teeth and continued on. I reached out my fingers, almost touched the metal when someone hit me from the side and dissolved the space and time around us, sending us from Darkside to somewhere else. Dayside, naturally, but I didn’t expect the beach.

  I rolled to my feet, gritty sand in my hair while I stared at the furious Darksider, his deformed face in a terrifying scowl.

  I didn’t expect to see Penny’s Darksider deliveryman, but I didn’t have much time to be surprised as he pulled back and punched me really hard on my still tender mouth. Ian had wanted to make me ugly and had succeeded. She’d wanted me to kiss her. How long could I resist her desire compounded with my own?

  I barely resisted for a few punches. I deserved it for walking into Darkside, into the Devil’s Heart just because I let my need for some sensation that wasn’t frustrated waiting make my decisions for me.

  I smiled as Penny’s deliveryman hurt me. Finally, a break, and not only my jaw. If he was here, watching me, keeping me from crossing that line, then I was doing something right, and he knew something. It would be much easier to go after him since he was such a consistent deliveryman for Penny.

  He was upset if the way he slammed me until my eyes were blurry was any indication. He slammed a fist into my ribs like I was one of those chicken breasts that need to be tenderized. Yes, tenderized. That’s what I was being. Signore Ludi was so tender, holding her like she belonged to him.

  I roared and slammed him down into the sand, gripping his throat, squeezing with one hand while I pounded on him like the ocean to my right. He was already ugly, but I would make him uglier, so ugly that she never looked at him like she needed him again.

  He was strong, hide like leather, bones like iron, a Darksider without the slightest bit of humanity to soften him. We rolled from the beach into the surf, saltwater mixing with the grainy sands.

  It seemed we struggled for hours, until finally, he rolled away, spitting blood and sand. He looked up, his glare still in place after all that violence should have worn it away, if only a little. I surged to my feet, holding back my own snarl.

  I forced a smile, but my teeth wanted to rip through his throat. “Afternoon. Lovely place for a picnic. Smells like Belize.”

  “What were you doing in the Devil’s Heart?”

  I smiled with a little less difficulty. If he was going to be direct, then I might get some answers. I needed answers. Soon. “Looking for Penny’s relatives. I can hardly send the proper marriage envoy when her family is shrouded in such mystery.”

  He stiffened up, fury at war with something else. “You have a great deal of confidence. You believe that you can persuade her to marry you?”

  I lifted my bloody raw chin. “She is so deliciously desperate for me. I could so easily seduce her that it’s hardly worth the effort. She will beg me to have her.”

  His nostrils flared and he clenched his fists. “Such arrogance from someone she swore was the last mage she’d ever marry. Such recklessness, putting your life at the mercy of the Devil. You’re a child who doesn’t understand the difference between reality and fantasy.”

  I forced myself to breathe evenly and unclench my fists. He was lying. Was she actually considering marriage, and with other mages? I smiled my most arrogant smile. “I don’t suppose it matters much to Penny since I’ll be her fantasy and her reality. You come so quickly when she calls. I wonder what kept you away for so long, leaving her alone, with nothing but her business on which to lavish all that affection she doesn’t seem to know what to do with. You allow her to cling to you so desperately. You must despise it, being needed by a witch. Don’t worry. Soon enough I’ll give her so much affection she forgets all about you. I’ll bring her here for a picnic, the clothing optional kind.”

  He growled at me, a beast with fangs. Such fangs. He really did have fangs. How interesting. Had he shown his fangs to Penny? She would like them. She would brush them for him. I should get some fangs.

  He pointed a finger at me, curved at the end like a claw. “You know her curse. You respelled it without her permission. Don’t tell me you’re too stupid to know what it is. Darkside is her death. If you tell the Devil where he can find his flesh, what will stop him from taking her to Darkside, where the curse will kill her? You had no business respelling her. She requires the spellmaster. Your exploitation of her, your desire to bring her under your debt, keeping her in your bed...”

  I snarled at him. “Thre
e days of letting her drain the life out of me is certainly exploitation, but not of her. You are a Darksider. You don’t even comprehend the slavery I have in mind for her. Love. I will drown her in it. You give her comfort because you wish to continue exploiting her in some way the spellmaster forbade. She really is too sweet to resist. I don’t pretend to understand curses of Darkside, and that you understand so well seems a touch suspicious, don’t you think?”

  He rolled his shoulders, holding himself back as his pupils glowed red. Red eyes, fangs, was he a genuine vampire? How interesting. Did he sip from Penny’s throat? I was going to kill him. No. She liked him. She wouldn’t have to know what happened to him. The same thoughts were going through his head, how to dispose of me without her ever finding out.

  He swallowed with difficulty. “She is a friend. She requires affection to survive the darkness. That is what drowns her, not love.”

  “And what do you require from your friends? I’m betting it’s redder than affection.”

  He growled at me then reached up and touched his fangs, his face surprised. “You are a threat to me? A baby Daysider mage? What are you?”

  I grinned at him. “I’m green and Penny is my treasure. I’m going to kill you for touching her.”

  He struck me so quickly, I didn’t see it. I smiled as my mouth began bleeding, but I only smiled because it reminded me of Penny, of her eyes on my lips when she thought I was going to claim my prize. She was my prize and I would claim her soon enough.

  His eyes flared red as he completely lost control. That meant I got to lose control as well.

  I lost track of the beach as the world became tinted green, everything besides Signore Ludi’s face, veins glowing red like his eyes. Fascinating. Not a vampire. Some part of my brain thought that while the rest of me knew nothing but rage. He had touched mine. He would die as I crushed him to dust.

  He wanted my blood and I wanted his dignity. And his blood. And his agony. He had fangs. I had claws. He had demon. I had dragon. Penny certainly attracted the most interesting creatures.

  We were at an impasse, his ugly face above mine, his mouth unhinged, the tips of his fangs brushing my cheek. I slashed across his face, cutting to the bone. Black bones.

  There was something about black bones. Not demon. What was it? I couldn’t remember through the rage and craving for his death. I needed his death. I needed his agonizing end. No. He was Penny’s friend. Penny. He belonged to her. He wasn’t mine to destroy. I would. I would kill him if we went on this way.

  Somehow I managed to stop fighting and drew a small star on his throat instead. Green sparks exploded when I finished it.

  He flew away from me, into the gentle surf where he crouched, dark hair plastered across his face, eyes burning for my blood.

  I glanced down at the blood that streamed down my body. He’d completely ruined the jacket Penny liked so much she’d taken it off me to keep safe.

  “Your hair is terrible,” I wheezed, leaning my hands on my knees. “Penny would like it. Isn’t she exquisite, curse and all? How clumsy of me to almost introduce myself to the Darkside mage who cursed her.” If the Devil cursed her, I’d eat my hat, but one had to start somewhere.

  He glared at me, struggling with whatever demon lived in his heart. “A Darkside mage cursed her, it is true. She must remain in Dayside, safe.”

  My lips curled. He wasn’t going to tell me anything, even in the clutch of his demons. He had the most irritating amount of self-control as well as sanity. I was going to kill him if he kept being so difficult.

  “It has been such a pleasure to struggle against such a magnificent opponent, but I’m afraid I need to go change my vest. It seems to be ripped.” Along with my stomach. “Thank you for warning me. It wouldn’t do to accidentally kill the girl.” I stepped into Darkside, the nice alley near my regular tavern, then back into Dayside, in my own room. I fell across my bed, soaked, sandy, my boots still on while I stared at the black ceiling.

  My heart pounded. Her curse would kill her if she ever went to Darkside? Someone should have mentioned that. I suppose he just did. Her deliveryman couldn’t steal her away. How frustrating for him.

  I grinned at the ceiling even as my healing spells kicked in and my body got rid of the excess blood in my internal cavities.

  What had Penny done to draw the attention of a Darksider like Signore? There was something about that curse. Once it was broken, he could take her away. Would she go? Wherever she went, I would find her. Whatever it took, I would make her love me until she could never leave me.

  Chapter 17


  On Tuesday in Business class, Drake made a point of coming over, leaning against my desk and giving me a careless grin. “Today, five-thirty?”

  I nodded while my heart pounded. He smelled so delicious and for a moment I could still taste the blood mingling with cherries on my tongue. After working on lollipops all weekend, I still hadn’t gotten my recipe quite right. After that I had History and Viney scowling like normal then afterwards, the awkward study group with Lars as my tutor.

  He gave me a concerned look. “Penny, I’m sorry about Saturday. Are you all right?”

  I beamed at him. “Great! I’m sorry about putting you in that situation. I guess you aren’t quite up to dating me and my entourage of evil witches.”

  He sighed, an enormous exhalation while his enormous blue eyes did enormous things in his enormous face. “She is difficult. I hope you don’t mind…”

  “You running away and leaving me in Drake’s more than capable hands? Why would I mind that? Why wouldn’t I love having Ian and Drake fight over who got to kiss me while Wit tried to kill me? Drake didn’t. All he wants is…” my business. I couldn’t talk about that. I couldn’t think about it. I took a deep breath. “Can we focus on Japanese? I want to learn how to be rude. I need to say, ‘your mother rides a vacuum cleaner,’ and other racy insults.”

  He hesitated then nodded.

  After a few hours studying with Lars, I headed down the library steps out into the overcast gray day towards Drake’s soccer mom car. I should take the shuttle. I’d proven that I could do it on my own. So, why wasn’t I? Because I was a Drake addict and needed my fix, that’s why. I’d clung to his arm on the way back from the circus and felt that same thing I got from Signore Ludi, that centering when everything in my universe was careening completely out of control.

  Pitch. The Creagh. No potential husband. My mother’s imminent death at my failure. Everything my fault. Drake my complete and total weakness and there he was standing beside the car with his hair perfectly mussed and wearing a suit with a delicious cravat. He looked like a prince, and more, he had a guitar. For the princesses, of course.

  I almost cried or killed him before I smiled, nodding at the guitar while I unwrapped a lavender and dirt flavored lollipop in trembling fingers. “You remembered.”

  He winked and opened the back door, tucked the guitar inside then opened the passenger door for me. “I did. I don’t always, so it must be important. Are you tired?”

  I stared at him. I’d been spending my nights awake working on stock for my online shop, also so Pitch wouldn’t sneak up on me. “What? Do I look bad?”

  He cocked his head. “I don’t think tired means looking bad, at least not where you’re concerned. I did notice you sleeping through the fascinating lecture in our Business class instead of staring at me.”

  “Oh.” He noticed me staring at him? I’d been trying to be so subtle. “I’ve been staying up to work on inventory.”

  He nodded. “Excellent. As your future investor, I encourage all the hard work you do at the expense to your personal health and happiness. It’s the capitalist way.”

  I climbed in and had to move a manila folder thick with papers. He got in and buckled up, started the car and then picked up the papers I’d stuck on the dashboard.

  “These are the terms. You should look them over, tell me what you think.”

  I to
ok the bundle out of his hands and stared at it then at him. “Drake, my business is my sanity. If you destroy it…”

  “You’ll start another, have a new sanity. That’s the way of business. This one venture is your true love, but there are other fish in the sea, as it were. Read the terms. They’re very generous as well as incredibly hands off. There’s a high percent of my initial investment that I get to allocate. Marketing mostly, establishing new product streams, that kind of thing.”

  I frowned at him. “New product streams?”

  He pulled out and gave me his hand. I gripped it, his hand calloused, strong, perfect in my palm. My heart still pounded and my stomach twisted with nausea as we headed down the hill toward town.

  I tried to focus on reading the pages and pages of fine print, but that whole thing didn’t help with nausea. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against the cool glass, his hand in mine not enough to combat the combination of carsickness, panic, and irrational fear.

  “Penny, one step at a time. Take this contract to our Business teacher so that he can explain all the details to you. I’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  “And if I don’t agree with this?”

  He tightened his hand around mine. “I suppose we can consider a different method of paying off my debt. I really, really love making girls jealous in public.”

  I squeezed my eyes closed. “I like it, too. It wouldn’t work, though. I’m dating Lester.”

  “Lester seems like an interesting choice. For you. Is he not as dull as he looks?”

  I sighed. “I don’t mind dull.”


  I smiled at him brightly. “The more boring, the less likely to put you in debt doing something you didn’t ask for and having you pay back in incredibly creative if irrational ways.”

  “Your business isn’t remotely irrational. You’ve done a very intelligent job with it.”

  “You seem to be a really good business guy. Why are you interested in my business?”


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