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Page 6

by S Raven Storm

“Four deer and a wild boar.”

  “Let’s start being a little more vigilant, we have enough men to surround this place.”

  “Luke, I need to you to confirm the celebration will be in two weeks and I need you to extend the invitation to the surrounding packs who’ve sworn allegiance to me and Blackstone and to those who haven’t, let it be known this is an opportunity to do so.” He slapped Luke on the back.

  “Fair enough, I’ll get my protégé to assist me.” Luke said.

  “Since when does your ass have a damn protégé?” Tatum shook his head, “that’s like a beta having a beta, it’s absurd.”

  “It might be absurd, but I did it. He’s smart, gifted, like a mini me.” Luke laughed, “he’s too good to be labeled an omega, and since I don’t plan to retire from my cushy job anytime soon, giving him the job as my second hand, seemed well… absurd, but a good absurd.” Smiled Luke.

  “Whatever, I hope you know what you’re doing. We’re going home and do not, I mean do…not…disturb me. Unless this town is on fire and all hell has broken loose, do not disturb me!”

  “Yes, sir!” Luke replied. “Here comes my probie now.”

  Everyone turned and looked down what they called main street. The young man was kicking a rock as he approached the narrow path leading up to the gamma’s house. His head was down as he concentrated on the rock he was kicking. Even with his head down, Bristol would recognize the man if he was in the middle of a crowded room. Her heart leaped and her lips broke into the biggest grin it could produce, as she ran down the wide wooden steps, knocking the young man on the ground. Sitting on his chest she screamed, “Scotty, I found you!”

  “Get off me Bristol, I wasn’t lost! What are you doing here?” he asked trying not to look like a kid in front of Tatum and Luke. He pushed Bristol onto her bottom, getting up, he reached down to give her a hand, which she quickly took.

  “I was looking for you and ended up finding my mate.” She blurted out with glee.

  “Your mate!” bellowed Scotty, drawing enough attention that both men on the porch came running.

  Tatum had murder on his mind. He would tear the little newcomer to shreds for yelling at his mate. When he approached, Bristol placed her small delicate hand on his large muscular chest and said, “he meant no disrespect, he’s just surprised, that’s all.”

  Tatum looked at Scotty, who nodded his head in agreement. “I left Bristol at Rolling Hill, where she was safe.” He went to grab her by the shoulders and thought better of it. He noticed Tatum still glaring at him suspiciously. “How did you get here; do you not know the dangers you could’ve faced?” Scotty turned back to the men and said, “She’s like my sister. My little annoying sister, but I promised my previous alpha, I would protect her.” Tatum, Luke and Gamma Tate could see the sadness attach itself to Scotty as he spoke of the late alpha.

  “I had to leave! That son of a bitch Rex, he… He tried to make me his mate and when I refused, he told me how he killed my father. Scotty, he killed my dad.” She cried. All three men tried to hug and console her until they heard Tatum’s wolf growl a warning.

  “I would’ve killed him if I had known. I wouldn’t have done that stupid challenge, I would’ve killed him outright.” Scotty said, as they all heard the pain and anger in his voice.

  “I left because Gamma Rhone said I had to. He said in order to find what was missing and to make things right at Rolling Hill, I had to go away.” She wiped a tear away before adding, “but I wasn’t going to leave, then… Rex killed my mother.”

  “What!” they all yelled in unison.

  “Well, you have us now.” Cited Luke.

  “Being my mate will give you more protection than you could ever image.” Tatum announced proudly. “And when the time comes, Rex will pay.”

  “So, you and Tatum are together? You’re the new beauty who stole Tatum’s heart and is as fierce as any she-wolf?” Scotty repeated some of the things he heard around town. “I’m happy for you sis, I haven’t known him long, but from what I’ve seen and heard, the Goddess has blessed you.”

  “Thank you. Come, we have a lot to talk about.” Bristol said grabbing Scotty’s arm.

  “Not now, you don’t, tomorrow.” Tatum said, looking down at the woman who had captured his heart.

  “But…” She started then looking in Tatum’s eyes she could see the passion and the promise and decided to change her mind, she said, “How about breakfast in the morning, I’ll cook?”

  “How about dinner tomorrow, instead?” Tatum said, planning his own breakfast surprise tomorrow.

  “We’ll be there.” Luke sang, making everyone laugh.


  Time didn’t stand still for Bristol at Blackstone, she found herself very much involved in the ceremony after all. She had a dressmaker that insisted on making her ceremonial dress, so she was busy with fitting after fitting. The menu and the decorating of the great hall was given to her for final approval. She didn’t realize how much went into a ceremony, she remembered her mother doing it with ease and very little effort. But the number of guests quoted her would’ve tripled the number of guests Rolling Hill ever entertained. She thanked the Goddess for sending Maisie to help her with the preparations. She was very wise and knew what needed to be done and in what order. Bristol couldn’t believe the number of packs in allegiance to Blackstone. The hall alone held over a thousand guests. The town, to Bristol’s delight, was very functional. Not only was there a great hall, but a small inn, a restaurant, general store, and other small shops.

  Bristol also found a friend, Kaylyn. Kaylyn, a year younger with long, beautiful brunette hair with sun streaked highlights, made Bristol laugh at every turn. She was knowledgeable of the town’s history and people. She, like Bristol, was an orphan and spent most of her time fighting to survive on her own. She owned a little bakery in the middle of the square and made most of her food from home. Neither had the good fortune of having a sister, and immediately made a pact to be sisters, best friends, and protectors of one another.

  The two picked wild flowers and caught dinner for Bristol’s dinner party. Kaylyn explained to Bristol the history of Blackstone and how most of the villagers originated from elsewhere. They were a melting pot, with different ingredients that make up Blackstone. She told of the black rocks that seem to be everywhere, including blackberries, which they picked. “When Tatum came and saw all the rocks, he said the best name he could think of was Blackstone.” It wasn’t long when the two caught wind of a stray wolf in the area, and when he came over the hill, Bristol recognized him as one of the men who accosted her. She looked around for his partner and found him lurking behind a large oak tree, not too many feet away from them.

  Bristol had her fighting stick and was ready to do battle, it was too late to shift, afraid of being attacked before the transformation completed. She screamed to Katlyn, “go, run, get help!”

  “I’m not leaving you!” Kaylyn shouted, picking up a branch that must have fallen during a storm or by unwanted weight.

  The man behind the tree attacked first, Bristol struck him in the nuts, then across the side of his head, bringing him to his knees. The second man ran, charging them like a bull looking to do harm. He was tall and gawky looking. The minute he was within range Kaylyn whacked him on the knee, they could hear his bone break, she then began to beat upon his back and head, until he lay dead, beaten and bloody.

  Running back to town the first people they ran into was Scotty and Luke. Bristol informed them of what had taken place as Katlyn gave them directions of where the incident occurred. Both men and an epsilon ran into the woods, when they returned, they stated that they found the dead man’s body and nothing more. Luke recognized him as one of Seth’s henchmen, and set out to find Tatum.


  The night before the ceremony Bristol invited Scotty, Luke, Kaylyn, Gamma Tate, and Maisie for dinner, she wanted to invite Dr. Jax, but he was out of town on business.

  Maisie wa
s nice enough to make a deer stew, with the lightest, sweetest biscuits Bristol ever tasted. Luke brought a jug of Blackstone’s blackberry hard cider he personally made himself and Kaylyn a fresh blackberry cobbler and a buttery pound cake.

  Bristol’s eyes became misty looking down the long table at her guests. She took note of Gamma Tate and Maisie reminiscing on the past celebrations and ceremonies, and decided her first duty as a female alpha would be to appoint Maisie as gamma. Bristol smiled and her heart leaped in her chest as she watched Tatum debate with Luke over policies of the pack. Bristol also found her next project, which would be as matchmaker. It was clear to see that Scotty was smitten by Kaylyn and vice versa.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks, as she thought of her parents and her new life now. It was both a sad and happy cry that escaped her. Tatum moved with lightening speed, kneeling before her, “what’s wrong, what happened?”

  “I’m just so happy. Scotty has always been family, but now my family has extended, to all of you,” Bristol cried, burying her head on Tatum’s shoulder.

  “Aw, sweetheart, I’m not used to tears of joy, but I’m so glad it wasn’t something bad.” Tatum smiled, kissing her lips gently, then increasing its pressure, until he heard Gamma Tate cough.

  “I’d like to finish dessert before we’re asked to leave,” he laughed, and was quickly joined by the others.

  “And you want to claim this bunch as family?” Tatum laughed shaking his head, before returning to his seat at the head of the table. It was good thing they had company. Bristol’s yellow dress hugged her hips in a way that drove his wolf insane, not to mention the long rows of buttons down the front of the dress. He wanted to unbutton each on revealing her silky skin.

  The women cleaned, as the men sat on the porch talking. Everyone was excited about tomorrow and in a good mood. Bristol heard Dirk tell Tatum over fifty tents have gone up at the top of the ridge.

  “Did you let them know we have lodging in town and some rooms in the hall?” Tatum asked, but knew some packs liked the outdoors as opposed to being cooped up in a room.

  “Yes, sir, I did as you instructed. Paul is on the other end of town doing the same,” he said proudly, with his skinny chest stuck out.

  “Make sure it’s know we have special rooms available for the alpha’s,” Luke added.

  “Yes, sir I will,” Dirk said before running back to his post.

  “Do we have extra security and had everyone is on high alert?” Tatum asked Luke not wanting to take any chances that a rogue may be amongst the guest attending.

  “Yes, and everyone has been warned no fighting. We don’t give a rat’s ass what the situation is, be it new or old beefs,” Luke stated with all seriousness.

  “Good, I don’t want any unpleasantness to ruin this celebration. Not a one.”

  All was quiet when Bristol and Tatum turned the lights out. Bristol took note of the two men standing guard outside the house. “You placed guards around the house?” Bristol asked, as she ran the water for her shower, for some reason it took a while to get it nice and hot, but she didn’t complain, she’d never had a shower back home, only a small wooden tub.

  “Yes, I’m not taking any chances on a rogue wolf thinking now would be a good time to move up in ranks.”

  “Then why invite them?”

  “Because it’s protocol for any important happening like new alpha, marriage, birth, and whatever event takes place in a leader’s life, to invite those who are his allies and neighbors to attend. That doesn’t mean I trust them. Hell, as much as I love Luke, I don’t trust him. Periodically he challenges my authority, in hopes of being alpha.” He hunched his shoulders, “It the wolf’s way, it’s been like this for centuries.”

  “I’ve talked enough strategy and policies tonight, come here.” He growled low.

  Bristol laughed, guess my shower will have to wait. As much as she longed to feel the hot water against her skin, she’d rather feel the heat from Tatum.

  “The water is running,” she whispered as she climbed across the bed on all fours, to Tatum.

  “Good, it will be nice and hot when we get in it. But before we get clean, let's get dirty,” he said as he flipped her onto her back. Tatum took his time unbuttoning her dress. He’d thought of nothing else all night. Tatum kissed her exposed flesh, searing her skin with his hot breath. He let his hands roam wherever they chose. When he reached her stomach, he stuck his tongue in her belly-button. Bristol began to laugh.

  “You think my love making is funny,” he jested.

  “No, but that tickles.”

  “Let’s see if this tickle,” he said as he brought her soft mound to his mouth and began to lavish her clit, licking, sucking and blowing on the tiny bud, until she began to moan deep within her throat. He placed two fingers in her hot awaiting pussy, then three, then four, then five, then she came, her hips rose off the bed. “Ah, I’m coming, oh my… ahh,” she cried out as her body began to tremble, causing her small round tits to jiggle. Tatum grabbed her hips, letting his tongue lap up the juices that were flowing naturally. He let his tongue enter her removing all traces of her essence as the sweet taste coated his tongue. Still holding her hips, he lifted her upward as he got on his knees. Tatum entered her, inch by inch he let his dick slide into her saturated cunt. Bristol tossed her head from side to side on the cool satin pillows. “Give it to me,” she cried wanting him to stop torturing her, but not really, because it felt so good. “I want it all,” she whined.

  “All, like this?” He thrust his dick deep inside, her inner wall. She shouted out in pleasure, “yesss.” Tatum continued to tease her, pulling out until only the head was at her entrance, then plunging deep inside her. She almost couldn’t stand the pleasure, as she locked her legs high above his hips and pumped and grinded her hips against his own. Her pussy was so drenched, the slapping sound echoed in the room. She tried but couldn’t contain herself as she began to spiral, her pussy clenched around his dick as she mewled. Tatum, holding on by a thin thread, felt her pussy’s tight grip throbbing around his cock as her orgasm tore through her body, igniting his climax, as he shouted out loud, “fuck, here I come...” He increased his speed, pounding her hard until his body shuddered uncontrollably, and their bodies locked together.

  Bristol woke up to a bright, sunshiny day. Sliding her legs on the other side of the bed all she could feel was a cold empty space, which meant Tatum had been gone for some time. She was getting used to him rising early, sometimes it was well past noon before she’d see him. He would come home for lunch or just to check in on her. She sat on the side of the bed, reaching for the note he would leave for her each day. It pretty much said the same thing, ‘good morning, I love you, will see you soon, signed T.’ However, this morning he added a little more, ‘Too many alpha’s, demanding too much of me.’ Bristol smiled, it was evident the alpha’s who weren’t in attendance last night have made their presence known today.

  Bristol stretched as she rose from the bed, deciding a long hot bath would do her aching body some good. A smile graced her face as she remembered why her body needed a hot relaxing bath. Time was moving quickly, yet somehow it seemed like a lifetime. Her life at Blackstone felt more like home than home actually did. Sure, she missed some things, but being here with Tatum and everyone else had become second nature.

  Today she would officially be made female alpha of Blackstone, and she took the responsibilities very seriously. She knew what she had to do and how she wanted to reign. There was no doubt in her mind, she will be a great leader, and soon she will make all that have done her wrong, pay.

  Bristol was hungry and felt restless, she decided to go out for a run and to hunt for something fulfilling to eat. Since being with Tatum her hunger no longer ruled her, however she still maintained a hearty appetite. She knew there were a lot of strangers in town, so she assured the two guards Tatum assigned to her that she wouldn’t wander far. She caught two cottontail rabbits and a squirrel before returning to the house
. Bristol kept looking around, it was as if she was being watched, true it could be the sentry that were assigned to keep an eye on her. There were so many different packs around, she couldn’t pinpoint the smell in the air. Deciding to be safe rather than sorry, she headed back to town. Blackstone was noisier than she was accustomed to, the streets overflowing with people amazed her, even the shops contained more people. One good thing will come from this, she thought, the merchants will make more money then they have all week. It wasn’t long before Kaylyn was knocking at the door. She’d almost forgotten she asked Kaylyn to help her get dressed for the celebration. Kaylyn had a sapphire blue dress draped across her arm, along with a small tote bag.

  “Is this what you’re wearing?” Bristol asked as she relieved Kaylyn of the garment. The dress was beautiful and the color vibrant.

  “Yes, I hope...” She stopped in mid-sentence, casting her eyes downward.

  “You hope what?” Bristol asked already knowing the answer.


  “You hope Scotty likes it. As an old and dear friend of his, I can tell you, yes, he will.”

  “You think so? I mean I haven’t dated much and well, well, he’s the first boy I feel connected to.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, I will do what I can to help you. Scotty can be a little dense sometimes.”

  They both laughed at the silliness of the opposite sex. Before long, Kaylyn was doing Bristol’s hair, getting her ready for the festivities. Dirk came by to tell Bristol that a room had been set up for Tatum and Luke and some of the others were helping him get ready for the ceremony.

  “I don’t know what kind of fixing up they be doing to him, but I know I heard him growl a few times, meaning he ain’t like none of it. Nope, he ain’t like it one bit,” Dirk said with a serious, concerned look on his face, that made both woman laugh.

  “I’m sure the alpha will be just fine, he can be a little grumpy sometimes.” Bristol took her necklace of a wolf’s head off and opening Dirk’s hand she placed it in his palm, and said, “Give this to him and tell him I can’t want for him to place it back on my neck.”


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