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Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1)

Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  “It seems he did this more than once, right?” Titan watched her face, seeing how this affected her.

  “Yes, he loved to be a hero. I don’t know the names of the families whose homes he managed to save, but there was more than one. I believe Kirkland was Fire Chief then, and they encouraged Damien to join as soon as he was old enough. He had quite the reputation. When he moved north, it was Kirk’s recommendation that got him the paid job in the big city fire department.”

  Titan kept eating, but his mind was racing. “Why did you leave the city and move back here?”

  Makenna swallowed before answering, wiping her mouth with a paper towel. “My life at that point was miserable. The honeymoon stage was over, I guess you could say. He didn’t talk to me, not really. Every day he seemed to take greater pleasure in browbeating and humiliating me.” At his questioning expression, she elaborated. “Well, you heard how I had to say that I was worthless out loud.” She saw Titan’s jaw harden, his mouth compress in a thin straight line. “If the meal I cooked wasn’t up to his specifications, I had to eat mine off the floor.” Titan groaned, so Makenna moved on. Those days were behind her, no use to dwell on them. “When he decided to move, I wasn’t included in the decision. Damien came home one day and announced we were leaving. There were no goodbye parties or visits from his friends. We were just there one day and here the next. I don’t know what happened.”

  Titan stood and collected their plates. “That is strange. I wonder…” he began, but he didn’t finish his sentence.

  Makenna helped him, placing their dishes in the washer. “What are you thinking?”

  “I think I see a pattern.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I do my best thinking at the anvil, so I’m going to head out to my blacksmith shop for a bit.” Glancing at the clock, he saw it was still pretty early, only seven-thirty. “As soon as Kirk is in his office, I’m heading down and go over some records and make a few phone calls. Why don’t you get dressed and you can ride with me? Maybe you and Allie can get together while I take care of this.” He smiled when he saw her face brighten. “Remember, this afternoon I’m taking you to the vineyard.”

  “You make me so happy.” She hugged him on tiptoe. “My life is nothing like it used to be.”

  “This is the way life is supposed to be, sweetheart.” He hugged her back.

  After that, the day passed swiftly. Titan worked his frustrations out on hot steel, forging a beautiful knife for Makenna. It would be delicate, like her, but functional. He hoped she liked it. For him, it wasn’t just a weapon for protection, it was art. As he beat the metal into submission, he let the theories he had on Damien formulate in his mind. If he was right, Damien had been a firebug all the time.

  Once he had the blade formed and cooling, Titan returned to the house to see if Makenna was ready to go. When he grasped the door handle, he was glad to see she’d locked it. They couldn’t be sure Wade had left town, so taking precautions was smart. “Makenna, are you ready?” he called from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Almost,” she answered back.

  Titan laughed. ‘Almost’ could mean anything to a woman. “Okay, I’m going to get some lemonade and cool off. I’ll be waiting.” He sauntered to the kitchen, poured the cool drink over ice and sat down at the bar to enjoy it. To pass the time, he went through the mail. Nothing unusual, bills mostly. At the bottom of the stack, he saw his sister’s magazine she’d left, the one Makenna had referred to. “Let’s see the kind of boots she likes.” Opening it up, he began to leaf through the pages. They would see Tara this weekend. Their family was one of the driving forces behind Rodeo Austin and the scholarship ceremony was around the corner. He was expected to be there. The timing was good, because he wanted to introduce his parents and Tara to Makenna. As he flipped through the magazine, he saw it—and his face broke into a huge smile.

  The pair of snow white cowboy boots were worn by a bride. She sat on the steps of a country church with a bouquet of wildflowers in her hand. All of his hopes and dreams rose like a flood in Titan’s heart. “Makenna needs these boots,” he muttered.

  With a plan in mind, he drained his glass, sat it in the sink and made his way upstairs. “Hey, baby, how’s it coming?” She was standing in front of the vanity applying mascara to her already long beautiful eyelashes.

  “Almost,” she said again and he nodded, trying to look entirely innocent as he made his way to the closet to check her shoe size.

  “Good deal,” he said, as he meandered back into the hallway and down the stairs to place the order.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” she announced as she came bounding down the stairs, looking for all the world like a ray of sunshine in a simple yellow dress.

  “Me too,” he agreed. He was ready for a lot of things, ready to start a new life with her as his wife for one.

  * * *

  “You are one lucky woman,” Allie announced as they watched Titan cross the street on his way to the Fire Marshal’s office.

  “Yes, I am.” Makenna couldn’t argue with the truth. “He’s taking me on a date to a vineyard tonight.”

  “What are you going to wear?” Allie asked with excitement as she pulled her small Audi out into the street.

  “Probably my black dress.” Makenna didn’t want to make a big deal about it. “It’s nice and always appropriate.”

  “No, you’ll wear something of mine. You know my closet is always overflowing.” Allie was a buyer for several department stores. “I’m thinking about opening my own boutique here in town. How would you like to work for me? I’d give you deep discounts.”

  Makenna’s eyes grew big as saucers. “Seriously?”

  “Heck yea, I’m serious.” Allie assured her as they pulled up in front of a Walgreens. “I like it here. I’m not letting your psychotic ex-husband run me off. I needed to make some upgrades in the house anyway. His antics just assured that the insurance company would pay for them instead of me.” She winked at Makenna. “Besides, Hotshot asked me out for this weekend.”

  “He did?” Makenna squealed and hugged her. “That’s wonderful!” When Allie opened the door to get out, Makenna asked, “What are we doing here?”

  “Buying you a pregnancy test. Did you forget?”

  Yes, she had. With all the hullabaloo with fires and Damien-trouble, she had pushed the possibility of a baby to the back of her mind once again. “I had a lot on my mind,” she said weakly. “If I’m not pregnant, I need birth control, that’s for sure.”

  “Well, first things first,” Allie pronounced as she held the door for Makenna. “After we buy this, we’ll pick up some lunch, then head over to my house so you can pick out something to wear tonight.” Heading down the right aisle, Allie picked up a box and handed it to her. “While we’re there, you can pee on this stick.”

  A few streets over, Titan sat in front of Kirkland Armstrong. “I want you to help me research something.” He leaned forward and placed a sheet of paper on the desk. “According to our VFD records, these are the dates of those fires Damien Wade built his reputation on, the ones that he just happened to be at the right place at the right time.”

  Kirk picked the paper up. “What are you saying, Sloan?”

  “Look, I know you two were friends. But what if he’s been doing this the whole time?”

  Kirkland let out a long breath. “Actually, I’m ahead of you.” He pulled a file folder from his desk. “It’s a sad fact, but a higher than comfortable percentage of arsonists are firefighters. The occupation tends to draw those who are fascinated and drawn to fire.” Opening the folder, he spread out a sheaf of papers. “It seems he’s been using the same manner of setting the blazes from the beginning. I’ve turned all of this information over to the DA. Property damages are huge, but there were also some injuries involved. This is one dangerous man.”

  Titan thought he would feel better when the truth came out, but he didn’t. Damien could have been a model citizen. He had so much to offer. Instead, he was a crimin
al and the one who had suffered the most was Makenna.

  Meanwhile, Makenna and Allie visited over Paninis at a street-side café. The outing wasn’t without drama. Their waitress turned out to be someone who’d gone to school with Damien and she pulled no punches, telling Makenna just what she thought about the accusations made against him. Seeing the attention the conversation was drawing, Makenna didn’t even attempt to defend herself. Instead, they finished their meal, then hurried to the trailer where they rifled through Allie’s closet, tossing outfits to the right and to the left until Makenna settled on a short white dress overlaid with lace. “I like this one,” she murmured, running her hand reverently down the soft material.

  “You’ll look marvelous in it,” Allie assured her.

  The knock on the door came earlier than expected. “It’s Titan,” Makenna said, peeking out the window.

  Allie went to let him in, whispering as she went, “As soon as you find out the results, I want you to call me.”

  Makenna agreed, hugging her friend. Titan waited outside, so she quickly gathered her things and went to meet him. Her purse felt ten times heavier with the pregnancy test in it than it ever had before.

  * * *

  “What kind of grapes are these?” Makenna let her window down to get a better look at the rows and rows of grape vines, growing green and lush as far as the eye could see.

  “I believe they’re called Norton grapes. Aiden can give you a rundown, if you like. He does enjoy talking about wine.” Titan drove slowly so she could get a good look. “Across the way you can see his house and farther on, the winery itself.

  “Do you know Aiden well?” She was fascinated. Once they turned off the main road, she didn’t even feel like they were in Texas anymore.

  “Pretty well. I’ve been trying to get him to join the VFD. He’s single and wealthy enough to have help running the winery and the restaurant. Aiden oversees everything, of course. He also raises horses, Appaloosas. He’ll take you down to see them before we go if you want to meet them.”

  Makenna smiled. “You make it sound like the horses are part of his family.”

  “Oh, they are, definitely,” Titan assured her. “Both Aiden’s horses and his wines have won awards.” He stopped speaking, almost as if he was considering something. “You know, it might not have been a good idea to bring you out here.”

  “Why is that?” Makenna frowned. “I want to do this.”

  “Because Aiden’s a handsome eligible bachelor and you are the most beautiful woman in the Hill Country.”

  Makenna blushed. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “Oh, really? Why is that?” He kept up his teasing banter.

  “You’re the complete package, Titan.” She grew serious. “You’re not only the best looking guy I’ve ever seen, you’re also kind, honest and hardworking. I’m glad you don’t have as much money as Aiden.” She waved her hand at their beautiful surroundings.

  “Why are you glad I don’t have money?” He asked the question carefully.

  Makenna was staring ahead. She could see a man coming out to meet them. “Because I’m as poor as a church mouse, it makes you seem more accessible to me. Although,” she brightened, “I do have a job prospect. Allie is buying a boutique and asked me to work for her!”

  Titan slowed down, raising a hand to Aiden. “I think our sleeping in the same bed makes me pretty damn accessible.” Makenna heard the disturbed tone in his voice, but her door being opened for her by their host drew her attention away.

  “Welcome to my home.” They were greeted in style, for following along behind Aiden was a waiter with a tray of glasses containing a sparkly white wine.

  “Aiden, it’s good to see you.” Titan came up by Makenna, instantly putting an arm around her shoulders. “This is my girlfriend, Makenna.”

  She noticed he didn’t add the last name—Wade. Makenna didn’t mind at all. “How do you do?” She let Aiden take her hand and smiled when he brought it to his lips for a kiss. “Thank you for having us.”

  “My pleasure.” He slapped Titan on the back. “Lucky man.”

  “I am,” Titan stated flatly. “Your place looks good,” he said, gazing off into the distance. “How’s the harvest looking?”

  “Good. The flavor is excellent. Grab a glass of wine and let’s take a ride in the golf cart. I’ll show you two around.”

  For the next couple of hours, Makenna learned more about wine than she knew there was to know, although she did try to avoid drinking any. Once, she even watered a plant with what was probably a very expensive vintage. Luckily, both men were so happy to have someone to talk to about wine, they never noticed she wasn’t imbibing. They seemed equally enthusiastic about the subject, but she secretly thought Titan probably was more knowledgeable than Aiden. They talked Texas weather, French influence, Italian blends—she was dizzy with the facts and figures they bandied about. When they stopped to take a breath, she threw her own question out there. “If you could only drink one wine for the rest of your life, what would it be?” Honestly, she should’ve ducked because the discussion that idea produced was quite dramatic. She was never more grateful when an employee came to speak to Aiden and he begged off, leaving them parked under a grand old oak.

  “Whew!” Makenna let out a big sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” Titan turned to her, concerned.

  She kissed him gently on the lips. “I’m glad he’s gone. This place is romantic and I wanted to be alone with you.”

  “Awww, you say the sweetest things.” From that moment, the tone of the afternoon changed as he drove her from one scenic spot to another, including the horses, and ending their tour at the Tuscan inspired restaurant. “We’ll feed one appetite now, another later.”

  He led her inside where an elegant table was laid out awaiting them. “Aiden made sure we were next to the windows. If you’ll look down toward the creek, you’ll see one of the most exclusive wedding spots in the Hill Country.”

  Makenna turned so hard and quick to see what he was talking about that she knocked her glass of wine over. “Sorry.”

  Titan helped her right the glass, mopping up the spill. “Easy, baby, it’s just some pretty white lights and a scenic grove of trees.”

  When he tried to refill her glass, she placed her hand over her glass. “I want to be awake for what we plan to do later.”

  Returning her attention to the wedding site, she pictured Titan in a cowboy tux and herself in a white dress with those cowboy boots that for some odd reason had come to represent their future happiness to her. “This would be a glorious place for a wedding.”

  Titan was about to agree, until a waiter came to get their order. “What will you have, pretty girl?”

  She pointed at a center cut filet with a red wine reduction. “This looks good, it comes with an herb cream sauce, broccolini and roasted potatoes.”

  “Okay, perfect.” He looked up at the man and spoke in fluent Italian. “I’ll have the Bistecca alla Fiorentina and she’ll have the Controfiletto ai Pepe.”

  Makenna’s eyes bugged, not expecting the fluid flow of romantic sounding words to come out of his mouth. She glanced down at the menu to see what he was having. He’d chosen steak also, but a sixteen ounce wood-grilled Hereford ribeye with Parmigiano garlic mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus. “Oh, that looks good too.” As soon as the waiter left, she grinned at him. “I don’t think I know you very well at all, Mr. Sloan.”

  Titan raised his glass. “Stick with me, honey. There are layers to my personality. You have to peel them off one by one.”

  Makenna giggled. “Like an onion.”

  Titan roared with laughter. “Only you would say something like that.” He leaned across the table and kissed her. “I love you.”

  The rest of the meal, as good as it was, was only a blur to Makenna. Titan Sloan had said he loved her. It wasn’t a romantic declaration, but it was the only ‘I love you’ she’d ever received that mattered.

  On the ride home, they held hands, his finger brushing the inside of her palm suggestively. She’d never known such an innocent touch could make her so achy. “Thank you for taking me to the winery.”

  “You’re welcome. Making you happy is my job.”

  Maybe it was his husky voice or the hooded look in his eye—she wasn’t sure, but suddenly she couldn’t wait. “Titan, uh, could you find someplace to pull over?”

  Titan reacted immediately to her request, finding a safe place to pull off the highway, a small deserted dirt road. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t wait.” Boldly, she placed a hand over his manhood. Even flaccid it was big, but once she touched it, she could feel it begin to grow. “I need you inside me.”

  The very next moment, Titan was out of the vehicle and coming over to her side. Throwing open her door, he unfastened her seatbelt and picked her up. “There’s too much of me to have sex inside a truck cab.”

  “Then, where?” she asked, thinking maybe the back of the truck or the hood.

  He backed her up against the truck, his voice vibrating against her neck. “You let me worry about that.” Makenna began to quiver with excitement. Damn, the man was potent. He was fast becoming as necessary to her as oxygen.

  “I know you’ll take care of me, you always do.” She lifted her head for his kiss. He captured her lips, sucking the bottom one between his teeth. Makenna took one of his big hands and placed it over her breast. Even through the material of her dress, his touch scorched her. As he kissed her, Titan cupped the eager globe, weighing it, rubbing his thumb back and forth across the nipple.

  The dress she had on was held up by tiny straps, small bows tied at the shoulder. When he took one in his teeth, pulling it till it was loose. She gave a small gasp of pleasure. The sexy man kissed his way across her shoulder until he reached the other bow, undoing it in a similar manner. “You don’t have on a bra,” he growled, his hands caressing her chest as he eased the dress down her body.


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