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The Knowledge of Love

Page 9

by D. S. Williams

  “Conal…” I wasn't ready for this, it was too soon after Lucas's death, too much, too fast.

  Conal picked up on my anxiety, soothing me. “Charlotte, we both need time to work through this. You need time until you'll feel comfortable with me,” he inhaled sharply, “and I need time to get used to this pregnancy thing.” His jaw clenched and for a brief instant, I saw the wellspring of pain in his black eyes. “I've fantasized about you being pregnant, but in my fantasies I was the daddy,” he admitted softly.

  I blinked a couple of times, digesting his words. “You've fantasized… about having a baby with me?”

  Conal smiled sheepishly. “A man has to think about something.”

  For the first time since he arrived, I grinned at him, an open and honest smile. “I thought most men fantasized about things other than getting a girl pregnant.”

  Conal laughed. “Believe me, I've fantasized about all of those things, Sugar.”

  “I'm not sure I want to know.”

  He winked. “If we get this sorted out, I'm going to share them with you. All of them,” he promised, his voice deepening as he leaned towards me. We stared into one another's eyes for a long moment and I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he didn't. He got up, towering above me. “I'd better go.”

  I got up from the couch and Conal drew me into an affectionate hug. “Stay safe, I'll be back in three days. With any luck you'll still be talking to me.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him back, felt his lips press against my forehead in a brief kiss. “I'll still be talking to you,” I promised.

  Conal smiled. “Good to hear.” He grabbed his coat and threw it over his arm, turning back at the door to offer last minute advice. “Keep out of trouble.”

  I nodded and with one final smile, he was gone. I sank back onto the couch, happy in the knowledge that he didn't hate me.

  The warm fuzzy mood disappeared ten seconds later when my stomach revolted and I flew towards the bathroom to throw up.

  Chapter 12: Breach

  Four vampire replicas stalked towards me, surrounding all sides they were leaving no room for escape. My training partners, Nat and Piers Larsson stood to one side, watching my attempt to defeat the vampires alone. Nat was leaning casually against the bars, his relaxed attitude suggesting he was supremely confident about my ability to succeed. Piers was less relaxed, his tall frame held at attention, his eyes focused on the vampires and their movements. Piers seemed on alert to leap in and rescue me if it was needed, even though we both knew I could defeat them. On the outside of the bars, Epi watched intently. Wearing a vivid green quilted coat over his standard tunic he resembled a garden gnome decorated for Christmas.

  “Remember, you must wait until the last possible moment,” Epi guided, as the four younglings paced ever closer.

  I flicked my gaze back and forth between the two I could see and opened my mind to guidance from the spirits for the two approaching my back. I reacted instinctively in the split-second when the younglings pounced. All four rushed towards me in a simultaneous attack, leaping and at the same time becoming airborne. A mass of energy left my body, a spherical wave which slammed into the four vampires, causing amounts of damage which directly correlated to how close they'd been to the impact zone. As they flew backwards, I raised my right hand and guided the body of one vampire into the other. The sound of their bodies cracking together resonated across the training grounds. I rotated on the spot, turning my attention to where two of the spirits attacked the remaining vampires. With the slightest incline of my head, the two vampires imploded when an invisible orb of energy I'd launched impacted.

  Ben's brother Galen, who'd been assisting me, nodded his approval before he dissipated in a swirling mist. Phelan remained for a second longer, throwing me a wink. “Pretty cool, Lott,” he announced before dispersing into my mind.

  “Excellent,” Epi announced, a broad grin spreading across his wizened features. “You are increasing your powers at a remarkable rate. The telekinesis is proving to be an outstanding new weapon in your arsenal.”

  “Keep this up and you won't need us,” Nat agreed as he and Piers joined me. “We'll just sit in the mess and drink beers while you take on the Drâghici.”

  I smiled. “I'll still need your help. Four vampires don't exactly constitute an army.” The telekinesis was a new thing, something I'd discovered accidentally when I'd reached for a glass of water and hadn't quite been able to reach it. Mentally grumbling about having to get up for the water, and wishing it was closer, the glass slowly wobbled towards me of its own volition. Three weeks after that first event, I was beginning to control the movement of items with relative ease and William proved especially helpful in that regard, as he had regained his own telekinetic ability and could guide me in learning to control it.

  “Ah, but a few weeks ago, four vampires would have been impossible,” Epi demurred, consulting his clipboard. “You are truly beginning to settle into your role, Child.”

  “So what's next?” I sipped from a flask Rowena had filled with ginger tea. Jerome had recommended eating before I got out of bed and it seemed to be working, a couple of crackers before rising seemed to hold the nausea at bay. I still felt nauseous, but we'd successfully reduced the hurling to a minimum.

  Epi studied me circumspectly for a couple of seconds, creating the uneasy idea that I wasn't going to like the next plan. My suspicions were proven right when he spoke. “You must learn to attack Archangelo.”

  I stared at Epi in disbelief. “What do you think I've been doing up until now?”

  “Yes, yes; I'm aware you have been doing your best against him. Archangelo is powerful and uniquely dangerous, with the strength of a youngling vampire and the powers of the Angels. It's a potent amalgamation which will be difficult to defeat.”

  “You think?” I asked. My voice positively dripped with sarcasm.

  “Charlotte, nobody knows better than I what you are facing,” Epi began, his piercing eyes gazing into mine. “I understand how difficult it will be for you to face him again, after…”

  I tore my gaze from his and looked skyward, not wanting him to continue this train of thought.

  Epi took the hint and changed his approach. “Each time you have met, Archangelo has managed to gain the upper hand. He is immensely powerful and you must fight that strength with the power you hold inside.”

  I opened my mouth to retort, but Epi shook his head. “I'm not suggesting you aren't doing your best, Child. Each time you have faced off against Archangelo, you've been weakened by preceding battles. We know the energy required to use your abilities saps your strength. It is unfortunate that both times you've faced him, you have been tired.”

  I sucked in a deep breath, met his eyes. “So, what are you suggesting?”

  “We must find ways for you to counteract his current supremacy, circumvent him before he has time to strike.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “Well, when you put it that way, it sounds so simple.”

  Nat hastily looked away, trying to hide a grin and Piers' eyes twinkled with amusement. Both men had become attuned to my sarcasm and enjoyed the regular skirmishes with Epi.

  For a moment, Epi seemed ready to burst into a rage; instead he took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. “I never suggested it would be simple, child.”

  I huffed out a deep sigh. “What is this going to entail?”

  Epi adjusted his glasses. “I have created a youngling replica which will react in the way Archangelo does.”

  I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “How so?”

  “I have programmed this replica to use powers similar to those we know Archangelo uses. His abilities are not increasing as yours have. Sooner or later, you will develop the supremacy to defeat him. In the meantime, this replica will react as we know Archangelo does. Whilst it will not give you the answer of how to defeat him, I believe it will be helpful in refining your approach to attacking.”

  I cros
sed my arms over my chest. “So this thing… is going to attack me with spirit orbs?”


  “And the youngling strength?”


  “Anything else I should know before we start?” This replica idea made me nervous and the health of my baby was paramount to my concerns. I wasn't sure getting walloped by a spirit orb would be healthy for either one of us.

  As if he read my thoughts, Epi spoke again. “The spirit orbs won't hurt you. Think of it as being similar to a… what are those things called? A paintball game. The orbs will hit you, but their effect has been nullified by magic.”

  The relief was tangible. “So how will we know I've been hit?”

  “The orbs leave a mark on your clothing.”

  “You're sure about this?” I asked. “No chance of ending up with broken bones out of this little exercise?”

  “Absolutely not,” Epi said firmly. “We can't risk you getting injured and I still recall your threat quite clearly.”

  I grinned, recalling the now-infamous day when I'd threatened to gut Epi like a fish. “Glad to know you've remembered. Anything else you want to warn me about?”

  “The vampire replica will also be able to summon demons.”

  I shook my head uneasily. “Epi, can't we do one thing at a time?”

  “No,” Epi retorted. “Archangelo will use all his powers to defeat you. He won't try 'one thing at a time'. It is crucial that you overcome your fears of Archangelo and learn to think on your feet when fighting him.”

  “Charlotte, Archangelo is here.” Lucas spoke urgently.

  “Where?” I questioned out loud.

  “He's breached the walls of Zaen – he's inside the city.”

  My eyes grew round and my heartbeat increased exponentially. “Inside?” I repeated in disbelief.

  “What is it, Child?” Epi demanded.

  “Archangelo is inside Zaen.” For long seconds I wavered, unable to believe what I'd heard. How could Archangelo be inside the city walls? What was he doing in there?

  “Focus, my love,” Lucas urged.

  I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply to try and quell rising panic. “Nat, sound the alarm. Piers…”

  An explosion erupted inside the city, the noise roaring across us like a sonic blast. Nat instinctively drew me to his side, shielding my body with his.

  “Oh my God,” I groaned. “He's taking down the shields.” Thousands of voices erupted inside my mind and I struggled to think clearly as shock began to set in. The warning siren sounded over Zaen and others who'd been training sprinted towards the gates.

  “Release us, Charlotte,” Lucas commanded.

  On automatic pilot, I did as Lucas requested, allowing dozens of the spirits to coalesce. Lucas appeared and smiled, nodding to me before turning to run through the gates with the others.

  Sounds of screaming erupted all around us, our people terrified as they began to comprehend something was terribly wrong.

  “What the hell's going on?” William shouted. He and Striker appeared, both smeared in fresh demon blood from training.

  “Archangelo is in the city,” I explained in a rush. “He's destroying the shields.”

  Striker let rip with a string of expletives.

  “If he gets the shields down, he can bring in…” William began.

  “…demons and younglings.” I finished the sentence. “I've already sent spirits to help, but we need to get everyone to—” I stopped abruptly, uncertain as to how we were meant to deal with this. Zaen was supposed to provide us with impenetrable protection, now my people were in there with danger everywhere around them.

  “The central courtyard,” William announced with certainty.

  I nodded, accepting his decision without question. William was the one with the military experience, I trusted him implicitly to do what was best. “Piers, Nat, get word out that the humans and children need to congregate in the courtyard. Epi…”

  “I'll place enchantments over the area.”

  “I'll go with Epi, run interference if it's needed,” Striker said decisively.

  Striker and Epi ran towards the gate with Nat and Piers close behind and I yelled at Epi's retreating back. “Make sure you cover the hospital!” I turned to face William. “He's somewhere close to the shields.”

  William glanced down at me, his eyes determined. “That's where I'm heading then.”

  “William, he'll use the orbs.” My voice faltered, I was bitterly aware of how they could damage a vampire.

  William hard expression softened. “I'm not afraid, Charlotte.”

  “I'm coming with you.” Not waiting for a response, I turned and sprinted for the gates, running through the tunnel which was filled with people in the process of transforming, or already transformed and headed to battle.

  William reached for me and in one sleek movement swung me onto his back. I gripped his neck as he sped in the direction of the shield generators. There was an enormous mushroom cloud of smoke billowing from that area and as we approached, a second explosion rocked the city.

  We were one street back from the generators when the first demons erupted from the ground and portals began to open all around us. I shrieked when a demon clawed out of the ground before us. William lurched to one side and I squeezed my eyes closed when he leapt, nimbly leaving the ground and landing cat-like on a cottage roof. Surefooted in the snow which had settled, William continued to run until we reached the generators, nestled into the wall of the city.

  “Hold on,” he warned, just before he stepped from the roof, dropping twenty feet to the ground below.

  The intense heat was the first thing I noticed, flames erupted from the destroyed generators and were licking at the nearby cottages. Glass and debris lay all around us and two of the four generators were completely destroyed. There was no sign of Archangelo. I realized with a growing sense of horror that both remaining generators had explosive devices attached to them. Focusing on one, I held out my hand and watched the device fly from the generator and into my open palm. I quickly handed it to William and he threw it, far across the wall and into the grassland beyond the city. We heard another sonic boom as the bomb detonated harmlessly.

  “Are you crazy?” William yelled over the noise of the fire and the sounds of screaming and fighting which had erupted all over the city. He slapped my hand away when I attempted to retrieve the second bomb. William threw me behind a cottage just as the bomb exploded. Laying over the top of me, he shielded my body from the debris showering us.

  “Charlotte!” Matt and Clint emerged from a cottage behind us and helped William get up. Matt grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet, searching my face. “You okay?”

  I nodded mutely, staring in dismay at the three destroyed generators. “Are Misaki and Kazuki safe?”

  Matt nodded curtly. “They're both up at the meeting hall.”

  “Jesus, William! You've got a huge lump of shrapnel in your back,” Clint announced.

  “Pull it out,” William demanded gruffly.

  “Is that wise?” Matt asked.

  William nodded. “It won't kill me. It'll be painful, but my skin will heal around it if you don't remove it. Get it out.”

  Clint nodded and handed the weapon he was carrying to Matt. He grasped the lump of metal with both hands and pulled it from William's back. William gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes shut, but did little more than moan when the piece made a sickening wet sound as it left his body. Even before I'd retrieved the Hjördis from my pocket, the wound was already healing and I marked it only to further speed the process.

  “Dad,” I said softly. “What do we do?” I'd never imagined this scenario, couldn't envisage how to begin dealing with what we were currently facing. Never in my wildest dreams had I considered the walls being breached.

  Matt stared down at me for a moment, his hard expression softening. “We kick their asses, baby.”

  “You got a plan for that?” William asked. I r
ealized in that moment how much Matt's military background was respected by the other men.

  “The civilians are in the central courtyard. I've got some of the men rounding up anyone who hasn't made it and escorting them to safety,” Matt informed us. “Demons and younglings are appearing all over the city. We need to make our way up to the central courtyard and fight from there. Make sure they don't breach that area. Epi reckons he'll have this enchantment thing ready in about fifteen minutes. We have to hold them off until then.”

  “Dad, I have to find Archangelo.”

  Matt licked his lips, his eyes betraying the internal battle he was struggling with. “Yeah, baby. I guess you do.”

  “I'll go with her,” William announced.

  “So will I,” Clint added.

  Matt inclined his head in agreement. “All right. We'll fall back to the courtyard and set up a strategic plan from there. Meet me there when you can.”

  I closed my eyes for a brief instant, calling more spirits to aid Matt and the other men in the fight. “I've got as many spirits out there as I can manage.”

  Matt nodded his approval. “Good girl. I'm assuming they're the invisible forces I keep coming across kicking demon and vampire ass?”

  I nodded and forced a smile for him, though my mind was already focused on finding Archangelo and trying to stop him.

  Matt wrapped an arm around me, kissing my forehead. “Stay safe.” With one last look, he turned and ran towards the courtyard.

  “Where do you think Archangelo will be?” William asked.

  “Give me a second.” I focused on the spirits, brought Mom and Galen to the fore. After a brief consultation, in which they provided what information they could, I spoke to William and Clint. “Let's go.”

  Chapter 13: New Discoveries

  The streets were chaotic, vampires and demons, werewolves and shifters fighting hand-to-hand in close quarters. Cottages had been ransacked, windows smashed, doors kicked in, and a number had been torched and were burning fiercely. It was impossible to fight the fires, people could only concentrate on doing whatever they could to survive the bloodshed. Everything else was collateral damage and not important in the current circumstances.


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