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The Knowledge of Love

Page 25

by D. S. Williams

  “Ah, gentlemen. Good evening,” Archangelo announced upon entering the room. “I trust you're finding your accommodations… satisfactory?”

  “Go to hell,” Matt muttered hoarsely. Studying my father, I could see dark purple bruising which had emerged all over his face and body.

  Odin stood in the doorway, watching my father curiously. “Have we discovered who the human is?”

  “Refuses to tell me, as yet,” Archangelo admitted. He strode across to a table I hadn't noticed before; it was covered in a range of instruments which struck me as terrifying. Scalpels, knives, pliers, scissors - all were laid out with surgical preciseness. “I assure you he will.” Archangelo lifted a number of metal implements from the table and with mounting horror, I realized they were fire pokers. “Bran, put these into the fire for me, would you? And you, Klaus, ensure they get extremely hot.” One of the guards hurried across to where a fire burned in a grate against the wall, stoking the fire and using bellows to heat it still further.

  “I don't believe I will stay to watch this,” Odin said. “Torture is not my… cup of tea.”

  “Would you prefer I killed them?” Archangelo said nonchalantly. “I am feeling particularly ravenous after my enforced imprisonment at the hands of this Elven bastard.” He lifted a bottle and uncorked it, using a small dropper to collect some of the contents. He stepped towards Goren and the Elf cringed, pulling in vain against the shackles which imprisoned him. Archangelo released tiny droplets of liquid onto Goren's skin and I gasped when the liquid sizzled and steamed. “How fascinating to discover lemon juice has such an effect on the Fae. Perhaps I will experiment later, see what effect lead has.” Goren screamed as the lemon juice burnt into his skin and Archangelo continued to let the liquid fall until the dropper was empty. Replacing the lid on the bottle he placed it carefully back in the correct position on the table, then turned to Odin. “You didn't answer the question, Master. Would you prefer I murder them now?”

  Odin stared at Archangelo coldly. “Of course not. You may continue, for now. I want confirmation of what you told us – that the girl is pregnant.”

  “And if she is?” Bran asked quietly from beside the fire, where he was idly watching the pokers heating in the flames.

  “Then we want the child,” Odin retorted coldly. “The girl is useless to us, however the baby can be taken from her, used to advance our cause.”

  Conal's eyes glimmered icily but he kept his mouth shut, only exchanging a pointed glance with my father. I knew how much it was costing them to keep silent, could see it from the numerous fresh wounds marking their bodies.

  “Get the information we want. You have twenty-four hours. If you cannot manage this task, I will send Arawn to complete it.” Odin turned to go, stopping in the doorway. “Control yourself, Archangelo. Do not feed on them. I will send you down… a snack.”

  “Delightful,” Archangelo agreed with a crazed grin. “A brunette if you would, preferably with green eyes and curls.”

  Conal growled furiously, a rumbling which came from deep within his chest and caught Archangelo's attention. “Let's start with you, dog.” Archangelo's eyes darted to where the fire was burning ferociously, the pokers glowing red-hot against the coals. “Let's start from the beginning, shall we? How has Charlotte kept your survival secret?”

  “Fuck off,” Conal spat. “I'm not telling you a God-damn thing.”

  Archangelo lifted a poker from the fire and stepped towards Conal, holding it menacingly before him. “Pity to inflict more scars, but you leave me no choice, dog.” He pressed the poker against Conal's abdomen and I could smell the acrid stench of burning flesh. Conal clenched his eyes shut, the muscles in his neck tightly corded as he gasped. “Tell me, how is it Charlotte knows when I'm sleeping?”

  “I wouldn't have a clue,” Conal forced the words through his gritted teeth.

  The poker was pressed against Conal's skin again, for longer this time and he hissed through his teeth. “I will never tell you anything, you fucking moron!”

  “Oh, but you will,” Archangelo predicted, dropping the poker back into the fire and selecting another one. “Because I'm going to make your life so miserable, you'll be ready to tell me everything I want to know.”

  “You're wasting your time,” Matt yelled angrily, diverting Archangelo's attention for a moment. “You might as well kill us now, get it over and done with.”

  “Hmmm, the human speaks. Soon you'll be telling me exactly who you are.” The fresh poker was shoved against Matt's bare chest and he shouted, his muscles flexing with torment. When Archangelo removed the poker, the skin on Matt's chest was blistered and oozing. “Who are you, human? Why are you involved in this war?”

  “Like Conal said. Fuck off.”

  Archangelo sighed. “How very tiring. No matter, I'm content to continue for as long as it takes.” He dropped the poker into the flames again, turning back to the table. “Perhaps some work with a scalpel will get you to speak.”

  “We're not going to tell you anything, you crazy prick!” Conal muttered mutinously.

  “Oh, I'm sure you will.” Archangelo approached Conal, lifting the scalpel and leisurely slicing a long gash across his cheek. “Charlotte won't be nearly as impressed with your handsome features when I've finished with them.”

  Conal's hands clenched into tight fists and he stifled a groan. “Just kill me and get it over with.”

  Archangelo put the scalpel in its place on the table, turning back to Conal. “Tell me the truth, dog! Is she pregnant?”

  Conal stared at Archangelo impassively, his black eyes hard and determined.

  Archangelo brought his fist forward rapidly, slamming it into Conal's chest and I heard the sickening crunch of bone breaking. Conal retched violently, slumping against the chains as Archangelo laughed triumphantly. “You're a fool, dog. We only have to do this until Charlotte has a vision. Then she'll come rushing to your aid.”

  A groan erupted from Conal's lips, his black eyes filled with suffering. “Charlotte won't come here; you sick piece of shit. Our people won't let her!”

  “Shall we take a bet on that?” Archangelo asked, watching the blood running down Conal's cheek. He licked his lips. “Once she sees what a mess you are, she'll come. I'm certain of it.”

  “She won't, you sick son of a bitch!” William shouted angrily.

  “Yes, she will,” Archangelo insisted. “She loves me, you see.” He selected a pair of pliers from the table, choosing carefully from the row on display. “She will come to me; I have no doubt. I'll let you watch the first time I screw her, it's a promise. Because I will have her, there's no doubt in my mind. How will you like that, dog? Seeing your beloved rutting with me?”

  Archangelo caught one of Conal's fingers in the grip of the pliers and squeezed mercilessly. I could see Conal's muscles contracting, his breath coming in short gasps as the pliers crushed the bones in his finger. “I'll kill you before that happens, you bastard,” Conal groaned.

  Archangelo laughed aloud and crouched down, gripping Conal's leg and squeezing the broken bone brutally. “You're funny, dog. It seems to me that I hold all the aces and you have nothing at all.” He continued to laugh as Conal roared in agony, sweat pouring off his torso as Archangelo compressed his broken leg sadistically. “It will be interesting to see exactly how much pain you can withstand before you give in.”

  I launched upright on the couch, inhaling deeply to stop myself from vomiting. The stench of burning flesh filled my nostrils and I rubbed my hands roughly across my face, trying in vain to erase the memory of what I'd seen.

  “Charlotte! Are you okay?” Misaki sat on the couch beside me, her milk chocolate skin pale, her eyes ringed with dark circles from the endless hours of worry.

  I shook my head, my hand over my mouth. “I've got to get out of here,” I muttered desperately. “I don't want to sleep if I'm going to keep seeing them.”

  Misaki and I had been ensconced in my room for most of the evening, t
he second night since Conal and the others had been captured. Gwynn had joined us for a while, but now she and Rowena were with Ben, trying to convince him something had to be done. Marianne was sitting with Kazuki while Misaki spent some time with me. “Where are you going?” Misaki demanded when I stumbled to my feet and headed towards the stairs, throwing my coat on as I went.

  Thirty-six hours after all hell broke loose I was still struggling minute by minute. Falling asleep for a second time had only made things so much worse. My heart ached for Conal and I knew I couldn't cope with inactivity for another second.

  “I don't know. I can't just sit around any longer,” I muttered. Anger over the council's decision still engulfed me. I couldn't leave Conal there, not when I knew what was happening to him. My fingers trembled as I ran lightly down the stairs and pushed open the door to the courtyard.

  For a moment I stood indecisively, wondering what to do. I tilted my head, looking at the brilliantly clear sky overhead, the myriad of stars twinkling in the freezing winter air.

  I loved him. I needed him. The ache in my chest had worsened as the hours passed. Having seen firsthand what was being done, I knew I had to do something. To hell with the council. I wasn't going to let them tell me what I had to do. I wasn't going to be kept from trying to rescue them. If my only choice was to sit here, knowing they were being tortured mercilessly and would be murdered, then it was no choice at all. I'd lost Lucas – I wasn't going to lose Conal. If he was going to die, the choice was simple. I would either save him and the others – or I would die in the attempt.

  The weight in my heart lifted with a decision made, the pressure easing a little and I inhaled deeply, the icy air filling my lungs.

  Turning towards the armory I set off at a sprint, contemplating the first vital steps in a plan to retrieve them.

  Chapter 32: Back to the Devil's Lair

  The spirits fought against my decision initially, Lucas in particular argued voraciously against the idea. Having finally come to the realization that I was going with or without their support, they were now providing advice and helping to formulate a rudimentary plan.

  “You will have to release as many of us as you can when you arrive, my love,” Lucas warned me. “You must keep us corporeal for as long as possible. We'll be able to keep the Drâghici guards at bay while you get to the dungeons.”

  I nodded. “I'll do my best.”

  “Charlotte, draw the sigils twice on your skin. It won't increase the overall strength of the powers, but it will allow you to extend the usage of the abilities for a longer period of time,” Lyell Tremaine advised.

  “Only use one fearless sigil,” Mom added. “Any more, and you will be too reckless, not considering your own safety. Or that of my grandchild.”

  “Lucas, can you guide me to where they're being held?” I asked quietly. “I don't know enough about Sfantu Drâghici to locate them.” I was standing inside the armory, preparing to portal out to the Drâghici fortress.

  “Of course, love. I will remain with you until we reach them.”

  “Take as many Philaris and Katchet as you can carry, Lottie,” Phelan recommended, enthusiasm perceptible in his voice. Of all the spirits, Phelan was the one most supportive of my decision to mount a rescue attempt. “Pack extras in the rucksack. It would pay to take a couple of Hjördis with you, in case you lose one. Tuck one in your boot, like you did when we rescued the Tines and carry a couple of extra spares.”

  “Can you mark those sigils on me?”

  I whirled around to find Gabrielle and Misaki standing in the doorway of the armory, their faces grim. It was Gabrielle who'd spoken and a glance confirmed she'd ditched her usual chic attire and wore a black t-shirt and combat pants similar to mine.

  “How did you know where to find me?” I demanded.

  “When you disappeared like a bat out of hell, I figured you were up to something,” Misaki explained quietly. “I found Gabrielle and we guessed you would come to the armory to get weapons. You didn't answer Gabrielle's question. Can she use the sigils?”

  “I'm going alone,” I announced resolutely, returning to marking sigils on my arms. “I won't take the risk of anyone else getting killed.”

  “You're not getting a choice.” Again I looked up, only to discover Gwynn, Ripley and Acenith standing in the doorway only just vacated by Gabrielle and Misaki.

  I rolled my eyes, frustrated by the rapidly expanding group who'd discovered my preparations. “Obviously news travels fast. In all likelihood, this is a suicide mission. I'm not taking responsibility for anyone coming with me. I'll either get them out… or die trying.”

  “I've got nothing to live for without William,” Gwynn responded softly. She too was wearing combat pants and a black t-shirt, her feet encased in boots. She'd pulled her lustrous red hair back in a ponytail. “I can help.”

  “So can I,” Gabrielle insisted, her voice firm. “Let me come, please.”

  “We should all go,” Ripley said. “Charlotte, I know you thought what I said was unforgiveable, but I was only speaking the truth. You and your baby must be protected.”

  “Not if it means abandoning Conal and my father,” I muttered irritably. “Or William. I've lost too much already.” I looked Ripley squarely in the eye, defying him to argue with me. “You're not coming.”

  Ripley opened his mouth to speak, but I turned back to the rucksack, throwing weapons into it. “Don't bother, Ripley. I'm not taking anyone who leaves someone behind if they die. You have Acenith to think about.” I looked up at Misaki. “Kazuki needs you.”

  Misaki nodded. “I wouldn't be much help anyway,” she admitted.

  “You're more help to me if you stay here, look after my brother. I don't need to be watching anyone's back,” I announced grimly. “I'm going alone. Gwynn, you've got the rest of the Tines – they love you.”

  “I want to come.”

  “Gwynn, please.” I couldn't help but notice her hands were shaking. “You can't go back to Sfantu Drâghici.”

  “I'm going.”

  I glanced across at Misaki and Gabrielle, they were oblivious to what had happened to Gwynn during her captivity. “Gwynn, please. It's not a good idea.”

  “You are not going without me,” Gwynn said, her voice determined. “You'll need my help to get to where they're being held.”

  “Lucas will help me,” I retorted.

  Gwynn's eyes flashed angrily. “This is no different for you than it is for me, Charlotte! I want William back and I'm going to get him back! We all love you, as much as you love us! If I stay here and you die, do you think Ben and Rowena are going to feel any different? They love you as much as they love me, and I don't care how many arguments you put up. You either take me with you, or I'll use the Hjördis and create my own portal to get there as soon as you leave.” She lifted her chin defiantly. “I won't let what happened last time affect me. I give you my word.”

  For a long moment I stared furiously at her, then conceded defeat. “Fine. You'd better go and see if you can find some blood to take with us. William is struggling and they're starving him.”

  “I'll go,” Ripley announced, turning and disappearing swiftly through the doorway.

  “I'm coming with you,” Gabrielle said firmly. “Before you argue with my decision, I'll tell you why. I have no ties, no family who will miss me. I have powers that will be helpful to you and you'll need help getting them back here. You two women can't possibly believe you can get four grown men and a woman back here by yourselves. Particularly,” she added, as I opened my mouth to disagree, “when Conal has two broken legs.”

  I straightened up, sighing deeply as I accepted the inevitable. “All right. Gwynn, Gabrielle, you're coming with me.”

  Gwynn immediately began marking her arms with sigils and I stepped towards Gabrielle to mark hers. “Use two of everything, except the fearless sigil,” I instructed Gwynn as I began to draw the complex markings on Gabrielle's arm.

  “Do you have a plan?�
� Acenith questioned, drawing her own Hjördis from her pocket to assist Gwynn.

  “Sort of,” I muttered underneath my breath.

  Acenith smiled wickedly. “Sort of? Excellent, I love a well thought out plan.”

  “Acenith, they'll be on alert. There are God knows how many of them. Archangelo is torturing Conal and the others. I don't have time for a well thought out plan.”

  Misaki slumped against the wall, looking green. “Torturing them?” she echoed hoarsely and I could have kicked myself. I hadn't mentioned any of this to Misaki, not wanting to cause her more anxiety.

  I nodded, nausea swirling through my stomach again. “Which is why I have to try and rescue them.”

  “Charlotte!” Ben appeared in the doorway, with Ripley right behind him. “This is sheer lunacy.”

  “I have to do it, Ben.” I glanced at him, realizing that despite his protests, he was carrying bags of blood. I glared at Ripley, who smiled bashfully.

  “I got sprung taking the blood,” he admitted.

  “Couldn't have just told him you were feeling peckish?” I wondered aloud.

  Ripley raised an eyebrow scornfully. “You think he would have believed me?”

  “I most certainly would not,” Ben confirmed. He strode over to where I stood, his expression filled with disquiet. “Let us come with you, Charlotte.”

  I shook my head. “No way. Gwynn, Gabrielle and I – that's it.” I looked up into Ben's face and smiled half-heartedly. “Besides, Rowena needs you.”

  “Rowena needs you, Charlotte,” he retorted softly. “You're like a daughter to us.”

  “I've got to do this, Ben. I can't leave them there; I'd rather die myself.” I glanced down at my hand, watched Lucas's ring glittering on my finger. “The spirits will help me. I lost Lucas, I can't lose Conal. I lost my Mom. I don't want to lose my Dad as well.”

  For a long moment Ben seemed to struggle with himself internally before he nodded curtly. “All right.” He sighed heavily. “Charlotte, you don't even know if you can portal safely in your condition.”


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