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The Knowledge of Love

Page 36

by D. S. Williams

  “Charlotte! Wake up, Charlotte! For the love of Christ! Wake up!” Conal was shouting, slapping my cheek urgently.

  I snapped my eyes open and the pressure disappeared from my throat, allowing me to draw a choking gasp of oxygen into my starving lungs. Conal was standing beside the bed, his black eyes wide as he watched me anxiously. He pressed the call button and sat beside me, catching my face between his hands, studying my face as I continued to gasp in air. “For Christ's sake, Charlotte! What the hell happened?”

  I coughed furiously, then burst into tears and Conal held me against him as I wept, clinging to his shoulders like a lifeline.

  Jerome limped in, along with two nursing staff. “What's wrong?” he demanded.

  Conal shrugged. “I have no idea. She was sound asleep, then she started tossing and turning and she screamed. Without warning she gripped her hands to her throat, as if…” Conal frowned, the muscle in his cheek tightly clenched, “as if someone was choking her.”

  “Lay her down, please.”

  Conal lowered me carefully against the pillows, tenderly unclasping my fingers from his shoulders. “I'm here, Charlotte, I won't leave you,” he promised, clutching my hands between his. His eyes trailed a path to my throat and widened. He let rip with a string of curses which would strip pain from the walls. “Jerome?”

  Jerome followed Conal's gaze to my throat and he lifted his fingers to tenderly touch my skin. Jerome met Conal's eyes, raising a bushy eyebrow. “Conal…” The tone of his voice made it a question and Conal tensed angrily.

  “Archangelo,” I whispered, past a painfully aching throat. “It was Archangelo.”

  The two men stared at me, their disbelief evident.

  “What the hell?” Conal said.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “It was Archangelo,” I repeated hoarsely, clenching Conal's hands.

  Behind Jerome, Ripley and Acenith rushed in. “Is Charlotte all right?” Ripley asked sharply.

  Jerome glanced up. “She's under the impression that Archangelo somehow did this,” he explained, his eyes straying to my throat.

  “I believe he is responsible.” Ripley stepped towards the bed. “I could hear her thoughts; she was clearly terrified. She was thinking of Archangelo, trying to find a way to escape him.”

  Jerome shook his head. “I have no idea what's going on.”

  I breathed deeply, inhaling a steadying lungful of air and struggled to sit up. “It was Archangelo.”

  “He was here?” Conal asked, clearly confused.

  I shook my head. “In a nightmare.” Stumbling over my words, I explained the strange events I'd been involved in, how I'd found myself being choked in the nightmare. When I finished speaking, Conal and Jerome exchanged a long look.

  “Is that even possible?” Conal asked incredulously.

  Jerome's shrug was non-committal. “It seems it is.”

  Ripley carefully sat on the bed beside me, taking my hand in his. “I think it happened because they were both asleep simultaneously.” He leaned forward, brushing his fingers across my forehead tenderly. “Charlotte, what did he say to you?”

  I shook my head fiercely. “I don't want to talk about it.”

  “We need to know, Sugar,” Conal encouraged softly.

  I shook my head again, too horrified to tell them of the exchange with Archangelo. I was sickened by Archangelo's threats, worried beyond belief that he would carry through with them. I looked up at Ripley. “I need to see Goren and Arasinya. Right now.”

  Ripley stood up immediately. “I'll get them.”

  Acenith took his place by the bed and I burst into tears again when I saw the sympathy in her eyes. Conal and Jerome stepped away, their heads close together in discussion, while I cried against Acenith's shoulder.

  Goren and Arasinya appeared minutes later, Ripley following closely behind. He'd also alerted Ben, Rowena and Matt who appeared with him. Matt drew me into his arms, patting my back soothingly before he allowed Rowena to take his place. Rowena sat on the bed, her back against the pillows and drew me into her embrace, holding me close with her arms wrapped around me. “It's all right now, Charlotte. I won't let anyone hurt you.”

  I drew a shaky breath and Acenith handed me a pile of tissues to wipe my eyes.

  Goren and Arasinya stood patiently by the bed, looking concerned by my disheveled appearance. I had no doubt they could see the horror reflected in my eyes. “You wanted to see us, Little One?” Goren asked quietly.

  “You need to pull your people out of the Fae Realm – straight away,” I stated. “The Drâghici are aware they've been tricked and I think they've contacted Aethelwine.”

  Goren's eyes darkened angrily as he turned to Arasinya. “Our spy has been compromised.”

  Arasinya seemed deeply distressed. “Blane?”

  Goren lowered his eyes and nodded imperceptibly. “If Aethelwine knows of our attempt to deceive the Drâghici… I imagine he is already dead.”

  Arasinya reached for my hand. “Can you tell us exactly what you heard, Charlotte? How much do the Drâghici know?”

  I shook my head. “I only saw them for a few seconds before… before the images changed. But Hyperion knew they'd been deceived and Odin insisted they must reach agreement with the Fae. He mentioned Aethelwine.”

  Arasinya closed her eyes, holding her temples with the tips of her fingers for a long moment. “You are right, Charlotte. I believe they know of our deceit.”

  “How many people do you have in your group?” Conal questioned.

  Goren turned to look at him. “We have perhaps one hundred and twenty who are trusted implicitly by Arasinya and I. They are all within the Realm, some hidden in groups throughout the kingdom, others who are working as spies amongst those who are under Aethelwine's rule.”

  Conal caught my eye and we shared an unspoken exchange with one another before I turned to Goren and Arasinya. “Can you get word to them to escape?”

  Goren nodded slowly. “It is possible.”

  I glanced at Conal, saw him nod imperceptibly.

  “Bring them here,” I suggested.

  Arasinya stared at me shrewdly. “You are prepared to do that, Charlotte?” She glanced at her husband, then back to me. “Despite the fact that Goren initially attempted deception with you, you are prepared to trust us?”

  I breathed deeply, looking into her lustrous blue eyes. “I am. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith.”

  “Charlotte,” Ben began, a warning in his voice, “you can't bring them in without the other leader's approval.”

  “Bring them to Zaen. Have them wait outside the gates until we give them approval to come in.” I turned back to Jerome. “You need to discharge me and we need an emergency meeting - tonight.”

  “You're in no fit state for a meeting,” Conal argued.

  I inhaled deeply. “There's no choice. We've got to move immediately.”

  Arasinya smiled, although it was a bleak attempt, displaying the despair she felt. “We will send word for our people to come here and I thank you for your 'leap of faith', Charlotte. We will fight with you here at Zaen. Obviously we cannot risk the plan to remove Aethelwine from the throne now. There is no way of getting you into our Realm in safety, if Aethelwine is aware of the situation with the Drâghici. I will not risk your wellbeing by trying.”

  “We'll think of something else,” I suggested.

  Arasinya and Goren turned towards the door, then Arasinya paused in the doorway, her pretty features solemn. “Charlotte. You have no proof what we've said is true.”

  I glanced up at Jerome, saw steely determination in his eyes and met it with some of my own. “Can you control which spirits I receive?”

  Arasinya inclined her head in agreement.

  “Give me your father.”

  “Absolutely not,” Jerome protested. “We don't know what the Fae spirits will do to you, Charlotte.”

  I closed my eyes, sighing a little. “The Drâghici have pressed their hand. I do
n't think we have much choice.”

  “Think of the baby,” Rowena urged.

  I chewed my lip apprehensively. “Rowena, now more than ever, I can assure you I'm thinking of my baby.”

  There was a stunned silence for a moment, then Jerome nodded his assent, although the expression on his face assured me he was very unhappy with the decision.

  Arasinya walked across the room and held her hand out to me. “I will give you only my father, for now. I don't wish to do anything which may harm you.”

  I reached my hand out, holding her gaze in mine.

  Arasinya closed her eyes, a tiny line appearing between her brows as she concentrated. I felt a trickle of heat through her fingers and then heard the deep timbre of a male voice in my head. Closing my eyes, I struggled with the overwhelming strength of the spirit who'd joined me, he was far more powerful than any of the spirits I'd had contact with until now. For a few moments there was a sharp headache in my temples, but it dissipated rapidly. As the pain subsided I listened to the spirit of Keenan, mesmerized by the power of his voice and the strength I felt inside him. When I opened my eyes, I looked at Arasinya. “She's telling the truth. She is the legitimate Queen of the Fae.”

  Goren gave me a little bow. “You are all right, Little One?” There was concern in his purple eyes.

  I smiled weakly. “Keenan is a pretty powerful guy.”

  Arasinya smiled, her pointed teeth gleaming as she gazed at me. “My father was a true hero amongst our people. And a great warrior.”

  “We will take our leave, Little One, and confer with Tibor. If we are to get our people to safety, we must move with the utmost speed,” Goren announced.

  Conal inclined his head towards Goren. “Let us know if we can help in any way.”

  Goren tilted his head in Conal's direction. “I thank you, my friend.”

  When they'd left, I closed my eyes and rested against Rowena's shoulder tiredly. “Charlotte, what did Archangelo say to frighten you so badly?” she questioned, her fingers smoothing through my hair in a comforting motion.

  I trembled at the recollection and shook my head. “I don't want to talk about it.” I caught sight of Conal, the hard look in his eyes, the tensed muscle in his cheek. I couldn't talk about it, not when I knew how furious it would make him and not when the very thought of what Archangelo had threatened made me so scared.

  “Baby, why don't we leave you ladies to talk for a little while?” Matt suggested cannily. “Jerome, perhaps we need to get something to put on Charlotte's neck. Conal and I will shoot across to the mess, see if we can rustle up some hot chocolate.”

  I touched my neck, found the skin tender beneath my fingers. I glanced up at Conal and he sighed heavily. “Sugar - your neck – it's gonna be badly bruised by morning.”

  I blinked rapidly, tears pooling against my eyelashes and Conal leaned down to kiss my forehead tenderly. “I'll be right back. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Ever.” He straightened up and slipped away with Matt and the others, closing the door quietly behind them.

  Acenith carefully pulled the covers over my legs and located another blanket when I couldn't stop shaking. Ripley worked his magic again and Marianne and Gwynn joined us, both aghast as they caught sight of my neck. I fleetingly wished I had a mirror so I could see what everyone was staring at, but quickly decided I was better off not knowing.

  It was the first time I'd seen Gwynn since before we left for New York and she hesitated at the edge of the room. I reached out a hand to her and with a relieved smile, she came and joined us.

  “I'm so sorry,” she said quietly.

  “It doesn't matter, not anymore,” I reassured her. And it didn't. I'd suffered the terror of Archangelo stalking me and I could understand the decisions she'd made. She was my friend, and she'd come when I needed her.

  My four favorite women sat around me on the bed, cocooning me from the world with love and sympathy. All of them were touching me, Marianne held my hand, Rowena had her arms wrapped around me, Acenith and Gwynn held reassuring hands against my legs. After much gentle persuasion, I tentatively told them what Archangelo had said, the horrific things he'd threatened and the words he'd used. “…he said something in a foreign language, but I don't know what it means,” I concluded, my whole body trembling. I wasn't sure if repeating the story had caused the shakes, or whether the arrival of Keenan's presence in my mind was the culprit.

  “Do you remember what it sounded like?” Rowena questioned.

  I closed my eyes, recalling the conversation with Archangelo. “I think it was… 'Hi Fotunamenta' or something close to that.”

  Gwynn glanced at Rowena, a tiny frown creasing her perfect features. “Italian?”

  Rowena pursed her lips, thinking carefully. “Perhaps. We should ask Ripley.”

  I shook my head in determination. “No! I don't want them to know about this!”

  Marianne squeezed my knee. “They must know, Charlotte. This is important, we have to keep you and the baby safe.”

  I sighed, knowing what she said was true. As much as I hated the thought of Conal knowing about Archangelo's threats, it made sense that he must know. He'd told me he needed to know as much about the enemy as possible, I couldn't keep this from him.

  But I was terrified Conal would put himself at risk to save me and the baby. Petrified of what Archangelo would do to him, now he knew of our relationship.

  I shivered and Rowena drew the blanket around my shoulders more firmly. “Perhaps another blanket, Acenith.”

  Acenith slipped from the bed and returned within minutes with another blanket, which had been warmed. She carefully covered me with it, tucking it firmly around my torso to keep me cocooned in heat.

  The four men returned a few minutes later. Conal handed me a mug of steaming hot chocolate and I sipped it gratefully. Rowena stood up, allowing Conal to take her place and I leaned back against his warm frame, his arms wrapped around me protectively, huge hands covering my belly like a shield.

  Jerome eyed the blankets and scrutinized me carefully. “You're in shock, Charlotte. That's why you feel so cold.”

  I nodded, barely able to keep my teeth from chattering and Rowena touched my shoulder. “May I tell them what happened?”

  I agreed with a silent nod, shutting my eyes. I didn't want to see their faces, especially not Conal's.

  Rowena briefly explained the threats Archangelo had made, what he intended to do if he got hold of me. Conal's arms tightened around me, but other than a string of curses, he remained tightly bound against me, holding me close and keeping his temper in check. Rowena repeated the words Archangelo had said and I was shocked to hear Ripley curse, probably the first time he'd ever done so in my company.

  Opening my eyes, I stared at him, recognizing the fury in his eyes. “What does it mean?” I asked dully.

  Ripley shook his head. “It's so demeaning, I refuse to repeat it.” He patted my leg reassuringly. “I want you to forget he ever said it.”

  I could see from Ben's expression that he also knew what the words meant. He was clearly furious, despite his calm demeanor.

  “What does it mean, Ben?” I repeated quietly.

  Ben shut his eyes, shaking his head minutely. “Ripley's correct. It is demeaning.”

  I caught Ben's hand in mine, squeezed it. “Tell me Ben,” I demanded. Somehow, the knowledge that what Archangelo had said upsetting these men so badly led to my fear being replaced with anger.

  Ben and Ripley exchanged a glance and Ripley sighed. “He called you a fucking whore,” he admitted, his jaw clenched.

  I blanched and Conal growled behind me. Hearing the words and knowing they weren't true tipped me over the edge into cold, hard fury and I gritted my teeth until they hurt. “He is not going to get my baby,” I announced fiercely. “I'll kill him before that happens.”

  “If I don't get to him first,” Conal snarled.

  “Jerome, I need to get out of here,” I stated.

rome began to argue, but I refused to take no for an answer. “I'll walk out if you don't discharge me.”

  Jerome's attention flickered to Conal. “She won't take no for an answer, Doc.” He rubbed his hands over my belly protectively. “What's the plan, Sugar?”

  “We need to get the other leaders together. Get their permission to bring the Fae into Zaen,” I announced. “And find a way to kill Archangelo and stop the Drâghici.”

  Jerome scrutinized me for a long moment. “All right, I'll release you, but I'm letting you know it's against my better judgement,” he grouched. “Before you leave I want to do another measurement and check on the baby. And you will check back here every three hours so we can keep an eye on you. Do you understand me?”

  Conal rubbed his hands across my belly. “I don't think she's any bigger.”

  Jerome rolled his eyes. “I'm the one with the degree in Medicine,” he grouched. “How about you let me be the judge of whether she's bigger or not. You stick to killing bad guys.”

  I glanced at Rowena. “I need clothes.”

  Rowena nodded and stood up. “Obviously jeans are not going to fit that beautiful baby belly. I'll see what I can rustle up.”

  Conal grinned. “Better take a look through my stuff Rowena. I think Charlotte's gonna be wearing my sweaters for the foreseeable future. He kissed the top of my head softly. “I'm not going to be much help with jeans – the little guy isn't going to squeeze into them.”

  Acenith laughed. “The little guy? Are you two quite determined this baby is a boy?”

  I managed a weak giggle. “Haven't got a clue. We just seem to have settled on calling him a boy.”

  Jerome sniffed grumpily. “There's a good chance I could tell you the sex of the baby with a scan, if you'd like to know. Of course, that would mean you had to stay here and behave for more than five minutes at a time.”

  Conal kissed my cheek. “That's not up to me, Doc. Think it's something Charlotte should talk to Lucas about.” I tilted my head to look at him, surprised by his remark. Conal brushed his lips across mine, his dark eyes tranquil. “Lucas might not want to know, Sugar. It's a decision only you and he can make.”


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