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Page 4

by Unknown

  He wanted to see her again? Lord, he was grateful. She couldn’t handle that, best not to even try. Besides, trouble seemed to follow her around and she didn’t want to involve anyone else in her nightmare. “That wouldn’t be a good idea, Ky. I’m nothing but trouble with a capital T.” It took every bit of strength she had, but, somehow, she managed to keep from laying her head against his chest and snuggling down into the safe haven of his arms.

  He laughed. “You won’t believe this, but I actually thought that when I first saw you. I bet you are trouble, the very best kind. And I enjoy a little trouble every now and then.” Settling her in the pick-up, he fastened the seat belt and kissed her again, this time on the end of the nose. “God, you’re sweet.”

  “You don’t have to be so nice to me, Ky. I’m glad I came along just in time.” Honestly, she intended for her mouth to stop moving. Little did she know, she was saying aloud everything she was thinking. “I couldn’t let anything happen to you, you are way too pretty.”

  Drowsiness was creeping up on her fast. He snorted at her comment. “But, seriously, anyone else would have done the exact same thing.” As he turned the key in the ignition, she turned her face toward him. “Just take me back to my car and we can go back to the way things were.” She gave him a wan smile. “You can work in your yard without a shirt and I can drool as I drive by,” she joked weakly.

  Once again, she made him laugh. “What am I going to do with you, Cooper? Haven’t you ever heard the old saying, ‘if you save someone’s life, they belong to you forever’. You’re stuck with me, so you’d better get used to it.”

  His words sounded so wonderful. It was best if she remembered he didn’t mean what he was saying—it wasn’t possible. A spark of hope had flared, just the same. She turned her head and silently looked out the window. Exhaustion finally had its way and Cooper laid her head back and relaxed. After a while, she finally spoke. “Thanks for taking me to the doctor. As for the bill, I will pay you back, I promise.”

  “You can pay me back in kisses. How’s that?”

  The thought of paying him back in kisses sent a tingle straight to her private spot. He’s teasing, Cooper, she reminded herself. “You’d get gypped. My kisses aren’t worth much.”

  “Why are you always putting yourself down, Cooper? You are, undoubtedly, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Don’t you know how special you are?”

  Oh, I’m special all right. If he only knew.

  * * * *

  They drove in silence for a few more minutes. Drew had said the dressing needed changing every four hours with a new application of antibiotic cream and care should be taken to ensure her fever didn’t get out of control. Ky pulled up beside her car, preparing himself for an argument. She was either coming in with him, or he was going home with her. That was just the way it was going to be.

  Turning to face her, he opened his mouth to begin to plead his case. She was sound asleep. The medicine Drew gave her had kicked in, full force. Well, that settled it. To appease her, he decided he would take her to her house. Ty always said women were more comfortable in their own homes. To give him credit, his Texas Ranger brother was seldom wrong about women. He would come back and get her car, later.

  Ky took a minute to look in her vehicle and retrieve her purse and keys. He was grateful to see what looked to be the house keys on the same ring as the others. Following the dirt road down to the small cabin, he pulled in and cut the engine.

  Gathering her up in his arms once more, he made his way to the narrow front steps. Knowing he was taking advantage just a little, he couldn’t resist stealing a few more tiny kisses. Rubbing his lips over her hairline and her brow, he breathed in her irresistible scent. Peaches. Good God, she smelled like a warm, fragrant, ripe peach—one of his favorite things in the whole world.

  “I would never want anything to happen to you, baby. But, I am so glad I’ve found you,” he whispered softly. Holding her easily with one arm, he opened the door and carried her inside. Glancing around, he took in the sparse furniture that, with a few personal touches, managed to look welcoming and restful.

  Laying her on the sofa, he placed a pillow under her head and covered her with a handy afghan. Later, they would change her clothes. Settling his big body on the floor, he knelt down by her side, taking one of her small hands in both of his own.

  “Where did you come from, baby?” He massaged her hand, acquainting himself with each finger. Her bones were so small and fragile. In the furor, he hadn’t been able to really pay attention to her body. Not that it was going to make much difference, she felt perfect in his arms. The baggy top she wore concealed more than it revealed and her jeans had been about two sizes too big. He tried to remember what her breasts had felt like nestled to his chest, but he had been too scared to properly appreciate them. All he could remember was softness. Pressing a soft kiss to the palm of her hand, he knew he would just have to wait to find out those things, there was no way he was going to take advantage of her now. No, he could wait. They would have plenty of time.

  “Ky?” Her voice broke his reverie.

  “Right here, baby. Right here.” She opened her eyes and looked at him. They were so glassy, he couldn’t tell how much awareness was in her gaze. “I’m so cold.” For the first time, Ky noticed she was trembling, shivering under the light covering. “There’s a quilt on my bed. If you’d just throw it on me, I’ll be good till tomorrow.”

  Ky jumped to his feet and found her small bed. There were really only two rooms in the cabin, if you didn’t count the bathroom. Again, he noted there was very little furniture and few decorative items. Grabbing the quilt, he noticed it was the only cover on the bed and it didn’t feel very thick in his estimation.

  Returning to her, he spread it over her, tucking it around her body. “Thanks.” His hand was near her face, and Ky forgot to breathe when she kissed his fingers. “I’ll be fine, now. I’m used to being alone.”

  “There’s nothing in the world that could make me leave you like this, Cooper.” She didn’t hear him. She had drifted off, again. Lying on her stomach, the hand he had held was now folded under her cheek. Ky couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her; he rubbed her back and pushed her hair off her neck. Several times, he brushed his lips over her cheek. “I’ll keep you warm, love.”

  He laid his head on her back with one arm around her waist. After a few moments, he realized that simply wasn’t good enough. “To hell with convention, I’m staking my claim.” Rising to his feet, he quickly picked her up, sat back down, and slid her whole upper body into his embrace. When he settled, he was cradling her right next to his body. “That’s better.” His heart clutched when Cooper nestled closer to him, rubbing her cheek against his shirt.

  “Safe,” she whispered.

  Ky tightened his hold on her. “Yes, doll. I’ll keep you safe; you don’t have a thing in the world to worry about.” He let his fingers soothe over the soft, warm skin of her cheek.

  He held her for a good while, slaking his thirst for her lips by sipping at the corners of her mouth and the tender place under the delicate curve of her jaw. She felt so good in his arms; she was all woman, so soft and curvy. Just right. Lord in heaven, her breasts were the sweetest things he had ever felt pushing into his chest. He couldn’t wait to test their weight, feel her nipples pebbling against his palms.

  God, he was as hard as a concrete post. “Down boy, now’s not the time.” It was all he could do not to kiss her outright, but he wanted her to be awake and aware for that. Ky held her for hours, even after his arms went to sleep, he still held her.

  Glancing out the window, he noticed the sun was dipping down in the west. “Crap, the animals.” Shifting her precious weight, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and punched the speed dial button for his twin.

  “Yeah.” Sometimes Ty’s conversational skills were limited.

  “Hey, I need you to do me a favor. If you don’t mind, go to the house and put out some hay an
d feed my animals.”

  “All right. Where are you? Is something wrong?”

  “I’m a little busy. I’ve got my hands full right now.” Despite everything, a smile pulled at Ky’s lips.

  “Full of what, might I ask? Or, do I need to ask? Ky, you lazy S.O.B., are you with a woman?” Humor filtered through Ty’s sarcasm.

  Ky immediately sobered. “Yeah, actually I am. The sweetest little thing you could ever imagine drove up in my yard today and put herself between a five-foot rattler and me. The snake got her, not real bad, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to be anywhere else.”

  “Shit. Where are you exactly?” Concern colored his twin’s tone.

  “The Marchand hunting cabin, right next to our place. I haven’t got a chance to find out a whole lot about her, other than she’s alone and just about perfect.” Ky kissed Cooper’s temple, noting her skin was as hot as a firecracker. “Man, I’ve got to call Drew. She is burning up. Will you handle things for me?”

  “You can count on it. Call me if I can do anything. I’ll check on you tomorrow.”

  She had slipped into a deeper sleep, Ky wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Unwilling to risk it, he called Drew’s private line. After a half dozen rings, his buddy finally answered.

  “How is she?” Drew asked with concern.

  “Sleeping, deeply. Maybe too deeply. I’m worried, Drew.” He ran his face over hers. “She has a fever; her skin is hot and dry.”

  Drew chuckled. “There is no reason for alarm, unless she slips into a coma or has convulsions. Get some liquids into her, change her dressing, and get her to talk to you every few hours, if she answers you, she will be fine. The fever is necessary to burn out the poison, that’s just her body’s way of dealing with the infection. I don’t mean to show less than proper concern, but I take it you are still with our little snake charmer.”

  “I’m holding on to her as tight as I can.” Ky grinned, he was nothing less than truthful. “Thanks, man.” Hanging up, he proceeded to follow the doctor’s orders.

  “Cooper. Sweetheart.” He pressed his face to hers, nudging her with his nose. “Wake up, sweet girl and talk to me.”

  Cooper shrugged her shoulders and pushed against Ky’s broad chest. “I love for you to hold me. It feels so good. This is the best dream I’ve ever had. I’m going to have to get snake bit more often.”

  Ky smoothed her hair out of her face and kissed her again, just under her eye. “You’re nuts, precious. This is no dream. And I’m glad you enjoy my touch, because I plan to do a lot of it in the future. Sweetheart, I’m going to lay you down and go get you some water. Could you drink a few sips for me, baby? Then, we’ve also got to change the dressing on your bite.”

  Easing her off him, Ky stood and gathered what he would need. He was shocked to find only one glass in her cupboard. She wasn’t kidding when she said she was alone. He filled it with water and a few ice cubes and hurried back to her. Cooper had sat up, turned sideways with one side of her face lying on the couch. Ky sat by her and put his arm around her pulling her close. She did not resist. “Here, sweet. Drink this.” He held the glass to her lips and steadied it while she drank.

  “Thanks. What are you still doing here? It’s okay for you to leave me.”

  “Not a chance, babe.” Setting the near empty glass on the nearby coffee table, Ky squatted by the couch and pulled back the quilt. “Let’s get these cut-up britches off of you. You can just rest in your undies. While we’re at it, I’ll change the dressing.”

  A near panicked little squeal erupted from her lips. “No. No. Ky, I can do it. I can do it.”

  Confused, Ky studied her frantic little face. “Relax, honey. I would never hurt you.”

  “I didn’t mean that.” She drew up in a knot, hindering his efforts to undress her. “Let me take off my pants under the quilt and then we can get to the wound. Okay?” Ky watched her squirm under the covers, making sure not an inch of her skin was exposed for his perusal.

  “I saw the bite earlier, Cooper.” Ky didn’t understand her hesitation.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t see my thunder thighs or my gargantuan bottom.” It was obvious the fever had loosened her tongue. “I look better when you can’t see very much of me.”

  Ky was stunned. “Are you crazy, baby?” She didn’t let him say anything else.

  “Probably. Here.” Exhausted, she lay back. Her hands were immovable on the quilt and there was only enough of her leg showing so he could examine the bite mark.

  While his hands were busy, Ky watched Cooper’s reactions to his touch. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Cooper. You are absolutely one of the most stunning women I have ever seen. Beautiful. Lovely. Gorgeous.” He leaned down and kissed the wound on her leg. It looked like it was doing fine. At the touch of his lips on her skin, Cooper jumped. “Don’t you like for me to kiss you?” Ky’s voice was gentle. Crooning. “I love kissing you.” He did it again, just for good measure.

  “It doesn’t matter whether I like it or not.” She had her eyes tightly shut and every muscle in her body was clenched up as tight as bowstrings. “Please, Ky. Don’t.”

  Ky pulled back, not knowing exactly how to proceed. Now was probably not the best time to tell her he had spent the last few hours snuggling with her, indulging himself with kisses, and breathing her in like precious, life-giving oxygen. “Why, baby? I am so attracted to you. Please, let me spend time with you.”

  “You don’t know me.” Ky eased back on the couch beside her. Carefully, she kept her distance.

  “I want to know you. Tell me something about yourself and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” When she didn’t say anything, Ky did. “Where did you come from, doll? Before you came to Redlands,” he clarified. She was so pale. Ky longed to pick her up and never let her go.

  Slowly, she began to talk. “I’ve been moving around a bit, but originally, I came from Riverbend. It’s a small town down in the lower Rio Grande canyons, close to the Big Bend National Park and the Mexican border.”

  Riverbend. Riverbend. Why was that name ringing a bell? Ky searched his memory, but came up with nothing. “Can you tell me more, love?”

  Cooper didn’t want to tell him anymore. The rest of it was shameful. “I’m tired, Ky. Please, can I just sleep?”

  “Sure, you can. Just close those big ole brown eyes and rest. I’ll be right here. Watching over you.” She adjusted her clothing and pulled the covers back up, turning over and facing the couch, effectively cutting Ky out of the picture.

  “I want you to go home.” Her words were clear, but her voice sounded unsure.

  “Tough.” Despite her wariness, he leaned up on his elbows and kissed the back of her neck. She tensed and held her breath. “Go to sleep babe and dream sweet dreams about me.”

  Cooper slept. He didn’t attempt to get back on the couch with her. There was no use pushing it. He could be patient. He had found another sofa pillow and he didn’t need cover. He just needed to be close to Cooper. Ky dozed.

  Something woke him. Cooper was restless. Suddenly, her voice broke the silence. “Please, please don’t hurt me anymore, please,” she whimpered, pleading with an unknown assailant. Her words tore at his heartstrings. Was she dreaming about the rattler? What else could it be? Had someone else hurt Cooper? To hell with good intentions. He wasn’t going to watch her thrash about in terror and not try to comfort her. He put his arms around her and started to gather her close. She jerked up, trying to scramble out of his arms as if she was terrified of him.

  “Baby. Baby. It’s Ok. It’s Ky, baby. I’ll take care of you. It’s all right. It’s all right.” He kept up the soft talk, easing her, comforting her, caressing her. Her breathing slowed down and she drifted back to sleep. What the hell? Ky resolved to find out just what demons haunted Cooper’s dreams.

  Standing at the door of her little cabin, he watched the sun come up. He couldn't believe what a difference a day could make. Yesterday, he had not ev
en known she existed, and today, he couldn't imagine not knowing her. Hearing a little murmur from the couch, Ky went and knelt by Cooper.

  Feeling her forehead, he was glad to find that she was free of fever. She hadn’t woken up the last time he changed her dressing. Ky didn’t want to leave, but he needed to get home, and he had every intention of coming back. Cooper was as necessary to him now as his next breath. Lord, how fast the mighty have fallen. A big smile covered his face.

  Making as little noise as possible, Ky eased out of Cooper's cabin, climbed into his truck, and drove slowly home. He couldn't believe she had been this close to him for several weeks and he had no idea. Pulling into his driveway, he cut the engine and decided the first order of business was to rid his yard of that dead snake.

  He was thankful the dogs hadn’t been there. A snake that big would have enough venom to kill a dog, and he was grateful Cooper hadn’t been seriously hurt. It was amazing she had put herself on the line to rescue him. She had just literally walked into his life and saved his skin. It was meant to be. It was providence. He had a new mission in life, getting Cooper Lawson into his bed, and keeping her in his life.

  The rest of the wood chopping would have to wait. Ky Landon wasn’t in the mood to work. He was in the mood for love. This afternoon, he would give her a call. Conniving maybe, but he had gotten her phone number before he left this morning. He needed to call to make sure she was all right, didn’t he? And she, probably thinking it would keep him from coming over several times to check on her, gave it to him. It was a great excuse, but really, he just wanted to hear her voice. Somehow, some way, he would get through to her. She had to let him into her life; they were meant to be.

  Entering the house, he grabbed the box of buckles off the table and made his way to the kitchen, tearing open the box as he walked. Tossing the cardboard container aside, he took hold of the plastic wrapped inner package and tucked it under his arm. Opening the refrigerator door, he took out a beer and settled down at the breakfast table to inspect the contents of the package.


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