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Page 7

by Unknown

  So, at six forty-five that evening, Ky left his house to put his seduction mission into motion. He thought he had everything he needed. Mentally, he checked the list.

  2 Dogs – Check

  5 Cats – Check

  1 Bottle of Wine – Check

  Pink Plastic Penis – which he fully intended for her never to need or use – Check

  Full box of Condoms – Check

  And out the drive he barreled, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

  * * * *

  Cooper was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She had dressed and redressed three times. Vainly, she had searched for something in her closet that would magically transform her into a willowy, model-thin blonde. It hadn’t happened. Finally, she had settled on a black lace baby-doll top and a pair of black satin pants. Black was a slimming color and maybe, just maybe, she looked presentable. It wasn’t as if she were trying to get him into bed; that was just the stuff dreams were made from.

  Putting the final touches on the shrimp dish and slipping the bread pudding in the oven, Cooper put on water to boil to cook a big pot of rice. She had gone to the Dollar Store and bought a practical set of dishes and glassware so she could actually have place settings that matched. It was so nice to be preparing a meal for someone and knowing they would sit down together and eat and talk.

  Richard had demanded his meals precisely at six in the morning, straight up noon, and six at night. He had been very particular about what he ate and critical when it didn’t suit him. Trying to play lord of the manor, he had insisted she serve him in the dining room, but she hadn’t been allowed to eat with him. Instead, she had taken her meals alone in the kitchen. He had considered it punishment; she had considered it a reprieve.

  When she heard the sound of a truck pulling up outside, Cooper walked to the window and saw his black, double cab dually pulling up in her yard. Ky was so big he was going to miniaturize her home. Originally, the hunting cabin had belonged to Lisa’s grandfather, so the interior was only a good size kitchen, living area combined and one bedroom and bath. It was exactly what Cooper needed, but certainly not what Ky was used to. It wouldn’t be a surprise to him; he had spent some time here when she was out of it. If only she could remember exactly what had happened that night. Her memories were all mixed up with her dreams. Maybe, tonight she would get some insight into that mystery. Checking the oven one last time, and turning off the rice, she hurried outside to help him with the animals.

  * * * *

  Hearing the front door open, Ky turned to find a sight that stole his breath away. God, she looked good enough to eat. Her face shone with excitement and her smile was totally contagious. It was all he could do to hold back from sweeping her in his arms and greeting her with a kiss. “Hey, Ky. I am so glad you could come. And thanks for bringing the animals.” She was definitely happy; there was no way she could hide that fact.

  “Hello, sweetheart. We couldn’t wait to get here.” Opening the crew cab door, Samson bounded out and Ky had to help a much more subdued Rover. Reaching in the back end, Ky picked up the cat carrier and the paper sacks containing the wine and the sex toy. He was saving the toy until after dinner, hoping to change the tone from friendly to erotic. Cooper held the door open and the dogs entered first. Stepping just inside, Ky set the carrier down and watched as Cooper sat down beside it to coax the kittens out of their confines. They didn’t require coaxing. Out they bounded, eager to see where they were and what they could get into. “I remind you; I call them the wrecking crew,” Ky dryly commented.

  “I don’t care.” Cooper smiled. “It will be so nice not to be alone.”

  She didn’t look toward him as she said it, so she didn’t see his reaction. Ky felt an uncharacteristic tug at his heartstrings. He replied before he thought. “A woman like you should never be alone,” he said softly.

  Ky helped Cooper get the animals settled. They introduced them to their food and water bowls and the kittens to their sand box Cooper had put under the sink in her bathroom.

  “The food smells great. I’m starving.” Ky was serious, his stomach was growling and the food smelled incredible.

  “Then come sit down. It’s all ready.” She led him to the dining table and proceeded to set the food down on hot pads so they could serve themselves family style. He uncorked the wine and she held the glasses as he poured. Ky noticed that her hands were shaking. What does she have to be nervous about?

  “Did you go out and buy new plates and glasses?” Ky’s tone was on the gruff side. Cooper immediately tensed and looked up at him with wide frightened eyes. She slowly sat the wine glasses down and stepped straight backwards a few feet, striving to put some distance between them.

  “Yes, sir.” She cast her eyes down and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  What happened? Ky was dumbstruck. He couldn’t believe that she had transformed before his very eyes. One moment she had been happy and excited, the next she was trembling—obviously frightened. Of him. God, she was afraid of him!

  Thinking quickly, he did the most reassuring thing he could think of. He sank to his knees at her feet and held his hands out toward her, palm up. “Baby. Don’t be afraid of me. I would never hurt you.”

  She watched him carefully, taking a step or two back. Ky hadn’t been a witness to how she had reacted to the serpent; he’d had his back to her. However, if he had to bet—the fear on her face then, would be no worse than now. “Come here, love. You can trust me. I’m harmless. I promise.” He spoke softly, just as he did to small, frightened animals people brought to the shelter. “You’re safe with me; I’d protect you with my life.”

  He watched her lift her eyes to his. She worried her bottom lip, thinking. Then, she took one step forward, then two, until she stepped into his arms. He held her close, kissing her right in her middle, over and over, through her clothes.

  “I bought the plates and glasses so we would both have one; I only had enough for me before.” She pulled on his hands. “Come on, let’s eat.”

  Ky stood. “Sweetheart, don’t you want to tell me why you were so afraid? You didn’t really think I was angry with you, did you?” He stood close to her, willing her to think of him not as a threat, but as a shield against whatever would threaten her.

  “No, I don’t think you would hurt me. I…I overreacted. I’m sorry.” Cooper looked just over Ky’s shoulder. She wasn’t quite meeting his gaze.

  “Look at me, baby. Look at me,” Ky urged her. “Won’t you tell me why you reacted that way? Has someone hurt you?”

  “I’m fine.” She walked to the table and pulled out their chairs. “Please, Ky. Don’t make me…I don’t want to…I…please don’t make me—”

  “Shhh…It’s okay. I’m sorry, we don’t need to discuss it now.” He went to her, and she stiffened slightly when he took her in his arms. “It’s perfectly all right. Let’s enjoy ourselves.” The subject wasn’t closed by a long shot; he would make sure of that. But it could wait. Right now, they were together and nothing or no one would ever hurt her again. And she could take that to the bank, because it was non-negotiable.

  They sat down to fill their plates and then couldn’t eat for laughing at the animals. “Look at them. They’re all lined up.” And they were, from the biggest to the smallest–they were sitting in a row facing the couple that had shown them every kindness.

  “If you guys have finished eating, why don’t you give us some privacy?” Ky was kidding, but Samson surprised him, got up, and headed for the living area. The others followed suit, causing Cooper to dissolve in a fit of giggles.

  Ky was entranced. He loved to watch her have fun. She was absolutely beautiful and he couldn’t wait to taste her lips and every other part of her. But he forced himself to eat, not that it was a chore. The food was fabulous. “You’re a very good cook.”

  “Thank you.” She looked like she was about to say something else, but she stopped herself.

  * * * *

  Cooper co
uldn’t believe it. She almost told him about Richard and how they never shared a meal. How odd that she felt compelled to talk to this man she barely knew. There was no denying it though, she felt safe with him–safer than she had felt in a long time. This was dangerous. Cooper Lawson knew Kyler Landon could become highly addictive.

  “The etouffee was great, but this bread pudding is out of this world.” Ky helped himself to a second portion. “I’m making a pig of myself, but I don’t get home cooking like this very often. Don’t you want some?” He held his hand out for her plate.

  “No, I’d better not.” Cooper looked at his face, trying to ascertain if he was testing her. Richard would have taken the opportunity to point out how much she didn’t need to be eating sweets, but Ky looked sincere. “Really, you go ahead. I’ve had enough.”

  He eyed her curiously. “You’re not dieting, are you, Cooper?”

  Oh, no. Here it comes. A lecture. Cooper hung her head. “Of course. I know I’m fat. Obviously, I need to be on a diet.”

  “What in the hell are you talking about, Cooper?” Ky sat his fork down and lifted her chin so she would look at him. “You are perfect. Your body looks the way a woman’s body is supposed to look.”

  “You don’t have to say that, Ky,” she tried to smile. “I’m not going to take your bread pudding away from you.”

  “Not all men like ultra thin women, Cooper. I like my woman to be a woman. With real curves, all soft and luscious.” His voice was hypnotizing her, and when she came to herself, she realized she was leaning closer to him by the moment.

  “I’ll put on a pot of coffee.” She got up, abruptly, and left him sitting there.

  He followed her. Ky walked right up on her, close enough she could feel his heat. With one hand, he pulled back the thick, sexy weight of her hair, so he could plant tiny kisses on the sweet curve of her neck.

  She shivered. “Ky, please don’t,” she whispered.

  “Why not, babe?” He let his tongue dance along her skin. She jabbed the plug at the wall a few times before she actually got it into the receptacle. “Don’t you want to? Aren’t you attracted to me?”

  “Of course, I am. Look at you. But, I’m… ” She didn’t know what to say. Desire for him was welling up in her, almost to overflowing. But she was afraid. Not of him. She was afraid Richard had been right. She was afraid she was lacking the very things that would satisfy a man such as Ky.

  “Oh, babe,” he whispered next to her skin. “I’ll tell you what you are. You are exquisite.” For just a moment, she allowed herself to lean back into him. He rubbed his hands up her arms and then back down, when all hell broke loose.

  A raucous chorus of yelps, howls, and baying filled the house. The loud noise had scared the cats who were tearing around the room, thinking the devil himself was at their heels. Samson and Rover were standing at the back door, barking at something on the other side of the screen. Cooper had left both the front and the back doors open, with just the screen doors in place, letting the late summer breeze fill the house. Ky purposefully strode to the door, ready to do battle. “Whoa!” What he saw caused him to back up.

  “What is it?” Cooper couldn’t imagine what would give Ky pause.

  “It’s a skunk,” Ky spoke softly. “Samson. Rover. Come here boys. Come here before you get an unexpected surprise.”

  “It’s all right.” Cooper stepped around Ky and pulled the dogs away from the door. “That’s Leroy. I’ve been feeding him.” Cooper walked out the door and the skunk just stood calmly, waiting for her to pour some food from a bag she had hidden behind the door.

  “Love, I don’t think that’s a wise idea.” Cooper stepped up to the skunk and knelt down to stroke his silky fur.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  Cooper could tell that Ky was amazed. He kept his distance; she knew that he was protecting her. As tame as the skunk was, he might spray if Ky startled him. While she was out there, she checked the water bowl, just in case Leroy was thirsty.

  With one last pat on her tuxedo-clad kitty, she reentered the cabin, anxious to pick up where they had left off before the excitement. But Ky must have had other ideas, because he had walked clear across the room away from her. She didn’t know if she was relieved or disappointed. Yes, she did–she was disappointed. The touch of his hands on her body had been paradise. What was he up to?

  Reaching down by the couch, he picked up the paper bag with the miss-delivered item and handed it to her. Holding it out to her, his eyes twinkled. She took it and opened it.

  What she saw made her blush. “My jackrabbit. I thought as much.” Looking up, she met his gaze levelly. His incredible smile was contagious. It was obvious he was expecting her to be embarrassed. No matter what it cost her, she would not let him know the extent of her dismay. Lifting the package out, she turned it over in her hand. “Where are my instructions?”

  His tongue came out and dampened his full lower lip. Cooper had the urge to capture that lower lip and suck on it. A snort escaped from his kissable lips. “You need instructions?”

  “I’ve never used one before.” This man was different from any other man she had ever been around. He was certainly different from her late husband. Shyly, she lifted her eyes to his, and felt the sexual awareness roll between them in waves. She had never been so attracted to a man before. Ky exuded virility and unadulterated sexual energy and right now it was all directed at her. It was an amazing and unbelievable feeling.

  “Well, maybe I can help you, darlin’.” He took his pocketknife out of his jeans, took the package from her hand, and proceeded to free the large plastic pleasure toy from its confines.

  “You know a lot about sex toys such as this?” she playfully asked him. Turning she made a move that was entirely unexpected on her part. Heading to the kitchen, she beckoned him to follow her—he was easily led. She pulled out a chair at her table and invited him to sit down. “Would you drink a cup of coffee with me?”

  “Baby, drinking coffee is just one of the many things I would like to do with you.” Cooper ignored his loaded comment. He sat down in the chair offered him and pulled the hard plastic apart, freeing the dildo.

  Obviously determined to milk this for all it was worth, he began to speak. “Now, about how to use this little contraption. I think this part,” he gingerly touched the rather large head of the plastic penis, “goes into your tight little channel and this part,” he lightly touched the clitoral stimulator, “tickles your sweet spot.” His verbal foreplay was having its intended effect.

  “Thanks for the tutorial. I hope you don’t think badly of me. I know ladies don’t usually resort to using something like this.” She handed him a large mug filled with fragrant coffee. That she was playing this verbal game of cat and mouse with him was beyond her comprehension.

  “I don’t think badly of you, Cooper. For some odd reason, it excites the hell out of me.” His honest and forthright answer shocked her. He didn’t elaborate and she didn’t know what else to say. Picking up the dildo, he looked at her seriously. “Sweetheart, pardon me, but I have to ask.” He laid the sex toy down on the table between them. She sat across from him, enjoying the view of his strong neck, his fabulous chest covered in a tight, white, western-cut shirt, and a sexy five-o-clock shadow that was slowly driving her mad.

  “Ask what?” She sipped the coffee, trying desperately to settle her nerves. She wanted him so badly, she could taste it.

  “What in the world is a delectable woman like you doing with a dildo? You could have any man in the world panting at your feet. Why would you settle for a piece of cold, lifeless plastic when you could have a hot, hard, grateful man inside of you—like me?”

  This conversation was taking on a life of its own. Cooper shivered with awareness—awareness of the man sitting across from her. She knew it would be like this if she got close to him. He literally made her ache. She should ask him to leave, but she couldn’t. So, she answered his question—truthfully.

“I don’t date men, Ky.” Those words were spoken as she looked down toward the table. Raising her head, she saw all traces of humor had faded from his face.

  Chapter Four

  “You don’t date men?” That was the worst news he had ever heard. “Don’t tell me you play for the other team? I haven’t picked up that vibe from you at all.”

  She struggled with the reference. “What other team?”

  “Women? You’re into women? Don’t even try and make me think you are a lesbian.” He looked like he had just been told there was no Santa Claus. In spite of herself, Cooper laughed.

  “No, I’m not a lesbian. I don’t play on either team.” She picked up the jackrabbit. “I play on the fantasy league.” She smiled, but it was a sad little smile.

  “Sweetheart, that’s a crime against nature. You were made to be loved by a man, covered by his body, his hands soothing you all over— ”

  He hadn’t picked up on her sadness. Cooper interrupted him, the tension becoming unbearable. “Ky, there are things you don’t know—”

  “Cooper, I’m at the end of my rope. I have to kiss you or I’m going to lose my mind.” Leaving his chair, he came to stand next to her. Leaning over her, he placed one hand on the table and the other on the back of her chair, effectively bracketing her in. Ever so slowly, he lowered his head—giving her every opportunity to stop him with hand or word. She didn’t, she couldn’t. He feathered a kiss at her temple, then over her closed eyelids. Cooper’s breathing grew labored.

  As Ky pulled her to her feet, Cooper waited for the panic to set in. She held herself still, waiting for her nerves to jump and her muscles to freeze. She searched her mind for words to stop him, reasons to push him away, but against this man, she had no defense. Gently, slowly, he pulled her to him. As their bodies touched, a ragged sigh erupted from his lips. She tried to tell him again. “Ky, there are so many things I need to tell you. You don’t know me. If you did…” He placed a finger over her lips. Against her will, she allowed her lips to move on that finger, caressing it—her tongue darting out to graze it—testing the waters.


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