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Page 16

by Unknown

  How different her life was now. Stopping, she remembered a similar scene nearly two years ago. She had been standing in Richard’s laundry room, folding his clothes. It had been Christmas Eve, and she had been reliving the last Christmas she could remember with her mother.

  There had been no Christmases since, Dave and Terry thought celebrating Christmas—other than remembering it was Christ’s birthday—was a sin. And there would be no Christmas that year, either. Still, hoping for some semblance of normalcy, she had scrimped the meager household allowance Richard had given her, and she had bought a small turkey and the makings for dressing and a chocolate layer cake.

  Recovering from a broken collarbone, due to her last attempt at escape, she had not been a speed demon in the kitchen. Richard had been off that day, but he certainly had not been at home. In fact, he had missed his lunch. He never told Cooper when he expected to be gone, so it was her duty to have something prepared, regardless.

  The memory was still fresh in her mind. She had been folding Richard’s clothes, much like today. He had surprised her; angry she had spent so much on food. Dragging her by her hair, he had hauled her into the kitchen. The heavy-duty mixer was creaming the butter and sugar for the cake, and he took her by the hand and forced her fingers into the path of the beaters. The vicious, whirling spheres of steel twisted her fingers backwards until they snapped. Screaming with pain, she bent over in agony. He turned off the mixer, laughing at her plight. With tears blinding her vision, Cooper turned to run. But Richard wasn’t through; he grabbed her uninjured hand and drug her to the stove. The turkey was cooking at three hundred fifty degrees; Cooper tried to pull away, realization overpowering her senses. Pulling down the oven door, he manhandled her into position until he could place the palm of her hand flat on the fiery enamel surface. Blessedly, she had blacked out from the pain.

  Cooper bent over, resting her head against Ky’s shirt that she had been folding. How lucky she was to have a man in her life that wanted to give her pleasure instead of pain. Completing the task, she glanced once more at the string on her finger and knew it was time to get ready for the picnic. She no longer fretted over how she looked; she dressed for Ky now, and he never failed to tell her exactly how beautiful he thought she was. This afternoon, she dressed simply, in a blue sundress; simple to get on and simpler to get off—and no underwear, whatsoever.

  * * * *

  Ky prepared. Retrieving the menu selections from the frig he kept in the saddle shop, he packed a wicker basket with crab salad, French bread, Brie, ripe sweet strawberries and a bottle of champagne. Today was about more than a picnic, it was about her birthday. When he had filled out papers for her at the hospital, the day he hurt her playing football, he had noted she would soon be having a birthday. Halfway expecting her to mention it, he was surprised she totally ignored the fast approaching date. This had bothered Ky. Cooper never expected anything, yet she gave so freely. She always welcomed him into her heart and into her arms. So, tonight, Ky had plans. The picnic was just the beginning. He planned on dancing, a late night swim, and then a gift he hoped would show her how much he cared.

  He still hadn’t said the words, ‘I love you’. Since the fiasco with Cicely, he had learned words needed to be weighed carefully and relationships needed to be laid on a firm foundation of trust and devotion. Ky knew he had that with Cooper, he just wanted everything to be perfect when he told her.

  The pond was some distance away, so he brought out the four-wheeler. Cooper would have to sit behind him and hold on, and Ky felt his shaft begin to harden as he imagined her plastered against his back, her legs spread wide to accommodate his hips. Whoa, boy! He cautioned himself to calm down; there was ample time and opportunity for loving tonight. One last thing; he found a soft blanket in the tack room and threw it on the back rack with the picnic basket. He wanted his lady to have a soft place to lie as he wooed her with gentle words and soft caresses.

  * * * *

  “Ky!” Cooper called. Then, she saw him. He pulled out of the barn on a large four-wheel ATV. Driving up next to her, he stopped and held out his hand.

  “Your steed awaits, my lady.” Placing her hand in his, she thrilled as he brought it to his lips. Slipping the string off her finger, he carefully put in his front pocket. She totally surprised him, instead of climbing on; she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “Hey, baby. What’s wrong?” There were tears in her eyes and she was trembling.

  “Nothing. Everything’s right. I just had some bad memories today, and I just wanted you to know how glad I am that I’m with you.” She slid behind him, readily fitting herself close to his body. He felt her breasts pressing against his back, and almost immediately, he felt her nipples harden. God, she was responsive. He felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  “Leave those bad memories behind, sweetheart. Now, hold on. Have I got a surprise for you.”

  Cooper ran her hands over Ky’s chest, feeling his heart race. Not being able to resist, she began to kiss the back of his neck, feeling goose bumps rise on his warm skin. He smelled like the outdoors—clean and fresh. His hand came up and pressed her palm deeper into his flesh, right over his heart. She rubbed her cheek against the smooth cotton of his shirt, conveying with touch how much she cared.

  He drove them out of the main yard and across the pasture. When they began to slow down, Cooper looked over his shoulder and gasped. “What have you done?” The Texas sun was just beginning to go down, and Ky’s handiwork was evident. He had strung little white lights in the trees, and hung lanterns from the branches. A small stock pond looked cool and refreshing as the water languidly lapped against the wooden dock that stretched out into the depths of the water. Large white pillar candles covered by hurricane globes lined the dock. A small wrought iron table covered by a white tablecloth was set with china, flowers, and more candles. Altogether, Ky had created a fairyland of light and romance.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” Ky said over his shoulder. Cooper didn’t move a muscle. She was as still as a statue. Ky started to turn around to look at her, when he felt her begin to shake. She was crying; not just a few tears, but heart-wrenching sobs that gripped Ky’s insides like a vise. “Hey. Hey. What’s this?” He reversed himself in the seat and gathered her into his lap. Ky framed her face, kissing away her tears. “Now, what in the world do you have to cry about?” he cooed to her gently. Pressing her head on his shoulder, he hugged her tight.

  “I had forgotten it was my birthday,” she hiccupped. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “I wouldn’t let your birthday go by unnoticed, for anything.” Ky took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the dampness from her cheeks and eyes. “Now, no more tears. We have too much to do.” Taking her by the hand, and grabbing the basket and blanket, he led her to the table. “This is our special place, now. Just ours. No one else’s.”

  “I have never seen anything more beautiful, Ky.” She stopped him in his tracks. “You are, undoubtedly, the most wonderful man in the whole world.” Twining her arms around his neck, she pulled his mouth down to hers. Cooper had kissed Ky a thousand times in the past few weeks, but this kiss was totally different. She seemed to pour every ounce of love into it she could. She delicately licked a path across his upper lip, then took his lower lip between her teeth and marked it as her own. It took every smidgen of will power he had, but he gave her free rein. She slid her tongue over his teeth, and pushed her way into his mouth. Standing up on tiptoe, her tongue danced with his. With a gruff growl, Ky picked her up and began to devour her. For endless minutes, they kissed. Until, breathlessly, Cooper lifted her head and buried her face in his neck. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” Pulling her chair out, he seated her with great care. “Let me take our goodies out and we’ll eat first. Okay?”

  “I can’t believe you’ve gone to so much trouble for me.” She helped him uncover the salad and cut the bread. Everything
tasted twice as good as it would have any other time. They fed one another strawberries and bites of cheese and they sipped champagne until the last vestiges of the evening sun had slipped behind the trees in a dazzling display of pinks and oranges.

  Ky lifted the tablecloth and took out a battery powered CD player. Pressing a button, music filled the air. “Dance with me, Cooper.” He held out his hand.

  “I’m not very good,” she apologized.

  “I’ve heard that before. If you’re as bad at dancing as you are in bed, Dancing with the Stars will be at our door tomorrow. Now, come here.” He pulled her close. The music was slow and sensuous, and really, all they did was hold one another tight and let their bodies touch from shoulder to thigh. Ky rubbed her back gently, and kissed the sweet slope of her neck. Picking up her skirt, he pushed one knee between hers until she got the idea and let one of his rock-hard thighs settle between her own. With an excited little gasp, she began to ride him.

  “Oh, Ky. This feels so good.”

  “Let go, baby. I’m here to catch you,” he encouraged her.

  “Ky, I’m too excited. I’m going to get a wet spot on your pants.”

  “Like I would care, baby. Any wet spot you’d leave on me is just a trophy as far as I’m concerned.” Ky lifted his knee a little higher, giving her a better surface to play on.

  Her sweet little gasps and the heat of her honeyed vagina almost caused Ky to lose control. While he could still walk, he leaned over and gently picked her up, grabbing the blanket as he went. “You are driving me out of my mind, Cooper.” He carried her to the dock and sat her down on shaky legs. “Stand there just a minute, honey, until I can spread this blanket and get naked.” His candidness made her laugh.

  The candlelight danced over the water, causing shimmering diamonds to reflect in her eyes. “Raise your arms, love-bug.” He slipped her sundress over her head. Kissing her fingers, he pulled her down on the blanket with him. Stretching out on his back, he settled her squarely on top of him.

  “Oh, this is nice.” For just a moment, she rested on top of him. “You’re better than any mattress.” Seductively, she began to move over him.

  “That’s better. I don’t want to be known as a mattress, baby. You make me sound too lumpy and soft.” Ky whispered in her ear, kneading both cheeks of her firm, round bottom in his hands. “I’m standing straight up and I’m definitely hard as granite.” He nudged her with his huge cock. “No, I don’t want to be your mattress. I want to be your stallion.” Taking her hands within his, he pulled her up his body. “Ride me, baby.”

  With a gasp of delight, Cooper lifted her hips and eased herself down on his powerful erection. She groaned as he pushed into her, impaling her to the hilt. After just a few seconds, she recovered enough from the initial pleasurable shock to move.

  At first, she tried to pull herself up and off him each time, but that proved to be too much. “Damn, that feels too good, baby. I want it to last. Here, let me show you.” He took her hips in his hands and showed her how to move back and forth and gyrate slowly, moving just enough to keep the pot of passion simmering, but not letting it boil over.

  Soon, she got his rhythm and closed her eyes. Placing a palm over each of his pecs, she steadied herself for the ride of her life. Enjoying the contact, Ky copied her strategy and he cupped her breasts, rubbing and plucking at her nipples until she gasped with utter delight. “Damn,” he muttered. “I can’t hold out, baby. The sight of you, the way you squeeze me so tight, it’s just too much. Do you think you can come now, love?” He looked up into her eyes, and she laughed with joy.

  * * * *

  “Always.” He slipped one finger between his body and hers. One finger, delicately rubbing over her clitoris was mind-blowing. That slight touch, accompanied by everything else he was giving her, caused her to begin to shimmer and convulse in mindless quivers of fantastic pleasure. As she climaxed, her vagina hugged his manhood tight. And when he came, his groans of enjoyment caused her nipples to peak all over again. Watching his face, Cooper continued to move; working her internal muscles, milking him until the last drop of pleasure had been wrung from his pulsing member. I love you. This thought rung so clearly in Cooper’s mind she had to bite her lip to keep from saying it out loud. She knew then, if she didn’t tell him soon, she would literally burst from the effort to hold it back.

  A plan began to formulate in her mind. It would take some work, and it would be risky, but the rewards would be everlasting.

  “Come here, pumpkin—let’s get you dressed.” She went to him and he slipped her dress back over her head. “That was easy,” he joked with her. “Buy a whole wardrobe of dresses like this.” She watched him hungrily, as he pulled on just a pair of jeans. “It’s early yet, we don’t have to be in a hurry to leave.” Cooper sat and dangled her feet down into the cool water.

  “Sit by me,” she patted a spot by her on the blanket. “Let’s talk.”

  “Give me just a minute; I need to go get something.” He walked back to the table and picked up something underneath, where the CD player had been stored. It was too dark to see what he had in his hand. When he returned, he joined her, rolling up his pants legs and splashing them a little, as they laughed. “Here, sweetheart. Happy birthday.” He held out a box for Cooper to take.

  “More?” Cooper was stunned. “Ky, you’ve already done too much,” she protested.

  Kissing her on the temple, he shushed her. “Open it.” Draping one arm around her, and pulling her close enough so she sat in the circle of his arms, he watched as she carefully undid each minute piece of tape. It had been years since she had received any type of present at all, and her hands shook at the thought he cared enough to buy her a gift. “Hurry up, slow-poke. It’ll be time to open Christmas presents before you get into this one.”

  She nudged him with her elbow. “Let me do this right.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m out of practice opening gifts.” Cooper felt Ky’s arm tighten around her.

  As she got down to removing the lid of the small jewelry box, she shuddered in anticipation. It was too big to be a ring box, but that was asking for the impossible, she knew. Closing her eyes, she slowly removed the top. Then she waited.

  “Open your eyes, baby. There’s nothing in there that equals your beauty.” Cooper slowly opened her eyes and caught her breath in wonder. It was a diamond necklace. A diamond solitaire necklace and the diamond was huge!

  Turning to him, she nestled as close as she could. “It’s too much, Ky. It’s too much. Surely, you made a mistake.”

  “No mistake, love.” He kissed her forehead and the top of her head as she cuddled close. “Although, I have to admit, it’s hard to find a piece of jewelry that will do you justice. Here, sit up and turn around. Let me put this on you.” She did as he asked, raising her hair so he could fasten it around her neck. The light from the dozen or so candles danced on the facets of the diamond. “Now, turn around and let me see.” Shyly, she faced him, her hand testing the placement of the stone against her skin. “Oh, baby. You are so gorgeous.” I love you.

  Launching herself into his arms, she knocked him over, almost into the water. Laughing, he righted them, accepting her kisses as she exuberantly showed him her ecstatic appreciation. “It’s my first diamond. And it’s so big!”

  Pushing her hair out of her eyes, he tenderly told her. “It may be your first, but it won’t be your last. You can count on that.”

  * * * *

  Richard sat across the road from the cowboy’s house. The rules had changed. He had finally got in contact with the office, and his former secretary had given him the news the game was over. Everything and everybody was gone. All the drugs and all the money had been confiscated and his whole crew had been arrested. The only reason they weren’t searching for him was because they still thought he was dead. None of his men had betrayed him, yet.

  The slut had found the record book and turned it over to the Texas Rangers. So now, he had a new objective.
He was going to make his whoring wife and her pretty cowboy pay dearly. He was going to cause them as much trouble as he possibly could. They would rue the day they crossed Richard Hawkins.

  * * * *

  Ky made his second trip to the jeweler’s in a week’s time. He was fast becoming their favorite customer. The two carat round solitaire pendant had been over fifteen thousand dollars and worth every red cent. The look on Cooper’s face had been priceless. Now, that he knew she wore a size six ring, he placed his order for a four-carat solitaire engagement ring in platinum. He never blinked an eye when he wrote a check for a little over thirty-one thousand dollars. This was the only engagement ring he would ever buy and nothing was too good for Cooper.

  * * * *

  “Hey, do you want to go to the deer camp and help me put out corn?” Ky called from outside the kitchen window. Of course, she did. He only had to beckon and she would follow him anywhere.

  Grabbing her purse, she quickly locked the doors and joined him at his truck. On the way, she gave each dog a pat and a hug. She started to open the passenger door to get in, when he asked. “What are you doing? Get yourself around here, baby.” With a happy giggle, she went around to his side and let him pick her up and place her right next to him. “Will we see any deer?”


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