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Page 18

by Unknown

  Checking his watch, he figured he could clean this mess up in about an hour and Cooper wouldn’t have to know the difference.

  At seven-thirty, Ky finished the last bit of cleaning up. It had taken him twenty minutes to pick up all of Cooper’s beads and sort them by color the way she liked to keep them. Whoever had broke in and sought to destroy this part of his world hated him with a ferocity that shocked him. What could possibly be next? He feared for the dogs and cats and determined they would spend their nights in the house from now on. If he could, he would bring in every cow and calf—but he couldn’t. The most precious thing he had to protect was Cooper, and she was waiting for him right now.

  * * * *

  She hadn’t gone to nearly as much trouble as Ky had. Mainly, because she hadn’t had the four-wheeler at her disposal. But she had trudged to the pond with two baskets full of food, champagne, and candles. By six, she had all the candles lit and had sat down to wait.

  Anxiously, she watched for Ky. She didn’t know if he would drive his pick-up, the four-wheeler, or if he would walk as she had. It didn’t matter how he got there, just so long as he came.

  Six came and went.

  By six-fifteen, she was nervous. Maybe, he was delayed. The meeting might have gone on longer than he expected.

  By six-thirty, she was trembling. Different scenarios were plaguing her mind; still she had thirty minutes to wait. She glanced at the champagne and considered liquid courage, but she wanted to open the bottle with Ky, not alone.

  By six-forty-five, she began to cry. He wasn’t going to come. Well, she had her answer. He didn’t love her. She stoically sat on the dock until straight up seven, giving him every opportunity to come to her. Cooper had to admit she was shocked, she had been so sure Ky loved her. At five after seven, she packed everything back up and started back to the ranch house.

  Walking to Ky’s home from their special place was the longest, loneliest trip she had ever made. She was literally shaking with nerves. He hadn’t come! He didn’t love her. Those two realities kept slapping her in the face over and over again. Forcing herself to breathe, she had to focus. The prime thought on her mind was to get in and get herself pulled together before she had to face Ky.

  Slipping in the back door, she dropped the food on the kitchen table and retreated to the bathroom like a wounded animal. Cooper dried her face after washing it in cold water, trying to get the puffiness of her eyes to go down. Reapplying a little make-up, she decided she looked half-way decent. The hard part was that he would know. And she had to act normal. She had promised him she would. In the note, she had told Ky they would go back to the way things were and that is exactly what she intended to do.

  Cooper squeezed her eyes shut and wished a thousand times she hadn’t written the note. How stupid could she be? Pretty stupid, apparently.

  She heard the kitchen door open. He was home.

  Putting a small smile on her face, she went to face him. When she had first come in, she had set out the food she had so carefully packed for her fiasco of a romantic interlude. Since she hadn’t fixed anything else, they would have to eat the lobster and shrimp kabobs now. Her little love feast had turned into a meal of embarrassing humble pie. Truth be known, Cooper simply felt like a fool.

  “This looks great, Cooper.” Ky greeted her as she entered the kitchen. “I can’t believe you fixed all of this, you went to a lot of trouble.” She watched him set out plates to hold not only the seafood, but the pate and the fruit, as well.

  “It was no trouble, really.” Her voice, Cooper knew, shook just the smallest amount.

  “Hey, a sparkling Chablis. Is this a special occasion?” Cooper couldn’t look at him. Was he being intentionally cruel? Maybe, he was trying to drive home his point. He didn’t love her.

  “No. No, special occasion. Just a plain, ordinary old day.” She was determined to be strong. But, looking at Ky, she knew things weren’t the same. He was distant and reserved, clearly uncomfortable.

  Cooper realized if she didn’t pull this off, she was going to lose him right now, tonight. “There’s chocolate ganache cupcakes, too. Your favorite. Come on let’s eat.” She urged him to sit down, determined to make him see she could get past this. She had told him she expected nothing from him. And nothing was what she was going to get. So, just get over it. “Did you have a good day?”

  “Sure. Nothing special.” They ate in near silence. No meal they had shared had ever been this awkward.

  * * * *

  Ky tried to act normal, but he was scared. Something was terribly wrong. The more he thought about it, the more he realized they were both in danger. The meal was beautiful, but it tasted like cardboard to him. It was hard to keep the truth from Cooper, but he did not intend to bring one more moment of unhappiness to her life. Finishing a cupcake, he pushed his plate back. “Thanks for the food, honey. If it’s all right with you, I think I’ll bring in all the dogs and cats. There’s been a coyote spotted close by and I would hate to lose one of them. Why don’t you go on upstairs, I’ll be up later. There’s some phone calls I need to make.”

  He didn’t wait for a reply and Cooper didn’t have one. She was thankful for the reprieve from his company. The tears were flowing again.

  It was the first night that they didn’t make love. He slipped into bed late, and she didn’t move. He didn’t reach for her, and she carefully stayed on her side. Scrunching her eyes up, she prayed for strength. It was sheer torture to lay this close to him and not reach out and touch his warm skin. As she lay there, she literally trembled with desire. How could she be so weak? Richard had hurt her with his fists, but no blow he had ever thrown had brought her this much agony.

  When Cooper woke up the next morning, Ky was gone.

  * * * *

  Ky went to the jewelers and picked up Cooper’s beautiful ring. Now, he just had to wait for the right moment. He wanted it to be soon, but right now the problem with his tormentor was spoiling the mood for them both. He had felt so defeated the night before he had not even been able to carry on a decent conversation at dinner. They hadn’t made love, either. She had been asleep when he had finally retired, and he had decided not to wake her. She hadn’t been feeling well, and she needed the rest. But it had cost him dearly, he had lain there as hungry for her body as ever. Waking up trying to start the day with an unrelieved hard-on was a new experience since Cooper had been in his life. She had always been ready and willing to give him pleasure anytime of the day. This morning, however, he had slipped out of the bed before she had opened her eyes. Strange. Tonight, they would put everything back on an even keel.

  Opening up the box and looking at the ring, he smiled. This was going to make Cooper very happy. Carefully, he put the receipt in his wallet, just in case.

  * * * *

  Hanging over the side of the toilet, Cooper lost her breakfast. She was feeling worse, not better. Her sad state of mind wasn’t helping, either. Standing up, she brushed her teeth. Looking around the bathroom as she brushed, her eyes fell on the cowboy calendar Ky kept over his toilet, for some ungodly reason. It was just an innocent glance, she wasn’t really thinking of anything. The next thing she knew, she almost spit before she could aim at the sink. Oh. My. God. Cooper slid to the floor.

  It had been over two months since she had a period.

  A kaleidoscope of emotions bombarded her. Joy. Horror. Curiosity. Dismay.

  She had to know. She had to know for sure. Hastily, she dressed and grabbed her purse. Ky was gone, thank God. She certainly didn’t want to answer any questions, right now. How had they gone from sharing everything to avoiding one another? Oh, yeah. It was her stupidity and that stupid note. If Cooper could have turned back time, and kept the note out of Ky’s hands, she would have been hunting a DeLorean and Michael J. Fox.

  The drive to town and the drug store took forever. If she was pregnant, how could she tell Ky? He didn’t love her, and this certainly wasn’t going to go over very well. But, how could s
he not tell him? Many people had come together and married for worse reasons than a baby. Could she live with marrying him for a child, instead of love? Cooper didn’t know the answer to that question.

  Thankfully, she didn’t know anyone at the drug store. This was a situation she did not want to share with anyone right now. The drug store had a bathroom, so when she had paid for the pregnancy test, she made her way to the privacy of a stall and opened the package. She had to sit there a moment before she could tinkle on the stick. Too nervous to pee, that was a first. After mustering up a tiny stream, she waited, holding her breath. Letting the allotted minutes go by, she held up the stick for her examination. A plus sign showed up, plain as day.

  Cooper Delilah Lawson was with child.

  Travis Kyler Landon’s child.

  * * * *

  Verification was necessary. Cooper drove straight to the clinic. She knew Drew; she would feel safe with him. Parking and making her way to the waiting room, she tried to get her thoughts in order. The nurse recognized her; Cooper believed her name was Holley. It was a shame that of all the places in town she was recognized, the emergency room and clinic was at the top of the list. Some things never change.

  Soon, it was her turn. “What can I do for you, Cooper?” Drew gave her a big smile.

  “I think I’m pregnant. Would you do a blood test and tell me for sure?” To say the least, she left Drew speechless.

  Finally, he spoke. “Very well, Cooper. We’ll check.” He called for the nurse and while he was waiting for her to arrive, he asked. “Where’s old Ky at today?” What he was really saying was ‘Why isn’t Ky with you?’

  Cooper answered both questions; the spoken and the unspoken. “He had a lot to do today. And I haven’t told him my suspicions. Yet.” The nurse, Holley, came and took the requisite amount of blood. Drew told her he had see to another patient, but if she would wait, they would have her answer soon.

  She was alone for a few minutes, but then Holley returned. “Ms. Lawson?”

  “Yes?” Cooper was taken by surprise.

  “I used to date Ty Landon. I didn’t know Ky very well, but I do have some information you might need to know.” Holley looked remorseful, but determined.

  “What information?” Cooper did not have a clue what the nurse was up to.

  “Ky and Ty have been eluding matrimony for years. They have never been serious about a woman, ever. And they have a reason.” Cooper was hanging on her every word. Something told her the words would end up killing her.

  “They have a trust fund that an old maid aunt left them. It’s a big trust fund, the catch is they don’t get it until they’re thirty-three or thirty-five, I don’t remember which.” Money didn’t matter to Cooper. She didn’t care if Ky had money or not. She loved Ky for himself, not for what he had. But she didn’t interrupt.

  “Go on.”

  “They made a deal with the devil years ago.” At Cooper’s puzzled look, Holley took a deep breath and continued. “To protect themselves from gold diggers or from hastily made decisions, they agreed whichever one of them married before the trust fund matured, would forfeit their half to the other twin.”

  For a moment, the words did not make sense. In fact, after a minute or two the words still did not make sense. Surely, this wasn’t true. Not that she wanted anything, the money wasn’t important to her. But it might be to Ky.

  Drew returned with a big smile on his face. “Congratulations are in order, Cooper. You are eight weeks pregnant, at least. I can’t wait to slap good ol’ Ky on the back!”

  “Don’t Drew.” Cooper’s mind was racing. “Please don’t say anything to Ky.”

  At her serious tone, Drew sobered. “It’s not my place to say anything, Cooper. You don’t have to worry.”

  Cooper had to find out if what she had been told was true. She insisted on paying cash for the test, she sure didn’t want this added on to her debt to Ky. A sinking feeling came over her, in addition to a good case of morning sickness. If Ky found out about the baby, he would marry her. Ky was a gentleman above all other things. He would marry her, love or no love. And if this were true, the marriage would cost him much more than his freedom.

  * * * *

  Ty glanced out of his window. Who in the world? The frantic knocking woke him from a much-needed nap. He had flown back in at three this morning and jet lag had his body second-guessing everything. His investigation of the Mexican cartel was heating up, and he had to take advantage of every break he was given. It was important he keep his mind clear enough to keep his ass out of a crack. He blinked his eyes and confirmed who was rattling his cage. It was Cooper. Ky’s Cooper.

  Rubbing his eyes, he stalked to the door and opened it. “Cooper. What a surprise.” He knew he probably didn’t sound hospitable. “What can I do for you?”

  “Ty, I won’t keep you but a minute. I have to know something. It’s important.”

  He wondered at her demeanor. Her voice was shaking.

  “Okay.” He stepped back. “Come in.”

  Cooper walked just inside the front door. Apparently, this was going to be a quick question. “Do you and Ky have some kind of understanding or agreement or whatever, that if either of you marries before you reach thirty-three, you lose your inheritance?”

  Cooper had said all of that in a rush.

  Ty thought fast. He had to figure out exactly how to answer this. He cursed his drowsy state. Apparently, her information about the Ky/Ty treaty came from Ky himself. Who else would tell her? And if Ky had told her this, then he was trying to break up with her. This surprised Ty, he had thought she was the one for Ky. But, hey! This was Ky’s decision, not his. So, he answered the way he thought his brother would want him to.

  “I’m afraid your information is correct. We made an ironclad agreement. If one of us decides to take the plunge before our thirty-third birthday, then that twin loses out on a lot of dough. And I mean a lot. Cash like this is definitely not worth losing over a shot-gun wedding, or whatever.”

  Cooper swallowed hard at Ty’s statement. A shot-gun wedding. That was a wedding taking place because of a baby. How ironic. She held out her hand to shake his. She looked like a feather would bowl her over. Poor kid. Ty took her hand. It was as cold as ice. “Thanks, Ty. That helps a lot.”

  Without another glance, she turned and left.

  Chapter Ten

  On the drive back to Ky’s house, Cooper arranged and rearranged her thoughts. She couldn’t tell him. Not until after his thirty-third birthday. But was that fair? This was Ky’s child. He might not want her, but surely, he would want his child. But it would cost him a fortune. Her thoughts were turning somersaults and back-flips.

  When she pulled her little black car into the driveway, the dogs were pacing in front of the house. There was no trace of Ky. She still hadn’t made a firm decision. Maybe, she could feel him out at supper and decide for sure after that. Another factor would be whether or not he made love to her tonight. She always felt so cherished in his arms. Maybe, that would help her decide.

  Exiting the car, she tried to calm the dogs. She had never seen them this way. But her own problems monopolized her thoughts. Letting herself in the house, she set down her purse and stood in front of the refrigerator. What should she cook? Just a couple of days before, the thought of fixing a meal for Ky filled her with joy, now she couldn’t think straight long enough to make a decision.

  Opening the fridge door, she bent over to look inside. A cool piece of leather slid around her throat. Leather. Ky. This was some new game he wanted to play. Relief filtered through her sorrow.

  Then the leather tightened painfully, cutting off her air. Viciously, she was jerked backwards. Her hands came up to her throat and her eyes widened as she looked Richard Hawkins full in the face. “Hello, Cooper. Did you miss me?”

  She said nothing. She couldn’t. He took a fistful of hair and bent her over backwards. “You gave my record book to the cops, Cooper. That was a stupid thing to do.�

  He kept the leather so tight around her neck she felt she would pass out at any moment. But that would have been too merciful. Richard had other ideas. Letting the leather drop, he held on to her hair, pushing her the necessary distance. She knew what was coming. It had come a thousand times before. Richard drew back his fist and then brought it forward with tremendous force. The blow landed on her cheekbone and she heard it pop. The pain ricocheted through her brain, splintering her thoughts into a billion pieces.

  “Have you been having fun fucking your cowpoke?” Of course, he didn’t expect an answer, and Cooper knew better than to think he could be reasoned with. So, she endured—hoping to pass out—as she had, time and time again. The next blow was just as hard, but this one landed on her mouth. Blood spurted generously from the cut that blossomed on her lip like a scarlet flower. “I can’t believe you finally found somebody who could stomach your ugly body!”

  Cooper shut her eyes and waited for the next blow. She struggled, but she knew Richard’s strength and she knew her own. The struggle was futile. The third blow caught her on the jaw, jerking her head violently backwards. Her vision began to cloud and for the first time, Cooper considered she might not live through this. Thoughts of her baby made her cry out.

  “Ky! Ky!” Hopelessly, she screamed. Ky wasn’t here. There would be no rescue. Cooper didn’t want to die and she didn’t want her baby to die. Perhaps, she and Ky would have never been a family, but surely they could have made some type of peace over their child. Their child. God, how could life be so cruel?


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