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Lying With Temptation

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by Sm Donaldson

  Lying With Temptation


  S.M. Donaldson

  Lying With Temptation

  For My Daddy

  Lying With Temptation

  S.M. Donaldson

  Copyright2013© by S.M. Donaldson

  ISBN-13: 978-1482631906

  ISBN-10: 1482631903

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  Gabby Prologue

  Senior Year

  Spring Break

  It’s the end of Spring Break, so Elle and I came to the lake for the day to lay out.

  “Gabby I just really don’t see what the big deal is?” As she sits down her wine cooler.

  I take a drag off of my cigarette and sit down my beer, “Elle come on you slept with her boyfriend…that’s the BIG deal.”

  “Look he came to me…he must not have been happy where he was at…I’m just glad you managed to keep that deranged girl from hitting me in the face.”

  “Yeah well it really shouldn’t matter that he came after you…you still should’ve said NO…Jeez have some fucking self respect Elle.”

  “Whatever Gabby…self respect is that what you call sitting over here pinning away over Reece White and holding on to that V-card like it’s some sort of precious gem or something.”

  I bolt up stab my cigarette in the sand, “Fuck you Elle! Just because I don’t fall into the sack with every swinging dick that comes along…you know what…never mind.” I gather up my things and head for my car…I can’t help but notice Reece, I guess I’ll stop and speak to him before I go. “Hey Reece.”

  He brushes the side of my face, “Hey there my sweetie.” I smile and he touches my arm, I can feel the goose bumps on my arm, “Hey do you think I could get those Physics notes from you…I kinda missed the last class before break.”

  I smile, “Umm yeah sure.”

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Thanks doll you’re the best.”

  I almost melt….wow I’m on freaking cloud nine. Elle can say I’m pinning away all she wants to, I see us getting closer and closer. I could’ve floated away when his breath hit my ear.

  As I drive home, I’m still so pissed with Elle she still thinks it was no big deal to sleep with someone else’s boyfriend…really… Everyone asks why I keep trying to clean up Elle’s messes…why I’m even her friend…She’s short 5’2, and tiny like a rail…where I’m 5’7 with curves…I’m not fat but next to her I look like the Jolly Green Giant… But we’ve been friends since we were five years old…She drives me crazy though and if I have to get between her and one more pissed off girlfriend…I’m gonna lose it. I’m so glad she’s staying here and going to college… I love her but, I’m ready for a break and I think a few hundred miles and me being in another state will be just fine.

  I pull in the driveway at my house and my neighbor and life long friend Cade is sitting on his front porch, when I get out of the car and walk over to him, he looks up and smiles….”Jeez Gabby you gotta put a shirt on over that swimsuit top, that nice rack you have is bouncing all over the place.”

  I slap his arm, “Shut up Jackass! Don’t talk about my rack you’re like my freakin brother.”

  “I’m just stating the obvious.”

  I roll my eyes, “Whatever.”

  “So I heard you had to keep Tiffany Miller from punching Elle in the face.”

  I roll my eyes again, “Yes and she had the nerve to tell me that she didn’t see why it was a big deal that he came after her. I told her to get some self respect and she threw Reece and my V-card in my face and I told her to F-off.”

  He laughs, “Sounds like an interesting day at the lake. So did you see the wonderful Mr. Reece White?

  I smile, “Yes, we spoke for a few minutes about school and he brushed the side of my cheek…called me sweetie and doll…and then he whispered in my ear.”

  He rolls his eyes, “Look Gab, I know you think Reece is wonderful and all but have you ever noticed him keeping a girl around for any length of time? Also, I will stare at your rack if I want to.”

  I punch his arm, “Whatever…Reece is just so… and I think he likes me, but I can’t ever be for sure…I don’t like just putting myself out there. I can’t be like Elle.”

  “Trust me you don’t want to be like Elle. Guys don’t really like her they just know she’s easy and we’re just pervs…what can I say…But what you don’t realize is that plenty of guys here want to talk to you and Not One of the guys I’m thinking about is Reece White.”

  I roll my eyes, “Why are you so full of shit Cade? I love you and thanks for trying to lift my spirits but, we know that’s not true…if so wouldn’t they’ve asked me out by now. I mean Hell I’ve known most of them since Kindergarten. But just like I am with you, they are my friends and will never see me as anything more.”

  He stares at me, “You really don’t see how awesome you are do you? Look I shower and practically live with the football team. Some of them who are brave enough ask me about you. They like you and think you’re pretty or whatever…but the most important thing I hear from them is that you’re so freakin cool, you just like to hang out with them…you don’t get all girly and giggly…you will drink a beer with us, smoke a joint with us, and you smoke like an chimney anyway. I mean you know I think you look hot, but why the hell wouldn’t I? I’ve seen you naked…”

  I slap his arm, “Yeah and if you wouldn’t have just barged in my back yard while I was laying out you wouldn’t have seen me that time….Asshole.”

  “Hey I love you like a step sister…no blood so I can still enjoy the view…but I don’t want to date you or have sex with you.”

  “You are such a dickhead, but I love you brother. Back to the matter at hand before my nakedness came up, well being cool didn’t get me asked to prom. So I guess being easy speaks for itself and so does being just being one of the guys.”

  “I hate you feel that way…I hate that you don’t see yourself the way others do.”

  I stand up, “Well, I’m going inside to start getting ready for tonight…you’re still going to the lake party right???”

  “Yes I am, I’m hoping to hook up with Leslie tonight.”

  “You are just as bad as Elle…Whose car are we taking mine or yours?”

  “First of all Leslie doesn’t have a boyfriend so I’m not like Elle, second we are taking mine.”


  There is always an End of Spring Break Bash up at the lake every year, Cade and I always ride together, so that we aren’t stranded and if he decides to hook up with some random girl, I can drive his car home. As we walk into the opening Cade looks at me, “Okay Gab tonight is your night; I’ll be the DD you drink as much as you want, smoke a joint or two, whatever as long as I don’t have to take you to the hospital.”

  I know he’s just doing this because I had a shitty fight with Elle; he’s trying to cheer or loosen me up. I take the hint and down a few shots, drink a few beers and take a drag off of a joint or two. I feel great and braver than I ever have. I run smack dab into Reece’s naked chest. He runs his finger down my face, “Hey there pretty girl.”

  I grin, “Hey.”

  He’s still running his finger on my face, “You got into the liquor didn’t you?”

  I wink, “Yep.”

  He laughs, “You aren’t much for words tonight are you?”

  “Talking when two people are this close is highly over rated, don’t you think?” HOLY FUCKING SHIT DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD…

  He gets this cocky look on his face, “Oh reall
y, so do you wanna go for a walk or something.”

  I giggle, “Sure or something.” What in the hell am I doing? I’m acting like Elle…Whatever; I’ve had too much to drink to worry about it.

  We walk around the lake to a boat house, as we walk in I realize he’s been here before; he’s too calm about it. He turns to me and brushes my hair over my ear, “You know I’m sorry I didn’t think of doing this sooner with you…”

  I look up into his eyes, “It doesn’t matter we’re here now, right.” I’m desperate for him to kiss me now and he does, which quickly leads to more. By the time my sundress is around my waist from the top and bottom and my panties are off, Reece drops his jeans. Oh heavens to Betsy I’m nervous now. He puts a condom on and leans over me, “I’m gonna make you feel real good.”

  I look up at him…I need to tell him…but this is embarrassing…”Um Reece…I’ve a never…well I’ve never went all the way with someone.”

  He chuckles, “That’s okay, I can still work with you.” He can still work with me??? What the Hell?

  As he starts to slide in, I get tense, I’ve always heard this hurt at least he’s taking slow.

  I hear him groan a little, “Oh shit girl, you are so tight…” He slams into me and now I know the pain they were all talking about. I screamed, “Oh shit that hurt.”

  He mumbles over me, “It’ll feel better now, but you are still so tight…I’m not gonna last long….uh….ah…OH Shit, that was awesome so tight…I should hook up with virgins more often, except all the blood is nasty.”

  And then it was over….He kisses my cheek and stands up discards the condom, throws me some paper towels, pulls up his jeans and walks out. “Get cleaned up and I’ll see you back at the party in a few minutes.” I sit here for a few minutes, I’m so stupid. I don’t even know what you would call what just happened.


  It’s the first day back from Spring Break, I really don’t want to see Reece today, he hasn’t called me or text me or anything. Jerk…as I walk down the halls I feel people looking and whispering…I see Reece and Elle in a conversation…Even though I hate to admit it I still did the Physics notes for him; I guess I should take them to him. As I walk up to him, I can see this look on his face like he doesn’t want me there right then. I simply hand him the notes and walk off. The rest of the morning, I feel eyes on me…weird… When I walk in the cafeteria door at lunch I see Cade get up and storm off from the football players he’s sitting with, he stops in front of me, “Hallway Now!”

  He never talks to me like that; I step in the hall, “What’s going on?”

  “Did you screw Reece at the party the other night?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business but, yes.”

  “Oh it’s my business when the football team is giving me the play by play that Reece gave them, which includes the fact that you bled all over the place.”

  I can feel my face burning, my eyes are stinging… “I ah…I’m so freaking stupid.”

  “Normally I would disagree with you but yes you are and I’m not finished yet. Also they informed me that for the last three months he’s been hooking up on the side with Elle and she told him this morning that she’s probably pregnant.”

  All of a sudden I have to run for the doors, I’m going to be sick…I’m gonna throw up.

  Cade catches my arm about the time I’m going outside, “Cade damn it let me just go…I can’t be here. I knew people were talking about me…And I’ve been betrayed by my best friend…that BITCH, I’m going to kick her ass.”

  “Well, do me a favor wait and find out if she’s pregnant first before you kick her ass.”

  Now the realization has hit home…my best friend, who I’ve defended and put up with and loved like my sister…FUCKED the only guy I’ve ever liked. She’s had half the fucking county, but she had to come after the one thing I wanted. “Cade I’m going home…I can’t be here.” He kisses my cheek, “Okay I’ll check on you this afternoon.”

  Through out the rest of the day Elle keeps texting me.

  Elle: Hey where’d you go?

  Elle: Why haven’t you answered me?

  Elle: We need to talk…Cade just confronted me…

  so I know you know and that’s why you aren’t answering.

  Elle: You shouldn’t be mad at me about this… He wasn’t with you.

  Jeez is that really her answer for everything.

  Elle: Are you ever going to answer me?


  An hour later there is a knock on my front door, when I open it I see Elle, “I don’t want to talk to you so you can go back to the slut hole you crawled out of.”

  “I know you’re upset with me…”

  “You don’t know shit…You knew how much I liked him…you knew what this would do to me…and then I finally get my shot and you fuck me again. So what to top it all off you’re carrying his kid now too?”

  She laughs, “First of all he just fucked you the other night because he could see you’d be easy and he said it was messy from all the blood. Second I’m not pregnant I went to the doctor today.”

  I just heard her say it…she’s not pregnant, there is no one here to protect her pretty face from me…I rare back and slam my fist right into her nose…blood is pouring out, then I rare back again and punch her in the eye. I smile, “Look now both of us are nasty bleeders…but you know your face is going to look like shit tomorrow…too bad you pissed that girl off that always kept this very thing from happening…” With that I slammed the door in face. Just four more weeks and then I get to move to campus…I can do this. I get to leave this god forsaking shithole town.

  Chapter 1


  We pull into Drake Hall, the coed dorm parking lot, I look over at Russ grinning ear to ear. I laugh at him, “What in the hell are you so happy about?”

  “I just can’t believe we actually got into the coed dorms.”

  I roll my eyes, “Hey Don Juan, I know you’ve always been the man-whore, but the two chicks we’re moving in with are OFF LIMITS…I’m serious we have to live with them so I can’t have you pissing them off.”

  He sighs, “I know I know, but that’s only two of the thirty six chicks living in this hall.”

  I scoff, “Really Russ, you found out how many girls were in this hall?”

  “You’re damn right I did, had to figure my odds. You should really loosen up here. I mean I know Jules screwed with your head and all of your friends but me for three years but, maybe all you need is some strange…”

  I shake my head, “Maybe you’re right.”



  As I walk into Drake Hall I find my room assignment from the R.A. I start walking down the hall 213A/B. I’m in 213A…I wonder if I’m the first one here. As I walk in our dorm room isn’t as grungy as I thought it would be…we have a nice living room, small kitchen and bathroom. With bedroom A on the left for the girls I’m guessing and bedroom B on the right for the boys.

  I walk into side A, my roommate is already here and almost unpacked. “Hey I’m Gabby.”

  “Hi I’m Daria. I hope you’re okay with the side I picked, I got in yesterday…we’re lucky they let us move in for summer session, they normally don’t do that, but last year they lost a bunch of money. I think the board of trustees threw a fit, so they opened the dorms back up for the summer sessions.”

  I giggle at how comfortable she is she must have been here for a year already. “Are you a sophomore?”

  She laughs, “Yes, I think I’m the only one in our suite. You can tell I’ve been here more than a day or two huh?”

  “Our other roommates are guys right?”

  “Yeah, you’re okay with that right?”

  “Oh yeah, I don’t think I could handle living with more than one female…I have a sister and she was enough.”

  She laughs, “That’s funny that’s the way I think too. I can’t stand being around a bunch of
stupid girls…I mean most of the time people have two reasons for wanting coed housing. A. You’re a slut or B. you were late signing up for housing. But I like having guys for roommates as long as we make ground rules and stick by them.”

  “I agree…I’ve had my fill of the bullshit that guys throw out and I just don’t want to deal with it here.”



  As we walk into our dorm room, Russ looks like he’s going to blow his load in his pants like a kid in Jr. High. I turn to see what he’s staring at, whoa I may just be looking the same way right now. Those tan curvy legs hooked to an incredible ass bent over in a pair of red shorts like cheerleaders wear. Oh shit my dick…Baseball, ice cream, Platoon, The sound of Music…okay I’m better.

  She looks up at us, “Hey I’m Gabby; Daria is in our room finishing putting her things away.”

  I’m almost in a trance at her beauty…you can tell she doesn’t know how gorgeous she is, that dark hair, the ass, the boobs, the eyes damn the whole package…

  “Hey Earth To Linc!” Russ is waving his hand in front of me.

  “Oh Hi I’m Linc.” Russ starts laughing, “Jackass I think she got that.”

  “Oh sorry…I space out sometimes…comes from getting hit in the head too much playing football.” Crap now she’s gonna think I’m mentally challenged.

  She laughs, “It’s okay…so are you playing football here?”

  Russ pipes up, “Yep, they picked us up as a duo…he’s the quarterback and I’m the wide-receiver.”

  She smiles, “That’s cool, I like football…my best friend in high school played football.”

  I smile, “What position did he play?”

  “He was a running back, well is he’s actually playing here too. I was hoping he would get to be in this Hall but, he ended up over in Swelly Hall. We’ve lived next door to each other our entire lives.”

  Russ is roaming around the apartment talking I’m guessing to Daria. I need to keep talking to this girl, “So what’s his name since he and I are going to be team mates and you and I are roommates?”


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