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Lying With Temptation

Page 10

by Sm Donaldson

  I look over at Russ texting like crazy on his phone, “Russ, how was Anna?”

  “She was pretty torn up…she said your Mom is taking it real hard.”

  I swallow, “Yeah Elle pretty much grew up in my house…”

  “She is going to keep us posted while we travel.”

  I look up at Linc, “What vehicle are we taking? None of us really have one big enough for all of us?”

  Russ looks at me, “Oh I’m borrowing Zack’s Tahoe, he’s going to use Linc’s car. I already told him what’s going on he said to let him know when you are back in town…he’ll let your regulars know you had an emergency.”

  I wipe my nose, “You guys really don’t have to do all of this…Cade and I can go…”

  Linc cuts me off with a kiss on my lips, “No, we are here for you. This is how Russ and I do things…we are a team…You need us…Cade needs us.”

  I sniff, “You guys are the greatest.”

  Russ is steady on his phone, “Hey Gab, what’s the closest hotel we can book around your place?”

  “You’re not going to…you guys can crash at Cade’s Mom’s and Daria can stay with me or whatever.”

  Linc puts his lips to my forehead, “Are you sure?”

  I nod as Cade and Daria come back in, “Alright Gab lets go I gotta get gas…”

  Russ stops him, “No we are taking Zack’s Tahoe that way all of us can ride together.”

  Cade looks around, “You guys are going?”

  Russ puts his arm around Cade, “Man it’s like Linc told Gab, we are a team and you guys need your team with you.”

  Cade hugs him like a brother….I look at Cade, “Hey I said the guys could crash with you and Daria can crash with me…well if my parents don’t get on my nerves and I end up crashing at your house too. Lydia would be cool with that right?”

  He nods, “Yeah my house is empty besides her and she works all the time. How’s Anna have you talked back with her?”

  “No, Russ said she’s trying to hold it together, but my Mom is taking it pretty hard. Also Anna will keep us updated on the way down there….speaking of I guess we should head out.”

  When we pick up the Tahoe Russ climbs in the very back seat, “Russ I can sit back there so you can sit up here with Linc or so you can drive.”

  “Nah its cool if Linc needs me to drive I’ll move up, lay back and rest.”

  Linc chuckles and I flash him a smile, “What?”

  “Well Russ isn’t the greatest driver so we’re a lot safer with me driving.”

  We all laugh for a few minutes and begin our seven and half hour drive to our hometown. “Hey Daria I guess you get to meet Lydia sooner than later?”

  I hear her grown, “Gabby I’m nervous shut up about it.”

  I hear Cade kiss her, “Babe you have nothing to worry about. My mom will love you.”

  I look over to Linc, “Are you sure you are going to be okay to drive?”

  “Yeah lay back and rest.”

  “But you don’t know where you are going?”

  “You know that’s the great thing about GPS….put in your address.”

  I smile, “Okay” After that I’m pretty sure I fell asleep about 20 minutes later.

  Chapter 19


  For most of the trip Gabby slept, I know with everything that’s been going on she’s exhausted. But just watching her sleep I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I just hope when we get there it isn’t too much for her. She’s finally working past all of the bull shit from the last run in with these people. She wakes up when we are an hour away.

  She stretches, “Sorry I fell asleep on you.” She looks at the clock, “Oh my God! I really slept, you didn’t need to drive all this time, you just got knocked out today.”

  I smile, “Yeah, well they say you don’t need to go to sleep for a while after a concussion anyway…so it’s okay…technically I’m following doctors’ orders.”

  “So I guess everyone else passed out too huh?’

  “Yeah, Cade was still kinda upset and I know Russ is just tired.”

  “Well, we should be there soon. Has anyone talked to Anna?”

  “Yeah Russ talked to her a couple of hours ago to let her know where we were. She’s waiting on us at your house. It looks like it’ll be about 1am when we get there.”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna try to text her.”



  Me: Hey we should be there around 1 or so.

  Anna: Okay great I’m here at the house, Mom is still at the hospital with Elle’s parents, Dad is over at Leslie’s Dad’s house.

  Me: Oh yeah they were college buddies right?

  Anna: Yeah, they’ve just recently started playing golf together again. So he was worried about him.

  Me: Are you okay?

  Anna: yeah it just doesn’t seem real.

  Me: I know what you mean see you soon.

  Anna: K

  Just as we predicted here it is almost 1am and we are pulling into Cade’s driveway. His mom Lydia must’ve seen the headlights because she comes running out the front door and pulls us both into a giant hug.

  She pulls back, “Oh I’m so glad to see you two. This just all seems so unreal.”

  About this time I hear Anna, I turn around as she and I run into each other’s arms. “Gabby I think you should probably go down to the hospital, Mom just called. Elle’s out of surgery but she’s still real critical.”

  I could feel the soft sobs coming out of my chest, “Um… okay… can you drive me, so these guys can get some rest?”

  She nods, “Yeah sure let me grab my keys.”

  I turn around and see Cade still hugging Lydia, I walk over and pull Daria with me. I hug Cade and Lydia, “Guys I’m going to the hospital with Anna, Lydia this is my very wonderful roommate Daria, and she is also the light of your son’s life.” Lydia automatically pulls Daria into a hug.

  Linc walks up beside me and pulls me into his side, “Gabby I’m going to the hospital with you.”

  I shake my head, “No Linc please go get some rest. This part is something I need to do alone. You need rest, come down in the morning and we’ll have breakfast or something.”

  “Gabby I do-“

  I cut him off by kissing him, “Linc, thank you. I just need to face this by myself. I know how I’m starting to feel about you and I don’t want that to get confused with all that’s going on right now okay?”

  He nods, “Okay, I can handle that…but you will call me if you need me.” He looks down at me intently, “No more running Gabby. If you’re hurting or someone hurts you, you call me.”

  I nod, “Okay.”

  Anna comes out and gets in her car, we pull away looking at our friends.



  Was she saying what I think she was saying…that she wants to be with me? As if right on cue Russ puts his hand on my shoulder, “Linc man let’s go inside and get some rest. We’ll go down to the hospital in the morning. Don’t over think this man. She wants her head to be clear when you guys get together…given her past experiences, do you blame her?”

  “No man…I just wanna be there for her. She’s just so…beautiful, she captivates me.”

  “Dude seriously don’t go all goofy on me.”

  We grab all the bags and walk into Cade’s house. His mom greets us at the door and hugs us, “Thank you boys and Daria for coming with them. I’m glad they’ve made friends like you.” She smiles and looks at Daria, “Ok, let’s get all of you settled for the night and you can go check on Gabby in the morning.” She looks back at me, “Now I watched the game today, Linc are you okay to go to sleep now? How many hours did the doctor say we needed to watch you?”

  “I’m fine ma’am I’m past the 8 hours.”

  She nods, “Okay well you and Russ will have to flip for the couch or the spare bedroom. Cade I suppose you want Daria to stay with you?”

  Cade looks confused, “Uh well…”r />
  “Son don’t play dumb with me…You’re in college…I know how it goes there.”

  “Well then, yes I want her to stay with me.”

  Daria looks like she may pass out, “Are you sure Ms. Johnson? I mean I….”

  Lydia laughs, “Sweetheart its Lydia and yes I’m sure. Let’s just put it this way. If Gabby thinks that much of you as protective as she and Cade are of each other, then I know you care about my son.”

  Daria blushes, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen her blush. “Okay thank you Ms…ugh Lydia.”

  Russ looks at me, “You can have the bed man, I’m gonna watch TV for a little bit, I slept a bunch on the way here.”

  “Thanks man.”

  I grab up my bag and Cade shows me which room to go to. I strip down to my boxers and fall on the bed. I think I’m going to send Gabby a text to let her know I’m thinking of her.

  Me: Hey are you okay?

  Gabby: Yeah just…I don’t know how to


  Me: You’re a good person, you will figure it out.

  Gabby: Get some sleep Thank you ;)

  Me: Ok Goodnight

  Chapter 20


  I hate hospitals…they smell and they’re creepy. As soon as my Mom sees Anna and I come around the corner she runs to us and hugs us. “Gabby I’m so glad you made it here safe and sound. Umm Elle still isn’t awake, do you wanna go over and speak to Mary and Todd?”

  I nod my head, Elle’s parents had always been good to me. They were those kind of parents that were more your friend than parent, maybe that’s why my Mom felt so protective over Elle. I walk over to Mary and put my hand on her shoulder, she and Todd both look up at me and Mary gasps, “Oh Gabby, I’m so glad you’re here. I know you two had some disagreements but she still loves you and I know you still love her. Why don’t I take you back there, we’ve had several people try to wake her up and no one’s voice is doing it…maybe yours will.”

  I nod and we walk through the double doors, Mary stops to tell the nurses at the station why I’m back there. I really can’t feel or hear anything but the humming of the machines. I feel cold and distant when Mary pulls me into Elle’s room. “Here you go Gabby I’ll leave you guys alone for a minute or two. Try to keep it short okay.”

  I nod, “Yes Ma’am.”

  I walk over to the edge of the bed, she looks so frail and banged up. Her face is wrapped and covered in places. I can tell some of her hair is gone, she’s going to freak out about some of the bald spots she’s going to be stuck with. Okay enough of this shit…”Elle, wake your ass up.” I grab her hand, “Damn it I mean it wake up. I came over seven hours to makes sure you’re okay even though I’m pissed with you. Now get the fuck up.”

  All of a sudden I feel her hand twitch, and she’s mumbling something, “Stoo ye a e”

  I wipe a tear from my eye, “What did you say?”

  Her eyes flutter, in a whisper she says, “Stop yelling at me.”

  “Oh shit Elle let me get the doctor.” I run to the nurse in the hall and tell her that she’s awake. Once I get back in the room she’s looking around.

  “Gabby what happened? Why are you here? Where is Leslie?”

  “Shh Elle, wait for the doctor okay.”

  Her Mom and Dad come bursting in the room hugging me, “God I’m so glad I brought you back here. I knew if anyone could wake her up it would be you.”

  After about an hour of doctors checking her and looking at her, the doctor sends her parents in to tell her what happened. I could hear her crying and even though I was still so angry with her I couldn’t bring myself to not hurt for her in this moment. After her parents walk out, I go back in.

  I look at her now fully awake on the bed, “Um hey.”


  “So they say your surgery went well.”

  “Yeah, but they must’ve all been pretty scared if they called you in here.”

  “Well, yeah, um when Reece got ahold of Cade and I we came as quickly as we could.”

  She takes a deep breath, “Oh Gabby, I’ve made a mess of my life. You were my best friend, you did everything, you took care of me, you defended me and what did I do…I still hurt you. Now I’ve killed Leslie…I’m just so fucked up.”

  “Elle tell me what happened in the wreck.”

  “Leslie and I were on our way to the bar because I’d gotten a call from someone saying that Reece was down there with someone else. I was so angry…I mean I don’t know why I would be shocked or anything…its Reece, but I was speeding down there and I ran a Red light, the passenger side took most of the impact.”

  “Elle I’m sorry this happened to you.”

  “Funny Huh, All the karma catching up with me.”

  “No not at all. Listen I’m gonna go I’ll stop back by tomorrow.”


  As I walk out of that room I exhale not realizing I’d been holding my breath this entire time. My Mom and Anna run to me, my Mom wraps me in a hug and holds me, “Honey are you okay? They said she woke up when you went in there. I just knew she needed her best friend to wake her up. You girls have always been there for each other.”

  “Yes she’s talking now.” I look over to my sister, “Anna will you take me home? I’m exhausted.” No we haven’t always been there for each other…it seems petty but I was the one ALWAYS there…her not so much.

  She smiles, “Yeah sure…Mom you wanna ride?”

  “No you girls go on, I’m going to stay here with Mary and Todd for a little bit longer. I’ll see if since she’s awake I can talk them into eating or getting some coffee.”


  Anna and I drove in silence back home. As soon as we pull into the driveway I knew the only place I wanted to be at that moment was with Linc. “Anna I’m going to stay at Cade’s, you wanna come with me or are you going home?”

  “No I’ll come with you, I don’t want to be alone in the house tonight.”

  I walk up on Cade’s door step and get the hide a key from its spot and open the front door. Russ pops his head up, “Hey what are you guys doing here?”

  I look at him, “Neither of us wanted to stay alone.”

  “Oh, well the other couch is over there and I’ll get on the floor.”

  I shake my head, “No, Anna you grab the other couch, I’m going upstairs.” I knew which room Linc would be in. It was basically my room, the one I had stayed in over the years. I quietly open the door and sure enough he is there sleeping so peaceful. I quietly slide open the dresser where I used to keep some sleepwear stashed and lucky for me I still have an oversized t shirt and a pair of boxers. I strip down and pull on the boxers and shirt. I slowly pull the cover back and slide into bed beside Linc. He jumps a little, and with a groggy sigh, “Hey what are you doing in here pretty girl?”

  I look at him and whisper, “I just needed someone to hold me.”

  He smiles, “Come on.” He pulls me into his embrace and holds me against his chest where I fall asleep.


  I wake up the next morning to someone stroking my hair, for a second I’m trying to remember where I am and who I’m with. Then all of yesterday’s events come flashing back to me. I turn over and see Linc looking at me, like he was in a dream.

  He smiles, “Good morning.”

  I stretch, “Good morning.”

  “How did everything go at the hospital?”

  “Well, it was sad. I felt a pain in the pit of my stomach like I’ve never felt. Her Mom asked me to go in there and get her to wake up since no one else seemed to be able to. So I went in there and did just that, I pushed just like I always had to do where Elle is concerned. We said some pleasantries to each other she told me how the wreck happened. Then she apologized and I left. After that I asked Anna to take me home. I want to forgive her…I want to have my friend back…only now I realize she was no friend really. Everything I remember…it’s like I woke up and realized that our friendship was one
sided. I don’t think anyone else sees that, certainly not my Mother.”

  Linc brushes the hair back out of my face, “Its okay Gabby, you weren’t expecting to have to deal with all of this yesterday when you got out of bed. You have been working to get past all of this betrayal and it is kinda like you woke up and realized what your life had been like. I felt the same way when I thought about my relationship with Jules.”

  “I know, but I feel almost guilty still. I mean I’m hurting because I don’t have many memories of my childhood without her, but as far as who we are now…I don’t know how I feel now. I’m happy just lying here with you right now.”

  “Okay well I’m happy just lying here too.”

  I guess we doze back off, because now I hear Cade knocking on the door. “Guys get up…Gabby I know you’re in there.”

  I whisper, “Ugh, why must he call me out like that?”

  “Come on guys up, Mom is cooking breakfast and I don’t wanna know what you’re doing in there.”

  I’m getting pissed, “Shut up Cade! I was sleeping in here.” I get up and snatch open the door, “I didn’t get in until like 2am from the fucking hospital.”

  He stops, “Sorry I didn’t think about that. Anna is already up and Mom really is cooking breakfast, she says you need to eat.”

  “Okay, let me get a quick shower… Linc are you ready to eat?”

  He looks up, “Ugh yeah.” He stands up and throws a shirt on with his boxers and starts downstairs.

  I go into the bathroom and start the shower after I get in and close the curtain. I step under the steamy stream of hot water and try my best to wash the past couple of days away. The only part of the past few days that feels remotely good was my time with Linc. As I wash my body, I try to imagine Linc’s hands instead of my own. I want him so freaking bad, for all of the butterflies Reece ever made me feel, I swear this is more like birds.


  Chapter 21


  I head downstairs for breakfast as soon as I hit the stairs I smell, home cooked breakfast. I walk into the kitchen where Cade, Daria, Anna, Russ and Lydia are already sitting at the breakfast bar. There is a huge stack of pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon…HOLY CRAP…didn’t realize how much I missed a Mom cooking. Everyone must see the smile on my face. Anna laughs, “Linc you better get over here and eat before the rest of these boys eat everything.”


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