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Lying With Temptation

Page 13

by Sm Donaldson

After we got back from the fishing shack yesterday, we’ve all been pretty quiet. I mean except for giving Cade and Daria absolute hell for Anna and Russ hearing them, in what sounds like some kinky weird sex-a-thon. Everyone thinks Gab and I fell asleep outside after they started. I don’t really want them knowing anything happened between us, I’m sure they all suspect, but that doesn’t mean it’s any of their business. Plus I think Gabby has had enough scrutiny over her sex life in the past year or so. I don’t want her to be under any pressure, we’ve stolen a few chaste kisses since yesterday and we shared a bed again, but nothing happened. I want our first time to be different for her and special and I definitely don’t want some drunken night with our friends hearing from the next room.


  We’ve been back at school a couple of days now. Gabby’s gone back to work, we’ve all gone back to practice and class like everything is normal. I decided to wait a few days before I ask Gabby out. I want to give her some time, I don’t want to ruin what happened with us back at the lake. She’s definitely the type girl I could see myself falling head over heels for. Oh shit I’m supposed to be going to meet her for a workout. I quickly change clothes and head to meet her at the weight room.

  I jog down to the weight room just in time to see her car pull up, she gets out all smiles. I walk to meet her at her car, “Hey.”


  “So do you want to do weight today or run?”

  “Let’s go run the track, I’ve got to get back on top of my running and I do weights at work all the time.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  We walk out to the track and start running. She’s keeping her pace pretty well, the way she was acting it was like she thought she’d been dragging. After we finish our run, we stop and stretch on the field. The way the sun is reflecting off of her olive skin, it’s damp with a sheen of sweat from our run. I hand her a towel as she towels off I notice her breasts in her sport tank, I also notice what seeing her stimulated nipples is doing to my dick. Looking at me with those eyes it’s as if she knows what’s going on with both of us. She reaches over and pulls me to her, our lips meet and the never ending kisses start. When we take a breathy break, I look at her, “Gabby do you wanna go out on a date tonight? Like a real date?”

  She giggles, “Umm….” She puts her finger on her chin like she’s thinking. I roll her on her back and pin her down, “Now what were you saying?” I start to tickle her.

  She starts squirming and laughing, “Oh God stop, you’re killing me! Yes! I will go on a date with you!”

  I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips, “Do you have to work?”

  “Yeah, until seven. You can pick me up at work and I’ll shower and all there.”

  “Sounds like a plan…shit I’ve got to get to practice…until tonight.” I lean down and give her a deeper kiss.

  Chapter 26


  Okay I’m so excited I’m being a total freaking girl squeal!!!!! Great Daria has just walked in on my happy dance.

  She chuckles, “What are you doing?”

  I can’t help but smile, “I’m going on a date.”

  She looks at me smiling, “Hmm with who?”


  “Oh okay.”

  “What do you mean Oh Okay?”

  She looks at me, “Well I mean you guys have kinda already been seeing each other and it’s Linc. You guys are comfortable with each other.”

  “I know, but this is a real date…and to be quite honest I haven’t really been on but like one of those.”

  “You’re shitting me?”

  “No, anyone I talked to at home was at parties and after game stuff. I didn’t go with someone to prom. I had one guy my sophomore year ask me out and we had an okay time but it wasn’t great or anything.”

  “HOLY CRAP! Okay so now I see why the squealing is necessary. So where are you guys going?”

  “I honestly don’t know we didn’t have time to talk about it before he had to go to practice. He’s picking me up from work. I’m gonna shower and get ready there, so I need to pick out what I’m going to wear now.”

  “Well, let’s pick you out something cute then. I doubt you guys will be going anywhere with like a dress code, because Linc would be as uncomfortable with that as you would.”

  “Like jeans and a cute top or something?”

  “Yeah” she reaches in my closet, “These jeans because Linc always checks out your ass in these.”

  “WHAT??? He does not.”

  “Gab seriously; Linc has been checking you out since day one in this place. You have to be blind not to see it but since he’s behind you checking out your ass I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Oh yeah this cute purple top that hangs off your shoulders, with the black cami up under it. Oh and these boots.”

  “Really, he checks out my ass?”

  “Yes Gabby really. I mean a lot of guys do, but Linc’s cute about it when he does it.”

  I laugh and I know I’m blushing, “Thanks…for everything.”

  She giggles, “That color of blush looks good on you.”

  I smack her arm, “Shut it.” I throw her a look back over my shoulder, “Baby Girl.”

  She throws a pillow at me, “I’m going to kill Cade.”

  I laugh, “And what put on his headstone ‘yes right there Big Daddy’.”

  “I am seriously going to kill him for letting me get that drunk, I cannot believe everyone heard all of that.”

  I can tell she’s embarrassed. I decide to let her of the hook, “Well, Linc and I really didn’t hear anything…at all. We were outside all night.”

  “I know you guys went out after we started.”

  I shake my head, “No we went outside before that.” She throws me a look. I shake my head, “No we didn’t have sex, but it wasn’t exactly innocent either. But no Anna and Russ were the only one’s that actually heard.”

  She giggles, “Well thanks, but I should be pissed with you for not coming forth with this information sooner.”

  I laugh, “See you tonight.” I grab my stuff to change into after work and head that way. I’m excited and nervous about my date tonight…I mean it is Linc…we’ve been alone together a hundred times and hell we’ve done more than just be alone…but this feels like it could be something special. I try to clear my head as I pull in for work.

  I walk into the main part of the gym after I’ve taken my bags back to our changing area. I notice Professor Jennings on a machine working out…when in the hell did he start here. I move to the check in desk and pull up the member files on the computer…yep just a few weeks ago…right after I started working here. This is creepy. Okay just ignore him…don’t get yourself worked up. So I spend the next hour or so, working with one of my regular clients. I really enjoy this job, more than I ever thought I would.

  I hear Zack call to me, “Gabby”

  I walk over to him, “Yeah”

  “Can you go to the laundry room and switch the loads and fold the dry ones? If you’re finished with your client.”

  “Yeah, sure not a problem.”

  “Oh and I have a new guy who wants a personal trainer and he asked for you by name.”

  Shit shit shit… “Who is it?”

  “Oh Professor Jennings.”

  “Zack, I don’t want to work with him. I really don’t want him coming here.”

  He looks at me with concern in his face, “Gabby, are you okay, did he do something or say something to you?”

  “It’s a long story, but it has to do with why I quit being his assistant. I really don’t want to get into it.”

  He nods, “Okay, well I’ll tell him you’re too booked up for anymore trainer sessions and when his renewal comes up at the end of the month I’ll tell him he can’t renew. But if he starts giving you problems here, I’ll kick his ass out now.”

  “Okay thanks Zack; I would hope he isn’t stupid enough to do that.”

  “Let’s hope so.

  I spend the rest of my shift doing the laundry for the gym. Zack came in and told me when Jennings left and said he didn’t make a big deal when he told him I couldn’t take on another client.

  I’m getting ready to go on my date, I’m so nervous but excited at the same time. I mean I know Linc likes me and I like him, it’s still just weird for me I guess.

  I look in the mirror in our changing room after I’ve gotten showered and dressed with make-up and all. I look good if I do say so myself.


  Linc picks me up right on time, he looks so freaking gorgeous. He’s in a red button down that just looks awesome on him.

  “Gabby you look…wow…beautiful.”

  I smile, “Thanks.”

  “So I know you like Mexican food, I thought I would take you to a new place that just opened up. Is that okay with you? I mean I wanted to do more, but since I just asked you out today it was kinda short notice for reservations anywhere.”

  I laugh at his long explanation, “Linc it’s fine yes I love Mexican and since this dating thing is all new to me, I don’t really know what to expect. But I really don’t care as long as I’m spending time with you.” Oh shit did I really just put that out there…I know that he knows I like him but…did that seem desperate…ugh!



  “Where did you go? You looked like you were off in left field somewhere.”

  “Oh I’m sorry just lost in my own thoughts I guess.”

  “Don’t be…I don’t care either as long as I’m spending time with you.” He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek as we get in the car.

  Chapter 27

  Two Weeks Later…


  So Linc and I have officially been dating now for two weeks. He says and does the cutest things. I’m still getting used to all of this, I’ve never had a boyfriend before. The good thing is that it really hasn’t changed much between Linc and I except we kiss more now. We still haven’t had sex, we’ve had some intense make-out sessions, but we both are trying to keep from making mistakes like we’ve made in the past.

  God he just walked in the door from practice he looks so freakin sexy.

  “Hey pretty girl.” He kisses me on the lips.

  “Hey yourself handsome.”

  “So I was thinking, I could take you out to dinner tonight.”

  I’m hanging on him, “Hmm sounds good, I’ll go change while you shower.”

  “Oh and since we don’t have a game this week Gainer is throwing a party, do you wanna go?”

  “Yeah, I mean I was having a great time at the last one until you know…”

  “Yeah, well that won’t happen at this one.”

  “I know, so I’m going to get dressed okay?”

  “Okay I’m going to get in the shower, are you sure you don’t need one too?”

  “What do you think I’m dirty?”

  He looks around the apartment, “Well no one else is here and I thought we could have a little fun in there…we still don’t have to have sex though okay.”

  I smile, he really is so sweet about taking our time, “Sure…I mean I know you need someone to wash your back, and I know the campus is trying to go green and all so we should have a shower buddy huh?”

  I can tell once we get in the shower that we are both kind of nervous about being in there together, I mean we’ve looked at each other naked before. Hell we’ve done other things but, this is more intimate. At this moment and against my will I might add, I get a serious case of the giggles.

  Linc looks at me, “What are you giggling about? You know that doesn’t do much for a man’s self esteem.”

  “It’s not you it’s me. I just…this…just…I don’t know I guess…it’s just nerves.”

  He leans down and kisses me….oooh there went those giggles…they have left the building now. About the time things are starting to get interesting in here, I hear the front door slam.

  I whisper I don’t know why, “Shit who is that?”

  Linc looks at me, “I don’t know.”

  I almost scream when there is a thump thump thump on the door.

  Okay so now we have to decide which one of us is going to speak up, I push Linc.

  He speaks up, “Yeah What?”

  “Hey man its Russ let me in I gotta piss.”

  “No man…I’m showering.”

  “Linc, I’ve seen your naked ass a million times, I gotta piss like now.”

  Linc looks down at me and whispers, “I’ll let him in to piss and get back in here, he won’t know you’re in here.”

  I nod my head. He steps out and unlocks the door.

  I hear Linc, “Come on man and get the hell out.”

  “Whatever I was about to piss my pants.”

  Linc steps back in the shower pulling the curtain so Russ doesn’t know I’m in there. I think I hear Russ leaving the bathroom. Linc speaks up, “Hey shitass shut the door.”

  In the next couple of seconds I’m not sure exactly what happened all I know is a bucket of ice water came over the shower curtain on Linc and I. I screamed and Linc cusses and snatches the curtain open leaving me covered with it. “Fuck RUSS! I’m gonna kill you.”

  “Dude put a freakin towel on, if you had told me Gabby was in there with you I wouldn’t have thrown the ice water. Wait…That better be Gabby in there with you.”

  “It is asshat but, we were trying to be discreet.”

  I turn off the shower after I stand under the hot water trying to warm back up, I wrap up in a big towel and walk out to my room, “Russ you are a jackass.”


  Russ looks over at me while I’m getting read for Gainer’s party. “Okay look man, I owe you big time for the ice water incident yesterday so I’m staying at Cade’s tonight since he and Daria went home to visit Lydia. So you and Gabby will have the place to yourselves all night.”

  “Thanks, I guess that makes up for yesterday.”

  Gabby knocks on my door, “Hey are you guys ready to go?”

  I look over to Russ, “Yeah I am. What about you Russ?”

  “Yeah let’s go.”


  An hour later we are dancing the week away in Gainer’s living room. He’s passing out Jell-O shots like no one’s business. I look at Gabby she’s having a great time, she’s had a few shots and some beer but she’s by no means drunk this time. She looks radiant and beautiful. I’m so ready to leave here with her.

  I walk over to Russ, “Hey man do you need a ride back to Cade’s room or have you got a ride?”

  “Nah man, one of the guys will take me, you guys go have fun.” He raises his eyebrows. I throw my hands up at him and walk away.

  I slip my arms around Gabby’s waist and nibble at her neck, “Hey are you ready to go? We have the apartment to ourselves tonight.”

  She turns around and grabs me into a toe curling kiss. She grabs my hand and practically runs to the door and out to my car.

  “Gabby we don’t have to do this tonight, I was just saying that Russ is staying elsewhere tonight.”

  She turns to me, “Linc, if we don’t do this tonight…I may actually combust…I know that’s not lady like or whatever, but shit…after how our shower started yesterday…we need to finish.”

  I jam my keys in the ignition, “Okay.”

  We fumble our way into the apartment, she’s pulling me into her room as we leave a trail of discarded clothes behind. I can feel my balls tightening, “Gabby we gotta slow down, or I may blow my load before we ever get started.” As we lay back on her bed, I kiss down her neck and collar bone. I take one of her nipples in my mouth and she lets out a moan that makes me have to stop for a second to keep from losing it. She shifts so that I have better access between her legs, “Gabby are you sure about this?”

  She nods, “Yes.”

  I slowly enter her folds, “Shit baby you are so freakin tight.” I back out and go in again, trying not to hurt her. She tilts
her hips a little to set the motion.

  She leans up and kisses my mouth, “Ah sweet Jesus, I didn’t know it could feel like this.”

  Holy crap, “Gabby I’m not gonna last much longer, I’m trying to go slow…but it’s not really working.” I know she’s close, but probably not as close as I am. I want her to enjoy this experience, her others have been horrible. I lean back so she’s lying on her back in front of me so I can watch as I’m sliding in and out of her. I stroke her clit with my thumb, I feel her tighten around me, and I know I can’t go much longer.

  “OH, AH, Oh Linc!” She screamed as she fell off the edge of an orgasm as she did I made one last deep thrust and came.



  Holy Shit I didn’t know sex could feel that good… I’m lying here wrapped up with Linc, “That was awesome; I think I might’ve blacked out for a minute.”

  He chuckles, “really?”

  “Well, I know I don’t have much experience and to be quite honest I was wondering if I would even enjoy sex after those times, but Holy Crap…this was like one hundred times better. It just felt so close so intimate, like nothing was between us we were one.”

  His facial expression shifts, I probably said too much. He looks at the ceiling, “Shit.”

  “Linc, what’s wrong…is it something I said…I’m sorry, I… I didn’t.”

  He puts his finger on my lips, “Gabby it wasn’t you, I just realized we were so wrapped up in the heat of the moment that I forgot to use a condom.”

  “It’s okay, I’ve been on the pill for two years and the only other two times I’ve had sex we used one.”

  He looks at me with a grin, “I’ve always used one. That was incredible. There isn’t anything that compares to that.”

  “Not in my book either…so…does this mean…that we don’t have to use them? Like I said that was incredible.”

  He kisses my neck, “Not if you don’t want to, and that you always take your pills.”

  I roll over on top of him, “I’m pretty sure we can handle that. I never missed a pill before I started having sex.”

  I lean down and kiss his chest, he brushes my hair back, “Hey are you okay, are you sore or anything.”


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