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Lying With Temptation

Page 15

by Sm Donaldson

  I guess we were louder than I thought, because Mr. Addison called us all into the living room. Jules grabbed her parents and they didn’t fight her, I guess they heard Mary’s speech. I sat down beside Linc and his father roars to life.

  “Mary what in the hell did you just do? You insulted our friends and possibly ruined Linc’s life and Jules, her parents will never agree for them to be together now.”

  Linc goes to speak up, but Mary stops him with her hand. “First of all Marshall, Jules is trash. She has slept with everyone all over this town. Most importantly, Linc doesn’t like her and definitely doesn’t want to marry her. To be quite honest I would be embarrassed for her to be in my family.”

  We all sit around looking at each other. Linc’s sisters look on as stunned as we are.

  Mr. Addison looks at me, “Gabby I’m sorry you seem like a lovely girl, but I just don’t think you are socially acceptable for Linc. Our classes are just too different.”

  I am so embarrassed and I look around the room Linc and his sisters are furious. Mary stands up, “Marshall, get the HELL out of my house.”

  “What do you mean your house?”

  “Oh how well you’ve forgotten who you were when we met. My family had money and tried to convince me not to marry you. You were a worker at the Country Club for crying out loud. To my family you were nothing, but they let me make my own decisions. You have used my social status and my family’s money to climb the ladder…well no more and you will not treat this decent young girl like she is nothing. She’s more than you will ever be. So, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE.”

  His father stands up, “Fine I’ll be staying at the club.” He storms out without another word.

  Rand and Vivy stand up and excuse themselves. Mary looks at Linc and I, “I’m very sorry all of this happened. I wish I could say I’m surprised at how Marshall acted but, I can’t. He’s forgotten where he came from, but you Gabby are a wonderful human being and an exceptional partner for Linc. I’m going to bed.” She leans down and hugs us both. “Good night.”

  I look at Linc, “Okay, so I just thought taking you home to my crazy life was entertaining, HOLY CRAP, that was better than a movie.”

  The rest of our winter break flies by. We never have as much to talk about as that first night. Mr. Addison came home just a day or so before Christmas…seems he had some soul searching time at the club he once worked as a grounds keeper for. He apologized to Linc and I both.

  I talk to Anna and my parents at Christmas. Anna is sad that I didn’t come home, but she understands.


  Before long we have Linc’s car loaded up and are heading back to school for our next semester.

  After we make it back to campus, we sit around our apartment sharing stories with Daria, Russ and Cade about our time at Linc’s and they tell us about their holiday. Russ is laughing so hard about how his Aunt told off his Uncle that he falls off the sofa.

  Daria stands up, “Hey, I don’t know if you guys wanna think about this or not…but a friend of mine and her parents are moving out of the country at the end of summer. They have a house here in town; they don’t want to sell it they want to rent it out. Since Anna is coming here in the fall and we spend all of our time together anyway. What would you guys think about the six of us sharing a house? Its five bedrooms and three bathrooms. So pretty much everyone would have their own space.”

  We all kind of look around at each other. I look up, “Well, I’d have to ask Anna, and I would check about our housing money to see if we could afford the rent. But I’m up for it; I think we’re all tired of being cramped in here together all the time. We all want a little more privacy, I think it could work. What do you guys think?”

  The all nod their heads they way guys do and mumble stuff about that being cool.

  I smile, “Okay I’ll go call Anna and see what she thinks.”


  The End of Summer…


  Gabby and I stare around the room that we’ve decided to share, she looks at me, “Linc are you sure, you wanna take this step I mean we are only in our second year…I’d be just as happy sharing a room with Anna.”

  I laugh and hug her, “Somehow I don’t think Anna can make you as happy as I can. But yes, I want you in here with me all the time.”

  She pushes my shoulder, “We have to go to class silly, I can’t be with you all the time.”

  “Oh we can try.”

  She kisses me and we fall back onto our bed, “You mister are a handful.”

  “I thought you said I past a handful a long time ago.”

  She bursts out laughing, “Come on let’s go help the others unpack…I have to make sure my dear sister and your loving cousin aren’t deciding that they should be bunk mates.”


  I sit down in Anna’s room. She looks at me, “I can’t believe I’m here. I’m so excited.”

  I laugh, “It feels good to finally do something you want to do right?”

  “Yes, even if I did piss our mother off in the process.”

  I shake my head, “Trust me she’ll get over it or she won’t. I’ve been doing it for years.”

  She laughs, “Shouldn’t you and Linc be locked up in your bedroom?”

  “No, I came to help you unpack…and to make sure you unpack in your room and not Russ’s.”

  She laughs, “It’s not like that with Russ and I…I mean yeah we talk all the time and he’s been a great friend, especially with the move here and my break up with our mother’s version of Mr. Wonderful. But…it’s not like that.”

  I roll my eyes, “Anna, I see the way you two look at each other. I like Russ, he’s one of my best friends, I just don’t’ want you to rush here. You’ve always done what Mom expected of you, this is the first time you can do what you want to do.””

  She hugs me, “Thanks big sister…you are the greatest.”

  I smile, “I know.”

  She laughs, “Aren’t you the hypocrite over there in the next room, lying with temptation.”

  I smile, “Maybe…but don’t worry little sister you’ll find your own temptations.”


  Russ and Anna’s Story next in

  The second book in the Temptation series

  Acting on Temptation…

  Acknowledgements First of all if you are reading this I want to say a great big Thank You!

  Thank you to my Mother for always believing I can do anything and always encouraging me, to my sisters for standing behind me and always having my back. A big thanks to my sister Judy for doing a pre-read.

  Thank you to my friend Ashley Barber and Amy “B” Rehberg for doing pre-reads and enjoying these characters as much as I do.

  Thanks to Ginny Busby (Mom B.) for editing and loving my sarcasm.

  A big thanks to my cover models Tyler Helms and Brooke Bruner, you guys did great.

  To my husband for always pushing me to succeed and being my best friend since we were young dumb kids.

  To My Daddy…I miss you everyday and with every book I complete I know you are that much more proud of me. Thank you for helping shape me into the person I am and instilling hard work in me.

  About the Author

  Photos by Shelly Sale

  S.M. Donaldson is a wife and mother based on the Gulf Coast of the Florida Panhandle. She’s worked in many different fields in her life but, she has always dreamed of writing short stories and books. She recently penned her first series of novels Sam’s Choice and Sam’s Fight for Freedom.

  To learn more about S.M. Donaldson visit her at:



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