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Beneath a Blue Moon (Crescent City Wolf Pack Book 2)

Page 26

by Carrie Pulkinen

  “Can you hit the faucet?”

  He turned the knob to shut off the flow, and Rain released the droplets from their semisolid state. They splattered on the floor of the shower and cascaded down the drain.

  “I’d forgotten how amazing my powers were…are.” She grabbed two towels from a rack and handed him one before patting herself dry. “When I was young, it was all I really cared about. Elemental witches are rare, but for some reason, my power never seemed like it was enough.”

  She hung the towels over the shower curtain rod and guided him to the bedroom. “I always wanted more. I thought getting a seat on the national council would be my greatest achievement, but I doubt I would have even been satisfied with that.”

  Chase climbed into the bed with her and pulled her into his arms. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting more. Ambition is a good thing.”

  “Maybe, but spending seven years cursed and powerless helped me get my priorities straight. Power and position won’t make me happy. I know that now, thanks to you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Me? What did I do?”

  “You have power…and position, but that’s not what makes you tick. Your pack…your friends and family…they’re what matter most to you. From now on, they’re what matter most to me.”

  His heart pounded. “Speaking of my pack…and family.” He rolled to his side to face her, taking both her hands in his and entwining their legs together. “You are my fate-bound.”

  She smiled. “I know. That’s why the unbinding spell worked on you, even though it was created for me.” Holding his hand, she touched his palm to his own chest and then to hers. “The bond works both ways. You’re stuck with me.”

  He held her gaze, losing himself in the deep-gray of her eyes. The raging storm had settled, and now all he could see when he looked at her was the rest of his life. “Will you be my mate? My wife?”

  Her eyes sparkled as she smiled and rested her hand on his cheek. “All I can promise you is forever.”

  He laced his fingers through hers and kissed her palm. “Forever is all I need.”


  Rain took a deep breath to calm her sprinting heart as Chase stood beside Luke near the alter. She sat in the audience, on the second row next to Bekah, with little Emma situated between them.

  Chase caught her gaze and winked as he adjusted the lapels of his jacket. Though her husband looked damn fine in a suit and tie, he’d be ripping at his collar by the end of the night. She bit her bottom lip as thoughts of helping him out of the confining garments danced through her mind.

  They’d been married and mated for a month, living in the apartment above the bakery for three weeks. Though Chase was second in command of the pack, since he didn’t belong to the first family, his wedding hadn’t required the pomp and circumstance of the alpha line. He and Rain had taken their mating vows beneath the last full moon, and Luke’s father officiated the marriage ceremony immediately after.

  She grinned. That was the first time she’d helped Chase out of an uncomfortable suit.

  With her curse broken, she’d finally reunited with her parents. Though she missed them, New Orleans was her home now, and Chase’s pack had welcomed her as if she were one of them. Like family.

  The organist began the wedding march, and Rain stood, along with the other four hundred or so wedding guests, to watch Macey walk down the aisle.

  Emma giggled and tugged on Rain’s hand. “She looks so pretty.”

  Rain smiled and put a finger to her lips, reminding the little girl to stay quiet.

  Luke held his eyes wide as Macey approached. From her view in the audience, it appeared as if he fought back tears.

  Rain understood the feeling. She hadn’t been able to stop her own tears from flowing when she married Chase. She’d barely been able to keep the rain from falling from the clouds that had gathered like they tended to do when she was in a state of heightened emotion. The love of a werewolf was intense, loyal, and unwavering, and she thanked fate every day for leading her to Chase. She was the luckiest witch alive.

  Rain ducked out as soon as Luke and Macey said their vows, and she headed to the ballroom for the reception. Snow was putting the finishing touches on the cake display when she arrived, and Rain stood back to admire the massive wedding cake she’d created with her sister.

  Frosted in buttercream, with an intricate basket-weave design, the five-layer cake was topped with an array of yellow roses that cascaded down the sides in a waterfall pattern. She’d accented her classic vanilla-almond cake with a raspberry cream filling that Chase swore was the most decadent thing he’d ever tasted.

  Snow adjusted a flower and stood next to her. “It’s our best one yet.”

  “We should take some pictures for the portfolio before the guests get here.”

  “Good idea.” Snow ducked behind the table and pulled her phone from her purse.

  As she snapped pictures of the cake, Rain turned to survey the ballroom. Dozens of tables drenched in white linen filled the space, and a band had set up on a raised platform at the end of the room. A set of wooden steps led up to a series of French doors that opened onto a balcony overlooking the French Quarter.

  As the first guests entered the ballroom, the band started in with some smooth jazz. The people mingled, mostly werewolves, but mixed with the leaders and other important people from the entire magical community.

  Calista caught her gaze and gave her a warm smile as she approached. “The cake is beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Rain braced herself for the questions. With her curse lifted, and her true powers revealed, the high priestess had tried to become her best friend.

  “Are you sure you won’t join the coven? We could use an elemental witch in our group.”

  “I told you I haven’t made up my mind yet. Until I get settled into my new life, I’ll keep paying the fee to operate a witch business.” Her acceptance into Chase’s pack increased her number of customers ten-fold. She made more than enough money to pay the rent on the shop and her new apartment, along with the fine for not joining the coven.

  Calista inclined her head. “My offer stands. A seat on the board is yours if you want it.”

  “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.” A few months ago, she’d have jumped at the chance to be on the board. It wasn’t the national council, but it was prestigious in its own right. Now though, the position wasn’t the slightest bit appealing, especially since the person offering it had previously wanted her dead. Rain had her bakery, her husband, the support of a werewolf pack, and her sister. She didn’t need anything else.

  The wedding party arrived, and she sat next to Chase at the head table. The werewolves dined on filet mignon, and Rain had a goat cheese ravioli with pesto sauce.

  When they finished dinner, Rain stood next to Chase on the dance floor as Luke and Macey swayed to the music—their first dance as husband and wife.

  As the song ended, Chase tugged her into his arms for their own dance. He held her close, his hard body pressed to hers, his masculine, woodsy scent filling her senses, making her head spin. Would she ever get used to the way this man affected her? She hoped not.

  He took her right hand in his left and ran his thumb across the small tattoo adorning the inside of her wrist—a wolf head centered on a fleur-de-lis, like the one on Chase’s shoulder. The tattoo wasn’t a requirement of joining the pack, but getting it seemed…right.

  Since she’d broken ties with the Miami coven and her powers had been unbound, her magical crest had dissolved from her skin. This tattoo was made of mundane ink and would be a part of her forever. She would be a part of this pack…be Chase’s mate…forever too.

  She ran her hand over his shoulder and down his jacket lapel. “This suit looks good on you.”

  He chuckled. “It’ll look even better on the floor when we get home.”

  “Hmm…” She leaned back to take in his form. “I think you’re right.”

  They danced to
a few more songs before Luke called Chase to the stage to give a toast.

  Alexis stood next to Rain and bumped her with her elbow. “That cake was amazing.”

  “Thanks.” Rain glanced at Alexis, but the werewolf focused her attention on something across the dance floor. She followed her gaze to what had intrigued her friend. “Macey’s partner is cute, isn’t he?”

  Alexis’s cheeks flushed pink. “Bryce?” She looked at the floor. “He’s okay. He’s human.”

  “There are a lot of humans here.”

  Alexis nodded. “Macey grew up in the human world.” Her gaze drifted back across the dance floor.

  “Bryce seems like a nice guy.”

  Alexis drew her shoulders up. “I’m leaving town tomorrow. Don’t know when I’ll be back.”

  Rain smiled. She could take a hint. “Take care of yourself.”

  “I’ll see you around.” The toasts ended, and Alexis strode toward her sister, pulling her into a hug.

  Chase hopped off the stage and met Rain on the dance floor. Taking her by the hand, he led her up the steps and out onto the balcony, where soft moonlight painted the city in a silvery glow. She leaned on the railing and looked at him, and so much love filled her heart she couldn’t help but smile. “Luke and Macey leave for their honeymoon tomorrow. Are you ready for two weeks as pack leader?”

  His hazel eyes sparkled as he returned her smile and shook his head. “Five years ago, if someone had told me I’d be married to a witch and running a pack, I’d have laughed in his face.”

  “And now?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m ready for whatever fate has planned. It hasn’t steered me wrong yet.”

  “Fate does have a way of leading us to the things we need most, doesn’t it?”

  “That it does.”

  The balcony door opened, and Bryce shuffled through. “Sorry, guys. Didn’t mean to interrupt. I needed some fresh air.”

  Chase slipped his hand into Rain’s. “No worries. You going to make it without your partner for two weeks?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Bryce gazed through the window into the ballroom. “I can call you if we come across anything weird?”

  “You’ve got my number.”

  Rain tugged Chase toward the window and followed Bryce’s gaze. Alexis stood on the edge of the dance floor, laughing at something James said. A lopsided grin spread across Bryce’s face, and a look of longing sparkled in his eyes.

  Rain nodded toward Alexis. “Macey’s sister is pretty.”

  Bryce’s grin widened. “She is cute, isn’t she?”

  Thank you for reading Beneath a Blue Moon. Customer reviews and word of mouth are the best advertisement for books. If you enjoyed the story, please let others know by leaving a review.

  Then, turn the page to read the first chapter of Bound by Blood, Bryce and Alexis’s story in the Crescent City Wolf Pack Series.

  Bound by Blood

  Chapter One

  Alexis Gentry tugged at the top of her strapless bridesmaid gown as she paced across the dance floor toward her sister. She could count on one hand the number of times she’d needed a formal dress in her life, and Macey’s wedding made number three. After barely scrounging up enough money to pay for the two-hundred-dollar dress, the thought of only getting to wear it once had made her cringe.

  Macey had chosen a beautiful burgundy satin number, though, and if Alexis found herself needing to attend another formal pack gathering in the future, thankfully, this dress would do the trick. Not that she ever planned to attend another pack meeting. With her sister mated to the alpha, she was already closer to this pack than she’d intended to get.

  A pair of crystal chandeliers illuminated the hotel ballroom, and hundreds of people milled about the massive space, dancing and drinking to celebrate the alpha’s wedding. Had she ever been in the presence of this many werewolves at once? She shook her head. Macey’s human friends didn’t have a clue.

  Plush carpet squished beneath her shoes as she stepped off the wooden floor and approached her sister. Delicate beadwork accented the top and bottom edges of Macey’s simple, white gown, and a pair of satin stilettos added four inches to her petite height.

  “You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.” Alexis hugged her, and a strange pressure formed in the back of her eyes as her throat thickened. She released her hold and straightened the top of her dress again.

  Macey smiled as she brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. She’d piled her long, blonde locks on top of her head in elegant curls, and a few shiny spirals cascaded around her face, accenting her eyes. “Thank you. That gown looks gorgeous on you.”

  Gorgeous, but completely impractical. If she wasn’t careful, the damn thing might end up around her waist before the night ended. “I’ve got you to thank for that.” She returned the smile and scanned the room, hoping to catch another glimpse of Macey’s sexy detective partner, Bryce Samuels. She’d met him several months ago, when she and Macey had first reunited after a twenty-year separation, and her wolf had insisted she at least say hello to him every time she’d swung through town since.

  Her duties as maid of honor had kept her too busy to speak to him so far, but now that the formalities had ended, she could placate her wolf with a short conversation with the man. When she couldn’t find him, an odd mix of disappointment and relief spiraled through her chest and came out as a sigh.

  Macey touched her elbow. “Are you going to be in town when I get back from my honeymoon?”

  “Oh.” She bit her bottom lip. “No, I found a job a few towns over that will take me a while to complete. Room and board are included.” That last part was a lie. She wouldn’t room with the person offering if he tripled the payment. She’d learned her lesson with Eric two years ago, and she would never go back to that abusive bastard again. But she couldn’t resist the money he’d offered, and small-town motels were cheap enough. Or she’d sleep in her car; she was accustomed to both. Either way, she’d do the job, get the money, and get the hell out.

  Her sister’s brow pinched. “You could stay at my place while I’m gone, and then work for Luke when we get back. If you need money, I can—”

  “I don’t need a handout.” The last thing she wanted was for her little sister to think she couldn’t take care of herself. “Anyway, I’ve already agreed to do this job. It’s not that far away; I’ll stop by and see you when I can.”

  “You know you’re always welcome—”

  “So…” She couldn’t bear another second of their current conversation. Macey only thought she wanted her to stick around. “What’s it like working with Bryce? He seems a little cocky.” And too hot for his own good. Why did she always find herself attracted to men like that? “Does he get on your nerves?”

  Macey sighed. “He is a little sure of himself, but he’s got a big heart. I love him like a brother.”

  “He doesn’t wear a wedding ring. Does he have a girlfriend?” She clamped her mouth shut. Her voice had sounded way more hopeful than she’d intended.

  Her sister cut her a sideways glance. “Bryce hasn’t had a relationship that’s lasted past the third date as far as I know. We don’t share a lot about our personal lives.”

  “I remember.” Bryce didn’t even know Macey had a sister until a few months ago. Alexis gritted her teeth to quell her irritation, reminding herself she had been the one to run away. She couldn’t expect Macey to tell her partner about a sister she hadn’t seen since she was ten. “You spend all day with the guy. What do you talk about?”

  “Work. Shallow stuff. We joke around a lot.” She shrugged. “Bryce has lost most of his family. He’s not the most emotionally open person, but I can’t imagine working with anyone else.”

  A man with baggage, emotional scars, who didn’t like to share himself. He sounded exactly like her type, but she was done with men. Especially men who needed saving. She’d spent her entire adult life trying to heal people’s wounded souls, thinking
that maybe if she fixed someone else, she could fix herself in the process.

  Her enhanced healing powers only worked on physical wounds, though, not emotional ones, and she should have learned that lesson by now. She was attracted to damaged men because she was damaged beyond repair herself.

  But she couldn’t ignore the flutter in her stomach as she caught Bryce’s eye through the balcony window. Her lips curved into an involuntary smile, so she pressed them together and lowered her gaze to the floor. “Good thing he’s your partner, then. You don’t have to work with anyone else.”

  “He won’t be for long.”

  She glanced at Macey. “Is he moving?”

  “He’s up for a promotion to sergeant, and he’s applied for a position as a negotiator. He’s been studying for it, so I know he’ll get it.” Her shoulders drooped. “I’m going to miss him. Everything in my life seems to be changing.”

  “Change is the only constant in my life.” The one thing she could depend on.

  “It doesn’t have to be that way.”

  “Hell of a party, ladies.” James sidled next to them and tossed back the contents of his glass. “Can I buy you a drink?” He winked before raising his dark brows.

  Alexis laughed. “At the open bar? Sure. Why not?” She smiled at Macey. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  Taking a deep breath of relief, she followed James toward the bar. “Thanks for that.”

  He paused and turned to her. “You looked like you needed a little help. Family squabble?”

  She cast her gaze to her sister as Luke swept her into a spin on the dance floor. The band belted out a slow version of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way,” and she chuckled at the appropriateness of the song. “Not a squabble. She expects me to drop everything in my life and settle down in New Orleans to be with her. I can’t do that.”

  James shuffled toward the line at the bar. “I hear ya. You’ve got a life to live too.”


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