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Somebody Worth It

Page 4

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  Off to Millie. I grabbed a beer from the cooler and headed out of the glass patio doors. As I got closer, the ladies one by one got up to leave, so I could talk to Millie. There were no words, they just moved because they knew. I pulled the chair out from the table and eyed Millie, my beautiful wife, her thick hips, but slim figure. The length of her hair formed in curls midway down her back. Those baby blue eyes I could never get enough of. I licked my lips and snapped back to reality.

  “Mind if I sit here?” I asked calmly, placing my beer down on the table. I sat in the chair before she could answer, not giving her any options.

  “I don’t care where you sit,” she snarled, turning her head away from me, looking out at manicured green grass.

  “What if I sit in your lap?” Knowing she was pissed I winked at her, trying to get the playful side to come out. I ran my fingers along her jaw line to get her attention. My thumb glided over her bottom lip as I pulled it down slightly and let go, making that popping sound. It usually got her to smile, but not this time.

  “Why so you could squash more shit in one day?” She shrugged her shoulders, her eyes not meeting mine still. “Come on, Brian, that was terrible what you did to Kate!” She huffed, “There are just no words for the dickhead you’ve became to your daughter. Then, giving me a look like you’re going to fucking kill me as soon as the people from the party are gone, when you should be thankful I threw you this damn party in the first place,” she ranted. She took a drink of her wine and gulped it down. I just shut my mouth and took in what she was saying. She was right, but did I want to admit it? No. Was I going to? Yes.

  I took her hand in mine. “I’m sorry. Things have been rough around here, okay? The first thing I see is her and her boy toy. I wasn’t happy coming home. I’m sorry, and I’m going to talk to her and we’ll set up a time to meet whoever the fuck he is, Landon or something.” I waved my hand in the air while I thought of his name.

  “Ben, his name is Ben. There’s no pathetic excuse you can come up with, Brian.” She rolled her eyes. It’s been quite an eye rolling theme with her recently.

  “Look, you haven’t been the easiest person to deal with, Millie. Don’t pull this shit with me.” I flashed my eyes at her trying to hold her gaze, but she couldn’t even keep her eyes pinned to mine. What was happening to us? We always made everything work. We’ve been fighting non-stop and just plain fucking miserable. I’m not used to this, and I’m not liking it, but something has got to give. I can’t keep being put out to be the bad guy when I’m trying to make my family happy. Keeping the house would have dragged us into the ground with bankruptcy and staying in business for myself would have made it even worse. I tried to get her to see that, but she refused. I knew she loved this house, but it was just a thing of the past now.

  She handed me a piece of paper. “Happy fucking birthday, Brian. Surprise!” She jolted out of the chair and quickly darted into the house, to the crowd of people drinking and dancing with the music. I shook my head at her because once again, she was pissed and it wasn’t solved. I opened the piece of paper and took a swig of my beer. It was a hand written letter from Millie that stared at me, making me beyond nervous to read it. I downed my beer and began.

  Happy Birthday, my dearest husband,

  We won a getaway from Kate’s dance academy at school. Crazy right? All inclusive extended weekend getaway in Florida for two. Let’s get our life back on track, if we can. It’ll be in our honeymoon spot, Tampa.



  My eyes widened. What a birthday gift! Definitely better than what I expected that letter to be about. Millie always knew the best gifts, but this one blew me away. We won something? That’s even better! This was just what we needed, time away alone to get ourselves together. I placed my beer can in the garbage and ran after her inside the house. I closed the piece of paper and stuck it in my back pocket. She was standing next to my cousin. I crept up behind her and slid my arms around her waist. I pressed my lips to her cheek and whispered in her ear, “I love you. I can’t wait for this trip. Thank you.”

  She took my hand and led me out of the room away from my cousin and guests. She walked me to the foyer.

  “I really hope this trip helps us, Brian,” she said, looking into my brown eyes.

  “I love you, Millie.” I gave her my megawatt smile.

  “Stop saying those damn sweet things to me you know I like to hear every freaking time.” She nudged my elbow playfully. I loved seeing her act this way with me. It brought back the things I adored about Millie. We were growing so far apart, and we needed to get back to where we were.

  “Do you know what you do to me, Millie? Let’s remove the space in between me and you.” I dug my fingers into her hips and pulled her into my embrace. She could tell what she did to me by what I’m sure she could feel poking into her thigh. She could tell how much I wanted her.

  She tapped her finger against my mouth. “I love you, too. Go enjoy the rest of the party, please.” She smacked my ass and moseyed back in the living room, grabbing more wine and a dance partner.

  The party was picking up and made its way outside on the deck where there was more room. Millie was off with her friends again, dancing and acting like a goof. Kate was still nowhere to be found. I headed upstairs and knocked on her door. I heard her stop talking and scream at the door.

  “Go away!”

  Disregarding her wishes, I opened it up. The lights were off, so I flicked them on. She was snuggled in her bed, hugging her pillow tight. Her beautiful blonde hair was a mess, and her makeup smeared. She looked pitiful really, and I knew she was hurting. I was a prick, and I needed to make up for it. I sat on the edge of the bed, and looked in her tear gazed eyes.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl. I’d love to meet, Ben. I was crabby today, and I messed it up. Think you can forgive your old man?” I playfully punched her arm. “After all, you have to live with me anyway, might as well forgive me for being stupid.” She narrowed her baby blues at me.

  “It’s not funny.” She pouted.

  “Do I need to clean my guns for him?” I winked at her, trying to get her to lighten up.

  “No!” She slapped my arm, hard.

  I pulled my arm away. “Ow! I will anyway, it’s always the one you’re not expecting to mess up that do.” I chuckled. “Now, tell me you love me, and I’ll leave you alone and go back to my party.”

  Her eyes looked at me and cracked a smile that I was looking forward to seeing. “I do love you, Dad. Ben’s never going to come back here.” She crossed her arms in hopes to show me how upset she still was.

  “You know he will. Now, come on.” I tugged on her arm to get her off of the bed with me. She followed. “Besides, I’m going to need your help soon to figure out a little something for your mom.”

  “Can I go to the movies later with Ben and some friends?” She played it off innocent.

  My little girl was growing up.

  “I guess I can let you do that.” I smirked.

  We made our way back down to the party. Once Millie saw Kate wrapped in my arm, a small smile escaped her face. I let out a breath of relief that maybe just maybe she was okay with me, since I made up with Kate and her.

  I did have to take a step back and admire my two beautiful girls. Even though life was rough right then, I had to be grateful for them.

  Once the party died down, Ben and their friends picked up Kate, and they headed to the movies. He didn’t come in and that was fine with me at the time. It gave him some time to be scared of me before I apologized. Millie was walking about the house picking up all the trash that was scattered around. Tons of pop cans, napkins, plates, you name it. I decided to keep myself in her good graces and started to help her. She kept eyeing me across the room, her and those intoxicating eyes that just about undressed me every time she looked my way. I couldn’t help but get excited that I might get a chance to undress her with more than my eyes.

  After she picked up what l
ooked to be the last piece of garbage, she leaned back on the counter in the kitchen and smiled, batting her eyes at me. I couldn’t help but smile back as I made my way over to the counter. The more I looked at her, the more aroused I got. I stepped up close to her and trailed my finger down her face. I felt her soft skin as they slid down towards her lips. Her mouth subtly open, and she gently pressed her lips to my finger. Her eyes stayed glued to mine. I leaned into her and planted my lips on her forehead, marking my path down to her jaw before she joined her mouth on mine. My hands gripped her waist and held her firmly against my body, leaving no room in between us. Her breathing spiraled as she wrapped her hands around the back of my head, intensifying the kiss. I groaned, and my hands slid under her shirt, feeling her warm bare skin. I made my way up to her bra before slipping my hand in one cup as I tugged on her nipple.

  “Tell me, baby, what you are thinking about when your hands are on me?” she said in a sexy voice.

  My eyes would’ve rolled back in my head from pleasure if they could. Except it wasn’t her physically creating the pleasure, her voice was arousing me before her hands could. Her touch sent shivers down my spine. Her hand traveled up my chest, feeling from my toned abs to my pecs. I lifted my shirt and threw it off to the corner. I cocked my head to the side, focusing my eyes on her incredible body. She mirrored my move and lifted her shirt up and over her head. Feeling her bare chest pressed to mine, with only a small bra in between, made me ache for more. I reached down her body, caressing her skin as I made way to her ass. I gripped it hard, squeezing the bottom of her cheeks and lifted. She squirmed into my grip as I set her down on the counter and moved in between her legs. Millie wrapped her legs around me tightly and crashed her lips to mine again. She moaned and pressed her tongue inside my mouth, and I welcomed the gesture. Our tongues danced, rolling around while her fingers went through my hair, tugging and pulling. Fuck, she knew all the right moves to make on me. She knew how to work my body in all the right spots.

  With her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, I was certain she could feel my arousal pressing into her. I held her close to me, lifted her up, and stumbled over to the wall, pressing her back against the hard surface. Her body wrapped around me the entire time. With her pressed against the wall, I pushed into her, so that I could use my hands to undo her pants. Our lips smashed together, I bit down on her bottom lip, and she looked up at me with a look of pure innocence. Through our heavy breathing she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “How much do you want me?”

  I looked back at her, my lips curved into a sexy smile. “Anyway I can have you.” After I felt her body grind on mine, I carried her back over to the counter top. I lay her down on her back and took a step back to admire her body stretched out before me. I only lasted a minute before I found myself removing my boxers and pants in one swift move. I stepped up to her and began dropping soft, hot kisses from her neck down her body. I stopped only when I reached the point on her body where her pants sat. I looked up at her with wide eyes, waiting for her approval to remove her remaining clothing. She looked at me and assured me I had approval to remove her clothing. Slowly, I shimmied her pants down her body, giving her lace panties my full attention. My finger slid around the outside, pulling them down her legs. She used her other hand and helped tug on the other side to remove them. I lowered my body down on hers, relishing the warmth we created. My lips met her mouth in a messy kiss, tugging on her lips with my teeth. She moaned, and I flexed my hips to meet her, grinding and letting the tip of my cock ease in slowly. She dug her fingers in my back as she felt every inch of me drive deep into her core.

  Chapter 4

  “Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.”

  – Thich Nhat Hanh


  Between packing like a mad woman on crack and preparing myself for this Florida trip my nerves were bent out of shape. My mom offered to stay at the house and pack up some stuff with Kate while Brian and I were gone. My mom, Glenna, has always been a great help with me and our family, always offering assistance in some way. I guess that’s where I get my personality from. My mom had taught me that we give, not because we have too much, but because we’ve known the feeling of not having. That was what we tried to instill in Kate, and I see her becoming a great young lady with a good head on her shoulders. Kate and my mom have a strong bond, and they get along great. I feel completely comfortable leaving them together while we went on our trip. It’ll be nice for them to bond some more.

  Brian and I found a cute condo across town and they were thankfully letting us move in promptly when the house closes. I didn’t know if the stress of the move had already started, or if it was just my anxiety about leaving a house I never thought I’d have to. The night before we left, my mind raced. It wouldn’t go to sleep, and it about drove me nuts. Insomnia seemed to sharpen my math skills. I spent all night calculating how much sleep I’d get if I was able to fall asleep right then. Unfortunately, I was down to five hours, if I closed my eyes right then, the last time I calculated.


  The overhead speakers announced our boarding to Tampa, Florida. My palms started to sweat, and my knees buckled standing in the line to board the plane. Brian noticed my nervousness and placed his arm around me. I can’t say it didn’t feel good, because it did. It made me feel a lot calmer. I missed the way he used to touch me. I really hoped this trip went well for us. The last week or two has been better, but there was still something off.

  “You’ll be okay. I’m here, remember?” His smile made me smile.

  We gave the lady our boarding pass and headed down the long corridor. Once we walked past our flight attendant, we made our way to the back of the plane. I placed my purse under the seat in front of me and buckled my belt tight as tightly as I could get it. Brian just looked over at me from his seat. His lips twitched, suppressing a laugh.

  I poked his arm. “It’s not funny, Brian! We could die on this plane!” I really prayed hard that this was a safe flight. I was starting to have about enough of his commentary.

  “Least we’d die together, though, right?” He elbowed me back. He was good at flirting when he wanted to be. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about our last intimate moment in our kitchen. It really made me sad knowing that kitchen would be someone else’s soon.

  “Don’t push your luck!” I stuck my tongue out at him, and then firmly braced myself against the seat again. I might have gotten blisters from how hard I gripped the chair.

  A little while later, after the plane was boarded, we watched the brief presentation on the screen above for emergency situations. That didn’t help my nerves any, but I watched it for the chance I might need to know what to do. It’s been awhile since we’ve flown.

  “Calm the fuck down, babe. Seriously, you’re acting like we’re already dead, and we haven’t even taken off yet.” He placed his hand on my leg and squeezed.

  I took one long breath and closed my eyes. I squeezed his hand tightly and rested back in my seat, waiting for the next three hours to go by quickly. Once the plane took off, I eased a bit. Thankfully we had the row to ourselves and could spread our legs out a little during the flight. I always felt so claustrophobic on planes, being cramped next to someone you typically didn’t know on either side of you. They either smelled, snored, or talked loudly. Most of the time, you didn’t get lucky enough to have the row to yourself. Brian decided this was the time he wanted to start talking.

  “You know, I don’t know where I’d be without you, right?”

  I sighed heavily. “Brian, can’t this wait till we’re in private, and we can talk as much as we want? I do want to talk, we need to, but not on the plane, please?” I begged. As much as I really enjoyed his sweet words he started, somewhere deep in the back of my mind, I knew that they would soon turn ugly.

  He silently agreed. He put his head back on the seat and closed
his eyes. His hand reached mine and held it. It made me feel better about my nervousness.

  The flight was long, well okay, it was long for me, but probably short for most of the other fliers. I tapped my brain, and I felt like it went wild with memories. It brought me back to the days of high school and meeting Brian. It wasn’t long till we were on our honeymoon. Since we were actually going back to the same spot, I’m sure the memories were going to project déjà vu.

  After we arrived in Tampa, Brian and I headed straight down to the rental car place. We got upgraded free of charge, since they were limited on stock. Brian didn’t mind getting the Mustang for the rental. He packed our luggage in the trunk and unlocked the doors.

  “Excuse me, Miss? Did you need a ride?” He joked, stretching his hand out to me, opening the passenger side door. “My tank looks pretty full. Where you headed?.” He chuckled, his eyes lit up with fun, showing off his Mustang, or at least he imagined it was his. I slid in the seat, and he closed my door and got in the driver’s side. The engine roared to life, and he smoothed his hand over the gear box. That car and its manual transmission took us back down memory lane.

  “You look pretty sexy sitting in that passenger seat.” He eyed my tone legs up and down, then revved his engine.

  “That’s because I am pretty sexy.” I smiled a playful grin. “Are you going to show me what this beast has got?” I winked and nudged my arm to his.

  “Buckle up, baby, I’ll take you through all five speeds.” His hand reached over the seat and pulled on my seat belt, making sure it was securely tight.

  I giggled like a little school girl at his innuendos. “Calm yourself, your no Vin Diesel. This isn’t The Fast and Furious here, okay? I’d like to still be alive by the time we get to the hotel.”

  “Oh, I’ll take you for a ride.” He smirked, backed the car out and sped off in the direction the GPS told us.


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