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Somebody Worth It

Page 7

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  My eyes just dripped with tears. I’ve never heard Brian say such beautiful things to me. Was this our new beginning? Our future that we needed to look forward to? Putting the past behind us was the best thing we could do. I cried, I didn’t know how to control myself or my emotions at the moment. The captain had a camera. I noticed glancing off my shoulder that he was videotaping it. I felt ridiculous for not saying anything yet, but I couldn’t even choke it out with my sobs. It brought me back to when he first proposed to me after high school graduation. He took me to the lake near his parents’ house. He got down on one knee and opened an empty box. I balled instantly. I knew he didn’t have the money then to get me a ring, and I didn’t care. I was eighteen and in love and that was the last thing on my mind. I said yes and within a month I was pregnant. A few years later he bought me a wedding band, but I never got to enjoy an engagement ring. I glanced at him, noticing he had a tear sliding down his cheek. I lost it.

  I lunged into his lap while he grabbed the bar of the boat steadying him from my added weight. “Yes, I love you, my husband,” I sobbed out. I wrapped my arms around him tight and plunged my lips to his. Someone might have to pry them apart because right then, I didn’t want to stop. I’ve been waiting for him to show me his love, and it took a rekindle trip to Florida for it to happen as we were on the brink of breaking for it to happen. This was what we needed to mend my heart back to his. The love and attention I needed to know he still had for me. I didn’t even look at the ring. I didn’t care what it looked like at this point, I just heard what I needed to hear; I heard I love you.

  Chapter 6

  “Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” - John Wooden


  I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. We slept in really late. I woke up in a bad mood. It wasn’t the sarcastic kind of mood but the ‘back off I’m a bitch kind of mood. Brian rolled over on me, leaving his arm right on my stomach¸ and I quickly pushed it off. I shimmied out of the bed, rolling the sheets off me and ran to the bathroom. I knew that something was off and sure enough when I pulled my pants down to sit on the toilet, I noticed the blood. Fuck. My period had come and there was no getting rid of it. I cleaned myself up and hopped in the shower right away. The cramps should have been a sure as shit sign but it didn’t even cross my mind it would have come this weekend. I grabbed the essentials from my bag and headed back out to the bed to see Brian still fast asleep. Looking at him, he looked so cute, but something annoyed me about him today. It was probably just my hormones speaking.

  I sat on the edge of the bed before wrapping my hair up in a towel above my head. I lay back, letting my head rest on the pillow. Brian again, wrapped his arm on top of my stomach. Again, I brushed it off as it didn’t help with the deep shooting pains in my stomach. It felt like my ovaries were going to rupture and bust out of my belly. Last night was so great, but this afternoon, I was fucking agitated.

  Brian shook his head with his sleepy eyes. He brushed his hair back and leaned on me with his morning breath. “Morning, babe.” He leaned to kiss me while his hands roamed my body. He yawned, and I brushed him off. I didn’t have the want this morning that’s for sure, especially with my period flowing buckets and my uterus wanting to fall out.

  “Stop, please.” I tried to be polite, since I was just not feeling it this morning.

  “What is wrong, Millie?” he snapped back.

  “I got my period this morning.”

  His hand went back to traveling, he must think I’m messing with him, but fat chance, not today.

  “Stop!” I yelled.

  “What the fuck is wrong?” he yelled back.

  “You, I brushed your arm away, so that should give you a hint to stop.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed the TV remote to turn on the TV to distract me from the fight that was about to happen.

  “Jesus, Millie, what the fuck happened to you?” He sat up in the bed wrapping the sheets around his naked body, grabbing his boxer briefs. “Fucked my brains out last night, and the second I touch you this morning you bite my fucking head off.”

  “Well, excuse me for not wanting to fuck on my period. It felt like someone was pulling my insides out of my body with a hot sewing needle! So no, I’m not feeling particularly sexy at the moment. I know you can’t relate, but imagine the amount of pain if your dick was caught in a mousetrap, would you feel sexy?” I glared back.

  “Can’t you take a pill or something for the pain? This has never stopped us before? I’m you’re fucking husband. I’m only ten minutes of your time. It’s not like I’ve never seen you bleed before.” He sighed, getting angry. “You’re so fucking moody. I can’t tell what way you go these days. I either wake up, and you’re happy, or you’re fucking mad—there’s no in between.” He shrugged his shoulders and pulled a shirt on. His cell phone beeped. I watched him take the phone off the night stand and quickly take a peak, keeping the screen out of my vision. He clicked a few keys and closed it before I could even see.

  “Who’s that?” I asked interested in his answer.


  “Nobody texted you? I’m not stupid Brian, I know your text notification tone.”

  He took a deep breath. “It was the fucking bank. Back off.”

  “I’ve heard that before. I swear to God…” He cut me off.

  “Yeah, I swear to God you better shut your mouth before you dig up the past. It was nobody.” He huffed, before he disappeared in the bathroom.

  I got out of bed and put my swim suit on with some sweats. I yelled through the bathroom door, “I’m going for a fucking swim. You can stay here and relax.” I blew. I grabbed my towel and bag and took off out of the room.

  No fucking respect whatsoever.

  Once I got off the elevator, I made a quick stop in the gym. I needed to blow off some steam before I made my way into the cooling waters. I hopped on the treadmill and pushed the button to start. My legs began to run, and my thoughts began to explode in my brain. How does a romantic night end so quickly? This morning wasn’t pleasant with the arrival of my intruder. Yes intruder, it’s unwanted. Aunt Flo? Um, no. Aunts were always welcome. This? Not so much, but he acted like it was the damn end of the world. Why does my family do that? First, Kate, and now Brian did this. I mean, I loved last night, I felt like we fell in love all over again just to wake up to a crab ass who didn’t want to understand why I was crabby.. I’m sorry, didn’t you just preach to me less than twenty-four hours ago that you wanted to start fresh, put our past behind us, and look towards our future? Then the first time things were less than perfect, wham! All of the old crap comes out. What future do I have with a man whose emotions hold for a second? I needed the lifetime hold, the one that sings in my heart on repeat and never stopped. Not the kind that gets ran over by other songs, and great ones at that. Oh and that text message, I’m not happy about that. Brian had a history of texting things to women. Something he told me he was well over with. I had to put it in the back of my mind, before I drove myself crazy.

  Okay, I did have to admit that the ring was beautiful, looking down at my gorgeous one karat round diamond with a boarder of diamonds around it. My heart started racing again. I mean he must have gone out of his way to get it for me, but the money? Fuck. I loved the thought, I loved the gesture, but I wasn’t loving what I knew he must have spent for the thing, or what we’re going to be stacking away to pay it off. I was so nervous about this move to the condo that it’s driving me up the wall. My mind was supposed to be at ease on this vacation, and it’s doing everything but. I sure hoped Brian knew what the fuck he was doing. I wasn’t even sure I knew what I was doing. I fiddled with the fortune that sat on my finger. I just needed to hear the words, that’s all. Hell, who I was kidding, I started this stupid fight. Stupid fucking hormones, I need to apologize after my swim. It wasn’t right of me, and I shouldn’t have been angry with him after having such a good night before.

  After I ran
for about a half hour, I wiped the machine down with disinfectant. I grabbed my things and headed towards the pool. I hoped that it would help my cramps and ease the pains I felt in my stomach. There was only one couple in the pool, and a highly attractive man sitting outside of the pool with the morning paper. I placed my beach bag on the chair a couple chairs away from him and laid my towel out. I looked out the corner of my eye and noticed the stranger looking my way. I shimmied out of my sweats and placed them on the table next to my chair. Then did the same for my t-shirt. With the guy still staring at me, I headed towards the pool and dove in. The water cascaded around my body and cooled me off. It actually made me feel good that someone still stared at me. It meant I still had it. I thought after all these years I might have let myself go. I swam around and did some laps for a bit before the crowd started in. I didn’t do well with a crowded pool, so I got out, wrapped myself in a towel, and hurried inside. I grabbed a few snacks from the vending machine in hopes to make up for my agitation earlier with Brian. He’d appreciate the snack. I rode the elevator up and walked in my room.

  “I’m back,” I said as I walked in the door, “babe, I’m sorr—” Brian jumped from the covers, flipped the TV off, and covered his lower extremities. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I rolled my eyes, irritated by my discovery. He rubbed his hand over his head, shaking it back and forth, almost disgusted at my reaction. It actually kind of hurt my feelings. I shook the tears from forming, no I was stronger than to cry over something so stupid.

  I sprinted to my suitcase, my head down, and grabbed my clothes. Without saying a word, I walked into the bathroom to shower and get myself ready for later. Completely disturbed by seeing Brian entertaining his damn self I tried to shrug it off, but it was too fresh in my mind. Jerking off because I had my period and didn’t want to understand why I didn’t want to have sex? Really? But to jerk off to porn! I ran the shower and undressed. I got in and let the water pelt on my back and soak into my skin. It felt good. The chlorine rolled off and the smell of lavender soap lathered in my skin. The warm, steamy water felt good for my period, too.

  A nasty cold breeze floated through the room, and the curtain moved slowly aside. Brian stepped in and ran his hands around my stomach. He gently kissed my neck. I closed my eyes, attempting to forget about five minutes early and soak in the moment. His hands traveled up towards my wet breasts. He gripped them one in each hand and squeezed, gently pulling on my nipples. I let out a slight moan. Nope.

  “I’m sorry,” he groaned into my ear while he dropped his hands grabbing the soap, lathering it, and washing my body. The further he went the more my body ached for him. But I couldn’t get the image of him fucking masturbating when he could have been out with me. I freaking came to apologize to him and that wasn’t what I wanted to find to settle the mood.

  I turned to face him, grinning mischievously at him. I let my head fall back and rinsed the last of the soap out of my hair. He stood there panting, watching me with such ambition as to what was going to happen next. He almost had puppy eyes. His erection was hitting my leg. I felt it and decided to push my thoughts aside. I didn’t do puppy eyes. I knelt down on my knees, letting the water pour over me.

  I took his length in my mouth and sucked, hard, letting my tongue wander up and down his shaft. I focused on the tip, which was when he grabbed my hair and started to make my head bobble on his dick. Perfect timing.

  I stopped immediately, kissed his cheek, and got out of the shower grabbing the towel that hung on the wall.

  “What the fuck, Millie?” he said as he opened the curtain back up, watching me dry myself off.

  I looked at him, piercing my eyes to his gaze. “You can finish what you started.”

  “You know what? I will, and I’ll imagine some other fucking pussy while I’m doing it, maybe Becky that doesn’t leave their husband high and dry!” he yelled as I slammed the door on him, cutting off his nasty words to me. He thought he could talk to me just because I cut him off after what I saw him do? He was sorry? Bullshit. He wasn’t sorry. He wanted his release, and I’d be damned if I gave it to him. Not after that stupid stunt. I knew it would start to go downhill, it was only a matter of time. It’s almost impossible to make situations better with him.

  I paced around in the hotel room and looked for the sexiest outfit I could find in my suitcase. I found my tight black dress and slipped it on. I scrunched my hair with some gel, since the humidity was so high. I knew doing anything else wouldn’t do it justice. I put some make up on and sprayed some perfume on all the right places. I knew I looked hot, now I was just waiting on Brian to get off his damn high horse and come out of the bathroom. Hoping to apologize and mean it.

  I think I’ve forgiven him for what he said to me, but he’s still under the jackass category right now.

  He made his way out, giving me the look of death as he made his way over to his suitcase to pick out clothes. He was mad, I’ll give him that. But, I had a right to be mad, too. We were supposed to be rekindling our marriage on this trip and he’s jacking off to porn because I’m on my period and wasn’t interested this morning.

  “I’m really sorry for being a bitch to you this morning. My hormones were wild and I was overboard. Are you going to put away your pout face, and enjoy this evening? I’m sorry, but you know why I’m upset. We’ve never resorted to porn in our marriage before. Why would you start now just because one time I wasn’t interested? I’m sorry for my actions but you have to sort of understand why I’m mad. ?” I sat down in the desk chair and crossed my toned legs giving him my full attention.

  “Whatever.” He shook his head. I took it as he was still going to be pissed. Whatever, it’s on him. I just apologized.


  I watched as she moved around in the swivel chair in her black strapless dress. I swallowed hard, knowing how many strange eyes were going to be seeing my women. It had to be illegal for her to even wear that in public. A little black dress designed to show off her curves and leave a path of slack jawed men and envious women in her wake. The idea of going out tonight suddenly lost its appeal. We should just stay in and have her wear that dress for me alone. But the look on her face told me she was going to use that dress as a weapon of mass destruction…on my dick.

  I wanted to ignore her. That was bullshit. Things might not go the way she wanted them tonight. If she wanted to play games, then it’s on.

  We carried on through the hallway and down the elevator. My mind wanted to fucking jump her in the elevator after what she pulled earlier, but fuck that, my wife was too much of a tease to me today. She’ll regret it later. I’ll be looking at all the other beautiful women tonight.

  “Still ignoring me?” she asked me, leaning on the wall of the elevator with those fuck me eyes driving into my soul while she licked her lips on that sexy fucking mouth of hers.

  “Yup.” I nodded. “Till we get there.” I chuckled.

  “Jerk.” She rolled her eyes at me.

  “You know it.” I agreed to simplify the argument she was trying to start again.

  See, I knew my wife more than she thought I did. She thought I’m not that bright, but in reality I just played it off that I’m not. I knew what I was doing. Just as much as she knew what she was doing. Game fucking on.

  We entered the cab and headed down to Club Bliss. When we got there, I took the place in while I exited the cab. Huge. Miss Candy Perky Tits was outside next to the bouncer begging to get in. In fact, she wasn’t begging to get in to the club. I was pretty sure she was begging to get in his pants. At least that’s what I gathered from her eye fucks.

  I decided to put my hand in Millie’s to act like I dropped the situation. In reality, I had, but she’s getting payback.

  The bouncer let us in the club, and Millie spotted the other couples right away. We walked in, the lights were going crazy, the speakers were loud, and the dance floor was empty, and fairly large. It was still early, so I expected it to be packed soon.
br />   “Hey! Millie! Brian! So glad you both made it out!” Beth stood up in her tight hunter green dress with her tits popping out. Millie and I sat down in the VIP booth.

  “Glad to be here.” I smiled my best at her and Chelsea, then nodded off to the men sitting next to them.

  “Oh, stupid me, this is Bradley, my husband, and that’s Don, Chelsea’s husband.”

  Millie looked at them and shook their hands. She sat closest to Bradley, and when I mean close, it was almost closer than I wanted and enough to make me pull her away.

  I sat next to her and slapped my hand on her thigh. “Well, babe, I’m going to get us some drinks.”

  She looked at me and ran her tongue over her teeth, teasing me like she did earlier. “I’m going to go dance. Unlike you, I don’t need alcohol in my system to get my dancing on.” She beamed a grin at me, crossing her legs. Those fucking legs.

  I reciprocated the glare she gave me and headed off to the bar while Don followed me. I made my way over to the hot bartender, who was more than cheerful and perky to make drinks for her career. I couldn’t imagine having her job, getting sloshed men hitting on your daily and getting shitty tips from the ones who lose count. Her tits bounced even when she poured the drink. They must be fake.

  “I’ll have two Coronas with lime and get me a vodka tonic, please,” I ordered.

  “Right up.” She gave me a seductive grin that I’m sure if I was single, would have gotten me in trouble. I leaned my elbows on the counter and looked out at the dance floor as some people started to make their way out there. Don and I shared small talk back and forth while we waited on our drinks.


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