Somebody Worth It

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Somebody Worth It Page 16

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  “So, how long have you two been here?” I asked, looking at them both back and forth.

  “Not long, ten fifteen minutes at most.” Stephanie smiled. I could smack her right now.

  The waitress came to the table and took our drink order. I opened the menu, starved, searching for something I may like. Fettuccini Alfredo sounded pretty good right about now. After a few moments of chit chatting, we finally ordered our food.

  “You excited for Arizona, Millie?” Stephanie asked, sipping her red wine.

  “Well, I could answer for her, since she’s not allowed to say anything, but she’s excited to spend it with me.” Dean nudged my arm and winked at me. “Right?” His smile was so smooth, and the way his lips looked, I just wanted to smother them with my love. I wanted to feel the softness that they looked.

  “Of course!” I laughed. I swished my wine glass around, and I felt Dean’s hand rest on my thigh. It sent a rush of emotions, but mainly tingles, reminding me I still had it. For once, I wasn’t thinking about Brian, I was thinking about Dean, and what this trip might mean for us. I was hoping it meant I could kiss those sweet lips.

  “Arizona better watch out when we’re in town. They don’t know what’s coming.” He chuckled, slightly tapping my leg with his hand, making the tingles travel further south. “I can’t wait to interview Arizona’s Wildcats.” Dean downed his beer.

  The food came out to the table, and we all dug in. The aroma was amazing, and it made the meals that much more delicious. We all finished our plates and laughed the night away. It was something I missed and hadn’t been able to do in a while, and I took it in. This trip was going to be my small escape, and I was going to enjoy myself. Not let any worries get in the way.

  I started counting in my head how much money I had saved and how much I’d been making while working for Dean. Moving out of my mother’s house was my next priority to get Kate and I on our own again. I wondered how Kate was doing at Brian’s and if she was enjoying her night so far. He’s probably not even home from work yet, which reminded me I had to text Brian.

  Me: Don’t forget, I don’t allow Ben to be over when an adult is not home. So make sure you do the same as I don’t want Kate to be alone with Ben yet. You could also put the talk to her while I’m gone, since she seems to be escalating their relationship. Thanks for watching her.

  Brian: I’m her father, I’m pretty sure I can handle it.

  His response made me cringe. It didn’t mean he could handle anything. She’s a teenager with raging hormones if she didn’t get some sort of scare tactic talk soon, I’m afraid of things happening beyond our control.

  “As much as I’ve enjoyed my time with you both, I really should get home to pack for this trip.

  “I agree. I have to pack as well. Stephanie, it was great meeting you again and having this wonderful dinner. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Millie on our trip.” Dean scooted out of the booth and grabbed my coat to put it on me. He placed a one hundred dollar bill in the black folder that held the bill and handed it to the waitress and told her to keep the change.

  “Dean! You didn’t have to do that!”

  “Dean!” Stephanie shot daggers.

  “My treat. Next time ladies.” He smiled at both of us. Stephanie gave him a small hug to thank him, and Dean slid his hand down to mine, gripping it tightly as we made our way out of the restaurant. We saw Stephanie get in the car and take off. He stood next to me, by my car, and we stood in awkward silence for a second.

  “Thank you, Dean, for dinner. Can’t wait till tomorrow,” I shrieked in pure excitement.

  He held my hand up to his lips and gently kissed it. “I can’t wait. Drive safe. I’ll call you tonight to make sure you have everything ready, and I’ll be by in the morning at four am to pick you up.”

  “Counting down the hours.” I smiled, got in my car and couldn’t slap the stupid silly grin off my face.

  This was going to be the best trip I’ve had in a while. I could just tell.

  Chapter 17

  “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

  -William Shakespeare


  The sun wasn’t even out yet, and I was up loading all my luggage into my Land Rover. I hardly slept at all. I tossed and turned and thought about Millie the whole time. I loved having her back in my life, but this time I knew I couldn’t fuck it up. I needed her to know that I wasn’t going to leave, I wasn’t going to run away. We may have been stubborn teenagers a long time ago, but I’m going to show her how I am as a man, a man that wants nothing more than for her to be happy. I grabbed my keys and hopped in the car. Turning the car on, I let it warm up for a bit. It was a cool morning, and I wanted to do a double check to make sure I had everything I needed. My shave kit, underwear, socks, clothes, jacket, two different sets of shoes, my suit, briefcase, condoms…

  Who was I kidding? I was way ahead of myself. I’d be lucky to just get her to look at me on this trip. I knew her time with Brian was over. That dick bag, I really wished I could have punched him or done something to show him where he belongs. I couldn’t believe he did all that to Millie, and I couldn’t do much about it but sit there and let her cry on my shoulder. I had to be that guy. I had to prove to her I’m here for the right reasons. I had to be better than him. I was better than him, but it was up to Millie to find that out on her own. I didn’t want to rush things with Millie, they needed to go on her pace, her time, her way. I was up for that, and I pulled my big boy pants on. I didn’t care what my friends thought. They thought I was one big pussy getting whipped by a woman going through divorce. That’s fine, let them think that. I knew what I’m doing, and I enjoyed being with her, even if it was just friends right now. She meant everything to me, and I couldn’t have been blessed more than to have run into her that day in the grocery store. She looked so beautiful. Each time I see her just makes me slap myself even more for leaving in the first place.

  The car warmed up, and I headed towards Millie’s. I couldn’t wait to tour the Grand Canyon with her and explore all the sights. We had one week together, and it was going to be great.

  My headlights shined into her front windows, and the front door opened immediately. She looked so fucking cute standing there in black yoga pants and a white top with her silky blonde hair thrown up on top of her head. She didn’t wear any makeup and looked like she just got out of bed. So fucking cute. After observing her, I parked and got out, walking up to the door with a quick stride and the biggest stupid grin on my face.

  “Hey! Let me get your bags.” I smiled at her and leaned down, grabbing her two suitcases. They were small and easy enough to handle. She grabbed her purse and hugged her mother goodbye while I packed up the car. Her mother waved at me, and Millie met me at the back of the Rover.

  “All set to go?” she asked so innocently, taking check on our bags tucked in the back.

  “All set. You ready?”

  “Dean?” she asked me raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah?” I closed the hatch.

  “Thank you for taking me with you, I know you didn’t need me to go. Thank you.”

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. Not only did it make my dick stand at attention, but I loved feeling her in my arms.

  “Millie, I knew you needed this trip, and I do need you with me. You’re going to be a huge help. But of course, it’s an added plus.” I snickered and walked around to the passenger side, opening her door. After she stepped in, I waved at her mother and walked around to the driver’s side. After a quick seat belt fix, I was off to the airport.


  Holy crap, Dean looked amazing this morning. I wanted to walk into his arms and never leave. He smelled of a clean shower, minty but fresh. He was wearing grey sweat pants and a black North Face sweater. To say he looked perfect sounded cliché, but damn near close. We rode silently to the airport, and he played some nice soothing music. We were both exhausted. You could see it in ou
r faces. It was super early, and I know we didn’t get much sleep with packing and getting ready. I shot Kate a text wishing her a happy day at school and to be good for Dad. I turned my phone off once we arrived at the airport. Dean and I checked our luggage and made our way through the security check points.

  “We’re at terminal three.” He pointed to the sign above as we shifted our way through the people heading to our gate. Once we got there, I plopped down into the blue leather seat and stretched my legs out. I wiped my eyes and yawned. I was ready to be there already. I hated flying. I’m not sure Dean was aware of my nerves yet about flying, but I’m sure it wouldn’t take him long to figure it out.

  I rested my head on his shoulder while we waited to board the plane. His hand found mine, and he squeezed. I was pretty sure he felt me shaking and got the clue already.


  “Hate flying.” I tried to smile.

  “I’m here. It’s okay.” He kissed the top of my head and held me while we both rested our eyes, waiting patiently.

  It brought back my memories to Brian and the sweet kind words he said to me before we flew to Florida. Boy was I wrong, so wrong with Brian. I don’t doubt that he loved me, I knew he did, but he wasn’t in love with me. He was in love with the idea of being in love. He couldn’t have if he made those real poor choices.

  The announcement over the PA was loud and woke us right up. They were boarding our flight, and we had to get in line. The sweating started, and the shaking never stopped. As I stood there, Dean squeezed my hand, holding it probably hoping that it would make it better. His eyes were sleepy, but he was very alert. Once we gave the attendant our boarding pass, we walked down the long tunnel of death, I mean, to the plane. We took our seat in first class and got situated with our pillows and blankets. Dean’s hand never left mine, really comforted me. It made me realize how there he really was for me. No hesitation, no doubt. He knew that I just divorced my husband, but he had no doubt in his blood he was going to show me how comfortable he really was with me. I liked the boldness and welcomed it. It might just be what I needed all along. I knew he liked me, and I knew I liked him. It was just out in the open and no sugar coated bullshit.

  “You look deep in thought.” He brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Millie, you’re burning up and sweating. Calm down, hon.”

  I looked at him and really couldn’t come up with words to explain my anxiety right now. I was just really nervous being on a plane again.

  “I’m sorry. Planes terrify me.” I trembled beneath my breath while I sat there patiently waiting for everyone else to get on board, so we could finally leave.

  “Millie, I’ve got you. Nothing is going to happen.” Dean took the small blanket and tucked it around my body almost like he was swaddling me like a baby. Then he took the pillow and rested it behind my head and squeezed me into him, so I felt close. He held me the entire flight. It was the sweetest things he did for me that left a lasting impression.

  Once we landed, I was practically running out of the plane to just feel the ground beneath my feet. That was the longest, tiring flight I’ve ever been on. There was more turbulence then I was used to, and it was terribly scary for me. Dean and I headed towards the rental cars, and he picked up a Ford Explorer to get us around. I loved being in a SUV. I felt you saw more being higher up.

  We packed our luggage in the trunk and flipped the navigation on, trying to find our hotel destination. Phoenix was beautiful, just absolutely stunning. You had a mix of dessert, with the tallest, most fascinating cacti I’ve ever seen. The mountains and the clear blue sky just made me want to ride forever in this car, taking in all Arizona has to offer. I was more than excited for Wednesday, which was Grand Canyon day. Today we get to relax at the hotel, and, frankly, I just wanted to sleep in, since I was so exhausted.

  Me: Landed in Arizona, hope you’re having a wonderful day. Love mom.

  Kate: Love you Mom! So exciting! Have a ton of fun and take pictures for me!

  Me: You bet I will! Now get back to focusing in class!

  Kate: Oh Mom, my grades show for that!

  I smiled reading her texts back to me. She was in a good mood, and I was very happy that she was. Made my nerves ease a little bit more being away from home for a week. I texted my mother and let her know, too. Dean drove about an hour until we arrived at our Hilton hotel.

  He came back to the car after checking us in and put the car in drive to pull around to the back of the hotel where the room was.

  “I hope you don’t mind I only booked one room, but I booked the suite, so you can have the bed, and I can take the pull out.”

  Of course I don’t mind.

  “That’s okay. I’m okay with that.” I stuttered not seeing that coming. Hell, I didn’t even think about that situation until now. I’m sharing a room with Dean, now my excitement level just went through the roof.

  He helped bring our bags up the room. Walking into the place blew my mind away. It had the most serene view of a rocky mountain, and the sun was still shining brighter than ever. After I saw the view, I closed the curtain and took a jump on the bed and collapsed with my head on the pillow.

  “That tired, huh? Thought maybe you’d be up for a swim?”

  I looked at him and then back at my pillow and looked at him again pondering my decision. “I think I could swim. You only live once, right?” I laughed.

  “It’ll be like old times.” He smiled, unzipping his suit case, pulling out his swim trunks.

  I lazily got off the bed and unzipped my luggage pulling my polka dot pink and black bikini out. I took off for the bathroom to change. Once I took a look at myself undressing in the mirror, I freshened up my face, splashing some water on it, and strapped my suit in the back. I wrapped my skirt around my bottoms and came out wearing my towel. I looked pretty good, and I wasn’t going to hide how I felt.

  Dean gave me a once over, and I did the same while I checked out his six pack that I never knew he had until now.

  My mouth hung open a little, taking in that wonderful site.

  “See something you like?” He raised his brow with a smirk growing on his well-manicured face.

  “Maybe.” I played shy and innocent, hiding my face in my hand while I turned to grab the key card for the room. I slid my pink flip flops on, and we headed down to the pool. Once we got down there and I placed my towel and skirt on the lounge chair, I walked over to the edge to dip my feet in to check the temperature. Before I could even take my foot back out, Dean pushed me in while I made a big splash, screaming as I went in.

  I surfaced the water and noticed him right next to me. Since it was during the week, it was pretty empty in this hotel and nobody was in the pool but us. I splashed water at him, playfully. “You jerk! I didn’t want to get my hair wet!” I laughed, splashing him some more.

  “Aww, is Millie going to melt if she gets her hair wet?” He splashed back at me, tickling my sides. The feel of his hands touching my sides made me stop dead in my tracks. I wasn’t used to someone beside Brian touching me. It felt strange at first to feel his hands on me, but I had to remind myself, I was a free woman. I was divorced, and this was me moving on. I ran towards him in the pool and took a lunge at him, hanging on his back. He carried me around in the pool for a while, being silly while he held my hands, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was getting an adult piggy back ride, and I wasn’t complaining one bit.

  He took my hands and slid my body to his front while he looked deep into my eyes, smiling like he was a kid all over again. I moved my hand in the water and splashed water at him while I put my legs down and swam off. He wrapped his arms around me before I got far away from him.

  “Got ya!” He captured me and held me close to him. I tried playfully to get away and somehow managed while he came after me. I laughed at him from the other side of the pool, sticking my tongue at him. It was this back and forth flirting that made my heart beat faster around him. It made those little butterfl
ies, that I didn’t know still existed within me, creep up.

  I lunged at him, pushing him into the pool wall behind him. I looked in his eyes and saw that look I’ve been craving, that look I’ve been waiting a long time to see from someone. I slowly pushed up on my tip toes and leaned my head in, gradually bringing his face with mine. My lips brushed softly against his to get a taste. A taste of what I already had, but as soon as I felt it, I melted into him, pressing harder, covering every inch of his mouth with mine. God, he felt so good.

  “Millie.” He breathed out, pushing back away from me, taking his hands to my hips to hold me still. “You don’t have to rush with me, sweetie. I’ll be here when the time is right. I’m not going anywhere.” He searched my eyes, waiting to see how I’d respond.

  “I know, and this is the right time.” I pushed my lips to his again and felt the beauty in this moment. His hands slid up my sides, and I deepened the kiss.

  Chapter 18

  “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

  -Saint Augustine


  That kiss was what sealed my hope for my future. It only took one kiss to clarify my feelings for Dean. The softness of his lips, the want and need in his expression, tone and force. It was probably the best kiss I’ve ever had and there again it felt so familiar. It’s crazy how much a kiss could define the moment. Define part of your life. I was right where I needed to be, no doubt, no hesitation. This was my life moving forward, and I was going to do what felt so right.

  The next day, Dean had a meeting with the Wildcats, and I stayed back at the hotel. He wasn’t doing any actual interviewing until the game. The game was Wednesday night after we went to the Grand Canyon, then followed by a dinner, and Thursday we relax before we head home on Friday. Okay, so were gone for a short week, but a short week I would never forget for the rest of my life.


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