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Somebody Worth It

Page 17

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  I decided to call Stephanie.

  The phone rang.

  “Hello?” Stephanie answered.

  “I kissed him. It was the best damn kiss I’ve ever had in my life.” I giggled and practically jumped while telling her.

  “How did I know that was coming?” She laughed into the phone. “So, that good of a kisser, huh?”

  “It was just perfect. It really made me know how right this was. I don’t have any more hesitation.” I paced back and forth in the empty hotel suite.

  It was true, I had no hesitation, and I couldn’t wait to see what was next.

  “Anything else happen?” I could tell she was wiggling her eyebrows at me, and I couldn’t even see her. The conversation in itself gave me butterflies. I wished he was at the hotel with me now, so we could go swimming, or do something, but I knew this was work related. I wasn’t sure what this relationship would mean for my work with him, but I needed this job as much as I wanted him in my life. This job was what was going to get me somewhere someday.

  “No, we made out. It was so hot, I so wanted him, but I knew I needed to calm myself a little bit. I didn’t want to jump right in, and he was so sweet about it. He’s the sweetest guy, and just reminds me of how he was sweet to me back in the day, too. We went back up to the room after we got out of the pool, and he lay with me the rest of the night in the same bed, just his arms wrapped around me, fully clothed. It was so nice. He didn’t expect anything from me.” I spoke so fast, I was so excited about this.

  “That’s so sweet, girl. I’m so happy that you’re happy right now. I really like Dean, he’s a true gentlemen to you. See where things pan out.”

  “I can’t wait to see where this goes. Kate likes him, too, so that’s a plus. I mean well, she doesn’t know him well, and she doesn’t know I’m interested in him, but she was nice to him.”

  “I think Kate will follow your lead, sweetie. If you love him, she will.”

  I took the tweezers and started plucking my eyebrow hairs. I knew Stephanie was right, and that made me excited. Everything just felt right.

  “Have you told him, yet?” Stephanie asked.

  “Not yet.”

  I quickly changed the subject and got back to talking about the kids and their dance classes. Stephanie filled me in on some stuff I missed.

  I hung up with Stephanie and sat back to watch TV. The sun was shining brightly through the window and made for a cheerful day. My phone pinged, and my heart sped up, it was Dean.

  Dean: Good morning, beautiful. I miss you. Up for another swim later?

  Me: Only if those sweet lips rush back to mine.

  Dean: Make that a promise.

  Me: Are you okay with this?

  Dean: I’ve waited my whole life to touch those lips of yours again.

  I got my suit ready and patiently waited for him to come back to the hotel after his meetings. I ordered some lunch for us from the café downstairs. The food was good, overpriced, but good. After an hour, I heard the key card slip through the door.

  He walked inside wearing his business suit. He loosened the tie and smiled at me.

  “Smells good in here.” He sniffed the plate sitting by the bed.

  “Lunch, have some, I ordered for you.”

  He picked up the top covering the plate and a piece of chicken topped with cheese, mushrooms and balsamic smothered it. A fresh side of broccoli sat beside it.

  “Wow, looks great. Smells great.” He took the fork and started eating. He must be starved from being in meetings all morning. I sat next to him on the bed and started running my hands on his shoulders to alleviate the tension and stress of meetings. I took his suit coat off and rested it on the bed.

  “That feels nice.” He moaned into my squeeze. After he finished eating the last few bites, I set his trunks on the bed and gave him a silly grin.

  He got up from the bed and wandered over to me, wrapping me in his arms, holding me tight to his chest, leaving no room in between us. “You do know that we don’t have to be in the pool for me to kiss you.” He smiled. “Like this.” He breathed warm air on my neck before planting a gentle kiss. “Or like this.” He moved his head up to my cheek, pressing gently, letting me feel his tender lips. “Or here.” He moaned while his lips pressed into mine, feeling the softness made my heart skip and my knees weak, while I held him tight to me, devouring his lips. Giving me that panty dropping grin, I melted right there in front of him as he romantically serenaded me with kisses. He made me feel on top of the world.

  “Now we can go swimming.” He laughed, kissing me again. I couldn’t get enough of his lips.

  We quickly got in our suits and headed to the pool. I think the pool was our comfort zone because that’s where we met. We were on the swim team. We loved being in the water and used to take many trips to the community pool when we dated. We loved it. It must have brought just as many memories back to him as it did for me. I had all great memories with Dean, except when he left, when we broke things off stupidly.

  I jumped in the deep end, and Dean followed behind me. He pulled on my suit and brought me in again to kiss me. You would think with all the kissing, he was making up for the years we haven’t seen one another. It felt nice, and it felt right. His lips were sweet candy, and I was addicted.

  “Let’s play Marco Polo.” He laughed playfully.

  “Dean. We’re not kids anymore. You could totally cheat.” I put my hands on hips, spouting a playful argument.

  He stood there being serious and wanting to play this silly game. Once again, we were the only ones in this pool. I swore nobody but us was staying at the hotel, it was always so empty.

  I huffed and closed my eyes, standing up right with my hands still on my hips. As I started to roam the open pool, I yelled, “Marco!” I heard splashing while he moved around, and I started trailing in the path I heard the noise. Moving slowly through the water I called out again, “Marco!”

  “Polo!” Dean yelled, and I could tell he was close. I turned and started going the opposite direction I was thinking maybe I was fooled with the water splashing against the walls verses where he really was.

  “Marco!” I yelled and got real quiet to try to see if I could tell where he was.

  “Polo,” he whispered in my ear while his hands grazed my body, making me turn around quickly reaching out, I was met with his arm. He pulled me in close, and my eyes flew open. I was staring at this beautiful man in front of me. He looked so sexy, and his toned chest was everything I could imagine wanting to look at it. I envisioned running my mouth over ever crevasse and crease. His eyes searched mine, and he had that craving look in his expression again. He leaned in to me, staring at my lips while I stared back at his. I felt the feeling inside of my stomach clench, and ripples of sensation went south traveling down between my legs. We met half way, and he tugged on my bottom lip with his teeth gently, owning me, showing me how much he wanted it. I ran my tongue over my lip before he crashed his lips to mine. His tongue pushed to my entrance, and I gladly opened my mouth for it. I twirled my tongue with his like I didn’t want to let it go. I wanted possession over what I knew was mine right now.

  He moaned into the kiss and drifted me across the water till he pinned me back against the wall in almost the deep end where I could barely touch. Since he was significantly taller than me, I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him hard. I could feel the hardness poking into me, and it only turned me on even more. I wanted this man, I would have this man. I wasn’t waiting any longer. I’m not holding back on anything that makes me feel right.

  He pulled my hair aside and started kissing my neck. I gave him all the access he wanted and made me feel even more turned on as his tongue slid in all the right places. He slid his hands under my ass and squeezed me closer to him, letting the water splash in between us. It was clear he wanted me just as much as I did him. I slid my hand down and pressed on his swim trunks, feeling his length. I rubbed my hand back and forth, making him grunt out while
his kiss traveled back to my mouth taking possession.

  One hand reached up my thigh, rubbing, while he slid my bikini bottoms to the side with his thumb, and pressed his finger to play with my nub. Flicking it back and forth and around and around made me go through every type of pleasure I could as it built up inside me. I rubbed him faster, he made me want him. Our kiss got hotter, more intense. Our teeth ground together. I kissed him hard, deep, indulging his whole mouth, like I couldn’t get enough. My tongue licked his jaw line and went back to his right ear while I nibbled gently, breathing warm air into the center of his ear. He moved his hand quickly and took my hand off him while he slid his trunks down revealing his impressive length. His eyes searched mine once more, he needed to know I was okay with this. I gave him the clarity he needed and leaned in to kiss him again while he slowly slid inside me, inch by inch, slowly pushing all the way in. I moaned at the feeling. It’s been a while, but the pain was a good pain. He was thicker than Brian, but I adjusted well to his length.

  He moaned, and I looked down in the water as I watched him slide in and out of me slowly while the water swished up between us, making clapping sounds. He picked up speed and I pushed my body into his meeting him thrust for thrust. After he continually pounded me, he waited till I hit my release before he made his. I guess he was a gentlemen after all, to know he was pleasing me, as well as for just being an all-around amazing man.

  “Dean,” I moaned as I relaxed my body and rested my head on his shoulder while he carried me to shallow water.

  He gently lifted my head from his shoulder and placed his hand under my chin, tilting my head up, making eye contact.

  “Millie, I’ve missed you so much. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by since high school that I haven’t thought about you. I always called you the woman that got away. I regretted every second of jumping on a plane and leaving. Now that I’m back, and you’re in my arms, its home again.” He grinned, placing my hand on his cheek as a stray tear slipped down my cheek. He kissed his sweet lips to mine again, making me melt all over again. He led me out of the pool and carried me like I couldn’t walk back to our hotel room. The water dripped down on the floor around us, and I nestled my head into the crevasse of his neck, feeling his comfort. There was silence. I wasn’t sure what to say back to that. Who could top what he just said? It was so sweet. I was so used to someone with sweet words, but Dean, not only said the sweet words, he followed through in his actions. Feeling his heart beating through my chest, I knew that Dean was the right one for me. I just knew. Call me crazy, but sometimes dealing with heartbreak makes you fall in love with a new love and mend your broken heart. Yet, Dean, wasn’t a new love, just a re-created one.

  Chapter 19

  “It's like trying to describe what you feel when you're standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon or remembering your first love or the birth of your child. You have to be there to really know what it's like.” -Jack Schmitt


  The drive to the Grand Canyon was long, but well worth the views that I saw from the road. Since Dean has been here before, I was okay with him driving, not being able to focus on the things off the side of the road that I could pay more attention to. I was in a blissful state and nothing could tear my mood down. I was taking on the world today and taking on my fear of heights by overlooking one of the most beautiful sites in the United States.

  Dean hadn’t told me anything that we’re doing, other than going to the Grand Canyon. It made me a tad bit nervous because I could see the mischievous grin plastered on his face as he drove.

  “So, what are we doing at the Canyon?” I asked, stretching my arm over the middle console and poking his side.

  He better tell me!

  “We’re going to walk up to the edge, take a picture and leave. That’s it really.” He belly laughed at his sarcastic remark.

  “Ha ha ha. Not funny. We’re not driving a short few hours for you to push me to the edge for one picture and leave.” I cocked my head to the side, giving him my Millie look, that look that nobody questions. I shot a ‘you better be joking smile’.

  “Yup, that’s all we’re doing.” He chuckled and turned the music up louder than our voices as he started to sing highway to hell that came on the radio.

  I brushed it off and let him surprise me. Even though it made me completely nervous, I knew I could handle it. I was calm with Dean. He made it easy being in his presence. I joined in on the singing, and we laughed at our AC/DC wannabe voices.

  After driving, for what felt like a day straight, we finally made it into the park. He took me through a few winding turns until we ended up in a parking lot, and he parked the car. I got out to stretch my legs, and so did he. He took my hand in his, and we walked out a little ways while my eyes scanned the property wondering what to be looking for. So far, no canyons.

  “So, do you trust me?” He stopped me from walking and made me face him.

  “Yes…” I looked at him and then looked around. Still nothing.

  “Do you hear that?” he asked.

  I stood in place and listened. I listened hard, but I wasn’t sure what I was listening for. Was it the birds chirping really loud? The utter peaceful sound of nobody being around?

  “Hear it?” He pushed the question.

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  He brought me into his side and pointed his arm up to the sky.

  I looked up and saw a damn helicopter hovering around. Now, I heard it.

  “Seriously? You’re not serious.” I backed away from him slowly protesting his brave bold move. Oh no, this couldn’t be. I’m not going up there. I won’t go up there even if he begged me. I couldn’t. That’s too high in too small of a thing. Those weren’t meant for regular ole people like me. It would give me a heart attack.

  “Oh, I’m serious.” He laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into him.

  “No.” I shook my head.

  Sure as shit, I sat in the helicopter and looked at him. I’m sure the color from my face disappeared and I looked whiter than a ghost. I wasn’t ready for this. Nope. How in the name of love could he have talked me into this?

  I heard the propellers start swirling around, and it got windy and loud. Dean strapped me in my seat and pulled tight, making sure it was secure, but not without giving me a seductive grin and trying to take my attention off this. He placed my head phones on above my head and sat next to me real close, buckling himself in. My heart rate kicked up about two thousand notches, and I began to sweat. He could see my anxiety coming, and he grabbed my leg squeezing it, mouthing it’ll be okay.

  A few seconds later, we were rising up in the air, and he pointed out the window, and my eyes widened at the view. The view of the canyon that just went on for an endless amount of time. It was absolutely gorgeous. I wasn’t sure I had the words. God created a beautiful picture that you could only experience by being there yourself. Pictures wouldn’t do it justice.

  His hand slid down my leg and in between them while he tried to distract me from my nerves. I took the challenge while my hand slid in his lap, and I smiled. Maybe he wants to join the mile high club, but I can’t see that being possible with the pilot in our lap in front of us.

  His hand shimmied between my legs, and I stopped his hand. He shook his head back and forth and continued. Once he found what he was looking for, he rubbed. My eyes shot in the back of my head in pleasure. He spent a hell of a lot of money for this helicopter ride for him to be doing this instead of sight-seeing. I smiled and let him continue, I wasn’t going to stop him from giving me pleasure.

  I looked out the window and saw all of the ripple looking rock of red and brown coloring. If we were to fall right now, we’d be dead for sure. I transferred my attention back to Dean and looked him in the eye as he gave me that look. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. He spoke through the microphone so only I could hear him.

  “You enjoying the ride?” He grinned.

  “You’re making it
quite enjoyable, yes,” I admitted.

  “Got your mind off your anxiety about being up here, didn’t it?” He rubbed some more before angling his finger on top of my nub through my pants. He asked for it. I grabbed through his pants and started rubbing him back and forth up and down as I could feel his length through his pants, stiffening, hardening with each stroke I did.

  The pilot took us all around the canyon and showed everything there was to offer. It was the most romantic thing Dean did for me. He did so much to make me feel comfortable getting on this helicopter, by making sure I was distracted some of the time, while we enjoyed the ride the other half of the time.

  Short while later the helicopter landed, and Dean practically jumped me right next to the car wanting more. Even though I’d love that, we were adults and carried on with the rest of the day’s activities. We drove up to a look out and parked the car. He got something out of the trunk, and when I got out, I noticed it was a picnic basket.

  “How did you manage to pull that one off?” I smiled.

  “I had meetings yesterday and managed on my way back to find some stuff and keep it in a cooler for us.”

  “How sweet of you.”

  Wow, he really moves above and beyond to try to be so sweet. Except he didn’t have to try, this was how he used to be back in the day, and he’s just carried it with him for the rest of his life. His charm was beautiful and made him the person he was today.

  Dean found the perfect spot under a large flowering tree to spread the blanket. I started to giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked.

  “Remember the last picnic we were on? You didn’t have a blanket, so you thought you would be the ‘stud’ and you took off your shirt for me to sit on?” I was hysterical thinking back.

  “Oh Lord, I forgot about that. Didn’t I put it down on top of a bees nest? Those suckers started swarming!”

  Now he was laughing with me and the tension in the air between us was getting thick, well, sexual tension, because this memory leads to something more that happened later.


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