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A Yankee Flier over Berlin (a yankee flier)

Page 3

by Rutherford G. Montgomery Al Avery

  “I guess he’s all right,” Stan muttered. “He’s making it his personal business to see that I get through.”

  At that moment two FW’s dived down at the tail ships. Stan did not shift course.

  All Sim had to do was to make a pass at the Jerries, loop over and shoo them away. Suddenly Stan realized Sim was not making a pass. He had stabbed at a Jerry coming in far to the side.

  Kicking his rudder, Stan went into action. The Jerries, seeing their chance, had cut him off and now he would be sucked into a fight. The Thunderbolt responded awkwardly. Stan reached for the tank release, then his hand froze. If he kicked loose his tanks, the Jerries would be wise to the trick. They would radio the information to base. Grimly Stan dived and then zoomed.

  The two Focke-Wulfs gleefully tore in upon him. Stan gave one of them a burst but missed. He was caught like a clumsy float plane and knew it. Up he went and over, using every evasive trick he knew. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Sim had banked sharply and was coming back to help him. He also spotted the cloud the Jerries had used to ambush the flight. As he laid over and made for it, one of the FW’s knifed in and splattered him with lead. He felt the bullets pinging against his armor plate and ripping through his wings. Ducking, he went down under the cloud, just what the Jerry wanted.

  Sim had cut out one of the FW’s but two others had joined the hunt, bent on finishing the Thunderbolt they had cut off. Stan laid over and wobbled around just as though he was hit bad. The Jerry banked and went up a bit to get a better dive. He figured he had plenty of time because the Yank was crippled. That was what Stan wanted. He kicked the Thunderbolt wide open and zoomed for the cloud. Too late the Jerry saw what was up. He roared down through the misty edge of the cloud and barely missed a head-on crash with Stan.

  The instant the cloud closed around him Stan kicked off his extra tanks, then he dived up and over the cloud. The Jerries were waiting for him. Sim was chasing one FW, but three waited for the cripple. When Stan came zooming out of the top of the cloud, they were a bit startled and showed it by their hesitation. Stan grinned as he snapped his ship over and dived on the nearest Jerry.

  Before the German could get going Stan had him in his sights and his thumb had squeezed the gun button. His six 50’s flamed and the recoil set the Thunderbolt back on her flaps. The Jerry shuddered an instant, then broke in two and burst into roaring flames. Stan went over the wreckage and cut in between the other two Jerries. They were alive now and in action. Around the three went, up and over, painting the chill sky with streaks and loops of vapor. Stan did not hold on long. The instant he had a chance to dive and run for it he did. And the Jerries did not chase him. They were convinced he was no cripple.

  As Stan roared after his formation he saw Sim closing in from far to his left. He was red-hot and wanted to tell Sim a few things, but he knew the setup was such that he had to keep his mouth closed. Sim had made an error of judgment in going after the lone Jerry and letting the other two cut him out. Stan was sure it was intentional, but he could never prove it.

  Another thing that worried him was that he did not know how much gasoline he had used out of his reserve before he kicked his tanks loose. He was flight leader of the group headed for Huls. If he went on with his flight and there was much dogfighting, going and coming, he might not get home. Sim’s voice came in.

  “Wilson, sorry I couldn’t handle all three Jerries. You’ll have to go back with our flight.”

  Stan scowled. Sim appeared well pleased with the idea. “I’ll use my own judgment,” Stan snapped back.

  “Name a leader and go back,” Sim barked. “That is an order.”

  “Sorry,” Stan answered. “I’m taking the boys on through.”



  Stan overtook his formation and dropped into place. The flight was deployed with the Jerries perched up above and around waiting for the Yanks to go home. Below lay the fields of Holland.

  “Are you clear, specials?” Stan called.

  “All clear,” the boys called back. That meant they had zoomed down and ditched their tanks in a way the Germans would not notice.

  Flak was coming up and a flight of FWs were worrying the Fortresses and Liberators below. One big fellow was out of formation and having a tough time. Fifteen FW’s were after it.

  “We’ll go down and have a crack at those FW’s on that Fort,” Stan called. “So long, Sim, see you at mess!”

  One after another the six special Thunderbolts zoomed down upon the FW’s. They came down in a screaming dive and their first burst sent five FW’s smoking to earth. Instantly the whole battle changed. The flocks of Jerries up above were taken by surprise because this was not according to the book. The Yanks should be keeping altitude, holding them pinned to the sky, and they were due any moment to start running for home.

  Stan and his crew covered the limping bomber and she began to pull up into place where her flight had slowed to help her. Up above, the Jerries cut loose and the Yanks got a crack at them as they tried to filter through. For five minutes the sky was a battlefield, then the Thunderbolts up above had to leave. They broke off and headed for home. Behind them they left the wreckage of eleven Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs.

  With the bombers, O’Malley was putting on a show which reminded Stan of the old days. He was stunting so wildly and slamming lead so fast the Jerries began giving him a wide berth. Stan began to realize that their mission was not to be any picnic. One Thunderbolt went down, slashed open by a cannon shell. No chute blossomed out beneath it as it twisted and rolled toward earth.

  There were too many Me’s and Focke-Wulf fighters. They were everywhere, stabbing and diving, slashing at the bombers and ganging up on the fighters. Stan realized that his flight should have had at least thirty planes in it, and he began to suspect someone back at headquarters had marked this down as an experiment, figuring upon losing only six planes.

  Another Thunderbolt went down and then another. O’Malley was still taking care of himself and Stan was doing all right, but his gasoline gauge was leering at him and its needle was rolling steadily around. When the fourth Thunderbolt broke into flames, Stan knew it was time to go home. He probably would not make it, but there was a chance.

  “O’Malley! Stan calling. Head for home!”

  Looking through the smoke and the bursts of flak, Stan saw nothing of O’Malley. The Irishman had been in the midst of a fight a few minutes before, but now he was nowhere to be seen. He checked the bomber flight. It was going in for its bombing run and the batteries on the ground knew just where the automatic pilots would take over for the run. They were putting up a box barrage at that point.

  The Forts and the Libs rode into that blazing inferno of fire without wavering or shifting formation. Stan saw bombs dropping, sticks of big fellows. A Fort directly below him was plowing ahead when a puff of smoke enveloped its tail. The smoke swirled away and there was the Fort without any tail at all, only gaping holes where the rudder and the high tail had been. The Fort sagged over and went into a terrible dive. One after another chutes blossomed out until Stan had counted six. That was the number alive in the Fort, the others were dead.

  Stan laid over and made a sweep, ducking in and out of the flak. The Jerries had pulled away and gone back to their fields for more ammunition and more gasoline for the interception of the Forts and Libs on their return trip.

  Looking about, Stan saw nothing of O’Malley’s ship. He headed for home with a grim frown on his face. Everything went well until he reached the channel. He met no German fighters and had a fair tail wind. But his gasoline supply was very low. The needle kept bouncing off the empty peg, riding clear, then dropping back. The English coast was a long way off.

  Stan was flying at twelve thousand feet and that gave him a chance to drift a long way, but not far enough if his gas ran out. Steadily he drove toward the friendly shore. Below him the channel looked cold and choppy.

  Thinking of O’Malley
added to his gloom. When you work with a man in the air, you expect the day when he does not return with you. But when the time comes it is a stabbing shock. Stan and O’Malley had seen so much action and had tackled so many tough jobs, they had come to feel they always would pull through.

  Glancing at the gas gauge Stan saw that it registered empty, and the needle was not showing any signs of movement. He glanced down at the gray expanse below him and frowned. His ears strained for the first break in the steady throbbing of the Pratt and Whitney radial.

  The engine kept hammering away for a long time. Stan checked his Mae West suit and made other small preparations for a bath in the channel. Then the engine sputtered, smoothed out, then sputtered again. With a wheezing blast it went dead.

  Stan eased the nose down to hold his speed and began sagging down a long slope toward the channel. He scanned the choppy sea for signs of a British patrol boat. Several of the fast rescue boats should be patrolling the flight line, ready to fish Yank pilots and crewmen out of the water. He saw no sign of a boat.

  Slowly the Thunderbolt settled down. Floating a fourteen-thousand-pound fighter in over a long distance is not like slipping along in a glider. If there were any up-drafts, the Thunderbolt paid no attention to them. She sliced on through and Stan had to nose her down to keep her from falling like a rock.

  The sea came up to meet him and he began judging the spot where he would take his bath in the icy water. Suddenly he heard the roar of plane motors and looked up and back. A Fort was nosing down toward him. Stan squinted to see if he could catch the markings. He could not make them out, but he knew the ship was a bomber returning from Huls.

  There was no time for further looking. The Thunderbolt hit and hit hard, as though she had slammed into a stone wall. She slewed around, jerked and bobbed, slamming Stan back against his shock pad. He palmed the hatch cover open and kicked loose from his belt and chute harness. In a moment he was leaping into the water and the Thunderbolt was swirling down into the sea. She lifted one wing as she slid from sight, as though saluting him.

  “Tough luck, old girl,” Stan said. He got a mouthful of salt water and began sputtering.

  The Fort was low over the sea now and Stan saw that it was shot up a bit. Then he saw the name painted on its fuselage. It was The Monkey’s Paw, the Fort Allison had taken over for the raid. He waved, and the Fort dipped her wings. She went roaring on toward the thin black line which was the coast.

  That meant rescue unless the high waves battered him and pulled him under before a boat located him. He was struggling to stay afloat on the rough sea when a Spitfire began circling overhead. The Spit dropped down lower and lower. It wove back and forth and finally it dived toward him. Stan waved some more.

  The Spit stayed with Stan until an orange-snouted speedboat appeared over the foam-rimmed horizon. The boat came roaring toward him, guided by the Spit. Stan grinned eagerly. Nice teamwork. Allison had radioed, the Spitfire pilot had picked up the message, and he had been rescued.

  The speedboat pulled alongside and strong hands caught hold of Stan.

  The Spitfire stayed with Stan until the speedboat pulled alongside

  “Up you come, me hearty,” a seaman shouted.

  Stan was so chilled he had to hang on to the arm of the sailor to keep his knees from buckling.

  “A bit chilly, eh?” a young officer asked. “Come along. We’ll wrap you in a newfangled blanket your Uncle Sam just furnished us.”

  “It wasn’t exactly a Turkish bath,” Stan admitted.

  “I’ll radio in for an ambulance,” the officer said as he helped Stan wiggle out of his soggy clothes and into the electrically heated blanket.

  “No ambulance,” Stan said. “I’ll catch a ride over to my base with someone.”

  “The ambulance is the fastest way,” the officer said.

  “They’d take me to a hospital, and that’s the last place I want to see. Just dry my outfit if you can.”

  “Glad to, old fellow, and we’ll have a spot of hot tea ready for you in a jiffy.” The officer turned away.

  Stan drank hot tea and toasted himself inside the blanket until they were near the port where they were to put in. By that time his clothing had been dried by one of the machinist mate’s men in the engine room.

  Getting dressed Stan went on deck. They were edging in beside a pier. Stan was the first over the side. He shook hands with the British officer and waved to the crew, then he headed for a row of cars parked along the street near the wharf. Picking out a car with a uniformed girl at the wheel he walked over to it.

  “Hi, Yank,” the girl greeted him. “You look a bit wrinkled.”

  “I just had my daily bath in the channel.” Stan grinned at the girl. “My butler forgot to pack my bathing suit so I went in as is. How about a lift?”

  “This is Sir Eaton Pelham’s car. I’m afraid it isn’t available.” She smiled sweetly when she said it.

  Stan glanced at the other cars. There were no other drivers about. He looked back at the girl.

  “Sir Eaton a kindhearted man?” he asked.

  “Very,” she assured him. “He carries a pocketful of cracker crumbs for the pigeons.”

  At that moment Sir Eaton Pelham appeared. He was a burly Englishman, wrapped snugly in the folds of a greatcoat. His ruddy face beamed and he nodded to Stan.

  “Jolly nice weather for one day,” he said as he opened the door of the car.

  “Very,” Stan answered. “How about a lift?”

  Sir Eaton looked at Stan closely for the first time. “I say, a Yank flier. What could you be doing here?”

  “I was just fished out of the channel by one of His Majesty’s patrol boats and want to get back to base.”

  “Hop in, old man. Where is base?”

  “Take me to Diss,” Stan said as he climbed in.

  “Right-o.” Sir Eaton did not ask any more questions. He spoke about the country they whirled through, but never mentioned the war at all. When Stan got down at Diss, Sir Eaton waved his thanks aside. “Good hunting, my boy,” he said. Turning to his driver he said, “Whitehall, London. We’ll have to hit it a bit fast to be on time for my meeting.”

  Stan stood staring at the car as it whirled away. “Whitehall,” he muttered. “Pelham.” Suddenly he began to laugh. He had hitched a ride with one of Winston Churchill’s right-hand men. And he had taken the honorable assistant secretary many miles out of his way.

  Hailing a jeep Stan hooked a ride to the camp. He walked into operations and up to the desk. A major looked up and then started.

  “Wilson!” he exclaimed. “We had you marked down as lost. Sim Jones reported you short of gas.”

  “I hitchhiked back. Caught a ride with one of Churchill’s secretaries,” Stan said dryly.

  The major looked at him sharply, then shoved a pad across the desk. “Just put that in writing,” he said.

  Stan made his report, then headed for his hut to change into an unwrinkled uniform. There was no one in the hut, but his things and the belongings of O’Malley had been neatly stacked. Stan scowled.

  “They gather a man’s stuff up in a hurry around here,” he muttered.

  He put his own things back and did the same with O’Malley’s. There would be no rush about making O’Malley out a dead man. Getting into his uniform he headed for the mess. He was suddenly very hungry.

  Walking into the little dining room he halted and his mouth dropped open. At a table, with four youngsters listening open-mouthed to his talk, sat O’Malley. He looked up and for a moment held a big piece of steak poised on his fork. Then he shoved the steak into his mouth and waved a big hand.

  Stan crossed the room and seated himself. There was no warm greeting. O’Malley swallowed his steak and grinned at his pal.

  “Ye’re a bit late, but in time for the pie course.”

  “I took a bath on the way back,” Stan said.

  “That spalpeen—”

  “Now, now,” Stan cut in. “No names name

  “I said a spalpeen let you down,” O’Malley growled.

  “And what happened to you?”

  O’Malley grinned. “Me? Oh, I had the boys tuck an extra sixty gallons o’ gas aboard. The colonel said we was to handle fixing the tanks, so I fixed mine like that.”

  “You dropped out of sight at Huls in a hurry,” Stan said.

  “I ran out of ammunition, and havin’ a spot of extra gas, I did a bit o’ sight-seein’,” O’Malley explained. “An’ did I get an eyeful!”

  The four youngsters sighed and got to their feet. It was time for them to shove off.

  “See you when I got time to tell you how I chased a Nazi birdman right down on a British landing strip,” O’Malley called after them.

  “You’ve been stringing the kids along,” Stan said.

  “I gave them only a bird’s-eye view o’ the life o’ the great O’Malley.” The Irishman leaned back and surveyed the platter where the steak had been. “Now jest a wee bit of apple pie an’ I’ll have the edge taken off me hunger.”

  He ordered a whole pie. Stan ordered a steak and coffee. As soon as the orders were placed before them, O’Malley leaned forward.

  “Sure, an’ I saw the strangest sight today,” he began. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.”

  “What was it?”

  “I was flittin’ along over the tops o’ trees an’ the spires o’ kirks when I zoom out over a wooded slope with a big cleared field in the middle o’ the woods. There on that field was at least seventy Jerry fighter planes.” O’Malley paused to cram a large bite of pie into his mouth.

  “Fighter field. Did you get its location?”

  “Sure. An’ I thought I’d give those fellers a grand scare. There wasn’t a plane in the air, so I was safe. I zoomed up an’ over an’ came down in a dive.” O’Malley paused and shook his head. “You’d never believe it. I could hardly believe me own eyes. When I came back down to scare the daylights out o’ them Krauts, there wasn’t a plane on that field. They just vanished.” O’Malley looked hard at his pie and kept on shaking his head.


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