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Coins and Daggers

Page 17

by Patrice Hannah

  “What are you waiting for then?” Audelia snarled. “Lord Dextrem must be waiting to collect his merchandise.”

  Madame de Lucci chuckled and shook her head. “Things have changed, I realize,” she said, crossing her arms. “Lord Dextrem can be quite a drain and when one finds himself exhausted by another, he severs the ties. It is the only...rational thing to do. But the vexing Lord Dextrem is no longer important. Ulric St. Ross now... I’m sure we can strike up an arrangement.”

  “What sort of...arrangement?” Audelia sniffed, resting her fatigued body against the wall.

  “Perhaps, he might be willing to make a settlement. For your freedom, that is. It is no secret that the great Lord of Chastelle has very vast means.”

  “Bryce would never--”

  “If he cares for you as much as you say he does,” Madame de Lucci chuckled. “Then I am sure he will find you and be more than willing to spend a pretty coin.”

  * *

  Ulric wasted no time with easing out of the saddle. Dismounting from Gray, he ran up the steps to his house and shove through the door.

  “Audelia! Gilgallon!”

  “Let’s go about this cautiously,” Edwin said between ragged breaths. “Just in case.”

  Ulric strode across the foyer and down the hall. “Where the hell is she?”

  “Milord!” Both men spun to a high-pitched yelp and Ulric immediately identified the wench as the kitchen girl, Anyla. “It’s Gilgallon. He’s injured.”

  “Blast it!” Ulric followed the girl down the hall and towards the kitchen where he saw his guard sprawled on top of Cook’s table, a gushing wound to his side.

  Gilgallon looked up immediately from where Cook was attempting to clean the wound. “Milord.” He made to stand but Cook shove him back down firmly. “I’m sorry. I was...caught off guard.”

  Edwin groaned. “What happened?”

  “We were in the east stable, Sir, when--”

  Ulric kicked over a chiar. “You made her leave the bloody house?”

  “Ulric.” His friend rest a calming hand on his shoulder. “Then what?”

  Gilgallon winced in pain. “We heard a noise so I told Miss Rolfen to stay put with Brutus while I go...while I go see what it was. I was attacked by a man. I...I didn’t see him clearly because he came from behind. Stabbed me with...with a knife, you see.” The guard gasped and swallowed. “He took her. In the direction of the ruins, I believe.”

  “Shit! We need to move now.” Ulric turned on his heel.

  “Did you see anyone else?” he heard Edwin ask.

  Gilgallon grunted. “No, Sir.”

  By the time they reached outside again, Ulric moved with lightning speed to his stallion, swinging up into the saddle, kicking his heels in Gray’s flanks. Edwin’s gelding was right behind him. But all Ulric could see or hear was the hoof beats of their horses, surrounded by the image of Audelia, hurt and in pain. Whoever was responsible for this would meet his wrath, one way or another.

  Ulric sent Gray straight across the lawn and up to the low hills which led towards the meadows. His headache was worsening, his mind mixed with all sorts of emotions...his heart aching with dread but he must find her. He must. For his very own sanity and happiness depended on it.

  The ruins came into view some time later and his gaze scanned the area quickly. His friend pulled up in line and Ulric huffed, “I’ll take the front. You take the back. We’ll work our way inside.”

  Nodding briskly, Edwin brought his own gelding to a slow as they finally reached the battered, crumbled structure. Dismounting quickly, they both made a dash towards it, an impending sense of doom threading through the air.

  * *

  “I’m not afraid of you.” Audelia eased away from the wall, readying to act on Madame de Lucci’s approach. She’d not allow this to happen. Not unless she could not help it. Audelia was tired of running, tired of being scared. It was high time that it all ended.

  “Oh, you ought to be.” The Madame revealed a knife from the belt at her waist and pointed it at her.

  “You’ll not a make another dime at my expense, you witch!”

  “Relax yourself, you fool. I shall take no remorse in damaging your pretty little face if you get in my way. I’m sure even then Lord Chastelle will welcome you into his bed.”

  “All those months, I’ve been fighting.” Rage ignited within Audelia’s veins. “ survive. I will not go back to that life. I refuse to be...anyone’s property. Not anymore.”

  “We can arrive at some settlement then.” The Madame chuckled. “Now stand still. When your precious Bryce arrives, I intend on being in a superior position.”

  Audelia maintained her stance, watching the woman fixedly. “Over my dead body.”

  “Oh, I hardly think you’d truly embrace death so eagerly.”

  “Try me.”

  A tumble came from just outside their dusty room and Madame de Lucci’s glance flickered to the flimsy door. Adrenaline pumping, Audelia took the moment’s opportunity to grab the woman’s weapon-wielding hand.

  Audelia grunted as the Madame managed to land a firm slap across her face but she held on still, bending her wrist painfully until the blade clattered to the floor.

  “You think you can get away from me?” The Madame shrieked, shoving her to the wall. “Think again!”

  Audelia landed hard against the wall, groaned and ducked another blow that would have surely connected her in the left eye. “I’ll see you in hell first.”

  Launching her body full force in a run, Audelia rammed herself hard against the Madame, sending them both flying in a tumbling heap to the floor. Balling her fist, she then delivered a sharp blow to the woman’s jaw and tightened her hands around her neck.

  “Let...let..” The Madame rasped, clutching at Audelia’s hands. “Bitch...”

  Letting out a loud shriek, tears running down her face, Audelia blinked through her blinding tears and stumbled to her feet. She could not do it. She just could not...


  The sweet sound of escape came in the form of Ulric’s baritone shout, sending a wave of relief and joy throughout her being.

  “In here!” Audelia made to rush off only to be caught by the ankles by Madame de Lucci’s sudden grip. She fell flat onto her stomach, almost knocking the living breath out of her lungs.

  “You little wretch!”

  Audelia grunted, kicking her legs fiercely but the woman’s grasp would not budge. It was a moment later that Ulric came rushing through the doorway, his face bloodied and Edwin behind him.

  Edwin bellowed. “Sweet heavens, it is Lady Shentil!”

  Strong arms grabbed Audelia upwards while Edwin rescued her ankles from the Madame’s deathly grips.

  “You’re okay. You’re alright,” Ulric uttered, crushing her body against his, his gaze fixed on the widow across the room. “You’re safe now.”

  “I wouldn’t have believed this had I not witnessed it myself,” Edwin went on, trapping the woman’s arms behind her as she fought against it. “Lady Shentil of all people.”

  “Hello, Ulric,” she spat, shuffling in Edwin’s strong hold. “I see you’ve come to rescue your whore.”

  Ulric did not say a word but continued to press gentle comforting kisses across Audelia’s tear dampened face. Dear God, he’d felt as if someone had plunged a dagger to his gut when he’d heard her distressed scream. And now...

  “I’ll gladly restrain this one,” Edwin volunteered with a grim set to his face. “How does the great Widow of Shentil like the gaol?” He muttered next to ear and ushered the woman across the room, towards the door. “This is the last of blessed daylight you and Dextrem will ever see.”

  Ulric blew out a heavy breath, startled to feel tears tickling down his own face. But he did not care much for that. The woman he loved was safe now. She was free. And she was in his arms. “I’m sorry,” he breathed next to her ear. “I’m so sorry. I-I should have been here with you. To protect

  Sniffling, Audelia raised her head to look into Ulric’s pained eyes. “You’re here now. I knew you’d...come back. In time”

  His throat clogged with deep, raw emotion. “I-I thought I might have lost you. I don’t know... I don’t know what I would have done. You mean the world to me.”

  Audelia reached up to wipe a tear from his cheek. “I love you, Bryce. I love you.”

  Ulric stilled, heart thumping wildly against his chest. To hear those words... To feel the warmth that they brought... He pressed his lips against hers fervently, pouring out his heart and soul into that one kiss which would join them forever.

  “I love you, Audelia. Body and soul. Trust me with your heart and I shall cherish it. Always.”


  Two weeks and three days later...

  Her gleeful yelp echoed throughout the bedchamber as she was dumped rather unceremoniously down on the cool large bed. Impatient hands tickled past her ankles and up her pale lavender silk dress. She batted said hands away and giggled.

  “At least give me a moment to open the presents, Bryce.”

  Ulric slumped, defeated next to her and groaned deep into the sheets. “I’m the most worthwhile gift you could unwrap tonight, Audelia,” he whined, still reaching up her bare thighs. “A husband ought to be allowed to ravish his wife on their wedding night.”

  Chuckling, she patted him on the shoulder and retrieved the carefully wrapped boon, eager to see what was inside. “This one is from Edwin.”

  “Marvelous,” he responded dryly. “I shall tell him tomorrow of how he’s ruined my night.”

  “Did you see Jocelyn’s face, Bryce,” she giggled, ignoring his comment and tearing at the secured parchment. “She looked so happy.”

  “She is happy for you. You two are best friends, are you not?”

  She stopped to look at him and smiled. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Returning the beam, Ulric sat up and pulled her closer. “I love you. Your happiness is my happiness.” He then pressed his lips against hers and reached for the gift in her hands. “Now, let’s see what Edwin has gotten you.”

  Finally managing to remove the wrapping, Ulric ripped another thin layer of paper and frowned down at the object now in his hands.

  “What is it?” Audelia grabbed it, her gaze scrutinizing. “It looks like...a coin.” In her hand was a large round wooden token almost bigger than the size of her fist, resembling a gold coin and with her full name engraved one both sides.

  “Let me see.” Ulric narrowed his eyes, skimming over the tiny inscription beneath her name. Then he chuckled. “The bastard.”

  “What does it say?” she asked but when her dear husband only threw back his head and laughed like a blasted drunkard, she huffed and grabbed it. “ ‘May this token keep you safe. It is known you had been quite an avid collector of coins’.” Eyes narrowing to slits, Audelia smacked Ulric on the arm. “This is not funny at all, Bryce.”

  Ulric grinned, ducking off the bed to avoid his wife’s flying hand. “Come on. Admit it. It is a little amusing.”

  “No, it is not!” She threw a pillow at his head. “It is not kind to jest at a person’s past...circumstances.”

  Ulric held his hands up and forced himself to keep a straight face. Over the last couple weeks of officially wooing Audelia into marrying him, he had learned quite a lot about her temperament and in his opinion, about women in general. It was always best to agree with whatever they said and apologize quickly.

  “Okay. I’m sorry,” he uttered, bending to retrieve the pillow. “You’re right. It’s not funny. I should not have laughed. And I will speak with Edwin about it.”

  Still scowling, she glancing down the token and back at her husband. “It does look...finely carved. I wonder where he got it made.”

  “I’ll ask him that too,” Ulric readily offered. “Right in the morning. Don’t you--” Pausing, he raised a skeptical brow, observing his wife. Was she...laughing? “What is it?”

  She shook her head and fell back onto the remaining pillows, kicking up her feet. A giggle spurted from her and then she was shaking with bloody laughter. “I suppose I may have overreacted a bit I...” She gasped to take in a breath. “I am yet to get used to Edwin’s very active sense of humor, aren’t I?”

  Ulric took a tentative step forward. “Uh, yes. I suppose so. You’re no longer...upset then?”

  Audelia sighed, smiling. “I guess not. Come here, husband. Give me a kiss.”

  Eagerly obliging, Ulric swept in and slid his body over her slender soft curves. His wife was a damn temptress whether she failed to realize it or not. Her fingers slid through his hair, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. They shared a lot of those in the past weeks. The type of kisses that left them both trembling with need and gulping for air.

  When they finally broke from the kiss, Ulric smiled and pecked her on the cheek. “I...happen to have a gift for you as well.”

  Audelia beamed. “You already gave me Olearia. And jewelry. Sending for Jocelyn early so she could be here with me through the wedding preparations... Bryce, I’m beyond grateful.”

  Ulric snorted. “You’re my wife. I’m entitled to spoil you. Besides, Olearia has been yours from the very first day you rode her,” he said, reaching inside a drawer of the small desk near the head of their bed. “Now just be a darling and close your eyes.”

  Shaking her head, Audelia giggled and covered her eyes with her hands. “No more coins.”

  “No more coins.” Ulric retrieved the narrow wooden box and brought it to his wife’s lap. “You can open them now.”

  Audelia dropped her hands and looked down to see a black box. “Okay. Let’s see what else my generous husband has gotten me.” She slid the tiny latch on the tiny chest and lifted the lid, her eyes widening as she glanced inside. “Oh Bryce...”

  “Do you like it?” Ulric watched her as she brought the gift closer to her face.

  “Like it? I love it.” Audelia spun the glistening new dagger in her hand, admiring the shiny steel blade and expertly carved handle. The initials, A.R.SR, (Audelia Rolfen St. Rosso) was engraved on the thicker end of the blade closer to the handle. It was a beauty, really and she looked at her husband, tears clouding her eyes. “It’s...beautiful.”

  Ulric smiled, relieved that she liked it. He’d had it specially built for her. A token of their trust. His trust. But perhaps, he’d delay his other gift at least until the next morning. That one was sure to send her into a state of gleeful shock.“I’m glad you like it.”

  Audelia slid the dagger back inside the box and flung herself into her husband’s arms. “I love you, Bryce. For all that you are.”

  Ulric’s heart warmed as he held her close, inhaling her sweet feminine scents. “As I love you, Lady Chastelle.”

  Giggling, Audelia drew back and pressed her lips to Ulric’s, her heart swelling with happiness and love. “Thank you.”

  “You’re beyond welcome.” He then nipped her on the neck and groaned. “Now may I make love to you?”

  Audelia giggled and pulled him down atop her. “Yes. Yes, you may.”

  Ulric (Or Bryce; whichever of his names you prefer) and Audelia loves feedback.

  Leave a honest review or send kind a comment.

  About the Author

  Patrice Hannah is an island girl, born and residing in the beautiful sunshine of Jamaica. At heart, she is an introvert--well, only when she’s working on her next story--and loves calm silent days and cool rainy nights.

  Though she’s only twenty years old, she likes to think that she’s much more mature than her age and finds herself passing many nights watching and re-watching, or reading the works of anything historical and romantic.

  While she loves to laugh, she’s not very good at jokes and tend to outdo herself in that arena.

  She is currently pursuing a tertiary education while daydreaming hours and hours away, thinking up her next story.

  Hannah-Lee loves to ch
at, and welcomes all suggestions and comments. You can reach her at:


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