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Watercolor (Dragonfly)

Page 4

by Moore, Leigh Talbert

  “You’re definitely in the club now.” I laced my fingers in his.

  Mr. Kyser walked over to us with the man I’d noticed him talking to during the speech. “Congratulations, Julian,” he said in a serious tone.

  Julian straightened up, lowering his arm.

  “I wanted to introduce you to an old friend of mine,” Mr. Kyser continued, “Chris Irvine of Studio 909 in Sterling. I was telling him you might have some pieces for his gallery.”

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” Julian said quickly, stepping forward to shake hands. “Thanks for coming out.”

  Mr. Kyser stepped over and put his hand on Julian’s shoulder. “Chris this is my… ah…”

  My eyes widened, and I almost choked when he hesitated. Was he about to introduce Julian as his son? Ms. LaSalle appeared, pulling me away from the group.

  “Anna, are you okay?” she said, her voice stern.

  I nodded, and Julian hadn’t noticed.

  “My friend?” Mr. Kyser continued as if nothing had happened. “Would that be correct to say, Julian?”

  “Yes, sir,” Julian answered. “I mean, sure.”

  “This is great stuff,” Mr. Irvine said. “Here’s my card. You call me when you have some pieces ready for me. Bill’s always been a good client. I’d be glad to carry your work.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered to Ms. LaSalle, but her expression was annoyed. I was completely flustered. “Do you mind if I take your picture? It’s for the Fairview paper.”

  “Sure!” Julian stood between his mom and Mr. Kyser with Mr. Irvine over to the right. I couldn’t wait to make a print of this one.

  The rest of the night was more of the same. Julian was introduced to gallery owners and civic leaders, and I stood by smiling and snapping pictures of him and them and his work. After another hour, I looked around and Mr. Kyser was gone. I didn’t see Lucy anywhere, and I couldn’t even spot Ms. LaSalle in the crowd.

  Finally, Julian was back by my side. “You ready to get out of here? I’m dead.”

  “You sure?” My forehead wrinkled. “I don’t want you to miss anyone.”

  “I stopped remembering names an hour ago,” he said under his breath.

  I giggled as we slipped out of a side exit in the back.

  “I think we stayed long enough to get you launched,” I said as we jogged to his car. The parking lot was emptying.

  “I guess. I don’t know.” He looked back at the huge structure. “At least Earl looks cool out front.”

  “Earl?” My nose wrinkled. “Is that what we’re calling him?”

  Julian shrugged. We were at his car, and he leaned back against it. “I got bored during that speech, and I decided he deserved a name. I was torn between Raphael and Earl.”

  I leaned beside him, and we studied the far-off center with its new lawn ornament. “I think he’s more a Raphael myself with that motorcycle head.”

  “Yeah, but this is south Alabama.” Julian pushed away from the car, opening my door. “He’s got to be Earl.”

  I climbed into the car and watched as Julian jogged around and did the same. He pushed the key into the starter, but again, nothing happened when it turned.

  I pressed my lips together. Two more tries, and still nothing.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked quietly.

  “Don’t know,” he said, trying again.

  “Should we call your mom?”

  He sat back, dropping his arm. “She left a half hour ago. She’ll be almost home by now.”

  He opened the door and got out to lift the hood. I got out and went around to stand beside him, but the metal pans and black tubes were a mystery to me.

  “Scotty and Blake put this thing together,” he said, irritation growing in his voice. “They’d know what to do.”

  “But you know how to work on cars, right?” I studied his face.

  “I can change the oil, but I’m a welder,” he said, slamming the hood. “I don’t know shit about this stuff.” He looked around. “And everything’s closed.”

  For a moment, we stood in silence, thinking. The sound of the bay was a quiet whisper not too far away, and I hated his big night ending this way. I was just pulling out my phone to call my dad when he stopped me.

  “Hang on.” He caught my hand. “Do you know how to pop a clutch?”

  My forehead lined. “Do what?”

  He pulled me back around to the driver’s side. “It’s a standard.”


  I watched him open the door and reach inside before standing up again. “So we can get it rolling and then pop the clutch to start it.”

  “I’ve never even heard of that.”

  Julian put his hands on top of his head and looked at me. “Then I’ll have to do it. But I’ll need you to push.”

  My eyes blinked my confusion. “You want me to push your car?”

  He frowned and rubbed his hand across his eyes. “Look, I’m really sorry about this, but it’s the only way we’re going to get home at this point. I’ll get it on an incline and help you, but I’m going to need you to push it to get it up to speed.”

  Laughter bubbled in my throat. “You know, this is exactly how I imagined this night going. You and me, hob-knobbing with the big wigs, pushing your car back to Fairview…”

  “Dammit, Anna.” I could tell he was getting pissed, so I bit my lip, swallowing my laugh.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, putting my hands on the car. “I will say I sure am glad I changed out of that skirt. Lord knows I wouldn’t want to be tripping on my hem while pushing the G-ride.”

  Julian growled and pulled me to him. Then he pressed his lips against mine in a rough kiss that stole my breath. “Shut up,” he said. I held his shoulders, eyes closed, fighting my smile. He pressed his forehead to mine and I met his blue eyes. “Now come on. I’ll help get it rolling.”

  I watched as he put a foot inside and shifted the T-bird to neutral. Then he stepped out again to help me roll it to the sloped drive that led into a strip mall.

  “Run around back, and watch out,” he said. “When it starts, it’ll jerk.”

  Pushing the car wasn’t as hard as it sounded with the help of gravity, and Julian got it started on the first try. I ran and jumped in as he turned the car toward home. Once we were on the road, I scooted over and put my head on his shoulder.

  “I’m glad you keep it real,” I said, trying again to lighten the mood. “You don’t let all that fame go to your head.”

  His jaw muscle flexed. “You’re welcome.”

  “You know, I really thought you were doing the whole fake breakdown thing.” I ran my finger lightly down his flexed jaw, thinking of that awesome kiss. “To make out with me or something.”

  He exhaled. “Not in the Athletic Center parking lot.”

  “Maybe once we get home?”

  “Yes.” He started to relax and slipped his arm around my shoulders. “Definitely.”

  Chapter 5

  My eyes grew heavy as we made our way along the dark country roads headed south. We drove a while in silence, with only music playing, and the next thing I knew, Julian startled me awake.

  “Dammit,” he hissed.

  I jumped straight up in the seat. “What?” Then I saw we were parked in front of my house. Everything was quiet.

  “I just killed the engine,” he said, banging the steering wheel. “There’s no way I’m getting it started again.”

  He turned the key and the starter simply made noises without engaging. “If it was the battery, it wouldn’t make that sound. Something more is wrong.”

  “Just spend the night here,” I said, pulling his arm. “You can sleep on the couch. Mom and Dad won’t care, and maybe Dad can look at it with you tomorrow.”

  He glanced up at my dark house. “I don’t know…”

  “What else are you going to do?” I scooted over and opened my door. “Walk home? Mom would have a fit.”

  Julian followed me inside, and I went to the close
t to pull out blankets and sheets. He helped me make up the couch, and I grabbed a pillow for him to use. Once the bed was made, I rose to my tiptoes and kissed his lips.

  “Text your mom. I’m going to bed,” I said as he caught my hands. Then he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him for a better kiss.

  My fingers traveled to his shoulders then into his soft, dark hair. His warm lips parted mine, and our tongues curled together, sending chills flashing all the way to my toes. My fingers tightened on his neck, and he held me closer against his chest.

  “I’ll be up in a minute,” he said against my lips.

  My protest disappeared in another hot kiss, and I considered the possibility. Sure, Mom and Dad would freak if they caught him in my bed, but with his mouth pushing mine open and our tongues entwined, I didn’t care. I imagined sleeping with him, our limbs following our tongues’ lead…

  Then he abruptly pulled back. “You’d better head up before I forget your parents are in the house.”

  I leaned in for one more quick kiss before whispering goodnight and jogging quietly up the stairs. My overheated body certainly didn’t have a problem forgetting about my parents. I heard Julian softly call my name as I got to the top, and I stuck my head back down.

  “Still my angel?” he whispered.

  “Mm-hm,” I nodded, smiling.

  In my room, I quickly changed and slid between the sheets. I was so tired, I didn’t even turn on the lamp and in an instant I was asleep. It seemed like I had just closed my eyes when I felt a gentle touch on my cheek.

  I jumped awake with a little squeal. “Julian!”

  “Shh!” he said, lightly putting his fingers to my lips.

  My heart was flying seeing his dark figure kneeling beside my bed. “You scared me to death,” I whispered.

  “I’m taking off.”

  “What?” I frowned, sliding out of the bed to the floor beside him. I was only wearing a sleep shirt and panties, but in the dim light, I didn’t think he couldn’t see.

  He cupped my cheek in his hand and gave me a soft kiss. “I can’t sleep. I’m heading back to my house.”

  “But how? Your car…” Then my eyes narrowed. “Were you really faking all that?”

  “No way,” he chuckled, and his hand slid down my arm. A little shiver moved through me. I liked having him in my room like this, even if it made me a little nervous.

  “I’ll walk,” he whispered. “It’s not so far, and I’m all keyed up anyway.”

  “Julian!” My fingers quickly closed around his arm, holding him still. “That’s at least ten miles! You can’t walk that far in the middle of the night.”

  He exhaled. “I’ll be fine.”

  “But what if you got mugged? And how will you get your car back?”

  “Pick me up in the morning.” He kissed my cheek and started to stand. “Listen, Anna, I’m totally wired. I can’t just lie downstairs in the dark staring at the ceiling. Climb back in.”

  He held my blankets up, and I slipped between them. Then he leaned against the bedside so our faces were close together. “Now get some sleep,” he whispered, kissing my nose.

  I propped up on my elbows. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  He shook his head. “It’s probably just coming down after tonight. You know.”

  “Probably?” My hand returned to his arm, and I rubbed it up and down.

  He was quiet a few minutes, then he started. “I was just thinking about everything that happened and me and who I am and what this is all about.” He paused.

  I wasn’t sure if he’d continue, but I hoped… “And?” I said softly.

  “And I’m nobody, Anna.” His voice was different. An edge was in it I’d only heard once before. “All these people are making this big deal about me, and what if they’re wrong? What if I’ve had all the great ideas I’m ever going to have? They want more, but I don’t have a single idea of anything new I’d like to do. I feel like… like that car out there. Stalling.”

  For a moment, I was quiet. He didn’t say anything more either, and the only thing in my brain was one thing I’d promised to keep secret.

  I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed it. “I can tell you two things,” I said. “You’re not ‘nobody.’ For starters, look at your mom. She was an amazing artist back in the day—”

  “And she quit. Why? Am I going to do the same thing?”

  I bit my lip. I knew exactly why she’d quit, and it had nothing to do with her talent or her ability. Or his. Taking a deep breath, I said the only thing I could. “You probably are still coming down from tonight.”

  He exhaled and shook his head. “I know, I’m being stupid.”

  “You’re not,” I cried in a whisper, sitting up fast and hugging my arms around his shoulders. I felt his hands go to my waist. “Tonight was a huge deal, and your funny car. C’mon, Julian. People have car trouble all the time.”

  He kissed my neck briefly, pulling away. “I know. You’re right.” I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

  “And you’re always having creative ideas,” I continued, not letting him go. “It’s the way you’re made. What about the bay? You drove me all the way into Fort Spain just to turn around and show me a colorful sunset. Most people would drive right past that and not even look. You’re different. You’re special.”

  “Yeah, I’m so special. I don’t even know who my dad is.”

  Instantly pressure tightened in my chest at those words. I had to bite my lip to keep from exploding. Now I was mad. I slid out of the bed again onto the floor in front of him and pulled him into my arms. We held each other in silence several moments while I listened to our breathing and considered just telling him the truth. Forget what his stupid parents wanted, forget my promise. Julian could not feel this way to ease their selfishness.

  After a few minutes, I took a deep breath and leaned back against the side of my bed facing him. He leaned forward and kissed me, sliding his hand under my shirt to my bare stomach. Warmth followed his touch, and I reached up to hold his cheeks. Then he stood, pulling me up with him, our lips never parting. Tingling warmth crept up my legs as he moved us both into my bed. Our bodies slid between the blankets, and he was partially on top of me, kissing me slowly, gently.

  He rose up and pulled his shirt off fast. I only caught a glimpse of the round tattoo on the side of his lined torso before he reached down and slid my nightshirt all the way up, his mouth covering my bare breasts with kisses. I gasped a little noise. Heat roared through my body, following the burning trail of his lips. My hands slid into his hair, as he started on one side then slowly kissed his way to the other, his tongue lightly touching me.

  “Julian!” I gasped.

  He quickly moved up, covering my mouth with his. Now our bare chests were pressed together, and my heart was beating so hard, I was sure he could feel it. I held onto him tightly. I didn’t want him to stop. The feeling of our bodies touching was amazing.

  Slowly he released me from the kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, and pressed his forehead into my shoulder. We were both breathing hard, and I lay very still unsure what he would do next. Several minutes passed, and my heart rate slowed. He turned his head to the side, resting his cheek on my chest, but still he didn’t speak. After a while, my arms grew tired, and I couldn’t tell if he was even still awake. I lightly smoothed his hair with my fingertips until I starting to drift. Then he slid beside me and gently pulled my shirt back down.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  I pulled myself into his arms and pressed my cheek against his warm skin. “You don’t have to apologize.”

  I didn’t realize how protective of him I’d grown until he’d said what he did tonight. I also didn’t realize how quickly I would follow him wherever he wanted to take me. I wondered if these new feelings were because we’d known each other so long or if it was because I knew so much about his past. Things he didn’t even know. He gently rubbed my back, and I could fee
l my thoughts twisting into distorted images as sleep pushed against them.

  The next time I opened my eyes, it was light outside, and Julian was gone. I heard voices downstairs, so I grabbed my hoodie and stepped into my PJ pants. In the kitchen, Julian sat at the bar with a cup of coffee. I blinked to the couch, and it was messy and slept in. I wondered when he’d crept out of my room last night.

  Going to the kitchen, I caught his eye. He looked at me and smiled, and two thoughts hit me at once. First, how amazingly sexy he was, and second, what happened last night in my room. My cheeks went hot with my mom standing right there, and I stepped over to the sink to grab a glass of water.

  “Julian said his big night ended in a typical teenage moment,” Mom said.

  I tensed, unsure which moment she was referencing. “What do you mean?”

  “I told your mom you had to push my car,” Julian said.

  Chills raced down my arms at the sound of his voice. “Oh, yeah. I didn’t know how to pop a clutch,” I said, taking a long drink of cold water. I needed it.

  “You know, that’s a trick most kids probably haven’t even heard of,” Mom said, oblivious. “I remember when it was pretty common. But there were a lot more standard cars when I was young.”

  She lifted the pot to make more coffee. “Anyway, I told Julian he shouldn’t take that as any reflection on his achievement. People have car trouble all the time.”

  “I told her that was exactly what you said,” Julian’s voice was right next to my ear as he leaned past me to put his cup in the sink. My stomach tightened at his closeness, and I had to fight the urge to grab him.

  He frowned. “Are you okay?” I managed a nod. “I’m going out to see what your dad thinks. Come with me?”


  I followed him out the door, but when we got outside, he stopped abruptly. “What’s up? You’re acting weird.”

  “I… I just… You seem different to me today.” I said.


  “Yeah.” My eyes went to his mouth, and I had an overwhelming urge to kiss him. Instead I only studied my hands clasped together at my waist.


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