The Taking of K-129
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and SEC investigation, 359
and security protocols for mission, 72, 85–86, 126
and tax complications of project, 262
Executive Committee, 83–84, 188
Farr, William, 340–41, 343, 353–54
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 258–60, 341
Feldman, Ray, 154–55, 223, 284, 305, 314, 403
Field, A. J., 79, 89, 96, 109, 321
“fish” (towed sonar array), 31–32, 36–39, 44
Flickinger, Don, 322, 377, 381
Fonda, Jane, 340
Fonda, Peter, 204
Ford, Gerald, 318, 336, 364–68, 376–77, 383–84, 389
40 Committee, 188–89, 243, 248, 252, 336–37, 351, 367, 375–76
Freedom of Information Act requests, 389–91
From the Shadows (Gates), 397
Frosch, Robert, 84, 100–101, 295
Fry, Tom, 303
Gardner, Trevor, 51
Gates, Robert M., v, 397–98
Gay, Bill, 108, 170, 257, 259, 261, 400
General Accounting Office, 165
General Dynamics, 117, 118
General Services Administration, 381
Geneva Conventions, 240, 245
Glenn, Kay, 257–58, 353
Global Marine
and Awa Maru salvage project, 393
background, 1–2
and black contracts, 108, 109–10
and cancellation of Matador Project, 373, 378
Cannon hired by, 160
and construction of Explorer, 175, 177–78, 181
and contracting accountability, 165–67
and cover story for project, 94, 106–10, 115, 120–21, 144, 172
and covert systems fit-out of Explorer, 204
and crew selection for mission, 223, 266
and delivery trip of Explorer, 194–96, 198, 200
Global Marine Development split, 159
and Graham’s illness and death, 216, 321
and “grunt lift” concept, 100
and hiring of project personnel, 96–98, 117–18, 185, 218
and intelligence community awards, 399
and labor disputes, 208
and launching of Explorer, 182, 184
and Matador Project, 338
and mergers, 385
and origin of Azorian, 3–5
and Pasho’s role, 287
and post-project life of Explorer, 381–82
and preliminary engineering for project, 87–89
as primary contractor, 102
and Project Mohole, 79–81
and recovery phase of mission, 302
and seafloor mining concept, 90–91
and sea trials, 191
and SEC investigation, 355–57, 359–60
and security protocols for mission, 103, 126–28
and ship design, 99, 147
and sources on Azorian Project, 412
and tax complications of project, 261–63, 346, 348
Global Marine Development, Inc. (GMDI), 159–61, 209
GlobalSantaFe, 385, 399
Glomar Challenger, 80–81, 94, 129
Glomar Coral Sea, 369
Glomar II
and capture vehicle design, 156–57
and cover story for project, 121, 164
and design for Explorer, 130
and Soviet surveillance of mission, 282
and survey of wreck site, 135–38, 140–42, 146, 148, 297
and Wetmore’s design background, 80, 129
Glosten, Larry, 76, 149–50, 183
Goedecke, Chuck, 261
Goldwater, Barry, 204
Golf-class subs, 7, 12, 23
Graham, Jack, 172, 215
Graham, John
background, 94–96
and construction of Explorer, 175–81
and contracting accountability, 166–67
and cover story for project, 94, 172
and crew selection for mission, 223–24, 265–66
and delivery trip of Explorer, 196
failing health, 288–89
and Global Marine Development split, 159–60
and hiring of project personnel, 118–19, 185–86
and Hughes Mining Barge 1, 150
illness and death, 212–16, 319, 320–21
and intelligence on wreck site, 131
and launching of Explorer, 182–83
and legacy of Azorian Project, 386–87, 401–2
and news leaks of mission details, 345, 369
and recovery phase of mission, 285, 302–3
and sea trials, 191–92, 228, 230–31
and security protocols for mission, 160–61
and ship design, 96–100, 103–5, 113–14, 146–48
and ship systems, 161–63, 190–91
and Wetmore’s role, 128–29
Graham, Nell, 94–95, 289
Gresham, Tom, 263–64, 270, 275–76, 284, 292, 374
“grunt lift” concept, 100–101, 153. See also capture vehicle; heavy-lift system
Guzzetta, Chuck, 272
Hadler, Jacques, 162–63, 228
Haig, Alexander, 43
Hall, Albert, 188, 253
Hancock, Taylor, 89
Harlfinger , Frederick “Fritz,” II, 40–43
Harvey (secret staircase), 124–25, 288, 381
Hatcher, Eric, 138–41
Havenstrite, Russell E., 1
heave-compensation system, 105, 161, 192, 199, 274, 293, 300, 303–4, 382
heavy-lift system
and arrival at target site, 271
and construction of Explorer, 176–77
and contractors for project, 102–3
and crew selection for mission, 223
film depictions of, 411
and Glomar II, 130
and mechanical failures, 279–80
and political resistance to project, 189
purpose of, 161
and recovery phase of mission, 285, 298–300, 302–5, 310
and rough sea conditions, 274
and sea trials, 192, 226–27
and ship design, 77, 99, 104–5
testing, 290–91
Hecker, Stanley, 27
Helms, Richard, 44–45, 57, 63–65, 74, 188–89
Henley, Nadine, 256, 258–59, 261
Hersh, Seymour, 232, 340, 344, 363–64
Hess, Harry, 78
Hiller Helicopter, 154–55, 284
HMS L55, 73
Hodges, Duane, 41
A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea (Bascom), 80
Hollett, John, 185
Holliday, Raymond, 108–9, 144–45, 170, 259, 353, 400
Holzer, Alex, 3, 74, 133
Holzer, John P., 133
Honeywell, 102–3, 166, 189, 200, 203, 261, 272
The Honolulu Advertiser, 324–25
Hoover, J. Edgar, 111, 362
Houston, Joe, 131–34, 146, 297
Houston, Larry, 171, 262
Howard, John, 350
Hughes, Howard
and approval process for mission, 254
and cancellation of Matador Project, 372
and conflict with Chile, 201
and construction of Explorer, 175, 177
and cover story for project, 106–7, 109, 113, 115, 144–45, 151, 164, 170, 193–94, 213
and covert systems fit-out of Explorer, 204
death, 382–83
and launching of Explorer, 183
and news leaks of mission details, 353, 399–400
and SEC investigation,
and security protocols for mission, 289
and Summa Corporation break-in, 258–59
and tax complications of project, 261, 346
Hughes Mining Barge 1 (HMB-1)
and cancellation of Matador Project, 373–74, 377, 379
and capture vehicle design, 152–53
and construction process, 149–50, 158
and contracting accountability, 165
and crew training, 239
launching of, 151
and launching of Explorer, 183
and legacy of Azorian Project, 386
and Matador Project, 335
and news leaks of mission details, 339
and sea trials, 227, 233–36
and tax complications of project, 347
Hughes Tool Company, 102, 106–10, 113, 144–45, 165, 167–68, 263, 356–58
human remains in K-129, 203, 313, 315–16, 325–26, 331–33, 397
hydrophones, 19–20, 23, 26, 157–58, 270
Imamura, Howard, 162, 219, 238
Inman, Bobby Ray, 292, 295
Intelligence Medal of Merit, 403
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 22, 42, 68, 255
international law, 73–74, 92–93, 116, 245, 248–49, 275–76, 366
Itek Corporation, 67–68, 131–32
Ito, Paul, 160, 217–18, 223
Jackson, Harry, 28, 225, 291, 370
Jedburghs, 232–33
Jennifer security system, 85–86, 123, 232, 345
Jezebel Project, 20
Johnson, Charlie, 99
Johnson, Kelly, 50–51, 53, 56–57, 62, 74, 76, 127, 153, 189
Johnson, Lyndon, 43, 64, 254–55
Jordan, John, 193
age and configuration of, 9–10
assessment of recovered materials, 311–16
diving bell from, 39, 329, 397
human remains in, 203, 313, 315–16, 325–26, 331–33, 397
key personnel, 7–10
location of wreck, 38–39, 270, 282, 399
mission description, 11
proposal for raising, 76–77
and recovery phase of operation, 296–301, 302–10
search for, 15–16
section lost during recovery, 304–7, 311–12
Kauderer, Bernard “Bud,” 15
Kelly, Joseph P., 20, 32, 62–63
Kemp, Steven, 161, 212–13, 224, 231, 369
Kennedy, John F., 27, 80, 83
Kenworthy, Chuck, 379
Khruschev, Nikita, 364
Killian, James R., Jr., 48–50, 53, 67–68
Kingma, Louis, 196, 200
Kissinger, Henry
and approval process for mission, 243–44, 251–52, 254
and cancellation of Matador Project, 375–76
and cover story for project, 84, 108
and Matador Project, 351–52
and news leaks of mission details, 366–68, 389
and Nixon’s foreign policy, 43–44
and political resistance to project, 188–89
and Project Matador, 336, 351
and security protocols for mission, 287
Knorr, Dayton, 105
Kobzar, Vladimir, 7–8, 11, 13–14, 283
Kostyushko, Vladimir, 332
Kosygin, Aleksey, 255
Krutein, Eva, 117
Krutein, Manfred
and assessment of recovered materials, 326
and cover story for project, 120–21, 143–45, 172, 235
and helicopter delivery of documents, 138–41
and hiring of project personnel, 117–20
and media reception, 164
and security protocols for mission, 135–37, 141–43
Kucera, George, 71, 109, 346, 360
Lahaina, Hawaii, 301, 318
Laird, Melvin, 77, 403–4
Land, Edwin “Din,” 49–50, 53, 67–68
LA Times, 258
launch of the Hughes Glomar Explorer, 183–84, 191–92
Law of the Sea Conference, 116, 320, 324, 367
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 203, 221, 240, 312, 402
LeMay, Curtis, 204
LeSage, Jim, 261
Lesch, James, 108, 182
Lesch, Zelma, 182
Life magazine, 80
Lindsay, Frank, 131
Lloyd, Monte, 394
Lloyd, Walt
and approval process for mission, 244–45
and Aquatone project, 54
and B crew preparations, 324
and cancellation of Matador Project, 377
and capture vehicle design, 152, 154
and cover story for project, 113–16, 121, 143, 169–74
and helicopter delivery of documents, 139
and hiring of project personnel, 111–13, 219
and launching of Explorer, 184
and legacy of Azorian Project, 403
and news leaks of mission details, 234–35, 343, 345, 390
post-mission years, 393–94
and SEC investigation, 355–61
and secrecy of project, 113
and security protocols for mission, 70–72, 155
and tax complications of project, 236, 261–63, 350
Lockheed Corporation
Advanced Development Programs, 52
and cancellation of Matador Project, 381
and capture vehicle construction, 150, 152–54
and construction of Explorer, 178
and contracting accountability, 165–66
and covert systems fit-out of Explorer, 203
and key engineering elements, 102
and legacy of Azorian Project, 386, 403
and political resistance to project, 189
and seabed miner designs, 384–85
and seafloor rescue program, 29
and ship design, 99
shipping company of, 335
and tax complications of project, 261, 347–48
Lokhof, Viktor, 332
The London Observer, 193–94
Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram, 378
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), 258–59, 341
Los Angeles Times, 344–45, 353, 356, 364, 369, 375, 384
Maheu, Robert, 107, 257
manganese nodules, 90–92, 120–21, 131, 174, 184, 324, 327
Manhattan Project, 48, 204
Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association (MEBA), 208–9
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 29
Matador Project, 335–37, 351, 364, 371–73, 376–77, 381, 383, 386, 390, 393
Matthews, Jon, 175, 179, 386–87
The Maui News, 323
McCone, John, 68
McNamara, Robert, 255, 310
McNary, Jim, 99, 130, 161–62, 223, 310, 382, 402–3
Mechanics Research Inc. (MRI), 76, 87–88, 103, 122, 320
medals awarded to Azorian contributors, 394–95, 398, 403
Mero, John, 91–92
Midway Island, 301, 318
The Mineral Resources of the Sea (Mero), 91
Mohole Project, 78–79, 355
Monroe, Paul, 166
moon pool, viii–ix
and arrival at target site, 273
and assessment of recovered materials, 311, 312–14, 325, 326–27
and cancellation of Matador Project, 379
and covert systems fit-out of Explorer, 203
and crew training, 241
and delivery trip of Explorer, 194, 197
and disposal of h
ull materials, 329
and docking legs, 214
and gimbaled platform, 161
and Hadler’s work, 162–63
and key engineering elements, 102
and legacy of Azorian Project, 402
and recovery phase of mission, 309, 310
and rough sea conditions, 274–75
and sea trials, 192, 227–28, 230, 235
and security protocols for mission, 276, 295
sharks attracted to, 374
and ship design, 98–99, 114, 146–48, 162–63
and station-keeping system, 270–71
Moore, Edward, 34, 36, 39
Moorer, Thomas H., 77, 188
Morse, Clinton, 346, 349
Munk, Walter, 78
Murphy, Frank, 341
Murrain, Lee, 257
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 54
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), 82–84, 395
National Science Foundation (NSF), 78–81
National Security Agency (NSA), 31, 46, 85–86, 268–70, 292–94, 337
National Security Council (NSC), 46, 83, 248, 318, 340
National Security Medal, 394
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, 149, 150
National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (NURO)
and approval process for mission, 247
and “grunt lift” concept, 100
and inter-agency rivalries, 210
and Matador Project, 335, 337
and political resistance to project, 188
and sea trials, 227, 230
and security protocols for mission, 295
structure of, 83–85
Naval Intelligence, 291, 295, 339–40
Navy reserve fleet, 384, 386
Navy SEALS, 220, 229–30
Nelson, Norm, 63, 74, 127, 247
Newsweek, 345
Newton, Fred, 302, 305
New York Times, 232–33, 342–45, 402
Nielsen, Dale
and approval process for mission, 243
and burial of human remains, 331
and crew selection for mission, 221–22
and departure for mission, 264
and recovery phase of mission, 284, 297, 301, 306, 308, 318
and Soviet surveillance of mission, 281, 292
Nierenberg, William A., 399
Nixon, Richard
and approval process for mission, 254–55
and conflict with Chile, 198
and cover story for project, 84
and development of ocean-mining, 92–93, 118
inauguration, 43
and news leaks of mission details, 353, 362
and political resistance to project, 189
resignation from office, 317
speech at shipyard, 150
North South California Company (NoSoCalCo), 335
Nosachev, Valentin, 332
nuclear weapons and materials, 42, 239–40, 251, 312–13, 401