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Dark Dreams_A Billionaire Romance_Bound By My Dreams

Page 4

by Zaphira D. Gheorge

  “I suppose that must mean that I like you then because, really you aren’t very good at all of this,”

  Aspen goaded. From the way his lips twitched, she could see that Benson was all too self-confident to believe a word that she said.

  “I might believe you if I didn’t see the way your chest has gone flushed and the way you crossed your legs because you just can’t handle my charm.”

  Benson raised an eyebrow at her and she began to feel as though she was going to fall right off her chair.

  “You are very sure of yourself, aren’t you Mister Fox?”

  “Doubting oneself only opens the door for more doubt to creep in,” Benson shrugged.

  “The way I see it is if you are always sure of yourself you can never go wrong.”

  “I shall have to remind you of that when you stick your foot in it,” Aspen smirked.

  “Oh and I am very sure you will delight in doing so but until then I will stick to my guns and continue to woo you,” Benson insisted and he picked up his fork.

  “Shall we?”

  Aspen picked up her own fork and nodded.

  “We shall.”

  She picked up a fork full of cake and slipped it into her mouth.

  The divine tastes that hit her taste buds were like a drug and she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring every last bit.


  When she opened her eyes again, she saw that Benson was watching her with a smile. He spoke in a husky voice that caused another flutter in her stomach.

  “I like a woman who enjoys her food.”

  “Live while you can, I always say,” she told him, even though mentally she was already thinking of all the extra laps she would have to do in the pool in the morning just to compensate. It was one thing to allow herself to enjoy food, another thing to allow herself to let go completely.

  “That is indeed a good motto to live by,” Benson nodded. “So, other than being an heiress with billions in the bank and hundreds of employees beneath you, how do you like to spend your time?”

  “Let’s not make this all about me,” Aspen protested.

  “It’s high time you let on something about yourself.”

  “I was taught never to make everything about myself, especially not on the first date,” Benson told her before he picked up his wine glass and took a swallow of his drink. Aspen noticed the way that his face flinched a little as he swallowed.

  “You don’t like it?” she asked him curiosity.

  “I’m not a huge wine drinker myself,” he admitted, and Aspen couldn’t help but smile.

  “There, you got me. You made me talk about myself. Now answer the question.”

  “I’m not sure finding out that you aren’t a huge wine drinker is considered all that much getting to know you,” Aspen laughed but she couldn’t bring herself to hold back from his question any longer.

  “I like to spend time to myself. Go walking with my dog. Swim in my rooftop pool. Get a facial.”

  “Now the mundane questions from last night make sense,” Benson laughed.

  “You have a dog.”

  Aspen couldn’t help but smile as she thought of the little Jack Russel Terrier she had at home waiting for her. She knew that as soon as she walked in he would be at her feet, just waiting for a fuss.

  “Yes, I have a Jack Russell.”

  “His name isn’t Jack, is it?” Benson joked and Aspen felt her cheeks grow red hot with embarrassment.

  “How did you guess?” she gaped at him and Benson tapped his hand on the table and laughed greatly with amusement.

  “You couldn’t have come up with something a little more adventurous?”

  “My nephew named him for me,” Aspen shrugged and Benson’s face softened.

  “Then, in that case, Jack is a brilliant name for a dog that I am sure is brilliant, too.” Benson took another bite of cake.

  “What about you? Any pets?”

  “I did have a parrot when I was a kid. My mother hated the mess so she sold him to the nearest pet shop and told me he got out,” Benson shrugged and Aspen’s hand flew up to her mouth in shock.

  “My goodness. That’s awful.”

  “I’m over it.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to Jack. He’s been my best friend ever since I can remember.” A tear came to Aspen’s eye at the mere thought of it.

  “Perhaps one day, I might be lucky enough to meet your little friend,” Benson suggested.

  “If this goes any further than the first date, then, of course,” Aspen nodded. “Jack always has the last say on these matters.”

  “Then I should slather my hands in dog food before I meet him just to sway the odds,” Benson joked, and Aspen laughed like she hadn’t laughed in a long time.

  Aspen took another few bites of cake.

  “I have to say; this cake is delicious. Where did you get it?”

  “Actually, I had my cook bake it today,” Benson remarked as he took another bite as well.

  “Please let your cook know they did a wonderful job, I don’t think I have had one this delicious since my grandmother was alive.”

  Both finished their dessert.

  “What do you have planned after cake?” Aspen was starting to enjoy herself.

  “Well, we could either continue to eat or go somewhere a bit more scenic. What would you prefer?”

  Benson wiped the corners of his mouth with his napkin before placing it on his plate.

  “Something a bit more scenic would be nice.”

  Aspen enjoyed the city, in general, but sometimes a beautiful landscape could calm her in a way that nothing else could.

  Nodding, Benson slid out from the table before stepping behind Aspen and pulling out her chair for her.

  “It’s not far from here.”

  He said, extending his elbow for her to take. They chatted playfully as they exited the beautiful and enchanting garden area.

  “So, in all seriousness, tell me about yourself,” Aspen prodded.

  “Honestly, there’s not much to tell. I’m a fairly simple man,” Benson said as he escorted Aspen to the nearby building. It was tall, with concrete pillars at the corners and nothing but glass between them. When Aspen gave him a pointed look he relented.

  “Okay, well I don’t come from a very rich family. I moved to the city when I got my dream job at Johnson & Burns. I haven’t had much of a social life since I started working. It takes a lot of time to become a high-powered attorney, you know.”

  “So, you don’t have any hobbies? Any unique interests?” Aspen couldn’t believe it. Surely, he had something he did for fun.

  She saw something dark cross his eyes as he opened the door to the building for her.

  “I sometimes listen to audiobooks while I jog.”

  “Much better, now we’re getting somewhere,” she said as she stepped into the building and looked around. The lobby was brightly lit with hanging chandeliers. The floors were white marble polished to a high shine. The walls were a black marble that shined just as much as the floor.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked.

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise.”

  Benson smiled confidently. Walking with him, Aspen could feel something pulling her closer to him. It was almost as if they both had magnets inside them that was trying to pull them together. She could feel herself wanting to cuddle up in his arms, surrounded in him and his essence. She was finding it hard to resist him.

  Benson led her to the elevators and pressed the button. As the elevator doors opened, they stepped inside.

  “Now no peeking,” Benson said as the doors shut behind them.

  “You really want me to cover my eyes?” she questioned. She was intrigued but wasn’t so sure about that.

  “You can turn around if you would prefer?” Benson smiled. “Just trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Aspen looked at Benson for a moment. Do I really tr
ust him? she thought. Deciding to live a little, she gently closed her eyes.

  “Please keep them closed until the elevator ride is over,” she heard him say. She heard the click of a button being pushed and felt the lurch of the elevator. She was thrown off balance by the movement and began to teeter on her heels.

  “Whoa, there.”

  Benson’s hands wrapped around her elbows, catching her before she fell.

  “I’ve got you.” His voice was low and husky right in front of her. She felt him brush a strand of hair off her forehead.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful.”

  Aspen felt herself leaning toward his voice against her will. Her mind kept telling her to keep things professional, but her body was quickly taking control. She could feel him still holding her, a soothing presence right in front of her. It felt as though her heart would beat right out of her chest. She was filled with nervous energy at the thought of not being in control of the situation, but it was also making her feel more alive than she had in a long time. Maybe releasing control wasn’t such a bad thing.

  The elevator dinged, and Aspen heard the doors open. Benson’s hands slid to her hands and gently guided her a handful of steps out of the elevator.

  “May I open my eyes now?” She felt like a little girl asking for permission, but it felt sexy in some way.

  “Yes,” Benson’s voice was a seductively low growl that seemed to touch Aspen deep inside.

  It was filled with dark promises that made her toes want to curl. As her eyes opened, she took in her surroundings.

  They were standing on a rooftop, high above the city streets. She had no clue how many stories up they were, but it seemed to be the perfect height. Up here, they were above many of the buildings in town, but there were still a handful that were taller. Actually, all the taller buildings were hers. It was the view above, however, that was breathtaking. It seemed as though there were more stars up here. Almost as if they were among them.

  “Oh my,” Aspen gasped.

  Her hand went unconsciously to her mouth, fingers gently touching her lips.

  “It’s gorgeous.”

  “That it is,” whispered Benson.

  Aspen looked at him only to find he was still staring at her. Shaking himself he said, “Come sit down.”

  He gestured toward two lounge chairs that were separated by a glass table. On it, there was a decanter of some amber liquid with two glasses.

  Taking a step toward him, she reached out her hand toward him. She could feel a real fondness for Benson growing inside. It wasn’t just a lust she was feeling toward him - there was a real connection happening. He looked startled before he smiled and took her hand, leading her to the lounge chairs.

  Smoothing her skirt, Aspen perched on the edge of the chair.

  “This is not what I was expecting,” she admitted.

  “I wasn’t expecting to bring you up here,” he confided as he sat on the edge of his own chair.

  “This is actually my own little hideout.” He looked a little embarrassed as he said, “The only reason there are two chairs up here is because I thought it looked pathetic with only one.” He laughed a little to himself.

  “Thank you.” She was stunned. “What made you do it then?”

  “Well, you were asking all those questions about me, and I wasn’t sure how to answer. I thought that maybe bringing you to my favorite place could give you a better idea.” He kept his eyes on the stars, as if he couldn’t quite meet her eye.

  Looking at him, staring up at the stars like he was a little boy, she could see the man he was. He may be conflicted in some places, a bit hard on himself, but he had a good heart. She could just tell.

  “Is that just up here for looks, too?” she asked, gesturing to the decanter.

  “No, would you care for a glass?” He stood as she nodded. Pouring two glasses, he handed her one and took the other.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the cup from him. Lifting the glass to her lips she took a delicate sip, bracing herself for the burn. Instead, the amber liquid slid down her throat, warming her to the core. It was good, whatever it was.

  “Mind if I slip off my shoes?”

  Her feet were tired from the day.

  “Please, get comfortable. I have a blanket or two in a trunk if you need one?”

  Benson loosened his tie and slipped off his own shoes.

  “No, thank you. But since these don’t have arms, do you think we could push them together?”

  She didn’t want to have the table between them. It felt too far away.

  “Sure.” He moved the table back and pushed his chair next to hers. “Is that better?”

  Nodding, she patted his chair. They both sat back, taking in the sky. Aspen lost herself in the stars while thinking about the man beside her. She knew nothing about him, but if she was being honest, she felt more comfortable with him than any man she had ever been on a date with before. It was almost as if she already knew him, even though she knew for a fact that she didn’t.

  She felt fingernails grazing over the back of her hand. Looking down, she saw Benson was slowly caressing the back of her hand with his fingers. He seemed lost in thought as he touched her. Turning her hand, she ran her fingers along his. It was an innocent touch, but the way their fingers began to glide together the movement started to feel taboo. His fingers danced between hers, tickling and tempting.

  Dragging her gaze away from their fingers, she met Benson’s eyes. The dark and hungry look had returned, and it made her feel weak. Biting her lip, she struggled to control herself. Benson’s eyes flashed to her lips. His sharp intake of breath let her know that she was affecting him just as much as he was affecting her. It felt as though every cell in her body was urging her to move closer toward him.

  “Benson, I…,” she began.

  He cut her off by claiming her lips. Aspen was shocked by the contact until she sank into the kiss. The hair from his facial hair tickled her lips as they gently parted. He slid his tongue into her mouth and they melded into one. His kiss deepened as though he were claiming her, possessing her. His hand slipped under her hair, softly caressing her neck. Aspens head began to cloud with desire. It had been such a long time since she felt the touch of a man like this. All she wanted was to rip his clothes off and ride him right there.

  “Wait,” she said, breaking free of his kiss.

  “We need to slow down.” She was breathing heavily, as if she had been swimming laps in her pool again.

  “Yes, you’re right,” he said, collecting himself.

  The sound of a cell phone broke the silence. Realizing it was her ringtone; Aspen opened her purse to retrieve it. The caller ID told her it was her assistant.

  “I’m so sorry - I have to take this,” she mumbled before answering.

  “I’m so sorry to disturb you,” her assistant began, “But there is a bit of a situation. If you could come to the office as soon as possible, it would be good. I can give you more details when you get here.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there shortly.” Aspen replied. She didn’t like to talk about delicate matters over the phone. Turning to Benson she began, “Benson, I’m so sorry…”

  “But you have to go, I get it.”

  He feigned a smile, but she could tell he was disappointed. Certain parts of her were too while others were relieved. Things were moving fast tonight, and it was time to pump the brakes.

  “I would love to do this again sometime, maybe wearing something a little more comfortable?” she asked.

  He laughed. “That sounds good.”

  “Let me make the arrangements next time?” she questioned. She could see him debating internally. He really seemed to like being in control.

  “I’ll show you what I like to do in my free time.”

  “Okay, I can go along with that.” he said.

  “Let me escort you back to your car.”


  He couldn’t get over how the night had gone. Not
only did she actually show up for their date, which part of him was worried about, but they had an amazing time. It was too bad it was cut so short, but that was the way it went sometimes. He was just glad it wasn’t his phone that rang. She was an heiress after all. He was sure she had responsibilities that he couldn’t even imagine.

  He never told her they were on the roof of his apartment building. Of course, she hadn’t asked. Did she assume? Maybe. But with the building being fairly nondescript, she may not have known. Unless, maybe her family owned the building? He would have to look into that.

  Pushing the button that led to his floor, Benson ran his fingers through his hair. The kiss they shared had been amazing. He could still faintly smell her perfume, though he wasn’t sure if it was on him somewhere or just ingrained into his mind. Either way it was intoxicating.

  As he strolled through the living room, Graves materialized.

  “Good evening, is there anything I can do for you, sir?”

  “Yes, Graves. Please clean up the rooftop for me?”

  The man nodded before disappearing to do as he was asked.

  Benson grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before heading down the hall to his bedroom. He was still in awe of the fact that he had met and then went on a date with his dream girl. Previously, he had hoped that since they met the dreams would let up. That was certainly not the case - instead they had only gotten more vivid.

  Shutting the bedroom door, Benson began to pull off his clothes. Once he was down to his boxers, he slipped between the Egyptian cotton sheets, relishing their soft feel against his bare skin. Closing his eyes, he replayed his date with Aspen over and over until he drifted off to sleep.

  “I need you Benson,” Aspen whispered.

  This time they were on the rooftop again. It was nighttime, and the clouds were sliding across the moon, making her look like an angel in her white dress. Her hair was loose and down, and for as innocent as she looked it made him hard with desire.

  “I need you too, Aspen,” he said, reaching for her. Pulling her close, he let her feel his hard member pressing against her. He took her chin and guided her lips to his, tongues tasting each other. He broke away the kiss and spun her around. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, he found the zipper to the dress and slowly lowered it. It dropped to the ground, exposing nothing but a white thong underneath.


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