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Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 4

Page 6

by Redemption(lit)

  She hesitated.


  With a jerky nod, she set off, walking away from him, holding the bag close to her body while allowing a small but steady stream of white crystals to escape the opening. Satisfied she was doing as instructed, he turned and began laying his line in the opposite direction. Salt wasn't much, but it would do for now.

  As he neared the front of the house, he prayed the scant remains would suffice; he rounded the corner in time to see Maeve do the same. Her sack was almost empty. He made it to the front walk before his supply ran out. He looked up to see how far she'd make it and swore under his breath when her salt ended at the opposite edge of the walk.

  "All gone." She waved the empty bag.

  "Mine, too." Damn! He had to find a way to protect the walk and seal the circle around the house. He let the pot fall and it clanged against the Samurai sword still strapped to his hip.

  The sword!

  He grabbed Maeve's hand and pulled her into the salt circle as shadows formed in the woods facing the house. Beady eyes glowed reddish gold in the darkness. The minions had arrived.

  He wrenched the sword from his belt. Pointing it to the North, he chanted, "I consecrate this sword in the name of the Goddess. May it protect those who serve in her name."

  Lying the sword in the center of the walk, pointing outward from the circle of salt, he sealed the circle and began casting the spell. "Guardians of the watchtower of the Four Corners of the earth, hear my words and attend me now. Upon this magical place, I ask for protection from those who would subvert the name of the Goddess. Only those who walk in light shall enter here."

  As he completed the spell, a glint of steel caught his eye. Maeve stood several feet to his left, her boot knife clasped in both hands, held before her at waist height. Her feet braced for better balance, her dark eyes scanned the area surrounding them, ever watchful against any threat.

  "We're safe enough for now." A crack of thunder sounded overhead and the ground beneath them jumped with the percussion.

  She glanced at him, then returned to her vigil, clearly unconvinced.

  "Come." He held out his hand, silently entreating her to take it. "The circle will hold. We need to rest and eat."

  For a minute, he thought she'd refuse. Then her arms sagged, her blade lowered, and she slid it back into her boot. She straightened and slipped her hand into his, allowing him to lead her into the house. Her palm was warm and fit into his neatly. Had holding someone's hand ever felt so right?

  Maeve found candles while he made peanut butter and jam sandwiches. After eating while standing in kitchen, they stumbled upstairs, almost numb with exhaustion.

  "You can sleep in here." She opened the door to reveal a large guestroom. The carpet underfoot was blood red with gold accents and heavy oak furnishings. "The bathroom is through that door and my room is across the hall. Leave your door open and call if you need anything."

  "Thanks... You were a huge help out there."

  Her solemn eyes met his. "You saved my life and those of my friends. I owe you big time." With that, she turned and presented him with a pert backside as she walked to the room across from his.

  Too tired to discern the puzzle of her words, he walked into the bathroom. A hot shower and a long nap would be appreciated right about now. After a quick search, he noted there were no towels hanging either on the racks or in the cabinet. He walked into the hall and approached her door.



  He poked his head into her room and found her lying face down in the center of her bed, still fully dressed, one boot on while its mate lay on the floor. A candle burned on the dresser, casting dancing shadows in the room. She was sound asleep.

  Quinn smiled. In sleep, her shields were down and the vulnerable woman was revealed. She may think she was strong enough to take on the world, but, right now, she resembled an exhausted child.

  He reached down and tugged off her boot, her knife hitting the floor with a thud. He picked it up and set it on the dresser near the candle. Grabbing the duvet from the foot of the bed, he spread it over her. She mumbled something and snuggled deeper into its warmth. She looked so sweet and tempting, all soft and rumpled. She was forbidden fruit to him.

  Even knowing that, he was reluctant to leave. He shoved the duvet out of the way and climbed onto the bed, stretching out beside her before pulling her into his arms. She mumbled something as she curled into him and cuddled to his chest, her limbs heavy against his. He pulled the cover over both their bodies, cushioning them in down-filled warmth.

  As he drifted off to sleep, a soft snore erupted from the warm bundle in his arms. He smiled as the windstorm raged outside, further testament to Mortianna's fury.

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  Maeve nailed the punching bag with a brutal right hook, reveling in the jolt of resistance that sang up her arm. There were times when being immortal had its compensation. Her jaw was bruise-free and her shoulder was almost completely healed; only the faintest ache remained. Hmm...maybe the Council could use that as an advertising slogan.

  Come one, come all-become an immortal and live forever. The fringe benefits include longevity, some enhanced psychic abilities and fast healing. Break your leg and you'll be walking again in a week. All it takes is one little bite...

  An image of her sister invaded her mind and she scowled. Then again, maybe not. She jabbed the bag with a left, then another right.

  She was so close now, and Quinn was the key to her plan.

  He was a witch from one of the longest lines of witches ever chronicled. Surely he'd know the binding spell that could bring down Mikhail.

  The question was: would he share it with her?

  She attacked the bag with a backspin kick that could have felled a grown man, then spun and delivered a stunning carotid blow designed to kill a mortal in the blink of an eye.

  But not a vampire.

  Her movements slowed. She could try the stake, garlic and holy water, but the book had indicated these methods were far more dangerous than the binding spell. While she didn't fear death, she needed to plan carefully to ensure her success. Mikhail must die, and if she needed the spell to do it, so be it.

  She'd get the spell, no matter the cost.

  The vampire had destroyed her family. Most of all, he'd taken her twin sister, her other half. Without Reb by her side, she felt lost, useless. It felt as if someone had torn away half of her soul. As with all twins, they'd had a connection both comforting and frightening. Now, when she reached for that nether place where her sister had dwelt, she met only silence.

  Reb was gone and their family had turned their backs on her. She was left to fend for herself.

  Damn him.

  Tears spilled over as she pummeled the punching bag, anger and frustration spurring each movement. Sweat poured down her face, mingling with her tears as she envisioned the vampire's face in place of the bag. A primal cry caught in her throat as she lashed out, battering the image of the man who'd destroyed her life.


  Jab jab.



  A tearing sound shook her concentration and, with a thud, the punching bag fell to the floor. Her breath raged in her lungs as she bent over and propped her hands on her knees, struggling for control. A seam had burst on top of the bag and stuffing spilled through the hole. She'd killed her first victim.

  If only killing a vampire were that easy.

  Quinn entered the room as the bag fell to the floor. She stood over the decimated bag dressed in skintight black shorts and matching athletic bra. Every inch of delectable woman was outlined in black lycra. Her hair was caught in a long braid of fire down her back and her tattoo stood out against her pale skin as she struggled to catch her breath.

  His mouth fairly watered as he watched her. Images of bending her lithe body over a weight bench and taking her from behind crowded his mind. Flesh straining, hands questing. He b
it back a moan before it could make itself known.

  "Did you come to watch or work out?"

  Her breathless voice broke his fantasies. She walked toward him, her movements easy, graceful. She was a woman at home in her own skin, every man's fantasy.

  "I'm a lover, not a fighter." He offered her a smile.

  An answering smile quirked her lips. "Men fail to realize that both can be equally... exciting."

  She's flirting with me.

  "However..." His smile grew. "Only one has a much more satisfying ending."

  Bold as brass, she looked him up and down before spearing him with her emerald gaze. Her eyes held a wealth of experience and she knew what she was doing to him. "Only if it's done right," she drawled.

  His palms itched with the desire to touch her. "I haven't had any complaints."

  "As if you'd admit it if you did." She chuckled. Gesturing for him to follow, she turned and presented him with a perfectly toned backside. She led him to an open area past the various weight machines, the floor covered with thin, navy-blue exercise mats.

  "What do you know about self defense?" she asked.

  "Enough to keep myself out of trouble." He wasn't sure he wanted to admit he'd earned his black belt in Tae Kwan Do last year. He enjoyed watching her so much, he wouldn't mind her showing him a thing or two.

  "What do you want to see?"

  How about you naked, under me, over me, beside me? Your choice.

  He hid his grin by rubbing his chin as if contemplating her question. "How about some of the basics? What should I do if someone comes up and grabs me from behind?"

  "You mean like this?" She moved behind him and slid her arms around his body.

  The scent of warm woman surrounded him, making his head swim. She pinned his arms to his waist, effectively disabling him. Her breasts, contained by the torturous-looking bra, were sturdy mounds against his back. He stifled a groan as he felt her erect nipples pressing into him. Anymore of this torture and he'd be begging her for mercy.

  "Since you're both taller and physically stronger, you can break my hold by throwing your body forward." He was pleased to hear her voice sounding breathy and off pitch. "However, if I were a man, you'd want to aim for vulnerable areas."

  He winced at the thought of anything striking his most "vulnerable" area. As each second passed, it became a larger target to hit.

  "You'll want to lift your right leg and bring it down on my foot, hard. Aim for the instep. That should be enough to break my hold. Once you break my hold, bring your arms up like this." She demonstrated how to escape.

  "Like this?" He mimicked her movements and freed himself.


  "That seems easy enough." His breath came hard as she stepped away from him. "What if they grab me from the front?"

  "That's even easier. All you have to do is-"


  Before he could move, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him once more. This time, they were face to face, and his erection poked her in the stomach.

  Yes, I'm very happy to see you.

  She lifted her head and their eyes met. Her pupils were dilated, her breathing quickened. She licked her lips, drawing his attention to her lovely mouth. He wanted to lick her there. He wanted to taste her, bite her, suck at her wetness.

  Oh hell.

  He slid his arms around her, cupping her hips, bringing her closer. Her eyes widened as he pressed into her. He shuddered. She was a perfect fit.

  "What if I don't want to get free?" He whispered, her breath licking his mouth. Damn, he could almost taste her.

  "Then I guess you'd better be able to follow through." Her voice was faint.

  He swayed from side to side, ever so slightly, the friction curling his toes. "Mmm, I don't think I need to worry about that."

  He dipped his head and nuzzled her sweaty collarbone, enjoying the scent of aroused woman and healthy sweat. His tongue snaked out to tickle a path from the base of her neck to just below her earlobe. She quivered as he nipped the tender flesh. She was a delight to the senses.

  Without warning, she shoved him, escaping his grasp and hooking a leg behind his. He went down on his back, the mat cushioning his fall. With a soft cry, she landed on top of him, her fingers tearing at his clothing. Buttons popped from his shirt as she tore the placket.

  He grasped her by the hips and rolled her beneath him. If he didn't taste her soon, he'd explode. He swooped and captured her mouth. Hot and sweet, she took him deep, her tongue wrestling with his as her busy hands tore the shirt from his back.

  Their kiss was noisy, more about greed than finesse. She ate at his mouth like a starving woman. Soft moans sounded from her throat as she sucked his tongue, driving sensation directly to his throbbing groin. She nipped his lower lip before breaking the kiss. With eager hands, she tugged the buttons of his jeans, opening them with great relish.

  He braced his hands on the mat and raised himself to give her better access. Dazed, he watched the woman who was about to become his lover. Eyes wild, breathing erratic, lips swollen from his kisses, she was exquisite and he wanted more. "God, you're beautiful."

  To his surprise, she scowled at him. "Shut up."

  Releasing his jeans, she tangled her fingers in his hair and dragged his mouth back to hers. Together, they rolled across the mats, each battling to touch and taste more of the other. Their bodies entangled, they soon ran out of mat and she ended on top, her thighs parting over him. The cold floor tiles beneath his back were a sharp contrast to the heat of the woman above him. "Wait."

  "You're talking again," she growled. She nipped his lower lip.

  "I have to know," he panted. "What are you to St. James?"

  "Friends." She licked his chin.

  "Just friends?"

  "Yes." She nibbled a fiery path along his jaw.

  "Not lovers?"

  "Nope." She bit his earlobe.

  A sigh of relief escaped him. "Good. I was-"

  "Why are you still talking?"

  All thoughts of the vampire flew from his mind as her hand plunged into the front of his jeans and her nimble fingers encircled him. She squeezed gently, causing sparks to arc before his eyes. Damn, but she had great hands and, if she didn't stop, he wouldn't last long enough to enjoy any other part of her. He wanted that very badly.

  Panting, he reached for her wrists.

  "You have too many clothes on."

  A wicked smile curved her swollen mouth. "I can take care of that."

  Grasping the bottom of her bra, she whipped it over her head and tossed it aside. Her full breasts bounded free and he reached for her again. Shaking her head, she rose to her feet, stripping her shorts as she moved. Kicking them to the side, she stood over him, nude.

  Damn, she was beautiful.

  His cock gave a twitch as if in invitation. She slipped to her knees over him, this time wrapping her hand around the base of his cock. Adjusting herself, she positioned him at her entrance and, with a heady sigh, took him deep.

  He captured her hips and adjusted her angle, catching her sweet spot dead on. A moan broke from her lips as she drew her thighs tight to his hips, rubbing her lower body against him. Each tiny movement wrought an answering noise from her throat. She caught his hands and placed them on her breasts, showing him exactly how she liked to be touched.

  Then she began to move.

  Head tipped back, she lifted her body from his only to return, barely giving him time to draw breath. She moved easily, her athlete's body rocking in harmony with his as her pace increased. The tip of her braid tickled his legs as soft cries erupted from her. Suddenly, she tightened around him, straining, coming apart over him.

  He gritted his teeth as she milked him. It was too fast. He wanted to savor her, touch every inch of her skin. He wanted it to last for hours, not minutes.


  He closed his eyes. Maybe if he tried reciting the Gettysburg address...

  Four score and-
r />   Soft, questing fingers threw his intentions out the window. He opened his eyes to see her watching him, her fingers teasing his nipples. Lips swollen and damp, eyes luminous with satisfaction, a wicked smile blossomed as she swooped to capture a hardened nub between her teeth. Rocking her hips, she suckled him with abandon and he was lost.

  With a cry, he grabbed her hips and hammered into her. Sensation raged through his body as she suckled his flesh. Sounds of delight escaped her throat as she met him thrust for thrust, her body surrounding him in wet heat.

  She released him and sat up, taking him deeper. Head tipped back, she thrust against him and all too soon, he came. Hands tight on her hips, he held her in place as he emptied himself. Within seconds, she tensed over him, her voice mingling with his as she convulsed around him once more.

  Spent, he tugged her down to his chest and cradled her. He stroked the long line of her back as his eyes drifted shut, more content then he could ever remember being in his life.

  Maeve shifted, chasing the weak sunlight that illuminated the worn, handwritten pages she was reading.

  Items needed:



  White Candle

  Quill and Ink

  Wild Sage

  She grinned. She didn't have a quill and ink, only a ballpoint. She presumed it would suffice. For that matter, she glanced at the battered cooking pot on the desk with the other items; she didn't have a proper cauldron. Same difference, she hoped.

  On the paper, write your heart's desire.

  She set the book aside and picked up the pen and wrote in bold strokes.

  Send me the means by which to learn the binding spell.

  With trembling hands, she folded the paper in half. All will be well, it had to be. She set the paper on the blotter and picked up the book once more, setting it in her lap.

  Sprinkle the sage into the cauldron and light the candle before you repeat this incantation. As you speak, set fire to the paper and place it in the caldron.

  She picked up the matches and lit the candle. The flame flickered as she exhaled before it steadied once more. Tension crept along the back of her neck as she picked up the paper. Her hand trembled as she recited the words.


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