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Split - Coffin Nails MC (Contemporary New Adult Erotic Dark Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 7)

Page 10

by Merikan, Miss

  “It’s so great to see that you’re still sticking to your personal style.” Lilly smiled widely and pulled out her phone. “We have to catch up, but I’m so busy in L.A., I barely ever visit Detroit anymore. I only came back for Christmas. What about you? Did you ever go back to high school?”

  Asty gritted her teeth and shook her head, even though she knew Lilly would judge her for it. And if she were still in touch with their former schoolmates, she’d probably gossip about it too. “I own a small business. I’m a stylist for photo shoots,” she said, even though it wasn’t that grand and the business itself was dead at this point. She didn’t want Hunter to think she was a loser. Did he check out Lilly? She was afraid to look his way and see for herself. “How’s college? I heard the tuition has grown again.” Well, at least she was free of debt.

  Lilly waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, it’s fine, I got a grant for my clothing line to cover the fees. Who’s your friend? Your dad better not find out about him.” She winked at Hunter. “Unless you like the danger thrill of dating a biker’s daughter? I’m Lilly.” She held out her hand to him, and he shook it without much enthusiasm.

  “Hunter,” he said in a low voice that sent a shiver down Asty’s spine. “And no, I’m not scared of her dad, since I’m a biker myself. Oh, and I’m her boyfriend.”

  Lilly stepped back but didn’t lose her fake-ass smile. “Oh, so your dad finally gave his blessing? I’m so happy for you Astaroth! Looks like taking off braces really does work wonders.”

  Asty held back a scowl and took hold of Hunter’s hand again. She turned back to him and nuzzled his nose, breathing hard. Why couldn’t Lilly just go? They hadn’t been true friends in the first place, so what was she getting out of taunting her now? At least Asty had Hunter to rub in Lilly’s face.

  “You two look just so precious together. Looks like anyone can find someone to like them the way they are,” Lilly said, and before Asty knew it, Lilly snapped a photo of her cuddling up to Hunter.

  Asty growled. “What are you doing? I don’t want any pictures taken. Delete it.”

  “You do know who Astaroth is, right?” Hunter frowned at Lilly, and Asty’s heart fluttered. “Her father isn’t just ‘a biker.’ He is the president of one of the biggest clubs in the world. She’s not ‘anyone.’ But if you’re so hot and bothered over her hanging out with bikers, I can hook you up with some of our California brothers. You do know there’s a chapter in L.A., right?”

  Asty’s body grew hot, and she pushed back into Hunter, squeezing his hand. He was actually defending her. The look on Lilly’s face was priceless, as if her brain had encountered an error and blue-screened. It took her a few seconds to recuperate and mask her discomfort with a broken laugh. “I’ll pass, but that’s very generous. Well, I won’t be disturbing you anymore. I’m meeting someone,” she tweeted and rushed to the door without waiting for an answer.

  Asty shook her head. “Wow.”

  Hunter scowled. “What a mean fucking bitch. In terms of the biker world, you’re a freaking princess.”

  Asty sighed and looked back at him before returning to her food. The end of this encounter piqued her appetite. “It didn’t really feel like that back in school. No one wants to date someone who could get them beat up.”

  Hunter pulled her closer with his arm over her shoulder. “Good. More for me.” He left a quick kiss on her neck. “I like the danger. Turns me on.”

  Asty’s mouth twitched, and she couldn’t keep from smiling at least a little bit. “That’s hot.”

  “Eat up, you’ll need the calories later tonight …”

  Asty leaned in and caught his lips in a kiss, making sure he could sense her breasts against him. But when their eyes met, she realized she hadn’t yet mentioned the thing she wanted to talk about. She needed to be honest with him. He was too good of a guy to be hung up on a girl who was slowly marching to her grave. It made her sad to think of what was to happen in less than nine months, but there was no way around it. She needed to be realistic. “So ... what you told Lilly. That we’re together,” she whispered.

  Hunter smirked. “Your sentence is not a question.”

  Asty bit on her bottom lip and pulled back. “I wanted to talk about this.” She took a deep breath, looking at her lovely crêpes, which had barely been touched. “And I don’t think this is what I’m looking for right now.”

  Hunter raised his eyebrows. “Oh. So what? You lost your virginity last month, and now you wanna play the field all of a sudden?”

  Asty shrugged, trying to think of a way not to make him feel bad. “It’s not like that. I just don’t want ... you know ... the commitment.”

  Hunter stabbed his artisan lemon tart with a fork. “Fine.”

  She cleared her throat. “We can still have fun from time to time. It’s just too early for me.”

  Hunter shrugged and pulled his arm back. “Works for me.”

  Asty curled her shoulders, suddenly wanting to be anywhere but at Hunter’s side. That gesture felt like the most painful of rejections, as if he didn’t even want to touch her anymore.

  She swallowed the rock that suddenly grew in her throat and followed it with a few big gulps of coffee. She hoped he’d drive her home soon.


  Despite the relationship talk going slightly sour, Asty was surprised that the day after, Hunter still paid her a visit. They texted, hung out, and couldn’t get their hands off each other whenever possible. Not comfortable with sex in her house, where Dad could come back at any time, they did it in his van, in the garage close to the club, in a park, and three abandoned buildings. A part of Asty was trying to block the whole flood of emotions toward Hunter, but another part of her wanted to indulge in them and enjoy every second she had with him. Something to cherish before the final ritual. It was only typical that this happened once she was set to die.

  The Astaroth seal on her belly wasn’t making things easier on her. It didn’t hurt much anymore, but she didn’t want Hunter to see it and freak out, which meant she had to keep at least some of her clothes on when they fooled around. Not to mention that her breasts were getting very sensitive to touch, and she didn’t want them handled as much as Hunter probably would like to. He went with it all, even though a few times he mentioned he wouldn’t mind seeing all of her again. Well, tough luck.

  They stood apart during Beast’s burial, but even so, she couldn’t help but feel like everyone knew. There was electricity buzzing between their bodies whenever they were close, and recently Lucky even asked her what had made her so perky lately. She was freaked out, but he didn’t try to question her any further. Still, whenever she looked at Hunter, her body immediately wanted to be close to him. She thought about him in the strangest moments and didn’t want to break it up just because. She’d still do her duty and finish the ritual, but until then, she was surely allowed to enjoy his company and all the pleasures Earth had to offer.

  Asty was sickened to discover that the autopsy, which she had requested, revealed that Beast had been intentionally poisoned. Everyone was enraged, but there was no way to point fingers at anyone, and forensics wouldn’t investigate the passing of an old buck, no matter how beloved he was. It was depressing, but Asty recognized Beast had been slowly getting older. His life had been very pleasant, with many people playing with him, away from the harm he had experienced in his early years. Tooth told her so, and he was right. That thought gave Asty at least a bit of peace of mind.

  Hunter kept stealing glances at her, but Ray stood right next to him and did so as well. Seeing Ray in bright daylight brought back memories of that fateful night when she got pregnant, and there was no escaping the thought that Ray had as much of a chance to be the father of Asty’s child as Hunter. She didn’t have much contact with the guy, but every time she did see him, his gaze was devouring her alive. In some sense, this was good, because what needed to be done, needed to be done. She needed to ingest Ray’s sperm whether she liked it or not. She still hadn�
��t had a chance to suck Hunter, as they always ended up straight up fucking, but that would be pleasure. This was business.

  She was glad all the bikers came despite the snow gently falling all over the pet cemetery. Asty knew some of them secretly thought it was silly to organize a burial for an animal and invite people to it, but she didn’t care. It was their decision to come here ... unless Dad and Tooth had pressured them to. Regardless, she was glad for the company. Following the short ceremony with a remembrance video shown on a laptop and a speech by Lucky, who explained that talking to Beast made him feel better when he was down, everyone was slowly dispersing. The men and their girlfriends were still talking where they gathered by the cemetery wall, but they gave her some space to think.

  Asty walked down one of the alleyways, admiring magnificent statues of horses on some of the tombs, when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into a narrow path between two slabs of concrete. Before she could yelp, Ray put a hand over her mouth.

  She breathed in the scent of his palm, staring up into his narrowed eyes. She wanted to eventually speak to him, but why now? What gave him the right to touch her? Her heart sped up.

  “Hey. You’ve been avoiding me.” When Ray grinned, his gold tooth glimmered in the faint December light.

  Asty frowned at him, already in a worse mood, but she felt safe with her Dad and the others at shouting distance.

  He let go of her mouth but instantly pushed her back against the cold tomb of someone’s horse. It was a big one too with a bad sculpture of a girl on the back of the animal. “You having fun with Hunter? You think he’s fucking better than me or something?”

  Asty was speechless, and her chest seemed so suck itself in, creating a vacuum. Her brain throbbed at the betrayal. “He told you.”

  Ray squinted, and his grip on Asty’s shoulder got tighter. “Of course, he told me. He’s my cousin. You open up your legs to him, but not to me? We both fucked you well. I bet you want some fun with me too.”

  She stiffened, shaken by yet another blow. There she was thinking Hunter really did like her and that maybe she could enjoy his company, at least until the bump started to show, but this? She couldn’t take that. “You weren’t all that good.”

  “I could give you a repeat so you realize your memory’s a bit fuzzy.” Ray pushed against her, and she flushed when she realized he had a hard-on already.

  “We just buried my friend. Is that exciting to you?” she asked and looked back to see her friends and family, but the huge tomb was obscuring them from view.

  “Maybe. Wouldn’t you like that? Being all morbid and shit? A quick suck in a pet cemetery. Should be perfect for you.” Ray grinned and rubbed his bulky body against her, all hot despite the snow.

  Asty pressed her lips together, wanting nothing more than to separate his balls from him, but that would be beating the point. She needed his sperm. Hunter had been laughing behind her back and telling Ray about everything they did. She might as well get it over with now. He wouldn’t want it to last long with everyone so close.

  She slowly sank into a crouch in front of him, though even looking at the front of his pants made her queasy. He had a perfectly normal cock. His personality was revolting.

  “Fuck yes,” he hissed.

  She guessed that with all the “charming” he had been doing, he wasn’t sure she’d go for it. Rightly so. If it weren’t for fulfilling the ritual, she wouldn’t.

  Ray unzipped his pants and his rock hard cock bounced out into the cool air. She didn’t waste her time. Waiting wouldn’t do her any good now, and so she grabbed it at the base and took the head into her mouth, trying not to breathe. There was nothing even akin to arousing about this, so she covered all her bases and put the other hand against his hips, just so she could stop him if he got overly eager. There was a salty taste to the smooth head that fit so strangely into her mouth. She bobbed her head, trying not to think about it. It was just like practicing on a dildo, just this time it wasn’t her green cyberskin favorite. This one would actually spit cum in her mouth, and worse yet, it had an appendix with an overgrown ego.

  “Oh, yesss, suck it fast, you little slut with two tongues,” Ray hissed and slid his hand into her hair. “Like it’s fucking Satan’s cock.” He rumbled with hoarse laughter, and she wanted to puke a little, not swallow any of his seed. But the better she was, the quicker he’d finish, and once that happened, she’d never have to touch him again. Maybe she should tell Tooth something about what happened here. He could make Ray disappear from her life, she was sure of it, and he wouldn’t tell Dad if she asked him not to. Just thinking about it made the whole thing just a bit more bearable. Revenge would be bliss.

  She took his cock in slightly deeper but then suckled around the head, disliking how numb it made her cheeks feel. He came so quickly that first time, how come he was lasting longer now? Or maybe that was only her imagination?

  She whimpered when he grabbed her hair with both hands, pulling so much it hurt. “Swallow it, you cunt. So good.” He groaned, and moments later, he released his cum, making Asty cringe at the bitter taste.

  She tried to fight her sense of smell and swallowed, but right after, her throat tightened, and she heaved slightly, pushing him away. “Go, before someone sees us together,” she muttered, leaning back against the tomb. She clenched her hands into fists, desperately trying to keep his cum down. Her body clearly didn’t want it.

  Ray hesitated, still heaving, with his softening cock out, but he nodded and tucked his dick back into his pants. He smiled at her like a master proud of his dog’s performance. “We’ll be in touch,” he said and quickly walked off.

  No, we won’t, Asty wanted to say, but the words died on her lips, and she frantically pulled out a bottle of soda out of her bag. It was maybe a cup’s worth of liquid, but she gulped it all down. Still, even though nausea was slowly passing, she couldn’t lose the sense of his cock still being present on her tongue and his hands on her head. She was disgusted with herself that she served such a lowlife, and it made her want to stay here for the rest of the day and let the snow slowly cover her.

  Her body shuddered, and she leaned her forehead on her knees, crouched against the tomb and still shocked by what had just happened. One couldn’t bring people back to life without sacrifice, she told herself as she got up after minutes that left her joints cold and stiff.

  Numb, she stumbled against the stone and looked out from behind it at the group of people far away. She could get Ray killed if she only told them the truth. But her thoughts strayed the moment she noticed Ray approach Hunter and talk to him about something. Probably about what had just happened. She couldn’t fight the pain in her heart.

  But Hunter waved his hand at Ray with a smile and stayed behind when all the others went out the gates of the cemetery.

  He lit a cigarette and adjusted his scarf, looking around before writing something on his phone.

  Asty’s phone beeped, and tears pushed into her eyes before she even picked it up. Did he want to have a go too? He might as well. She’d be done with them both.

  The text from Hunter read, “Hey babe. Where are you? Do you need some more time?” And now he was playing dumb and pretending he didn’t know what was going on. They both thought she was stupid. She could play that part, even with wetness clouding her vision.

  “I will stay here for a while. Better go home.”

  “Sure, take your time. But call me if you need company, okay?”


  Asty broke into a sob and covered her eyes, clutching the phone to her chest. Her life was being turned into a joke, and the perspective of death suddenly felt too far out of her grasp. Why couldn’t the final ritual happen now when she felt so deeply unhappy?

  “Please, don’t take anyone else,” she whispered to no one in particular. Death was so thick around her she could hardly breathe.


  Hunter stared at the big graffiti on the side of the clubhouse. It was the l
ogo of the Coffin Nails, done in vivid colors and unashamedly gruesome, and yet most of the club members welcomed him and Ray with open arms. They were treated well, even though their status was complicated at best and they didn’t have the full trust of the club. Considering Ray’s secret bloodlust—for good reason.

  Hunter never felt as at ease back with the Rabid Hogs. This could have been the fault of his uncle and cousin not treating him fairly, but the fact was that both the president and the VP of the Nails never used him for a doormat. Even the prospect, Prince, though sometimes treated a bit like a manservant, was regarded with humor, and despite not being a full patch, he was a part of the brotherhood.

  Despite being big bad bikers who dealt with illegal business, many of the Nails gathered today at the club to help take down the goat shed and make room for a new extension of the main building. The temperature had been falling each day, and it was close to freezing, yet the Nails still had energy to do shit. They weren’t lazy bastards like the good old Hogs. Hunter even wondered how the guys were dealing with the patch over back at home, and actually having to do more risky business.

  Here, it was almost as if the work was an opportunity for low-key partying, not a chore. The guys were having beer and some food prepared by the old ladies, and they chatted as they looked over the plans. It was almost like a biker version of an Amish barn raising, and Hunter had a sense of need to be a part of it too. Watching the goat shed still stand sadly reminded him of the day Beast died, and subsequently of Asty, who wouldn’t answer any of his messages and calls since the burial.

  He pulled out his phone to check again if she had texted him, but there was nothing. For a while, he considered sending her a sexy pic, but then felt it would be stupid if she no longer wanted his attention, so he settled on ranting about it to himself and waiting. He tried to keep himself busy, and in the last few days, he had a few chances to sneak away on his own and play his cello. That always calmed him down, but he’d learned the hard way not to let his biker friends know about the hobby. He’d found a derelict building with amazing acoustics, but soon enough, it would be too cold to go there.


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