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Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 5

by Faye, Carmen

  “It’s okay,” he nodded and set a plate down on the bar. “Besides.” He turned to face her, “That just means you’re one step closer to naked.”

  Her face flushed again for a different reason. Her nipples stiffened beneath the fabric and she saw his eyes move to look at them.

  “Make that two.” He winked and brought the plate to her. “Hungry?”

  “You read my mind,” she smiled and took the plate. Slowly she began to eat the sandwich and chips he’d brought to her. “Thanks,” she managed between bites.

  “No problem,” he answered and sat down at the foot of the bed.

  The two of them sat in silence as she ate her food. "Why do you do it?" She finally asked.

  "Do what?"

  "Crime, drugs, all of it. Why do you do it?" She looked at him and in that moment he wanted to toss that sandwich aside and give her something else to enjoy.

  "It's not the way you see it." He smiled, knowing she'd never believe him. "But you’re trained to see things the way you do." He shrugged and took a sip of the coffee he was holding.

  “I’d kill for coffee.” She sighed.

  “Have this, and I’ll pass on the killing.” He offered his cup to her.

  “Are we going to do that?” she looked up at him with questions in her eyes.

  “Do what?”

  “Pass on the killing.” She looked back at her plate.

  “I have no intentions of killing you, Agent Fuller. But I do have every intention of putting you on your back.”

  The words made her face heat up again and she had to look away. "Drugs, weapons, murder." She began again as she took another bite. "I think it’s pretty simple."

  "To you, I guess it is.”

  "To me? How about to the world?" Her voice carried when she was angry, and she was getting angry. "There's no positive spin on crime."

  "So all crime is equal?" He asked and she nodded. "No one is better than the other?" Her head shook a quick no. "But it’s okay when it’s your office doing the crime?"

  Asher watched as her head jerked up. Her eyes were big and he couldn't tell if she was about to question him or chew him a new asshole. But if he were a gambling man….

  "My office? I hardly fucking think so Mr. Hudson." She put her sandwich to the side. "We are here to combat crime, not join in."

  "Oh." He smiled. "So smart and yet so naive."

  Asher watched the red flood her cheeks and quickly realized that it wasn't embarrassment. She was angry. More than just angry. She was pissed off.

  "Don't talk to me like that, Hudson." The fierceness of her voice took him aback. "I am not an idiot. You are a fucking thug. Of course you are going to blame the authorities that are trying to catch you."

  Asher watched her face. He saw the frown lines begin to relax. Everything in him wanted to grab her and show her why she didn't want to speak to him like that. But he didn't. Instead he waited.

  "Agent Fuller." He shook his head. "Maybe you should have researched me a little bit less and your associates a little bit more."

  He could tell that she wasn't ready to hear anymore and he gave it a rest. He'd tell her when the time was right. In the meantime, he had places to be.

  "I’ve got work to do.” He stood and walked towards the door. “Feel free to take off any more clothing you’d like.”

  "I won't," she answered and shook her head.

  "Of course.” He closed the door behind him, knowing damn well that she will.


  Melissa was still shaking when she heard the door lock from the outside. How could he do this to her so quickly and easily? It was both the best and worst feeling in the world. She toyed with satisfying her own urges. Fighting the battle he was creating would help her keep focused. But she knew it wouldn’t be enough. It wasn’t just an orgasm that she wanted.

  If she could release the tension that had been built up inside of her, she wouldn’t be nearly as attracted to the man. At least that's what she told herself as she sat there in the room alone. She was lucky she had the freedom she had. Hell, she was lucky she was alive given Asher Hudson’s ATF profile. But deep inside she knew damn well that touching herself wasn’t going to solve her problems.

  Besides, if he walked in it would be almost an invite. He would see her. He would want her. He might even take her—whether she wanted or no. And wouldn’t that be something? His strong arms pushing her into the bed, hungry mouth lighting her nerves on fire, hands roaming between her legs, pushing them apart, and those tattoos across his chest coming to life as his throbbing member burrowed past—

  What the hell is wrong with you? She was sitting there for once without anyone tormenting her sexually and she was doing it to her damned self. Her clit began to throb and ache. God, she needed release from this. But the only answer was the thug she was trying to capture and she refused. She didn't even know what he wanted. She just knew she won’t be giving a damn thing to him.

  Her mind drifted to her captor. He was unlike anyone she'd ever been attracted to. A controlling man like that had never turned her on. Let alone a body full of tattoos. Melissa had never been a fan of tattoos.

  Well, maybe sometimes. She had one herself, but it was small and tasteful. A simple ribbon on her ankle as a reminder of her brother. It wasn't even really noticeable.

  But Asher, he was covered in them. And on him, they took on a whole different life of their own that whispered dark ferocity and endless sensual pleasures. Maybe she was just horny. Or maybe that was exactly the point those tattoos were supposed to make.

  She couldn't read him. He was powerful and dangerous. Yet he continued to just talk to her. Hell, he even brought her a sandwich. She had been shocked and almost impressed. Then he'd started talking about her office and pissed her off.

  How dare he accuse her colleagues of crime? He was just trying to get away with the stupid shit he did.

  She felt her eyes begin to get heavy. What the fuck? She just had a cup of coffee and she was going to sleep? Melissa knew what sedatives felt like and this… Well, this felt different. At least he wasn't watching her. Not that she minded. The thought turned her on somewhat. And it made her feel less alone. Where was Logan and Wallaby? They should have been there by now.

  "Submit to me," the voice was distant. Almost a whisper. Melissa couldn't tell if she imagined it or if it was real. "Submit..."

  As the voice disappeared her eyes closed and she let herself drift off while she could. The only thought in her head being the man who held her captive and the fact she wanted to run her fingers along those muscular shoulders. Her body shuddered and something inside her said she'd be unable to hold out much longer.


  "Boss," Asher turned his head towards the voice. "Are you sure it’s a good idea?" Dakota seemed seriously concerned. "I think that..."

  "Did I ask you to think?" Asher remained calm and collected. His right hand man was taken aback at the reaction. Though he’d never raised his voice, the effect had been the same. "I will do what seems best to me. When I want another opinion, I'll ask for it.”

  "Asher." Dakota stepped forward and stopped cold when he saw the uninterested expression directed at him. "Look, you know I respect you. But this is dangerous ground. They trust us right now. They expect honesty. What the hell is going to happen when they realize you still have her?"

  "They won’t." Asher stated without any emotion in his voice "Under no circumstances are they to know." With those words, he walked out of the room and towards the kitchen.

  A million thoughts raced through Asher's mind as he began to heat up some leftovers for dinner. No doubt that Melissa might still be hungry, he thought as he fixed another plate.

  Dakota was right and Asher felt bad for refusing to listen. Guiterro was not a nice man. Cold and calculating, he was quick to take out any problems. Which is what he believed Asher had done. Guiterro thought Melissa was gone. For good.

  Asher had lied to him. One of the most danger
ous men he'd ever met and he'd fucking lied to him. His neck was in the guillotine, not Dakota's. But he knew if the man had known she was in his bedroom, he'd have taken her out himself.

  It was dangerous ground he was treading on. He was risking all of them and the guys did not like that. But he had no choice. He was doing it the way he needed to. And as he grabbed both plates from the microwave, switched off the light and headed for his bedroom he told himself that it had nothing to do with how badly he wanted the woman that was supposed to be dead.


  "Your dinner is on the table." His voice surprised her as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. "It's probably cold again though."

  "Did you drug me?" Melissa sat up and looked over at the food. How long had she been asleep?

  “I gave you decaf.” He shrugged. “Never liked the other kind. Makes me jittery.”

  "The food looks good."

  "Maria is an excellent cook," Hudson nodded.

  "I see that," Melissa answered as she took a bite. "It’s delicious."

  She was aware that he watched her as she ate. It made her slightly uncomfortable. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on her. She was sitting in this man's bedroom, wearing his clothes, spending most of her day thinking about him, and her biggest concern was that he was watching her take a bite of her meatloaf. She’ll definitely need to get her head examined after this.

  "Tastes almost as good as you look." He smiled and she felt her heart skip a beat when she caught his gaze.

  How was this man getting to her like he was? It drove her crazy. He was everything she'd never wanted in a man. Yet as she sat there taking another bite, he was all she wanted.

  "Earlier, you said something about my agency." The comment was still bothering her. "What did you mean?"

  "Agent Fuller," Asher spoke softly. "It's not something I can explain right now. I'm rather exhausted."

  "But don't you think it's fair to tell me?"

  "I think it's fair for you to keep taking," he stated. "Without giving."

  He had startled her. It was easy to forget about the submission part and the kidnapping part and focus on the hot guy that wanted her part.


  That was when she saw the emotion on his face. All of the attraction she had felt earlier dissipated. In that brief moment there was no softness in his features. His eyes appeared cold and empty. He didn’t want her. He didn’t feel the spark. He wasn’t showing anger. He just wasn’t showing anything.

  "We aren't a couple." He answered, still calm and reserved. "We don't share our feelings." he took his glass, placed it to his lips, and drained the remaining liquid. "What is wrong with me is that I have a woman in my bed refusing to give me what I want. A woman that shouldn't be here. A woman that I should have taken care of by now. My life is not going well and it can be frustrating. I’m not a sharing kind of person. And if I was, I wouldn’t open up and share with the woman that’s only asking because she’s here to see me go to prison.” He set the glass down and sat down across from her

  Melissa sat her plate on the table beside her. "I was just asking!" she snapped and regretted the words as soon as they came out.

  “There’s no need to be excited, Agent Fuller.” He looked at her with a stern expression. “We’re both reasonable adults.”

  “Yeah, right.” She muttered.

  “I’m not here to talk about feelings,” he continued. “I’m here to touch you and to fuck you. And you can keep telling me that it’s not what you want, but we both know that you’re lying.”

  Melissa couldn’t take it anymore. She heard the gasp of air before she realized it was coming. “You haven’t,” she whispered.

  “Haven’t what?” He looked puzzled.

  “Touched me,” she offered. “You haven’t touched me.”

  “Is that a request, Agent Fuller?” The desire was flickering in his eyes.

  She thought about it for a minute and then looked up at him. There were no sounds. She wasn’t sure she could speak. Instead she nodded and shifted her gazed to the food in front of her. Part of her worried that Asher wouldn’t accept a nod. He’d want the words. But instead he set the glass down again and stood swiftly, walking towards her side of the table. As she realized what was coming, her body tensed from head to toe. Her clit throbbed in anticipation. When she looked up, he was standing over her.

  "Can you repeat that, Agent Fuller?" he asked. “Did you say you wanted to be touched?”

  Melissa nodded but he didn’t move.

  “I asked you a question. I expect an answer.” He spoke softly above her.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Touch me.”

  “Stand,” he said calmly and Melissa followed his instruction.

  Face to face with Asher, Melissa shivered at the thoughts of what he might do to her.

  First, he slipped his own shirt over her head. Following that, his hands slipped into the waist of her panties and pulled them down. One foot at a time she stepped out of them, and watched them fall to the floor.

  “I would most certainly like to touch you, Agent Fuller,” he spoke seductively. “But I want you to beg.”

  “Please,” She whispered.

  “You’ll have to be more specific,” Asher’s breath was against the nape of her neck. “Ask for what you want.”

  His voice was sexy, sultry and calm. She didn’t know how because hers trembled with every word that came out.

  “My nipples,” Melissa said breathlessly. “Touch my nipples.”

  Asher’s hands reached up and cupped her breasts. Gently he squeezed them both as his thumbs and forefingers found the stiff peaks. Twisting slightly, he tugged at them just enough to make her cry out.

  Melissa didn’t understand why the touch of this man sent her body into such frenzy. But she knew that she liked it. She liked it enough to toss aside her ideas about him for the night. To let him have his way with her.

  “Is that what you want?” Hudson asked and twisted and tugged again.

  She answered with a nod.

  “See how this works?” He offered. “When you ask, you get it.”

  Melissa’s body began to quiver. She didn’t want to rush through this. In fact, she needed this to take some time. She needed to drag it out and feel his hands and mouth on every inch of her.

  “Will you kiss me?”

  Asher’s mouth took possession of hers in a demanding and almost forceful way. Nibbling her lips, tongue dancing inside. Each movement made her body tremble. With each thrust of his tongue, he pulled a little harder on her nipples.

  “Oh my god!” She cried as she felt the ache deepen inside of her only to have Asher swallow her words.

  “My neck.” She was breathless. “Kiss my neck.” Asher followed her commands and ran his lips along the side of her neck.

  “Jesus!” She was barely breathing.

  She began to back up, Asher moving in time with her, towards the bed. When she felt it behind her knees she bent to place her ass on the blanket.

  He stopped and watched as she slipped herself back onto the mattress. He was curious, but had a pretty good idea of what was going to come next.


  “Please, what?” He questioned with a gleam in his eye.

  “Please fuck me,” she begged and reached up to pull him down to her.

  “Do you want me, Agent Fuller?” He asked as he lowered his mouth to a nipple.

  “Yes,” she panted. “I want you. Please… Please give me what I want.” She begged again.

  Asher felt himself harden inside his jeans. Her words had an effect on his body that he didn’t want to face.

  “But you said that I’m bad,” he teased her with her own words before taking a stiff bud between his teeth and tugging.

  “Oh my god,” she cried again. “Please…”

  Asher spent a good ten minutes tormenting her nipple with his mouth, knowing damn well the reaction her body was having. She spread her legs and att
empted to wrap them around his waist, but he pushed them down against the bed instead.

  His mouth released the nipple and took the other one into it, repeating the same thing he’d already done.

  “Asher, please!” she screamed. “Please fuck me”

  Melissa had never begged for sex in her life. But nothing was going to do until she felt him inside of her. And the way he was torturing her body made the need that much more urgent. Releasing the other nipple, Asher looked up with a grin.


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