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A Dangerous Love 5: No Love Lost

Page 27

by J Peach

  I had to ask myself if it was me or King what would I do or how would I reply to it. “Do what you have to.”

  “I don’t know what the fuck to do,” he snapped at me, frustrated.

  “Blaze, you can’t leave him there. You might not be ready right now, but he didn’t ask to be born. He has nobody, you can change that.” Yeah, it was a fuck’d up situation, but shit happened. Whether he was ready or not he was a dad. He had to man up and take care of what he helped create.

  Chapter 39


  “Damn, man, this shit fuck’d up. That stupid bitch ain’t even tell me tho. If that bitch wasn’t dead I’d kill her ass,” he snapped before running his hands over his head. “I can’t do this shit.”

  Walking over to him, my hands grasped the sides of his neck, my thumbs slowly rubbed along his jawline.

  “You don’t have to do this alone. I, I’m sure Bianca will help you out, Blaze.” Realizing the mistake I made, my hands started to leave his neck until he took hold of my wrists, keeping them there.

  “What about you? You gon’ be here, I can’t do this shit by myself?”

  Why does he have to do this?

  “You know I’m here if you need me, but us together…” My head just shook. He knew there was no need for me to say the words. I just couldn’t do it any more, the continuous back and forth was too much and always unnecessary.

  “I’mma need you with me on this, I ain’t got no right to be asking that shit after what I just said. I can’t have no kid with my line of work, niggas find this shit out they gon’ be at him. Shid, he ‘bout safe where he’s at. I got too much shit going on to be dealing with a kid, man, I can’t have no fuckin’ kid around me—” Blaze started saying, shaking his head. “I can’t do this shit.”

  “Blaze, you can. I saw how you were with Ace.”

  “Ace not my fuckin’ kid tho, he a little street nigga who know these streets more than he need to. I see Lil Ace ‘bout twice a month and ain’t nobody gon’ wanna pop his ass because he ain’t mine. This little dude here a different story, yo.” He was making all good and understandable points, but he was mainly psyching himself out so he wouldn’t have to get the baby.

  “I get your fear, but you can’t leave him abandoned in foster care because of it. You don’t know who that kid might end up with. As for this shit you do, changing or not is up to you. My daddy did this and for twenty-four years no one ever knew he had a daughter, Folks still don’t know King and I are related. Blaze, you can do the same thing, no one has to know about him, just the folks you trust.” Letting out a sigh, Blaze pulled me to him.

  “How the fuck I’mma be this kid’s dad? I don’t know how to be no damn father.”

  I wanted to laugh at his seriousness, but I had to agree with him. Blaze didn’t have the patience which is what you needed with a kid. Hell, he didn’t even know how to talk nice, there was no doubt he was gon’ scare the baby with the first words that came out of his mouth.

  “Maybe he’s not yours—”

  “Bullshit, ain’t no way to deny that little nigga, his ass look just like me. Shid, if I could deny this wasn’t my seed believe me I would, wouldn’t even bother getting a DNA test. But look at this little nigga,” he said, holding the picture up. “Damn, this shit fuck’d up.”

  “You’ll figure it out, Blaze. Just sleep on it.” Shrugging, I let out a sigh. “Look, it’s late, I should be going—”

  “You not gon’ ask me who ol’ girl is and if killed her?”

  Shaking my head, I spoke truthfully. “No. I’m not saying you did it, but if you did then the less I know about her death the better. As for your relationship with her, if you want to tell me then I’ll listen, but if you don’t that’s cool too. That was three years before my time.”

  His past relationships was just that, but it did make me think because I was under the impression that I was the first woman he’d been in a serious relationship with.

  “Don’t say that, we weren’t in no relationship. She was just a bitch I fuck’d with from time to time, nothing serious on my part. Bitch got too clingy and demanding though, thought she was my main lady, because I let her drive a car and threw her ass a few bills.

  “Leslie was just a quick nut to me. She knew that, but didn’t want to accept it so I dropped her ass. Bitch was determined though, wouldn’t let my ass go. Shid, I fuck’d up one night and slipped. Leslie’s ass popped up on me at the club and shit. I was lit and wasn’t about to turn down no pussy so I hit her ass that night. Then afterwards, I got word about this nigga running in my spot. So I left her to go handle my shit and the bitch followed me then went to the police right after.

  “I could’ve killed that bitch, but it was my fuck up. Plus two years wasn’t shit. I did plan on finding her ass once I got out, but never did, shit slipped my mind.” Blaze explained with a shrug, his eyes locked with mine the entire time he talked.

  He wasn’t lying, Blaze didn’t kill that girl.

  “I believe you, but Detective Poke wants you, he made that perfectly clear. Poke knows about the baby and I also got the impression that he thinks you knew about him too. B, this man wants you. I wanna say lay low for a month or two or even longer, but you’re going to do what you want regardless. So just be careful.”

  Blaze laughed but nodded. “I’m always careful. Come—”

  I moved his hands from my waist and stepped away from him. “I have to go, if you need me just call.” Walking backwards from him, Blaze stood up.

  “Here,” he held out the key and phone.

  Looking at both, I grabbed the phone only to take out my sim card then tried to hand it back to him. Blaze wouldn’t take it. “Man, take the damn key and phone, it’s yours.”

  “No, it’s yours, you paid for both of them. I’m cool, I’ll get me another phone tomorrow so don’t worry about it.”

  “Peaches, don’t be stupid. Take the damn key, where the hell you gon’ stay? With King? Just take it.” Blaze put the key in my hand. I loved that house, no denying that, but I didn’t want a hand out, nor was I gon’ take something only to have it thrown in my face.

  “I’ll stay at my parent’s house until I find something or you can simply tell me how much you paid for the house and I’ll buy it from you. Think about the latter then get back at me. Bye, Blaze.” I walked to the door just as he started talking.

  “You ‘bout to head to yo folks place now?”

  He heard me on the phone with Ebony, that’s the only reason he’s asking. “No I’m not, but you knew that already. Bye, Blaze, your hoe is out there somewhere.”

  He stepped closer to me. “Come spend the night with me.” Ignoring him, I kept walking towards the door. “Will you come with me to go see him?” He asked, his voice serious, making me stop to look back at him.

  “How you know you’ll be able to see him? You can’t just go in there, say such and such a thing and they’ll let you in.”

  Blaze laughed at my discreetness on the subject. “You don’t know who I am, do you? Just be at my house in the morning. You could just come home with me, you still got some clothes over there. Call that whack ass nigga and tell him you coming home with me, he’ll understand.” Laughing, I walked out of the building while still looking at Blaze.

  “I’m good where I’m going and he’s not whack. Ron’s actually a really nice guy.” Turning away from him towards my car I stopped in my tracks. “Oh, my God!” Those words came out as a slow mumble as I looked at my car. “Oh, my God.”

  “Damn,” Blaze said, staring at my wrecked car. It looked like someone took a damn steel bat to it. All six windows were busted, tires were flattened and the words whore, bitch and slut were spray painted on the driver and passenger side as well as my trunk. All letters capitalized in red.

  Walking around to the front, I stopped. Stay away from him! was written on the hood.

  I didn’t know whether to scream, cry or hit something or someone. I just stood there after walkin
g around it once because my car wasn’t like that.

  “Somebody always wants to fuck with my car! Damn! Fuckin’ coward ass bitches. Who the hell did this?” I asked no one in particular before it dawned on me who could’ve done it. “Where the fuck that bitch at?” Looking away from my car, Blaze looked at me.

  “What bitch?” I was about to beat his ass.

  “Yo hoe! Fuck this, I’m about to beat the fuck outda that bitch.” Throwing the door open, I went back to where I first found Blaze and Krystal sitting. Sure enough that bitch was still sitting there looking into her compact mirror. “Bitch, you gon’ fuck with my car? Fo’real?” I wasn’t gon’ just run up on her so she couldn’t defend herself. N’all, I wanted that bitch to know I was coming.

  Putting her mirror down, she gave me a confused look.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t mess with your car.” Hitting her in the face, I snatched her ass off the round couch by her blonde hair and onto the floor.

  “You lying bitch—” Before I could hit her again I was yanked back. “Blaze, let me the fuck go! That bitch gon’ fuck with my car!”

  “I didn’t touch yo fuckin’ car! I been sitting here since he left. I haven’t gone outside, you crazy bitch!”

  “I’mma show yo mothafuckin’ ass crazy, hoe, you done fuck’d with the right one. Bitch, I’m tired of yo hoe ass, you gon’ fuck with my car, tho,” I snapped, finally breaking free from Blaze and running up on Krystal again, but some dude came from outda nowhere, knocking my ass down.

  “Man, get yo fuckin’ girl,” dude snapped at Blaze as he helped Krystal up while Blaze did the same with me. Once I was up, Blaze pushed me behind him before walking up to ol’ dude.

  “Nigga, you done lost yo fuckin’ mind! You gon’ push my girl—” Blaze was saying as his fist shot out, hitting dude in the jaw. Blaze was about to beat dude ass and he really didn’t need that right now. Hell, he just found out he got a kid and I knew he was pissed about that. So that dude didn’t need Blaze releasing his anger out on him.

  Grabbing Blaze’s shirt, I pulled him back. I didn’t think dude meant to knock me down, he was just trying to stop me from getting to Krystal’s ass.

  “Blaze, don’t.” Getting between them, I pushed him back then turned to ol’ dude. “This ain’t got shit to do with you, so gon’ somewhere. That bitch wanna fuck with my car, I’m about to fuck her up. Best believe I don’t have a problem going through yo ass to get that bitch—”

  “Chill out, little mama. She ain’t fuck’d with yo car. I been sittin’ here talkin’ to her after dude followed you out—” The guy explained to us, but I wasn’t convinced. Who else would be that petty to do some shit like that?

  “Nigga, fuck all that, you gon’ put yo hands on my lady? What’s up. Peaches, watch out.” Blaze’s ass was forever trying to fight. He could never just take a breather to actually look at the situation. He just rocked the shit out that man in the jaw. Dude wasn’t even trying to fight him, he was standing there explaining that Krystal hadn’t messed with my car. He was ignoring Blaze and was staring and talking to me the entire time.

  “Shorty, I ain’t mean to hurt you, but she didn’t mess with yo ride. We been sitting right here, I just left her for a second to get us another drink when you came over here,” he continued to explain.

  I didn’t want to believe Krystal hadn’t done it. Truth be told, I really just wanted a reason to beat her ass. But this dude seemed sincere about what he was saying so I had to look at it from my sensible point of view.

  Where would she hide a bat or crowbar? Where’s the spray paint? It’s not like she knew I was gon’ be up here to hide it.

  “Fuck that, lay that bitch out—” Blaze suddenly blurted which I think shocked Krystal, but it shouldn’t have. It threw me for a loop too for the simple fact that she was just grinding and kissing on his ass when I walked up. Now he wanted me to knock the bitch out?

  Blaze is a two-faced ass nigga. Hopefully Krystal’s retarded ass finally see that shit.

  “Blaze, chill the fuck out. He was trying to stop me from beating her ass, it was an accident, damn.”

  “Take her and get the fuck out my shit. And don’t trip homie, I’mma catch yo ass,” Blaze told dude, making me roll my eyes.

  Lord, help this man.

  I was now starting to actually see his dilemma with having the kid around. Heaven forbid we had another ill-mannered, rowdy little Blaze running around.

  “With yo car fuck’d up, this mean you coming home with me, huh?” I was now convinced that Blaze suffered from some type of disorder. Bipolar or maybe even explosive personality disorder. One minute he was alright and the next he was flipping out. Now his ass was all smiles.

  So maybe Blaze really couldn’t control his behavior at times. Maybe this is just a mixer or a disability mixed with the Delaney in him. I refuse to think it’s just Delaney that made him this way.

  Or maybe I'm just trying to make excuses for him.

  “I’m not going home with you, I need to figure out who messed up my damn car—” I was saying until Blaze cut me off by calling after Krystal who had left without a word which was unusual of her.

  “Yo, give me my damn car keys. Bitch, yo ass ain’t slick.” Stopping, she turned towards him, throwing him his keys.

  “Fuck you, Blaze! When she leaves yo ass again don’t come calling or looking for me because I’m done with you,” Krystal said, tears running down her cheeks. “Good luck with him,” she told me. Shid, I didn’t want his crazy ass either, I was sticking to what I said earlier.

  “Bitch, I just told yo ass that shit when you first got here, the fuck you talkin’ bout?” Blaze snapped at her before looking at me. “Man, I told that bitch when she got here I was done fuckin’ with her ass. Then we started drinking and I was gon’ let her ass suck my dick, but I’m done with her,” Blaze told me.

  “Blaze shut up, yo ass stupid.” What the fuck was it, a farewell suck? Looking back at Krystal, I shook my head. “You wanted his ass so bad, you deal with him. Now that yo retarded ass realize you ain’t shit but a mouth fuck, don’t try to leave him now. Shid, I tried warning you, but you was still willing to drop to yo fuckin knees. For what? A lie?

  “Blaze did you eat her pussy? You told me countless times that y’all ain’t fuck. I mean, you done did something with her to make her ass stupid. You can eat pussy, trust I know, so is that it? I know for sure it wasn’t his words because the nigga ain’t sweet. Did he eat yo pussy, Krystal?”

  “Peaches, gon’ with that bullshit,” Blaze got his keys off the floor and pulled me away from Krystal. “Let’s go look at these cameras.” Snatching away from him, I looked at ol’ girl because I wanted to know what he was giving her that made her want to become his side bitch.

  “Blaze, let me go. Was it his head game?”

  “No, it wasn’t. He good at it, but that’s not why I stayed. Just like you, I love him. The same things that attracted you to him is what got me. N’all, we never had sex, but we didn’t have to either for us to become close. We just had an instant bond. Aside from his rudeness, I fell for him. That’s just who he is, but it don’t matter. I’ll still do anything for him, just like you would. But unlike you, I wouldn’t leave him for nothing.”

  I knew that bitch was dumb.

  “For nothing, it wasn’t for nothing. I left him because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and you couldn’t keep yo mouth off of it. Don’t stand yo ass here talkin’ bout what you wouldn’t do, trying to compare us. We ain’t shit alike. Unlike you, I would never become a side bitch that only sucked a nigga’s dick. So he could stay around.

  “Blaze played yo dumb ass. He called it quits with yo ass because I left him and he thinking dropping you gon’ get me back.” Looking away from her, I glanced at Blaze then back to her. “But it’s not. He can have yo ass if he wanna, I don’t give a fuck. But you’re dumb as hell if you take him back.

  “He’s never going to settle for somebody like
you, sweetie, you’re too easy to control. Whatever, though, that’s you,” I told her with a shrug. “It was nice to finally have this talk. Blaze, come on so I can find out who fuck’d up my car.” Whether she was going to reply back didn’t even matter, I said what I needed to. I was done and over it.

  “Yo ass need to kill that bullshit, boss. You just letting loose for a minute, but yo ass still mine. I’m just letting yo ass do this because I fuck’d up, I could’ve been popped that nigga.”

  A loud growl left my mouth as he started saying the same shit he said earlier. “Blaze, shut up! You’re not letting me do shit. I’m doing this because I want to. I gave you a chance to start fresh and you didn’t take it so I’m honestly done trying.” We walked in his office and I stopped at the door, wanting for Blaze to pull up the cameras. “Don’t be pushing me.”

  “Dumbass shouldn’t have stood in the fuckin’ door.”

  I wanted to laugh at his childishness, but I’d be stooping to his level and I wasn’t about to do that.

  “Next time park yo ass in the parking lot, not on my damn sidewalk. Should’ve had that bitch towed,” Blaze stated, grabbing a remote that opened a section in the wall I never noticed. Once the doors opened it revealed a big screen TV with three small monitors on either side.

  “Why I didn’t know you had this? I would’ve told you to check the cameras before I went hitting that damn girl.” He was so slow sometimes it didn’t make any sense.

  Blaze suddenly walked up behind me. He stood close, so much so that I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. I blew out a breath and moved up a bit to put some space between us. It didn’t help, though, he just closed the space right back.

  “Play the tape from an hour ago.”

  Chapter 40


  From the build of their forms it was easy to tell one was male the other female. Krystal wasn’t the one to smash up my car, that woman was taller and more slender.


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