Kyle (Scandalous Boys Book 3)
Page 13
“Beautiful! I need you to pick up the phone and take me off speaker.”
There is deep sniffling and then a static crackle followed by a soft voice, “Kyle?”
“Hey you. I heard you had a rough day. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No.” That word right there rips my heart right out of my chest. It sucks all the fucking air out of my lungs, and I have to brace myself against a desk so I don’t hit the damn floor. “I’m not hurt but I’m not … okay. He’s here. Kyle, he found me.” The terror in her voice practically takes my legs from out under me. I need to get to her now. I need to protect her.
I head to my bag sitting on the floor near the closet door and snatch it up.
“What are you doing, man?” Granger asks as I slam my bag onto the bed and begin pulling some of my dirty laundry pile I created in the corner of the closet.
“Kyle, I need to … I want you to hold me.”
“I’m coming, beautiful. You hear me? Stay in my room all night if you need. There are some extra waters and protein bars in the drawer of the nightstand.”
I cover my hand over the receiver and say, “Granger, I need to borrow your laptop, man.”
“You all right? Issac, you look like you’re about to kill someone.”
The others nod.
“I am going to kick some fucking prick’s face in. No one scares what’s mine or my family and gets away with that shit!
“Whoa, dude. Calm down. Take a breath, maybe three.” He pushes a pass code into his laptop, then hands it over to me. “If you need backup, bro, say the word.”
I nod. I change my flight and get the earliest one out which leaves in two hours. I hand his laptop and continue talking to Emily. “Em, listen to me. I’m going to be there very soon. Promise me something?”
“I need you to stay inside the house until I get there. In fact, after we get done talking, please have Maddy hand Bryce the phone. Go drink some water and eat a protein bar for me, okay?”
“I’m scared, Kyle. What if … what if he knows what house we’re staying in?”
My heart twists with fear. He better not find her. He better not come near her again. He’ll be dead if he does and I will be in a jail cell my senior year of college and there will be no chance ever of making it to the pros. Not with murdering some spineless prick who apparently manhandles girls.
I’ve got to stay calm for Em’s sake. “Baby, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay. I’m going to be there soon. I’ll die before I’d ever let him touch you ever again. Do you hear me, beautiful?”
“Yes. I just … I thought it was an illusion. I thought maybe my mind was making him up. But then … his voice, and he touched me. I think I heard him sniff my hair. I just … I wanted to vomit, die, and disappear all at the same time. How did he find me?”
“I don’t know, baby. Try to get some rest, okay? I’ll be there soon.”
“I’m … sor … ry … for …” She sobs hard.
“Emily, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
“I … ruined … everything.”
Her crying is going to be the death of me. I just want to wrap my arms around her and take her pain away. “You didn’t ruin anything. I’m leaving the hotel right now and heading to the airport. I want to talk to you more, beautiful, but I think you should try drinking some water and resting for a bit until I get there. I need to talk to Bryce though, so can you give him the phone baby? I need you safe until I get there.”
I hear some rustling as I grab up the rest of my things and toss it in my bag. I zip it and head out the door.
“Hey, bro, I got us a cab waiting downstairs.”
I whip around and spot Granger following me with a bag in his hand. “What are you doing, man?”
“Backup, and as a future lawyer, you’re going to need me. Keep your head straight,” Granger says.
I nod, and a deep voice asks through the receiver, “Em, are you okay?”
“Kyle needs to talk to you,” Emily says and I hear a light rustling sound followed by my sister calling out, ““Emily?”
“What’s up, Kyle? It’s like a real big clusterfuck over here and now’s not a good time,” Bryce asks.
“I know it is,” I growl as I get into the cab. “Em’s in danger. I don’t know who, but someone is after her. She kept saying she didn’t know how he found her. From the story Madison gave me, I’m thinking that this twat is the one who hurt Em. And I don’t think he’ll stop until he gets to her.”
“Where to?” the cab driver asks.
Granger answers right as something crashes to the floor. “What the fuck was that?” I yell into my phone.
“Nothing,” Bryce says. “I did it. Hold on. Smalls, don’t you dare go out that door. No. Don’t touch that either. I got this.”
“Kyle, your sister is losing her mind, and I need to comfort her. Make it quick.”
“Would you kill to protect her?”
“Seriously, dude, are you fucking drunk?”
“No, asshole! I need to know how far you’re willing to go to protect my goddamn sister!”
“I’d lie for her. I’d kill for her. I’d even die for her. Why?”
“Because I’m pretty sure the whole house is marked. That fucker is probably stalking it right now. That means don’t let anyone leave. Protect them with your life until I get there.”
He growls in the receiver. “Anyone so much as looks at your sister with the intent to harm a single hair on her head is dead. You don’t need to worry about that.”
“Good. I’m heading back now and bringing my backup with me. Give the phone to Graham.”
“Here,” Bryce says.
“If you’re about to ask me if I’d take a bullet for Sarah, you’re damn right I will. We’re staying put. And Sarah thinks the guy from the store is outside the house. Just giving you a heads up, and she’s calling the police. Jesus, what’s a vacation without the po-po?” Graham half laughs. I can tell he’s trying to make light of the situation.
Bryce shouts, “That shit isn’t funny, fucker!”
“Don’t get you panties in a … what? What do you mean we’re kind of screwed?”
I scowl. “What’s going on?”
“That guy, his name is Vince. No one knows his last name though.”
“What do you mean? Go ask Emily.”
“Can’t, man. According to the girls, your girl has a no personal rule. Wait, what the fuck does a no personal rule even mean?” Graham says. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Listen, man. I don’t know how we’re going to get that fucker arrested or even file a restraining order against his sorry ass. Emily apparently doesn’t know his last name because she refused to get it.”
“Sarah still called the cops though, right? She told them someone is parked outside the house and watching it like he’s going to rob the joint?”
“Yeah, she’s doing that. Bryce and I were thinking of ways to get this dude locked up for more than a few days. I mean you can innocently park somewhere. And just because we take away his go to option doesn’t mean he won’t have more. We can’t exactly leave here without him following us. And I’ll be damned if we have to cut our vacation short because of some stupid punk-ass prick.”
“I know. Listen, keep everyone there. Talk to the cops. Try to explain to them what’s going on. Try to get Emily to talk to them. If she doesn’t … I’ll do it when I get there.”
“All right, man. Look, we’ve got the house situation covered. All the doors and windows are locked.”
“Good. I’m heading into the airport now.”
“All right, man.”
I click end on the call right as I toss some bills at our cab driver. I make my way to the ticket machines and grab my boarding pass. Granger is at the machine next to me. “Okay, so is this Emily chick your girlfriend? I can’t help but notice you called her ‘baby’ and ‘beautifu
l.’ And you never give girls pet names like that.”
I snatch up the boarding pass from the machine and then look at Granger. “Fuck. I love her. She’s the girl from break.”
“Whoa. No shit? Really?”
“Yeah.” And the thought of her being alone and without me there to make sure she’s safe makes me sick.
Granger nods. “I get it. I mean … it all makes sense now.”
“What does?”
“You haven’t been trying to pick up any girls since you got here. I must say I was a little worried. But I’m kind of jealous of you. I know I was giving you shit about it, but I’m glad you found it.”
“It’s not going to do me any good if I can’t protect her.”
“We will, man. Give me all the details while we’re on the flight and we will draw up a plan. Because you aren’t going to be able to protect her from this jackass or the next if you’re locked up.”
He’s right, and he’s wrong. Because Emily is mine. There won’t be another jackass in her life but me.
We arrive in a cab at the house. All the cars are in the driveway, but it doesn’t look there is a soul in the house. The place is pitch-black from the street.
Granger slips some bills to the driver. We both get out grab our bags, then head up to the house. A chill fills me as I approach the front door. I’m about to slip a key into the door when I hear something crash from inside the house.
“Shit!” I bust through the door and flip on the lights. Bryce is bent over picking up pieces of what looks like a vase and muttering curse words.
“What the hell?” I say.
“Sarah turned out all the goddamn lights right as I was walking in here. I ran right into the table, and the vase toppled off.” He rushes to the kitchen and grabs up the little dust pan and broom, then returns to the shards of glass littering the floor.
Right as he’s about to sweep, the lights go out, and we’re surrounded in complete darkness. “Sarah! Fuck balls! Son of a …” Bryce screams.
I hit the lights again, and Bryce has blood dripping from his hand. Any other time I’d probably laugh and say the fucker deserves it. But right now, I feel bad. “You okay, man?”
“Yeah. She better not flip that switch again, or I’m going to have Graham hog-tie his fucking girl down.”
Granger whistles next to me. “These are some nice digs. Shit. I can see why you debated about coming and chilling with us in Cali.”
“Yeah. Hey, Bryce, this is Eric Granger. Eric, that’s my sister’s fiancé, Bryce.”
Granger nods at Bryce.
“Where is everyone?” I ask.
“Emily is still in your room. Maddy is up in our room, and Graham and Sarah are up in their room. Well, at least they should be, but she keeps fucking turning the lights out. The cops told us they would patrol the area this week. Gave us some tips. The usual rundown. If you see someone suspicious and all that jazz, call them. Problem is half the places around us are rentals, so if that douche finds another ride or something, we’re not going to know.
“The girls are freaked out. Emily talked a little to the cops, but how they looked after talking to her, I’d say they didn’t get shit out of her. Sarah has been keeping us all in the dark for the past couple of hours. She said we can see if people are lurking about if we have the lights off.” He goes to the sink and starts rinsing his hands. “Kyle, I don’t know who this guy is, but he sounds exactly like the asshole my cousin dated in college. And if he’s anything like him, well, a restraining order isn’t going to stop the prick.”
I nod, then head down the hall to my room. I point to Em’s old door and say, “You can stay in there, Granger. I’ll move her shit in here in a little bit.”
“Cool.” He enters Em’s old room while I knock on my door.
“Baby, open up.”
“Kyle?” I hear through the wood. Fear laces her words. I want to pound concrete just thinking about the fucker affecting her this way. That son of a bitch is going to get it.
The door pops open, and her swollen red-rimmed eyes greet me. I drop my bag and cradle her face. I bring my lips to hers and brush them softly against hers. “He’s going to have to kill me to get to you. Understand?”
She sniffles as tears slide down her cheeks. “Okay.”
“Come here.” I pull her into a tight hug while rubbing my hands down her back. “I got you, beautiful. I’m here.”
“I thought it was my imagination. I thought … but he said my name. Illusions don’t speak.”
I draw her over to the bed and lay her down against the mattress. “He’s not going to hurt you, baby.”
“Kyle, I don’t want you to ruin your life because of me.”
“Baby, nothing is ruined, but if he does try to get to you again, not even God himself will save him from what I will do to him. No one is ever going to harm you ever again.”
She gazes at me. “Why?”
I tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Because I love you, Emily. Anyone who threatens anything I love and they are going into a grave. Simple as that.”
“You don’t seriously …”
“I do mean it. Every single word. I love you.”
She presses her lips against mine, then breathes, “I love you too.”
“Good.” I drop my gaze to her outfit and notice she’s wearing a pair of my boxers and one of my shirts. I smile. “I love the wardrobe choice too. My boxers look amazing on you.”
“Don’t they?” She giggles.
“Oh yeah, they do. I’m going to get changed really quickly, grab us some waters, then I’m going to wrap you up in my arms, and we’re going to get some sleep. Sound good?”
She shivers in my arms. “What is it, babe? You need to tell me. I’m not a mind reader although I wish I were.”
“I don’t want you to leave. I’m sorry if that sounds clingy.”
I smile. “It’s fine, baby. You can come with. Will that be better?”
She nods and follows me out into the kitchen.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
My body won’t stop shaking. I know Kyle notices my trembling. Concern shines brightly in his gaze too, and it makes me sick. All of this makes me feel like such a sap and so weak.
I still can’t wrap my head around Vince being here. Here of all the places in the whole damn world. Why? This is my fault. Madison warned me so many times I shouldn’t brush people off. I shouldn’t just know their first name and nothing else.
Kyle pulls me closer to his chest and mutters, “I’ve got you, baby.”
“This is my fault. It’s all my fault.”
“Hey. No. Don’t say that. Never say that.” He rolls me to him so I’m forced to gaze into the eyes filled with worry.
I try turning away, but he places his hand under my chin and tilts it so I have to look at him. “Listen to me. He’s a monster. You have the right to turn a guy down. You have the right to end a relationship. You have the right to have a limit on the information you want to learn about a person. He doesn’t have the right to stalk you. He doesn’t have the right to harm you. And he certainly never had the right to put fear in you. Do you understand?”
I nod. He’s correct on those stances, but what about me hurting people. Maybe. Just maybe I hurt Vince. My rejection pushed him to become crazy because he was genuinely hurt by me.
“Stop. I can see your wheels turning, and whatever it is it’s not good.”
I smile as he kisses my forehead.
“You need to get some sleep. Tomorrow we will sit down and talk about everything. I mean it, Em. Everything is on the table tomorrow. Okay?”
I nod. “I know.”
“Good. Now sleep.”
His lips place feathery touches along my cheek and then press firmly against my own mouth. He pulls back and whispers, “Sweet dreams.”
I wake in a cold sweat. Kyle still asleep as I bolt from the bed and begin pacing the room. Two strides in and he groans, “What are
you doing, babe?”
“I can’t sleep. Go back to bed. You look exhausted.”
He smiles. “Come back over here. If you’re not tired, we can always do something else.”
“Kyle.” I am not in the mood to have sex right now.
He shakes his head. “We could watch a movie, Em, play a game of Uno, or talk. Jeez, you dang perv.”
“I’m not a … okay, I guess my thoughts went directly there.”
“Yeah, they did.” He pats a seat next to him. “Sit down, beautiful.”
I mindlessly make my way over to him and sit in the spot beside him. He pecks my cheek and asks, “So what will it be?”
“Good choice.” He pulls open a drawer and grabs an original Uno card set. He shuffles the cards, but if my memory serves correctly Kyle is a master at stacking the deck, so I snatch the cards from him and reshuffle. Kyle chuckles. “Wow, no trust here. That hurts, Em.”
“Call it years of experience playing with you and Maddy.”
He shakes his head. “Just make the wound a little deeper, why don’t you?” he teases, placing a hand over his chest and pretending to be hurt.
I stick my tongue out at him. “You’ll get over it.”
“I don’t know. It might take me a while.”
I pass out seven cards to each of us; then I say, “You’re up.”
“Mmm … This is a mighty fine hand you gave me, babe. Are you sure you shuffled those cards right?” he asks, winking at me.
Ass. “Yeah. Yeah. Shut up and lay down a yellow card.”
He smirks and lays down a yellow seven over top the yellow one I flipped over. I snort. Then ponder over my cards for a second. I make it seem like I’m going to need to draw from the pile. Just as Kyle’s smile broadens, I lay down a yellow Skip card, then a blue Skip card. “Aww, is this stinging yet?” I tease.
He frowns a bit and then I put down a blue three.
“I think I should be worried about you stacking the deck over there.”
“Oh, don’t be a sore loser, Kyle. It’s not a good look on you.”
He laughs. “Wow. Okay. I was going to take it easy on you, but with words like that, forget it. Those are fighting words, little lady.” He slaps a blue skip card, a wild draw four card; then he places a green five down. He sticks his tongue out at me.