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Stellar Collision (Falling Stars #2.5)

Page 8

by Sadie Grubor

  "I think we're good," Mia says, slipping her cell into the back pocket of her jeans.

  Glancing down at the watch on my wrist, I say, "I hope so. We needed to be on the road five minutes ago."

  She grabs my hand and looks at my watch.

  "Fuck!" she exclaims. "Why didn't you say anything?"

  Grabbing her bag from the counter, she strides to the front door.

  "I thought I just did." I push off the counter and follow her out the door.

  Mia's quiet for the drive to the airport. The silence and distance convinces me to keep my mouth shut. She doesn't need to deal with my sudden feelings about losing the idea of another kid and I sure as fuck don't want to admit how wrong I've been about it all. Given her mood, I know that will only set off another argument. At this point, I'm just trying to get this girl down the aisle before she wises up.

  The car pulls into the FBO away from the commercial terminals and the door opens. Kara peeks inside the car and smiles.

  "Everything is going perfectly," she assures.

  Glancing at Mia, her body visibly relaxes and she slips out of the car.

  I exit right behind her and she turns, coming face to chest with me.

  Blinking, she looks up. I grab her face and press my lips to hers.

  Our lips mold together, her arms slip around my waist, and our bodies press against each other. Sliding my tongue past her lips, our mouths tangle together. My chest burns, heat building in my stomach and stretching through my limbs.

  Spinning her, I press her against the car.

  "Ahem," a throat clears.

  Fuck them. I've got her close and responding. I don't give a shit if we miss the flight.

  "Dude," Elliott's loud call breaks the moment, "you can't fuck her in public!"

  Breaking the kiss, I press my forehead to hers and sigh.

  "I love you, Mia."

  "I love you, too, baby," she pants.

  The click of shutters and sounds of people invade our little bubble.

  "Stupid leeches," I growl, pushing away from Mia.

  "Chris! I love you, Chris," the screams of two women draw my attention.

  Looking over the roof of the car, a woman with blonde hair and a The Forgotten t-shirt stands against the fence. A large group of fans behind her cheers loudly when I wave. As I'm looking away, two fans scream for Mia.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Elliott and Laney heading toward the crowd. Two members of our security team jog over to join them.

  I lean down to face Giana, who is waiting in the back of the car with Maggie in her lap. "Keep her in the car for a minute," I instruct. "We'll be right back."

  Straightening, I grab Mia's hand and pull her around the car.

  "Where are we—?" Seeing our destination, she doesn't finish.

  I answer anyway. "To calm the savages."

  Reaching the fence, we each take selfies with fans, shake hands, and sign shirts, arms, and photos.

  Taking a black marker and photograph out of the blonde's hand, I ask, "What's your name?"

  "Oh my God, I love you," she cries, clutching her t-shirt.

  "That's a long name," I tease.

  "It's Tracy," she blurts.

  "It's nice to meet you, Tracy."

  I sign the photo and hand it back.

  "Can you sign me?" She presses her chest out.

  I take a deep breath, give a nod, and say, "Sure."

  Retrieving the marker from her hand, I step closer and sign the shirt just above her breast. Her hand flashes out, grabs my wrist, and pulls me closer. Wrapping her arms around me, she squeezes.

  "Miss," one security guy warns, "I need you to release him."

  Pulling on her arms isn't working and I'm afraid to hurt the woman.

  "Let go," security orders, gripping her arm.

  The woman's lips press against my neck and just as the tip of her tongue touches my skin, security finally pulls her off. I retreat, stumbling back and rubbing my neck.

  "You okay?" Mia asks, shifting her eyes to glare at the woman.

  "Oh my God, he tastes like heaven," the fan shouts.

  Damn groupies.

  Mia's head whips to me and then back to her. Anger flashes in her eyes and I tense, but then she bursts into laughter.

  "Ladies, Chris is taken, but I'm fair game," Jimmy arrives, arms wide open.

  The crowd cheers.

  I pat him on the shoulder, and say, "Good luck with them,” before moving to stand next to Mia.

  Keeping her close to my side, I'm able to grab the back of her jeans when she tries to hug one of the male fans. I allow her close enough for a quick hug and photo, but when two others grab her arms, I quickly pull her back to my side.

  Tucking her under my arm, I grin at the pouting fans, and say, "Sorry, I'm not really into sharing."

  Kissing Mia on her temple sends the cameras and fans crazy.

  "Thank you," she mumbles as we turn away from the crowd.

  "No problem, baby," I say, steering us back to the limo.

  Mia plants a quick kiss to my jaw before walking over to talk to Kara, and I reach into the backseat to take Maggie from Giana.

  Standing in the open, next to the limo, the cameras go crazy and reporters call out from behind a fenced area. Thankfully, they can't come out to the tarmac and disrupt the private jet operations.

  "How are things?" Jackson asks.

  Lucas and Sean stand at his side, holding their bags.

  "Good, I think," I answer.

  Looking at Mia, surrounded by Kara, Leeann, and Hush, she meets my eyes and smiles.

  "Yeah, I think we're good for the most part," I confirm.

  "Can we get on the plane?" Lucas, Liza's son, blurts.

  "See those two in the blue uniforms?" Jack points to the airport employees who will check our identification and paperwork before we board.

  "Yeah," he responds with a nod, his eyes on Mia, who is currently going through the check-in process.

  Biting the inside of my mouth, I fight laughing.

  The kid has it so bad for my future wife. It's fucking priceless.

  "Show them your passports and let them check you off on the register," Jack instructs.

  "Awesome!" Lucas exclaims. "Come on."

  Grabbing Sean's arm, Lucas tugs him toward the plane.

  "Where's Liza?" I ask, looking around him since I can't see over the tall fucker.

  "She had to make an unexpected trip back to PA." I don't miss the deep growl to his words.

  "For what?"

  I lift Maggie higher against my chest, her fingers playing with the gauge in my earlobe.

  He shakes his head. "All I can say is her cousin Sid is having a hard time and needed her."

  "That's not vague at all," I say, raising one brow.

  "It's not my story to tell, man," he says in a puff of breath. "But, if I ever get the chance, I'm going to beat the shit out of a hipster douchebag. I might need bail money."

  Furrowing my brow, I examine the deep lines at the corners of his mouth and his piercing eyes.

  Having been through enough with my brother over the years, I know he's suppressing a serious level of rage.

  Giving a nod, I say, "I’ve got you."

  "Come to Giana, sweet girl." Maggie's nanny sweeps her from my arms and walks her toward the plane.

  "Daddy," she protests.

  "I'm coming, baby girl," I assure her, and smack Jackson on the arm. "Come on."

  We meet Giana and Maggie by the plane, the security personnel going over the documents.

  "So, she's flying from Pennsylvania?" I ask Jack since we have to wait.

  "She's flying down from New York after meeting with Gemma and the producers of that musical."

  "The one that keeps getting pushed back?" I ask, stepping forward when Giana climbs the stairs into the plane.

  "Yep," he answers.

  With a flash of my passport and flight papers, I'm climbing onto the plane.


  Kara reassures me for the hundredth time everything is fine, I didn't forget anything, and whatever happens we will work it out. Fuck, wedding planning and execution sucks. I don't know what I'd do without her and Leeann.

  Stepping onto the plane, we're met by the cabin crew: two flight attendants, the pilot, and co-pilot. The attendants vary in age, the first looking only a few years older than me, wearing a nametag identifying her as Bronwyn, while the other could be my grandmother, identifying herself as Marie. The pilots look closer in age, maybe in their forties.

  "Welcome," the pilot states, giving me her hand.

  "Thank you," I respond, moving further onto the plane to allow everyone else onboard.

  The interior of the private jet is neutral tones of light blues and beige. Two beige couches line the front of the plane, Giana having taken one of the eight spots with Maggie on her lap. Kara and Leeann sit next to each other across from Giana. Four sets of airline seats make up the middle. Jackson sits by himself in the rear row on the right side of the plane, while Lucas and Sean sit with a table between them in the rear interior. There is one more chair and table option across from them and a pale blue door behind them, which I assume is a restroom.

  Moving through the aisle, I take the first seat in the middle grouping, leaving the window seat next to me open, and close my eyes. I inhale and release the breath.

  "I can get you in a car and back on the highway in five minutes," Serena says out the side of her mouth as she sits in the row behind me. "Just say the word."

  "What's the word?" I ask, fighting a grin.

  Keeping her tone casual, she responds, "Vagina."

  "What are we tie-breaking?" Laney asks from across the aisle, settling into a seat.

  A laugh burst out of my mouth, capturing Chris' attention the minute he walks onto the private jet.

  He raises one brow in question. I shake my head.

  "Mommy," Maggie cries, pulling my attention.

  I turn and watch my tired girl stumble away from the couch toward me. Planting her face in my lap, she wraps her arms around my legs and squeezes. A warm tingle I never knew existed until becoming a mom spreads in my chest.

  I slip my hands under her arms and pull her onto my lap. She lays her cheek on my chest, legs spread on either side of me, presses the front of her body to mine, and her thumb goes into her mouth. It's one of her I'm-ready-for-a-nap tells.

  After a morning of packing, checking lists, making phone calls, and finding spotting during a trip to the bathroom, I'm ready for a nap myself.

  While part of me is relieved knowing my period is starting, putting to rest the speculation of the maybes, I'm also disappointed. It feels like a part of me has gone missing. Having expected to feel sad, I thought I was prepared, but I was so wrong. This feels like a loss, something I'll never get back. And I don't even want to think about the reason I packed a pregnancy test. Torture? Precaution? Hope?

  Wrapping my arms around Maggie, I hold her to my chest and inhale the smell of her lavender baby wash. For a moment, it makes me forget what could've been.

  "Someone's tired," Chris says, taking the seat next to me.

  He runs his long fingers over her head, then leans forward to kisses the top of her head. Straightening, he stops halfway and presses a kiss to my mouth.


  "Good afternoon," the younger of two flight attendants says. "Please settle in so we can begin our trip." Smiling, she starts walking through the cabin, checking seatbelts and carry-on luggage placement.

  Chris lifts the arm divider between us and moves as close as his seatbelt will allow. He lays his hand on my knee and I wait for him to finish his thought from moments before, but he doesn't. Instead, he puts his head back and closes his eyes.

  Gwen and Nicolas enter, moving to the rear of the plane.

  Kat settles in next to Laney.

  "Behave," Laney warns.

  "I'm a fucking angel," Kat insists.

  Serena and I snort at the same time, earning us a middle finger from Kat.

  Elliott bounds onto the plane with Ryan right on his heel. Andrea, Serena and Elliott's nanny, is close behind with Zoey in her arms. She takes a seat next to Giana while Elliott squeezes into the seat behind Chris. Ryan follows, climbing into his lap.

  "Ry, you should probably sit with Andrea," Serena encourages.

  "I wanna sit with daddy," he whines.

  "It's okay, buddy," Elliott soothes. "You can chill here."

  Jimmy strides onto the plane stopping to flirt with the pilot and Marie. She giggles and pats his chest at something he says.

  Una enters behind him, watching his performance.

  "Typical," Una mutters.

  Jimmy tenses for a moment before giving her the side-eye and a grin.

  "Jealous?" he murmurs.

  Rolling her eyes, she steps around him and takes a seat on the couch next to Kara.

  I twist my head toward Laney, curious if she witnessed the interaction.

  Our eyes meet and I raise my brow. She shrugs, mouthing, “What the hell?”

  Returning her shrug, I turn around to see if Serena caught the moment. Given her wide eyes and open mouth, I guess she did.

  Ten minutes later, the plane is full and the speaker system chimes.

  "Good afternoon, as Bron mentioned earlier, we are going to go through the safety announcements real quick-like," Marie says, grinning.

  Bron comes to stand before us, her body twitching and hands shaking. She repeatedly licks her lips, and I can’t help but wonder if this is her first flight.

  "To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab into the buckle and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt. And, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised."

  Bron bites her lip as soon as Marie finishes her announcement, but goes through the belt demonstration.

  Marie continues with her speech, earning giggles and snorts. "There may be fifty ways to leave your lover, but there are only four ways out of this airplane," she says, and Elliott howls with laughter, causing Maggie to jump and burrow deeper into my lap.

  "I love this woman," he declares.

  "You're so fucking loud," Chris growls, turning a glare on Elliott.

  "Aww," Ryan draws, "you said the f-word, Uncle Chris."

  "That's because your dad is a—"

  "Hey now, not in front of the boy," Elliott cuts him off.

  "Name calling is bad," Ry defends Elliott.

  Pulling my lips into my mouth, I fight back a laugh.

  Chris huffs and twists back to face front.

  Amid their bitch session, Marie has plowed on with her safety spiel, moving on to the oxygen masks portion.

  "In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. And if you're traveling with more than one small child, pick your favorite."

  This time, Laney, Kat, and I burst into a fit of laughter with Elliott. Soon, everyone is laughing—even Chris.

  Bron relaxes and starts to smile as Marie finishes the safety announcements.

  "Your seat cushions can be used for flotation. In the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments." She goes on to the call buttons located above some of the chairs and on the tables of others.

  After Marie's comedic safety instructions, both attendants do a final sweep of the plane before taking seats near the cockpit. Moments later, we are taxing out to the runway and preparing for takeoff.

  Chapter Nine


  Thankfully, Maggie sleeps for most of the four-hour flight, which means I'm able to drift off for a couple of those hours.

  When we touch down at the San Pedro airport, I wake curled under Chris' arm. At some point, Maggie migrated to his lap. They are both focused on t
he window, Maggie pressing her hands to the glass and leaning closer.

  Righting myself, I stretch my arms over my head.

  "Hey, gorgeous," Chris coos, wrapping his fingers around my arm and tugging.

  I lean down and meet his mouth with mine.

  "Kissy," Maggie squeals, shoving her face against where ours meet.

  Laughing, I pull back and watch our daughter kiss attack Chris.

  As the plane comes to a stop on the tarmac, the overhead system dings. Marie stands at the front of the aircraft with the phone to her mouth.

  "Last one off the plane must clean it," she says with a mischievous grin. "Just teasing. As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses," she finishes, hanging up the phone.

  "Babe, if I weren't already married to you, I think I'd marry Marie," Elliott jokes, following Serena out of their row.

  "Babe, don't let our marriage stop you," she taunts over her shoulder.

  A loud smack fills the plane, followed by Serena's scream.

  "Woman, how many times do I have to tell you how much you love and adore me? You would be devastated if I was gone," he tells her.

  "Was Mommy bad?" Ry asks, his face scrunched up.

  "Not yet, bud. But she can be very, very naughty when she tries," Elliott answers. "That's how we got Zoey."

  A loud snort of laughter comes from Gwen.

  "Elliott," Serena scolds, narrowing her eyes at him.

  "Can you try not to get murdered during my wedding?" Chris asks, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

  "Don't worry, man, she loves me." Elliott claps Chris on the shoulder.

  "You're sleeping on the beach," Serena threatens.

  "You hear that, Ry? We get to go beach camping!"

  "Yes!" Ryan cheers.

  "Are you really sure about marriage?" Serena raises her brow at me.

  I open my mouth to respond, but Chris beats me to it.

  "Don't blame us for your poor choice in a husband. Mia's getting a better deal."


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