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Stellar Collision (Falling Stars #2.5)

Page 14

by Sadie Grubor

  "I wondered what you did with it," she whispers.

  "I didn't want you thinking about it or worrying about anything, so I took it," I explain and wait for her to give me her eyes. When she does, I continue. "I was going to get rid of it, but…"

  "But what?" she asks, swallowing hard.

  "I want you to take the test, Mia," I confess.

  "Chris…" she says hesitantly.

  Her brow wrinkles and she chews her bottom lip.

  I hold out the test. She just stares at it.

  "Take the test, but don't look at the results," I instruct.

  Her eyes snap back to mine.

  "I want to be the one to tell you," I admit, rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand.

  "Maybe we should wait—"

  "No." I shake my head. "We need to do this."

  She lifts her chin and squares her shoulders.

  A grin spreads on my face.

  There's my girl.

  Mia takes the test from my hand, steps around me, and turns around at the toilet.

  "You aren't watching me pee on a stick," she says, pursing her lips.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn around and give her my back.

  "Go wait in the bedroom," she orders.

  "This is the best you're getting," I inform. "Do I need to plug my ears, too?" I tease.

  "Shut up," she laughs out.

  A few moments later, I hear evidence that she's taking the test.

  The soft warmth of her hand presses into my back and I turn.

  Looking down, I find the test in her fist.

  Bringing my eyes up to meet hers, I reach out and slide my hand down her arm. When I reach her fist, I take the test from her hand.

  "Let's get dressed," I suggest, turning for my clothes on the floor.

  Only minutes later, I'm back in my clothes and Mia is in a strapless cotton dress.

  Grabbing tissues from the sink, I wrap them around the test and shove it in my back pocket.

  "How long does it take?"

  My palms heat and feel sweaty. I've got fucking butterflies in my stomach causing a tornado of anxiety.

  "That one is a five-minute test," she says. "It's digital."

  "Digital?" I ask, raising one brow.

  "Yeah, it will say Pregnant or Not Pregnant."

  "Well, that's fucking convenient," I admit.

  She laughs.

  Taking her hand, I walk us out of the bathroom.

  "How accurate are these tests?"

  She gives a small shrug, releases my hand, and sits on the bed.

  "Like ninety-nine percent, I think."

  I nod and walk over to her. Tilting her head back, she looks up, fear filling her eyes.

  "Baby, don't be afraid," I say, running a finger over her cheek.

  "I'm just nervous," she confesses.

  "Don't be." I lean down and press my lips to hers.

  Straightening, I walk backward to the double glass doors I saw on the way out of the bathroom.

  "Where are you going?" She stands from the bed.

  "I've gotta go get ready for my wedding," I tell her. "My fiancé will be pissed if I don't show up."

  "Chris, what about the results?" She comes after me.

  Reaching behind me, I open the doors and step outside.

  "I didn't say I was giving them to you right now." Winking, I grin, turn, and run.

  "Christopher Mason," she yells.

  I owe you so much more than I can ever give, but I've got plans for you, Mia.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Returning to the villa, I stop just outside and reach into my pocket. I pull out the test, unwrap it, and stare down at the gray window.

  Chest tightening, heart pounding, my mouth goes dry. I can't swallow. Placing a palm against the villa, I bow my head and breathe in deeply. Tears sting the back of my eyes. Emotion burns in my cheeks and tingles my nose.

  "There you are, you sneaky bastard," Elliott hollers.

  Glancing up from under my lashes, I watch the smile fall from his face and arms drop from his chest.

  "What happened? Are you okay?" His jaw tenses and a fire lights in his eyes.

  "Jack or Nic?" he asks, stepping closer.

  Furrowing my brow, I croak, "What?"

  "Who do I need to get?" he rushes out on a yell.

  The concern lining his typically jovial face flips something inside me.

  Able to breathe easier and finally swallow down a lump in my throat, the rush of emotion subsides.

  "I'm good," I tell him, pushing off the villa.

  "You sure?" His eyes examine my face.

  I nod.

  "What happened?" His concern doesn't waiver.

  Shaking my head, I step forward and clasp his shoulder.

  "Just some much anticipated and a bit unexpected news," I say with a small smile.

  The concern ebbs from his face, the tension leaving his jaw.

  Elliott is a pain in the ass, and a total Neanderthal, but I often forget just how goddamn loyal he is.

  Patting his shoulder, I grin wider.

  "Let's go, man. I've gotta wedding to get to."

  "Yeah, you better lock her in before she wises up and flees the island," he taunts.

  And…he's back.

  "Fuck you," I quip.

  Releasing his shoulder, I step by him into the villa.

  "I'm pretty sure you just got laid and you're already trying to fuck me? Always such a greedy bastard."

  Elliott catches up, putting his arm around my shoulder.

  "But, since this is your wedding day…"

  His comment causes me to slow my step.

  Circling in front of me, he grabs my face and presses his lips to mine.

  Shock widens my eyes and freezes every limb.

  "Oh, shit! I don't need to see this," Jimmy yells.

  The outburst snaps me into action.

  Pressing my hands to Elliott's chest, I shove him off me.

  "What the fuck?" I ask, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

  "Consider it a wedding gift," Elliott laughs out.

  Jimmy busts up laughing, falling against a wall and holding his stomach.

  "A gift?" I shout.

  "You're welcome," Elliott says, taking a bow.

  "I feel sorry for Serena," I quip.

  His head snaps up, brow furrowed.

  "You can't kiss for shit," I taunt, walking by him.

  "I wasn't really trying!" he calls after me.

  "Sure," I say, drawing out the word.

  When I reach the bedroom, he shouts once again.

  "I'm an amazing kisser! Come back and I'll show you."

  I silence his tantrum by closing the door.

  "You really don't know how to follow any kind of rules, do you?" Jack asks, his long body stretched out on the bed.

  "How long have you known me?" is the only response I give him as I walk straight for the bathroom.

  "It's a tradition, Chris," he calls to my retreating form. "You know, part of the whole wedding extravaganza you wanted."

  Inside the room, I wrap the test up once more and shove it in the trashcan. I turn to the sink, wash my hands, turn off the water, and press my wet palms to the tile. Lifting my head, I stare at the man looking back at me in the mirror.

  The eyes are familiar, yet different. Shifting my gaze, I look at the reflection of the trashcan and lick my bottom lip. I inhale through my nose and exhale. Meeting my own eyes once more, calmness settles through my body; a lightness fills my limbs and my chest warms.

  "Hey, you alright?" Jack's voice is closer.

  Tearing my eyes from the mirror, I find him leaning in the bathroom doorway.

  "Yeah, man, I'm good."

  It's a lie—an enormous fucking lie.

  A knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts.

  I've been ready for almost an hour, dressed in a black custom suit. Black pants, white collared shirt, black tie, and a black vest
with a chain holding the two sides closed instead of buttons. My black boots and belt are the same I wore the first time I sang on stage with Mia. Same goes for the silver wallet chain dangling on my right leg. In the small vest pocket on my chest is a small Kermit the Frog—Mia's favorite.

  Another knock sounds, but this time it's followed by a familiar voice.


  "Come in," I call from my seat on the bed.

  Pressing my palms to my knees, I try to still my bouncing leg.

  Dr. J steps through the door dressed in a light gray suit. His eyes drop to my restless legs.

  "Everything okay?"

  I nod, pushing up from the bed.

  "Nervous?" He closes the door behind him.

  Shaking my head, I begin to pace.


  I rub the back of my neck with one hand and stop in front of him.

  "How do you tell someone something you know is going to…?"

  Turning, I pace away, trying to think of the right word.

  When I tell Mia, I know she's going to cry. She's going to get emotional, and maybe even sad, but how do I manage that along with telling her I want more kids.

  "Going to what?" he presses.

  Stilling my steps, I turn back to him from across the room.

  "That's going to cause a lot of stress," I explain.

  "You can't tell me what this something is?"

  "No," I blurt.

  "And you can't tell me who the someone is?"

  "I'm pretty fucking sure you already know who, doc," I say, my sarcasm thick and purposeful.

  A smile plays at the corner of his lips.

  "It is difficult to give advice when you don't have the full story. So, you are going to have to think about Mia, the situation, and follow your heart, Chris."

  "That's a bit cheesy," I state, pacing once more.

  "It's a wedding, I get to be cheesy."

  Cheesy. Should I do some cheesy grand gesture? Will that ease her and, at the same time, prepare her for what I'm about to ask of her?

  "Christopher," Nic calls, knocking and opening the door.

  My heart goes into rapid fire.

  "You ready?" A grin curls his lips.

  "It's time?" I ask, already moving for the door.

  "It's time," he confirms, stepping back to let me out of the room.

  Moving to the door, Nic doesn't move.

  I raise one brow in question.

  "Christopher," he begins, "I know things haven't been easy for us."

  The confusion melts from my face.

  "I wish things could've been different, but, at the same time, I'm not sure I would change it if I could."

  His words surprise me and send a sudden pain through my chest.

  "Don't get me wrong, I wish I would've been there for you, but to see the man you've become, the way you've risen above everything against you, and to watch you love someone, Mia, the way you do…I don't know if I would get that if I changed things."

  He drops his head, closing his eyes.

  The pain from moments ago eases as his explanation sinks in.

  I get it. If things had been different, I might not be where I am—I might not have Mia and Maggie in my life.

  "I wouldn't change it either," I admit.

  Nic's head pops up, tears in his eyes.

  One arm comes around me, pulling me against his chest. The second arm locks me in place.

  "I am so proud of you, Christopher. So proud to call you my son," he chokes out before releasing me.

  Where there was a pain, warmth spreads, filling my body.

  I pat his shoulder and Nic steps back, allowing me to pass.

  The minute I step out of the room, I'm rushed by Jimmy, Elliott, and Jack. Jack and Jimmy shove their heads under my arms and Elliott grabs my legs.

  "What the hell?" I shout.

  "Gotta get you to the church on time!" Elliott booms as they carry me out the villa.

  "I'm not getting married in a church," I remind on a shout.

  "Technicalities," Jimmy laughs out.


  "Why am I so nervous?" I tug on the neck of my gown.

  Part of it is not knowing the test results, but this is so much more. It's more than I would ever think could happen to me. I love Chris. I want to marry him, but I just can't seem to fight back the butterflies, shaking, and nausea.

  "Take a breath," Linda instructs, pulling my hand away from the lace.

  "Nervous is normal," Laney adds, taking my right hand and squeezing.

  "Do we need to revisit my pre-wedding nerves?" Serena asks, taking my other hand.

  "I can have you off the island in ten minutes," Kat announces.

  "Kat!" Linda, Laney, and Serena yell in unison.

  "What?" She shrugs. "I'm just letting her know she has options."

  A giggle escapes me.

  "Mia, princess?" My father steps through the doorway. "Are you—?"

  His words stop, but his mouth remains open.

  Linda steps back and Laney releases my hand.

  "Baby," he says in a rush of breath.

  "Hey, Dad." My voice wobbles and the burn at the tip of my nose prepares me for the tears.

  "Mia, you look beautiful."

  He steps closer and Serena releases my hand. Reaching out, he takes both my hands in his.

  "I'm so proud to be your father." His voice cracks, causing my tears to fall. "You and your sister have always been the best accomplishment I've ever been a part of." He leans forward and kisses my cheek. Straightening, I see the dampness on his face. "Your mother is so happy and just as proud as I am right now."

  The floodgates open for everyone in the room.

  "Way to go, John." Everyone except Kat says.

  Slipping from the room, she shouts, "Makeup, we need you."

  Once the makeup artist does a couple small touch ups, I stare at myself in the floor-length mirror. The ivory dress flows down to my bare, black-polished toenails. In lieu of attempting heels, I've opted for flat sandals.

  "You know he loves you, right?"

  Having thought everyone was out in the sitting room, Kat's question catches me off guard. Turning, I find her leaning in the bedroom doorway.

  "Yeah." I nod.

  "There's absolutely no reason for you to be nervous," she continues, pushing off the doorframe and entering the room. "Mia, we all know I'm not someone who subscribes to the idea of being in love, but even I, a confessed non-believer, can see the way Chris feels about you. Call it love if you want, but if I can see the strength and intensity of it…" she grins, "well, then, you better believe that shit is real."

  My shock melts into calm appreciation.

  I lift the silk of the dress and move to Kat, embracing her.

  Grabbing her face in both my hands, I plant a big kiss on her.

  Pulling back, I grin, and say, "Thank you."

  "Mia, if you want to have a little afternoon delight before the wedding, I'm game," she teases. "If not, we need to get you to a dock and a six-foot asshole."

  "I love you, Kat."

  "Ditto, babe." She slaps my ass. "Now, get a move on it."

  Kara definitely means business when keeping me hidden from all eyes. With sheets draped around the back of the golf cart, no one can see Maggie and me as we approach the ceremony.

  "Mia, stay in there for a second," Kara instructs from the other side of the sheets.

  "Last chance," Kat mumbles in a hushed tone through the curtain.

  "Get away from there," Laney whisper shouts.

  The sound of slaps comes from the other side.

  "Will you two stop?" Serena uses her motherly tone, efficiently putting an end to their antics.

  "Okay, ladies, if you will stand here to block the view of Mia until you start down the dock.”

  "Mia, come on out," Kara says.

  Linda leans inside, taking Maggie from my lap and handing me my bouquet. Dad's hand reaches in expectantly. Placing
my palm in his, I climb out of the cart.

  Serena, Laney, and Kat stand side by side, facing me. They wear an off-white dress covered in the same multicolored embroidered geometric print. The only thing setting them apart is the style of dress. Serena in a conservative V-neck that comes to her knees, Laney wearing a strapless sweetheart neckline that also reaches her knees, and Kat, who chose a one-shoulder, knee-length dress.

  "Love you guys," I mouth, earning grins.

  "Okay, ladies, Laney first," Kara cues as the untraditional music begins to play.

  Instead of classic wedding march music, we chose Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole for the bridesmaids. The tropical feel and words seemed right when we picked them. Now, hearing it and watching Laney and Maggie walk down the dock, I'm positive it was the right choice.

  When Serena makes her way down the aisle, I can see Chris with his back to me, framed by the setting sun. I don't miss the tension in his shoulders.

  My nerves claw at my insides, wanting to flare back into the panic zone, but then Jackson grabs Chris when he tries to turn around. Chris' arms flail in the air. I can't hear him, but I have a pretty good idea the officiant and Jackson are getting an earful.

  I giggle, leaning against my father. His lips press to the side of my head and I look up at him.

  "He has every right to be anxious," he says. "When Chris sees you, he's going to fall in love with you all over again."

  A shuddering breath leaves me and tears sting my eyes.

  The first strum is played and Dad's hand tightens on my arm. Squeezing his in return, Liza's voice fills the air with the first part of the song.

  "Settle down with me," rings in the air.

  Kara touches my father's shoulder and we set off down the aisle.

  Liza covers Ed Sheeran's Kiss Me so beautifully. It took almost a month to convince her to sing the song. Again, it was so worth the effort, because every emotion I feel is amplified from the projection in her voice.

  At the halfway mark, Chris twists around.

  His eyes come straight to me. The intensity of his gaze urges me to run to him.

  Squeezing my father's arm, I hold on to my control.

  Chris licks his bottom lip and visibly swallows.

  "So beautiful," he mouths.

  Biting my lip, I drop my gaze away. My cheeks heat and I swallow tears lodged in my throat.


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