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The Intern: Vol. 2

Page 6

by Brooke Cumberland

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  I turn toward him and eye him cautiously. “If I’m late to my internship again, my boss is going to fire me,” I say matter-of-factly.

  He rubs the stubble on his jaw and smirks back at me. “Sounds like an asshole.”

  “He very much can be.”

  He closes the gap between us and softly kisses my lips. It’s not rushed or eager, it’s sensual and sweet. “I guess he has a lot of making up to do.”

  Chapter Eight


  “THANK YOU FOR coming with me tonight.”

  “I wasn’t left a choice,” she fires back. “But…I’m glad I did. It was definitely an experience.”

  She’s sitting casually on the couch, trying to sit properly, but she’s fighting a losing battle. Her dress is hiked up, and no matter what sitting position she’s in, that thing is not getting any lower.

  I sit across from her, twirling my drink around in one hand as I watch her intently. All the doubt flooding in my mind and the answers to the questions still not settling with me are both reasons why I shouldn’t be with her right now.

  But my body doesn’t agree. It aches for her. Craves to touch every inch of her. There’s just something about her, and I just can’t seem to get enough.

  “Are you hungry?” I finally ask. “Surely, that salad didn’t fill you up.”

  “Are you offering to cook for me?” Her eyebrows rise in anticipation.

  I stand up and hold my hand out for her to grab. She lets me pull her up and lead her into the kitchen.

  “I do cook, actually.” I smile back at her and she eyes me cautiously. “Well, I can cook pasta. So as long as you eat pasta…”

  She laughs. “Yes, I eat pasta.”

  She props herself up on the counter as I gather the pots and ingredients. Finally being alone with Ceci without the distraction of work or other people around feels natural. I still feel like I’m fighting all the emotions unraveling through me, but I know I don’t want to anymore.

  * * *

  “I think my mom likes you.”

  “She only met me for a few moments.”

  “Trust me.” I grin. “She does.” I place the cover on top of the pan as I wait for the noodles to boil.

  “She won’t once she finds out I’m her doting son’s weekend intern,” she mocks. “Or that my name isn’t Emily.” She laughs.

  “I think she’ll get over that. At least the name part.” I grin.

  “Well, at least she has a nice impression of Emily,” she responds in a slightly higher pitch.

  I walk over to her, settling myself in between her legs. I cup her face in my hands and dip my mouth down to hers, softly grazing her lips.

  “Well, next time, you can give her a full dose of Ceci. She’s the one I want anyway.”

  “You have an odd way of showing it, Mr. Leighton,” she responds formally.

  “I guess I deserve that.” I smirk.

  I caress a finger slowly up her arm, making goose bumps rise in my absence. Her eyes follow, and I feel her breath hitching as her body immediately responds to me.

  “Would it help if I said you could introduce me to your mother as someone else?” I jibe as I continue brushing a finger up and down her arm, making her extremely aware of how close we are.

  She swallows and responds, “Anything would be better than introducing you as my boss, Mr. Leighton…so how’s Frank, my conquest?” I can hear the amused tone in her voice—she’s uncomfortable discussing her parents with me.

  “Frank? I’m not a seventy-year-old man.”

  “And I’m really not introducing you to my mother.” She shivers as I blow cold air over the goose bumps that are now apparent over her entire body.

  “All right…”I begin, unable to take my eyes off her. “So no meeting the parents.”

  “Just my mom, actually,” she blurts out. Her eyes immediately lock on mine. “Since my dad left,” she clarifies. I see the hurt in her eyes, and I know she doesn’t want to talk about it.

  I continue skimming my finger up her arm and land just below her shoulder. I place a few soft kisses on her burning skin and her head falls back on contact.

  I gasp as my lips feel a large scar over her right shoulder. I brush a finger over it, silently questioning where it came from.

  “You have a scar.” I gently lay a kiss over it. She inhales as I feather kisses around the mark. “What happened?” I finally ask, needing to know.

  “Car accident when I was younger,” she says right away. I lean back to look at her. “A piece of glass got stuck in my shoulder. No biggie. Just left a scar, that’s all.” She shrugs casually, but doesn’t continue.

  My lips brush up her neck and slowly to her ear, gently sucking on the lobe. I’m losing myself in her, in us. The doubt, fear, and suspicion all take a back seat—no longer willing to let that set me back.

  Her body quivers again. A moan escapes her throat as my lips get more aggressive, licking and sucking every fleshed surface I can.

  I kneel in between her legs, moving her dress up and over her hips.


  My dress lies on the floor as I sit on the kitchen counter, my legs spread wide for him in just my panties and stockings. His hands grip the back of my knees as his mouth devours me, captivating my every thought. The way he expresses himself to me shows me how badly he wants me, scares the hell out of me.

  I know I should be keeping him at a distance, yet my body constantly betrays me.

  After tonight, I feel even worse about lying to him. The last thing I want to do is get his company in any legal trouble, but I don’t know how to walk away anymore—my chances of getting the information I need will never happen. My chances of being with Bentley will be nonexistent.

  My heart bleeds in remorse because I know I’m deceiving him—every part of me screams to just tell him the truth and beg him to forgive me, yet my heart fights to protect him. I’ll be crushed if he lets go of me completely, but he’ll be devastated by the secrets and lies.

  My stomach growls as Bentley kisses his way up my body, landing on my breast. His hand roams freely over my hot skin, revealing the goose bumps that lay underneath it.

  “You’re hungry.” I feel him grin as his mouth wraps around my nipple.

  I lean back with my hands flat on the counter and moan. “Well, only one of us ate…I’m starving.”

  He grins as he releases my nipple and finally stands up. He presses a small kiss on the corner of my mouth and smiles down at me.

  “So clever.”

  “Are you going to feed me now?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  He licks his lips and eyes me carefully. “Absolutely.”

  I grab my dress and pull it over my head as he finishes preparing our meal. Two plates, cups, and silverware are all on his kitchen table, lined with candles. I narrow my eyes at him as I watch him set up a romantic dinner.

  “What?” he asks.

  “You’re setting the mood.”


  “I didn’t peg you for a candlelight dinner type of guy, that’s all.” I grin sheepishly. “It’s very…un-Bentley.”

  He presses a hand to his chest in disagreement. “I happen to know that chicks dig this, okay? This is the ultimate getting laid set-up.”

  I burst out laughing at how serious, yet sardonic he sounds. “Because that’s going to be an issue?”

  “I know girls watch chick flicks …you all secretly want to be wooed.”

  I shake my head at him, grinning. Not only is he trying extremely hard, but also he’s letting his guard down around me—letting me in to see the type of man he could be.

  My heart races as I realize he’s doing this for me…thinking that it’s what I need. The sex, chemistry, connection—it’s all amazing and there’s no denying that, but now this was crossing over into relationship territory.

  “Favorite movie?” I ask, swirling my fork around in the pas
ta. “And it can’t be porn.”

  “Well, then what’s left?”

  “Um, comedy, action, romance, thriller, horror…” I ramble off as I take a bite.

  “Okay…comedy is anything by Steve Carell. Action movie is definitely anything with Bruce Willis. Horror movies—love them, especially Friday the 13th. But the 1980’s version. Always the original. ”

  “You forgot romance.”

  “I don’t watch romance.”

  “Everyone watches some kind of romance. I’ll tell you mine.” I take a sip of my water quick before continuing. “50 First Dates. It has a mixture of romance and comedy. Plus, it’s sweet the way he fights for her.” I smile down at my food, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. “Every girl wants to be fought for,” I say softly.

  “I haven’t seen that one,” he admits.

  I drop my fork dramatically. “Are you dead? It’s Adam Sandler!”

  He laughs at my melodramatic tone. “Sorry, I’m not a high school girl who sits in her room all weekend watching chick flicks. Hell, I didn’t even do that with girls when I was in high school.”

  I swallow hard. My eyes widen. My body starts shaking, and I start to wonder whether or not I could be having a panic attack.

  “I was just kidding…” he lingers off, but I don’t move. I can’t move. Every nerve in my body is on alert. My heart is beating so hard I’m afraid it will beat right out of my chest and plop on the table in front of me. My fingers are tingling, and I’m sure the blood has completely drained from my face.

  “Ceci?” His tone is filled with concern. “Are you upset?”

  I swallow again and shake my head to bring myself back together. “No, of course not. I know you’re just joking.”

  I need to stop being so paranoid.

  He rubs his hands against his legs soothingly and asks, “Do you want to watch a movie tonight? We can order pay per view.”

  I smile so he doesn’t think anything is wrong. “Sure.”

  Chapter Nine


  OUR WEEKEND SLEEPOVERS evolved into weekday sleepovers. Sometimes even multiple nights, something I had never allowed before. She was consuming more of me¸ and I was powerless to fight it anymore.

  I roll over to an empty space next to me. The smell of Ceci still potent in the air and sheets, the scent of our sweaty night still lingers in the room. I nuzzle my nose in the pillow on her side and inhale deeply. God, I could never get enough of that. Of her.

  I hear the shower running and know she must be getting ready for her class. She studies in between her classes and sometimes stays late to finish up, yet she always finds time for me, time for us.

  I swing my legs off the bed and grab my briefs that lay on the floor. I bite my lower lip devilishly as I think of a better idea instead. I toss my briefs back on the floor as I strut out of the room and down the hallway toward the bathroom.

  I slowly walk in and can see her shadow behind the glass door. Her body is pure perfection—curves in all the right places, soft, smooth skin, long, gorgeous hair. I find it hard to believe another man hasn’t placed claim on her before me.

  I tiptoe to the edge of the shower and slowly open the door without disturbing her. Her head is fully under the spray of the water, her hands rinsing her long locks. I step in and slowly shut the door back just as her body jerks, but I wrap my arm around her waist pressing her back against my chest. She gasps and jerks her head back until I bring my lips to her ear.

  “Shh…baby, it’s just me.”

  “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”

  I grin against her neck and begin pressing kisses against her wet flesh. One hand roams free across her flat stomach as the other reaches to cup her breast.

  “Sorry about that…but I just couldn’t resist touching you the moment I woke up.” I press my hand harder against her stomach, forcing her body to press against my growing length that’s come to life. I slide my hand down and rub a finger over her clit making small circles around her.

  “Mm…” she moans, her head falling back against my shoulder. “I’m going to be late for class,” she whines, but doesn’t stop me.

  I playfully nibble her ear and kiss her under the lobe. “Is that a problem?” I tease.

  She chuckles lightly. “My business teacher gets pissed when I’m late. It’s a shock he hasn’t kicked me out of class yet.”

  “Business? There’s nothing you can learn about business in the classroom that I can’t teach you…”

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that? How to seduce your interns? Was that part of business 101 or human sexuality? Perhaps I missed the memo…”

  And with that, I force my finger inside her and squeeze her breast harder with my other hand. I push my cock against the flesh of her ass as she gasps out a sharp moan.

  “Actually…” I begin, rubbing her harder and deeper. “It’s psychology 101—learning to manipulate the human mind and body—how to possess the desires you really crave,” I say matter-of-factly.

  Her body melts into mine as she mumbles a groan of a response. Her hips rock with my finger in rhythm as I continue aggressively fucking her, torturing her—owning her.

  “Mm...Bentley,” she hums. “Oh, god…yes,” she moans. Her hips rock harder demanding release. I force another finger inside her as I allow my cock to press into her ass. I rub it in between her cheeks as her body grinds hard against it.

  “God, I love it when you say my name, Ceci,” I growl against her ear. “Drives. Me. Fucking. Insane.” She continues moaning and panting hard until she’s close to release, but I don’t let her just yet.

  I quickly take my fingers out and spin her around so we’re chest to chest. She gasps in disagreement, a smirk playing on my face.

  “That’s torture…” she whines as she grabs my hardened length and strokes it between her forceful fingers. “Is that the kind of game we’re playing…” she muses, adding her other hand to fondle my balls as she continues stroking with the other. “Because you know how I feel about games…”

  “God, yes…” I pant out, my head falling back as her precious fingers mold around my cock. “Baby…”

  She strokes harder on command, my body building up with tension and craving release. I can barely take it, needing to feel her body against me right now. I cup her cheeks hard and crush our lips together. She continues pumping me, torturing me with her powerful hands.

  “Good god, Ceci…” I growl, barely separating our lips from each other. I stroke my tongue with hers, begging to taste her. “Yes, baby…Jesus Christ…”

  I can feel her smile against my lips in satisfaction as she feels my body tense harder around her.

  “Stop…Ceci, stop,” I demand. She slows her pace as her eyes look up at me. “I need to be in you, sweetheart. Bend over.”

  I assist in turning her around, her fingers wrapping around the towel bar that sits in the middle of the tile wall. She arches her back as I grab both of her hips in alignment with my length.

  The view is perfection, her petite figure laid out for me, soaking wet and ready. I rub my length playfully along her ass as her anticipation of my entrance drives her insane. I can feel her body buck up against mine as she begs for me to give her exactly what she wants.

  “Ceci, I need you to trust me,” I say softly. “Can you do that, sweetheart?” Her body tenses slightly at my words. “Do you trust me?” I ask again as my fingers make their way to her clit. I rub in circles until her body relaxes against my soaking wet fingers.

  “Yes,” she moans out. “I trust you with my life,” she admits. It’s all I need to hear to know that what I’m about to do will be something she’s fully trusting me with.

  “Good girl… whatever you do, don’t move until I tell you to.”

  “Okay,” she responds softly. Her body molds into mine, giving me complete control and access to her.

  I rub my length up and down her ass a few times. She moans in eagerness as I tease her pussy with the tip, but
not giving into her silent plea.

  I align our bodies and rub my hands softly against her ass. I spread her cheeks and work a finger inside her, letting her get use to the feeling. She grinds against it, moaning, and begging for more. Fuck…she’s into it.

  My cock presses slightly into her. She tenses up immediately denying me access.

  “Ceci…trust me.” I try again and on instinct, her body jerks. “Don’t. Move.”

  I see her head nod and wait until her body melds against mine once again. I take my opportunity and rub against her once more, this time pressing inside her. She’s so goddamn tight I nearly lose my balance as I stretch her to fit my size.

  “Oh, fuck, Ceci…” I groan. Her body opens up wider for me. I press further into her slowly inch by inch. “God, yes…”

  “Holy shit,” she screams out. I feel her grasp the shower bar tighter. Her body begins relaxing and moves in motion with me.

  I ease into her slowly, inch by inch I dive deeper inside her perfect, tight ass.

  My movements become harder and with each deep thrust, I feel her body contract against me.

  “Ahh, Bentley…my god…” she moans. “Don’t stop. Please, god, don’t stop.”

  It’s all I need to hear to grind balls deep inside her, giving her exactly what she’s begging for.


  Our routine progresses like this for weeks—comfortable banter, intense attraction, and spending more time together naked than clothed. The sneaking around at the office, weekend sleepovers, and texting continues despite the risks of being caught.

  No matter how much we’re together, it’s never enough. I crave more of him—of us. My heart and mind are fighting a battle—stop letting him get close, stop letting him in—but I don’t.

  I break down his walls and walk right into his heart. Something I tried to get a handle on, but I’m afraid I’m no longer in control.

  I’ve gained little information and I’m starting to wonder if it’s worth it. Worth breaking his heart, shattering mine, and exposing who I really am.

  I walk into his office and set another coffee on his desk. He’s on a conference call, so I make sure to stay quiet. He mouths, ‘thank you’ but before walking out, I get an idea.


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